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1、职称英语考试综合B级真题与答案第1部分:词汇选项(第115题,每题1分,共15分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。1.All houses within 100 metres of the seas areat riskof flooding.A. out of control B. between equals C. in particular D. in danger答案:D2.The idea was quitebrilliant.A. positive B. clever C. key D. original答案:B3.Stock

2、 market pricetumbledafter rumor of a rise in interest rate.A. regulated B. fell C. increased D. maintained答案:B4.We are worried about thisfluidsituation full with uncertainty.A. stable B. suitable C. adaptable D. changeable答案:D5.Therevelationof his past led to his resignation.A. imagination B. confir

3、mation C. disclosure D. recall答案:C6.Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be verybrutal.A. careless B. strong C. cruel D. hard答案:C7.The coastal has area has verymildwinter, but the central plains remainextremely cold.A. warm B. severe C. hard D.dry答案:A8.Youll have tosprintif you want to catch the train

4、.A. jump B. escape C. prepare D. run答案:D9.The course gives you basicinstructionin car maintenance.A. idea B. term C. coaching D. aspect答案:C10.The newgarmentfits her perfectly.A. haircut B. purse C. necklace D. clothes答案:D11.The phobia may have its root in a childhoodtrauma.A. fear B. joy C. hurt D.

5、memory答案:C12.The details of the costume were totallyauthentic.A. outstanding B. creative C. real D. false答案:C13.They have built canals toirrigatethe desert.A. decorate B. water C. change D. visit答案:B14.We are aware of thepotentialproblems.A. possible B. global C. ongoing D. central答案:A15.Her overall

6、 language proficiency remains that of atoddler.A. disabled B. baby C. pupil D. teenager答案:B阅读判断Time to Stop Traveling by AirTwenty-five years ago a young British mancalled Mark Ellingham decided that he wanted a change of scenery. So he went toAustralia, stopping off in many countries beween. He als

7、o decided to writeabout the experience and produced a guide for other travelers making similarjourneys.In 1970, British airports were used by 32million people. In 2004, the figure was 216 million. In 2030, according togovernment forecasts, it will be around 500 million. Its a growth driven bythe eme

8、rgence of low cost airlines, offering access to all parts of the worldfor less than 100.This has made a huge contribution to globalwarming. One return flight from Britain to the US produces the same carbondioxide (二氧化碳)as a yearsmotoring (驾车). A returnflight to Australia equals the emissions (排放)of

9、three average cars for a year. And the pollution is released at aheight where its effect on climate change is more than double that on theground.Mark Ellingham built his business onhelping people travel. Now he wants to help people stop at least by air.He is calling for a 100 green tax on allflights

10、 to Europe and Africa, and 250 on flights to the rest of the world. Healso wants investment to create a low-carbon economy, as well as a halt to airportexpansion.Mark Ellinghams commitment is importantbecause his readers arent just the sort of young and adventurous people whowould happily jump on a

11、plane to spend a weekend exploring a foreign culture.They are also the sort of people who say they care about the environment. Itsa debate that splits people down the middle.The tourist industry has responded byoffering offsetting (补偿) schemes. A small increase in the price of a ticket is used topla

12、nt trees.But critics say that it is not enough tojust be carbon neutral. We should be actively cutting back on puttinggreenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And for the average person, making aplane journey will be his or her largest contribution to global warming. It maybe good to repair the damage

13、we do. But surely it is better not to do the damagein the first place.16. Mark Ellingham spent quite a few days in China onhis way to Australia 25 years ago.A. Right B. WrongC. Not mentioned17.Traveling from Britain to any other part of the world may cost you less than 100.A. RightB. Wrong C. Not me

14、ntioned18.A round trip flight from Britain to Australia produces the same amount of carbondioxide as three average cars do in a year.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned19.Mark Ellingham has never hesitated to encourage people to travel by.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned20.Mark Ellinghams readers are n

15、ot interested in environmental protection.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned21.Critics argue that the best way to protect our environment is not to do anydamage to it.A. RightB. Wrong C. Not mentioned22.Mark Ellingham will collaborate with the critics in his efforts to fight globalwarming.A. Right B.

