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1、英语周清+第十套打印版周清试题第一部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分) ACongratulations on your offer of admission to Stanford University (SU)! All those admitted to graduate study must inform us of your decisions to accept or decline.To accept or decline the offer of admission on the web, you first need to set up your Stanford Univers

2、ity Network Identification name (SUNet ID). Approximately 24 hours after that, you will be able to log in to Axess to accept or decline the offer.Creating a SUNet IDYou will need your student ID number sent to you by SU. On the Stanford University Accounts website, choose“Create a new SUNet ID” and

3、select the first button (I have a University ID) and follow the instructions.Log into Axess using your SUNet ID.In the top menu bar, hover over (悬停)“STUDENT” for the“NEW ADMITS, Graduate Admission Response” section to be revealed.Click “Graduate Admission Response to open the response page.After you

4、 have accepted the offer of admission, you will be able to create your email account and access other services.Address UpdatesIn order to receive important information before you arrive on campus, it is essential that you keep your mailing and email addresses up to date in Axess.Admission Deferral(延

5、期) RequestsAdmission is offered for a specific academic program. Departments have different policies on whether they will defer admission or require a new application for later enrollment. Requests to delay admission should be submitted in writing to the graduate program that offered admission. You

6、can see the Program List for contact information.1. Who is this text intended for?A. SU offer receivers. B. College graduates.C. Stanford applicants. D. University students.2. What is required to accept the offer admission to SU?A. An email account. B. A program list of SU.C. A personal request lett

7、er. D. An ID number from SU.3. What does SU advise students to do?A. Update contact information. B. Renew the application letter.C. Accept the offer of admission. D. Arrive on campus in advance.BSolothurn is a picturesque town in the northwest of Switzerland known primarily for its closest relation

8、with the number eleven. It seems like everything in this place was designed around this magical number, from the fact that there are precisely eleven churches, as well as eleven historical fountains, eleven museums and eleven towers, to the unusual clock in the town square that features an eleven-ho

9、ur dial and the number twelve missing.Although nearly everyone in Solothurn knows about the towns obsession with the number eleven, the origin of that is covered in mystery. The first mention of eleven in Solothurns history dates back to 1252, when eleven members were first elected for the towns cou

10、ncil. Another great example of Solothurns obsession with the number eleven is the magnificent Cathedral of St. Ursus. Designed by Italian architect Gaetano Matteo Pisoni, it was built in eleven years. It features three sets of steps, each numbering eleven rows, eleven doors, eleven bells and eleven

11、altars (祭坛),one of which is made out of eleven different types of marble. Interestingly, the altars can be viewed at the same time from only one place in the cathedral, the eleventh black stone in the long central part.The people of Solothurn also show an intense interest in the number eleven in the

12、ir daily life. There are special celebrations held on eleventh birthdays, and there are local products and businesses that include the special number. There is “Oufi-Bier” (Beer eleven),“eleveni Schokolade”( eleven-Chocolate), and even “oufiyoga”(eleven oclock yoga). The mysterious relationship betw

13、een Solothurn and the number has become one of the towns primary tourist attractions, and there is even a themed tour about the number eleven.4. What is mainly discussed about Solothurn in Paragraph 1?A. Its unique designs. B. Its cultural origin.C. Its natural attractions. D. Its connection with na

14、ture.5. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. The number eleven. B. The city of Solothurn.C. Solothurns love for eleven. D. The history of Switzerland.6. What is the Cathedral of St. Ursus like?A. Its steps contain 33 rows in all. B. Its doors are made out of marble.C. It h

15、as eleven bells on each step. D. It has eleven altars in the center. 7. What do we know about the people of Solothurn?A. They attach great importance to tourism.B. They bring number eleven to daily life.C. They lead a busy but comfortable life.D. They are expert at designing products.CFrench car mak

16、er CitroEn recently released a pair of glassless, liquid- flleld eyeglasses that can reportedly treat the symptoms of motion sickness.Called Seetroen, the eyeglasses use Boarding Ring technology, which was created by a French start-up of the same name, to treat motion sickness in just a few minutes.

