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Unit 24 The science of farming二 教案.docx

1、Unit 24 The science of farming二 教案Unit 24 The science of farmingLesson 93【目标与要求】一、交际用语1)They say its going to be wet and windy二、单词和词组1)the weather report 2)onover the radio3)dry and sunny 4)sow carrot seed5)at the weekend 6)pick cabbages7) the rest of三、句型1)Whats the weather going to be like at thewe

2、ekend?2)Then wed better pick.before the weatherchanges【讲解设计】一、交际用语They say.当人们只强调信息而不强调是谁说的时候常常用 They say,相当于 It is said。如:They say a new bridge is going to be built over the Changjiang RiverIt is said that they will send more armies to this area二、单词和词组1dry and sunny注意表示天气的形容词大多以名词+y结尾,如:sunny 阳光明媚的

3、foggy 有雾的icy 滑的rainy 下雨的snowy 下雪的windy 刮风的当然也有例外。如:dry 干的dampwet 潮湿的hot coldwarm cool2sowsow是不规则动词,过去式是sowed,过去分词是sown。例如:Whatever a man sows, that he will reap种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。Yesterday we sowed the rice seed in the field昨天我们在地里播了稻种。3the rest of务必注意动词的单复数。例如:The rest of the food is going to be kept in the

4、 fridgeThe rest of the students have left school三、句型Whats the weather going to be like at tneweekend?此句也可以说:What will the weather be like?如果问今天的天气,应该用:Whats the weather like today?How is the weather today?如果问昨天或其他过去时间的天气则用:What was the weather like yesterday?How was the weather yesterday?What is sb

5、like?也可以用来问某人的相对永恒的特征,如相貌、脾性等。-Whats your mother like?-Shes very beautiful although she is old【练习设计】基础练习一、根据句子意思和所给汉语写出单词的正确形式,注意每格一词1What is the_(天气) like in Australia?2Have you_(播了) the cabbage seed?3It was_(阳光明媚的),so we went outing instead of staying at home4Do you like_(汤团)?5This knife and fork

6、is not made of_(金属), but of plastics二、根据所给汉语完成句子1Are you going outing_(周末)?2The monkey is very good at_(摘香蕉)3We have to finish the work_(在铃响之前)4Butter and cheese_(由牛奶制成)5I like the bridges_(木头的) in my hometown【练习设计】拓展练习三、完成对话Dialogue 1:A: 1 ?B:Yes, it it As it is so hot, shall we go swimming this af

7、ternoon?A:Go swimming?But I have some homework to do 2 ?B:Of course I can But I think youd better do it yourselfWhy not do it in the evening?A:In the evening,I have a lot of other work to do,and I also play computer gamesB: 3 ?A:No,they cannotThey cannot enter my roomI dont allow them toB:Oh, I seeB

8、ut I dont think its good for you to play computer games every dayA: 4 5 B:It is still too much to play games every other day I like playing games too, but I only do it whenI finish my studyA:I think I should learn from you thenDialogue 2:A:Look!What are the farmers doing in the fields?B: 1 A:Sowing

9、seed? What seed?B:Rice seedA:Rice seed? Do rice come from seed? 2 B:They were not grown from trees They should be planted in the water fieldA:Lets go and have a look thenB: All rightLessons 9495【目标与要求】一、单词和词组1)pioneer 2)a research center3)collect seed and nuts 4)develop the science of agriculture5)r

10、esearch intoon 6)experience7)collect information 8)study ways of keeping seeds9)hang up 10)in the following spring11)knock out 12)improve conditions13)clean rough ground 14)point out15)remove weeds 16)sow seed in the soil17)turn over 18)fork19)plant. close together 20)do an experiment21)farming and

11、gardening 22) include23)advice on 24)keep cows,sheep and fish25) instructions for 26)(make) a summary of 27)the knowledge of farming 28)for centuries29)at the correct time of the year 30)go against nature31)examine.carefully 32)plough the soil33)year after year 34)harvest good crops35)next to 36)use

12、. for.二、句型1).and spent his time on research into agriculture2)He advised farmers to choose the best seeds3)The book was comsidered to be an important summary of the knowledge of farming三、语法间接引语。【讲解设计】一、单词和词组1a research centreresearch 既是动词,也是名词,意思是研究,用做不及物动词时一般后接介词oninto。例如:Scientists are now researc

13、hing intoon outer spaceThey are carrying out research intoon the cloning(克隆)of some kinds of animals2experience vn作动词的意思是“经历”,作为不可数名词,它的意思是“经验”,作为可数名词,它的意思是“经历”,使用时需要加以区别。例如:So far he has collected some experience in teachingCould you tell us about your experiences in South America?She has experienc

14、ed too much pain because of the operation3 knock outknock out是一个多义词组,意思是“(将)打出、淘汰、(将)打昏”等。例如:The boxer knocked out the man with a sharp blow拳击师猛地一拳便将那人打昏了。Our team was knocked out in the first run of the competition我们队在第一轮便被淘汰了。You can knock the dust out of the quilt after putting it in the sun for

15、a few hours晒了几小时后你可以用球拍将灰尘从被子里打出来。4improve soil conditionscondition在表示“条件”时是可数名词,而表示“生活学习工作条件”时多用复数。例如:working conditionsstudying conditionsliving conditionsAstronauts can learn to“live”in outer space under the strange conditions宇航员在这种奇怪的条件下学会在太空生存。I can lend you money on condition that you pay back