16、WrongC. Not mentioned概括大意Tunguska Event1 A hundred years ago this week, a giganticexplosion ripped (撕裂) open the day y above a forest in western Siberia, leaving ascientific riddle that endures to this day.2 A dazzling light pierced the heavens,followed by a shock wave as strong as 1,000 atomic bomb

17、s. The explosionflattened 80 million trees across an area of 2,000 square kilometers. Thefireball was so great that, a day later, Londoners could read their newspapersunder the night sky. What caused the so-called Tunguska Event, named after thenearby Podkamennaya Tunguska river, still remains a mys

18、tery.3 Experts suspect it was a rock that, aftertraveling in space for millions of years, was destined to crash to Earth atexactly 7:17 a.m. on June 30, 1908. This possibility worries scientists.“Imagine an unspotted asteroid (小行星) hitting a significant chunk(块) of land . and imagine if that area, u

19、nlike Tunguska, werepopulated,” the British science journal Nature commented recently.4 But no fragments of the “rock” have everbeen found. Finding such evidence would be important, for it would increase ourknowledge about the risk posed by dangerous Near Earth Objects (NEOs), sayItalian researchers

20、 Luca Gasperini, Enrico Bonatti and Giuseppe Longo. When thenext Tunguska NEO approaches, scientists will have to decide whether to try todeflect (使偏转) it or blowit up in space.5 However, several rival theories for theTunguska Event exist. Wolfgang Kundt, a professor at Germanys Bonn University,beli

21、eves the Tunguska Event was caused by a massive escape of 10 million tonsof methane(甲烷)-rich gasfrom deep within earths crust. Some people hold that the explosion was causedby an alien spaceship crash, or a black hole in the universe.23. Paragraph 224. Paragraph 325. Paragraph 426. Paragraph 5A. Com

22、peting ExplanationsB. Unknown AttacksC. Mysterious ExplosionD. Star WarE. Importance of Finding EvidenceF. Explanation that Worries Scientists27. The giganticexplosion that occurred a hundred years ago28. The shock wavewhich followed the dazzling light29. The hypothesisthat the explosion was caused

23、by a rock colliding with the Earth30. Wolfgang Kundt,who has developed an alternative theoryA. has remained a puzzleB. lacks sufficient evidenceC. is a university professorD. was generated by the explosionE. will kill many animalsF. are attacked by aliens参考答案:CEFA ADBC阅读理解第一篇Sports Star Yao MingIf Y

24、ao Ming is not the biggest sports star in the world, he is almost certainly the tallest. At 2.26m, he is the tallest player in the National Basketball Association (NBA) and holds the record as the most towering Olympian ever to compete in the Games.But what really stands out about the giant center i

25、s his celebrity(名气). Few, if any, Chinese athletes are as well-known as Yao around the world. People across the globe are fascinated with Yao, not only for his basketball prowess(杰出的才能)also for being a symbol of international commerce.When Yao joined the Houston Rockets as the No.1 pick in the 2002

26、NBA draft(选抜), he was the first international player ever to be selected first. His assets on the court are clear enoughno NBA player of his size has ever possessed his mobility, so he is a handful(难对付的人)for opponents on either end of the court. But what makes Yao invaluable to the Rockets organizat

27、ion is his role as a global citizen and as a bridge to millions of potential basketball fans in China.When it was announced in February that Yao would miss the rest of the NBA season and possibly the Olympics with a stress fracture(骨折)in his left foot, a collective shudder(震动)spread across China. Af

28、ter considerable debate and discussion, Yao opted to get his foot surgically treated in an operation that placed several tiny screws across the bone, to offer his overburdened foot more support. The surgery was a success, and though the estimated four-month recovery period will leave him little time

29、 to prepare with Team China, Yao has vowed to be ready for the Beijing Olympics.Yao wrapped up a 10-day trip to China, where he underwent a series of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments, hoping to accelerate his recovery process Western experts are generally skeptical of TCMs benefits alth

30、ough new research from the University of Rochester suggests that a certain compound derived from shellfish may indeed stimulate bone repair.There is no reason to dismiss TCM, Yao told a press conference in Beijing. Its been used in our country for thousands of years. I dont think that its short on s

31、cience.31.【题干】The word towering in Paragraph 1 means_【选项】A.large.B.fat.C.tall.D.great.【答案】C32.【题干】Opponents find it very difficult to control Yao Ming because of his_【选项】A.mobility.B.assault.C.defense.D.celebrity.【答案】A33.【题干】Yao Ming had to undergo a series of TCM treatments because_【选项】A.his right foot had been hurting.B.he wanted to make a more rapid recovery.C.the surgical operation had been a failure.D.he couldnt afford

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