17、 According to the oficial press release, after being worn for 10 to 12 minutes, the glasses enable the mind to resynchronise(重新同步) with the movement perceived by the inner ear while the eyes focus on an immobile object such as a smartphone or a book and the wearer can just take them off and enjoy th

18、e rest of the journey.Motion sickness occurs when our brain perceives conflicting reports about perceived motion from the eyes and the inner ear. Its usually not a problem when a person is looking out of the window because then both organs perceive motion similarly, but when youre looking down at a

19、phone or a book, the eyes dont perceive the motion the same way, and the reports sent to your brain contradict those from the inner ear, and the confusion results in motion sickness.So how do Setroen cure the annoying condition that has been plaguing mankind for centuries? Well, the secret is litera

20、lly in those plastic frames. That blue liquid in the rings around the eyes recreate the horizon line to resolve the conflict between the signals sent to the brain by the eyes and inner ear so that the movement detected by the eyes matches that detected by the inner ear. Since Seetroen glasses are ac

21、tually glassless, they can be worn by anyone, even over actual eyeglasses. You only need to wear them for 10 to 12 minutes to make the symptoms of motion sickness go away.8. What is Seetroen?A. A French car maker. B. A high-tech company.C. A name of eye glasses. D. A kind of technology.9. What can r

22、eplace the underlined word “plaguing” in Paragraph 4?A. Shocking. B. Troubling. C. Embarrassing. D. Disappointing.10. How does Seetroen help get rid of motion sickness?A. By filling frames with liquid. B. By perceiving the horizon line.C. By removing conflicting signals. D. By adjusting the angles o

23、f movements.11. Whats the best title of the text?A. A creative cure for motion sickness.B. The amazing rise of a French start-up.C. A new understanding of motion sickness.D. The popularity of liquid-filled eyeglasses.D1 Theyre inconsiderate. They annoy you, And sometimes, they infect you. Wouldnt it

24、 be nice if we could ban passengers like that from the plane?2 If youve been wondering whether the airlines should expand their own no-fly lists, youre not alone. Joseph Flanagan, an engineer from Golden, Colorado, thinks the kind of passenger he sat next to on a recent flight should be blacklisted.

25、 “We were barely 10 minutes into the flight when he pulled off his shoes and then put his damp feet on the chair in front of him, he recalls.3 Inconsiderate passengers come in all shapes and sizes. Theyre the ones who occupy the bathroom for half an hour. Theyre the ones who place their carry-ons ab

26、ove your seat and then walk 10 rows back. One of the most annoying passengers, of course, is the one who talks nonstop. As a result, you cant sleep, cant listen to music, or even cant get any work done. Wouldnt it be great if we could require passengers to make a promise of silence during the flight

27、?4 Another category of passengers that can- and should一be banned are people who are ill. Sharon Lawrence, a mental health therapist from Largo, Maryland, says people who know they are sick should stay grounded. “I have had to sit next to individuals who are sick, coughing, barely covering their mout

28、hs, she says. “As a result of a few of these flights, 1 have become ill after flying.”5 However, expanding the airline blacklists is easier said than done. Federal Aviation Administration regulations permit airlines to remove passengers if the safety and health of other travelers are affected. “But

29、such procedures do not allow for the removal of a passenger without proper legal justification, says David Reischer, CEO of Legal A, a legal advice website.12. What may Joseph Flanagan think of the behavior of the passenger next to him?二A. It is against the law. B. It causes discomfort,C. It is none

30、 of his business. D. It affects the flight safety.13. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. Requirements for in-flight behavior. B. Annoying experiences of the author.C. Examples of thoughtless passengers. D. Possible measures against misbehavior.14. Why should sick people be added to no-fly lists acc

31、ording to Sharon Lawrence?A. They are likely to cough constantly. B. They can not attend to themselves.C. They may infect other passengers. D. They will miss timely treatment.15. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Stricter restrictions for air travel must be set at once.B. Misbehavior o

32、f some passengers should be tolerated.C. The government prohibits the removal of passengers.D. It may be illegal to blacklist misbehaving passengers. 翻译:他们不体谅人。它们会让你恼火,有时还会感染你。如果我们能禁止这样的乘客上飞机不是很好吗?如果你一直想知道航空公司是否应该扩大他们自己的禁飞名单,你并不孤单。来自科罗拉多州戈尔登的工程师约瑟夫弗拉纳根(Joseph Flanagan)认为,他最近乘坐的航班上坐在旁边的那种乘客应该被列入黑名单。他回忆说:“我们刚上飞机10分钟,他就脱下鞋子,然后把湿脚放在前面的椅子上。”。(第三段)不体贴的乘客有各种各样的形状和大小。他们在浴室里呆了半个小时。他们把行李放在你的座位上,然后向后走10排。当然,最让人讨厌的乘客之一是不停说话的人。因此,你不能睡觉,不能听音乐,甚至不能完成任何工作。如果我们能要求乘客在飞行过程中保证安静,那不是很好吗?另一类可以而且应该被禁止的乘客是生病的人

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