16、 on time只要你按时还钱,我可以借给你。condition在表示“状态“时并且用于某些固定词组时用做不可数名词。例如:His house is still in good conditionThe bridge is in bad conditionIt should be pulled down5roughrough意思是“粗鲁的”、“粗糙的”或“不平静的”。例如:I dont like him as he is too roughWe were making our way to the top of the mountain on the rough roadThe sea is

17、not rough today,we may go out fishing6point outpoint out意思是“指出”。例如:The spokesman pointed out that it was not right for the NATO to bomb the Embassy发言人指出北约轰炸大使馆是错误的。7turn overturn over意思是“翻”。例如:Please turn over to page 88He was so excited that he turned over again and again on the bed, unable to go t

18、o sleepYesterday a car turned over on the highway because of the rain8plant.close togetherclose作为副词,意思是“紧密地”或“距离近的”。例如:The little chicks were crowded close together to get warmThe train was coming closer and closerThey sat close to each other作为形容词,意思是“亲密的”或“紧张的”。例如:Yesterday we watched the close gam

19、e in the stadiumMarx and Engels were close friends注意closeclosely的区别。closely的意思是“紧紧地”,主要是指抽象含义。例如:We should follow the Party closely9experiment vnexperiment意思是“实验”或“试验”,既是动词,也是名词。例如:The doctor is makingcarrying outperform an experiment on the mouseWe should base our ideas on experiments The engineers

20、 are experimenting with new materialsThey experimented on the animals10keep cows,sheep and fishkeep,raise,feed都可以表示“饲养”,但feed与keepraise在意思和结构上有区别,意思是“喂食”,试比较:He kept a beautiful parrot in his house他在家里养了只鹦鹉。The villagers raised a lot of silkworms村民们养了许多蚕。What do you feed your dog on?你用什么喂狗?We Chines

21、e mainly feed on rice我们中国人以米饭为主食。11instructions for(doing)sthinstructions 曾经在高一(上)英语课本中出现过,这里主要注意介词结构。例如:The chemistry teacher gave someinstructions for doing the experiment12at the correctwrong time of the year这个表达法与以前学过的 at this time yesterday很相似,注意它们在结构上的相似性。What were you doing at this time yeste

22、rday?We have to plant the wheat at the right time of the year13go against nature1)go against 表示“反对”或“(对)不利”。例如:She went against her mothers wishes this timeThe situation is going against usIt goes against my idea to borrow money2)nature在此处意思是“大自然”,注意前面不用冠词。如果表示“性质”或“天性”,它前面可以用限定性的词,如冠词或所有格代词,试比较:It

23、is so quiet that all Nature seems asleepGrowing crops on this land is a struggle against natureIt is not her nature to tell liesShe is a kind nature14plough vnplough作为动词或名词的意思是“犁”,有时可以转义为“乘风破浪”。例如:The farmer is ploughing the land with a cow and a plough农夫正在用牛拉犁耕田。The ship was ploughing through the A

24、tlantic when it hit an iceberg轮船在大西洋上航行时撞上了冰山。15year after yearyear after year与以前学过的 day after day结构相同,表示“年复一年地”。例如:The season changes year after year二、句型1Then he returned home and spent his timeon research into agriculturespendon sthspend(in) doing sth是初中阶段学过的结构,但学生依然常常会写错结构,尤其是接动词结构时常常会错用成动词不定式。例如

25、:He spent his childhood on the farmHow much did you spend on your new car?We spent two years in experimenting on themedicine2He advised farmers to choose the best seed-headsadvise sbto do sth曾经在高一(上)英语课本中出现过。又如:My teacher advised me to practise reading English every dayadvise后面直接跟动词时应该用动词的- ing形式,如果

26、接从句,则应该用shouldverb虚拟语气。例如:I advise going outing this weekendHe advised that I(should) give up the job3This book was considered to be an important summary of the knowledge of farmingConsider作为“认为”后面接动词不定式作为宾语补足语,如果作为“考虑”,后面接动词的-ing形式作宾语。例如:He is considered to be the fittest person forthe jobWe consid

27、er you to have stolen the moneyThey are considering building another dam on the river三、语法间接引语1)有关间接引语的使用注意以下几点:注意时态、人称、地点状语和时间状语的变化。一般应该向后退一个时态,如过去时常改为过去完成时。参见下表中的变化:2注意选择合适的动词。陈述用saytell,疑问用askwonder,而祈使用 tellorder,建议用advisesuggest。注意这些动词后面的结构和语气。【练习设计】基础练习一、根据句子意思和所给首字母写出单词,每格一词1I joined the young

28、 p_when I was nine years old2They have built up a r_centre for the soil3He always catches the e _bus so that he is always the first to arrive at school4It is very important to develop our a_and industry if we want to modernize our country5The city g_has taken some steps to clean the dirty river6We h

29、ave to study hard as we have entered the i_age7After coming back from Africa,he wrote a book about his e_there8The meat can be h_ up in the open air to dry9Jack was given some a_on how to improve his spoken English10Six people died in the accident,i_the driver11You can see some s_and cows on the farm12Your idea should be based on your e_ on the animal13Do follow the i_ for operating the machines14K_is power and time is money15The students were asked to write a s_of the text after they had read it二、单项选择1Professor Wang advised we_more in order to enlarge our vocabularyA to read Breading Cread

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