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1、英语词汇学课后答案张维友编英语词汇学教程(2004年版)练习答案 Chapter 1 】12.DenizensAlie nsTran slati on loa nsSema ntic loa nskettle die wall skirt husbandconfrere pro patria Wun derki nd mikado parve nuchopstick typho on black humour long time no seedreamChapter 2 】The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most importan

2、t Ianguage families in the world. It is made up of most of the Ianguages of Europe, the Near East and In dia. En glish bel ongs to this family and the other members of the In do-Europea n have more or less in flue nee on En glish vocabulary. A kno wledge of the In do-Europea n Lan guage Family will

3、help us un dersta nd En glish words better and use them more appropriately.2.In do-Europea n Lan guage FamilyRoumanianLithuanianHindiPersianBretonSpanish GreekScottish FrenchEnglishSwedishPrussianIrishItalianGermanPolishPortugueseNorweigianSlavenianIcelandicRussianDanishBulgarianDutch6.When in the c

4、ourse of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assumeamongthe powers of the earth separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of man

5、kind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separatio n.8.eventful Latin + English+ Latinfalsehood Latin + EnglishGreeksaxophone German + Greek heirloom French + Englishjoss house Portuguese + EnglishGreek + Latin9.hydroplane Greekpacifist Latin +televisionamateur (late

6、)finac e(late) empireMost of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What are left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very importa nt part in the En glish vocabulary.(early)peace (E)courage (E)garage (L)judgement (E)chair (E)chaise (L)grace (E)servant

7、(E)routine (L)jealous (E)savat e(L)genre (L)gender (E)d dout(L)morale (L)state (E)chez (L)oallet (L)11.allegro, f轻快andante, j行板diminuendo, g渐弱largo, d缓慢pianoforte, a轻转慢alto, i女低音crescendo, b渐强forte, e强piano, h轻soprano, cf 女高音snorkel (G) tulip (Turk) wok (Ch)cherub (Hebrew) coolie (Hindi) lasso (Sp)s

8、hampoo (Indian) tepee (Am Ind) kibitz (G) chipmunk (Am Ind) cotton (Arab) loot (Hindi)13.a. alligatorc. rodeoe. igloog. wigwami. hurricanek. panchoschocolate (Mex)jubilee (Gr)Sabbath (Heb) tamale (Mex) voodoo (Afr) sauerbraten (G)b. locod. bonanzaf. blitzkriegh. canoej. boomerangChapter 3 】1.a. morp

9、hemec.bound morphemee.affixg.derivational affixi. morphemef.informational affixh.rootj. base3.individualisticindividualist + ic stem, base individual + ist stem, base individu + al stem, base in + dividu root, stem, baseundesirablesun + desirable stem, base desir + able root, s

10、tem, basemorphemefree morpheme = free root广 bo und root in fleet ional affixprefix-bound morpheaffixderivati onal affix1- suffix【Chapter 4 】Affixati on5.non-smoker disobey immature un willi ngn ess illogical non-athleticin capablein securityin ability/disability illegal disloyalimpractical irreleva

11、nt uno fficially disagreeme nt inconvenient6.harde nhorrifymoder nizememorizefalsifyapologizedeepenglorifysterilizelen gthe ninten sifybeautifyfatte nsympathizea. apologizedb. beautifyc. len gthe ningd. sympathizede. fatte nf. falsifyg. memorizi ngh. Sterilize7.a. employeeb. politicia nc. participa

12、ntd. waitresse. con ductorf. teacherg. pia nisth. exam in ee/exam iner8.trans- = across: transcon ti nen tal, tran s-world mono- = one: mono rail, mono culturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, super natural auto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnu triti on min

13、i- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwar pre- = before: prehistorical, preelecti on ex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompo undingConversion7. a.stomach n n vc.wolf n e/go v ne.familiar a nf.innocent a ng.flat a nh.ah/ ouch int v4.well-bred/well-behaved needle work/homework bar-woman/sportsw

14、oman clear-minded/strong-minded self-control/self-respect budget-related/politics-related water-proof/fire-proof news-film/news-letter sister-in-law/father-in-law half-way/half-done age-conscious/status-consciousculture-bound/homeboundpraiseworthy/respectworthy nation-wide/college-wide military-styl

15、e/newstyleonce-fashionable/once-powerful mock-attack/mock-sadness home-baked/home-produced ever-lasting/ever-green campus-based/market-basedheartbeat S + V movie-goer place + V far- reaching V + Adv lion-hearted adv + a boyfriend S + complement snap decision V + O on-coming V +adv light-blue a + abr

16、ainwashing V + O baking powder V +adv dog-tired adv + a love-sick adv + a peace-loving V +O easy chair a + n tax-free adv +a goings-on V +advi.warm a nj.has-bee n/might-have- bee n fin ite v nk.Hamlet proper n v nm.smooth a vBlendingmotel (motor + ho tel )humint (human + int elligence)adverti

17、setics (advertise ment + statis tics ) psywarrior ( psychological warrior ) hoverport ( hovercraft + port ) chunnel (channel + t unnel)hi-fi (high + fi delity)Clippingcopter (heli copter ) lab ( lab oratory) gas ( gasoline) scope (tele scope) sarge ( serge ant) ad ( advertisement)cinemactress ( cine

18、ma + actress )dorm ( dormitory)prefab ( pref abricated house) prof ( prof essor)Acronymy2. kg = kilo gram cm = centi meter ibid = ibid emchamp ( champion) mike ( microphone) tec (de tec tive)ft = f oot cf = conf er$ = dollar etc. = et c eteraVIP = very i mportant personOPEC =Organization of Petroleu

19、m Exporting Countries TOEFL = t eaching of English as a f oreign l anguage3.a. SALTb.radarc.AIDSd.BASICe.Laserf.WHOg.sonarh.G-manBackformation2.lase (laser) escalate (escalator) babysit (babysitter) peeve (peevish) orate (orator) commute (commuter)Commonization of Proper Namesa.tantalize Tantalusb.A

20、rgus-eyed Argusc.narcissism Narcissusd.sabotage sabotse.martinet Yahoog.Shylock Shylockh.hooveri ng Hooveri.utopia Utopiaj.Un cle Tommism Uncle Tom6. apes b cattle m dovesc geese k wolves g pigs l turkeys dbirds a cricket n foxes j sheep f mon keys e hye nas h swa ns i【Chapter 5 】9.a

21、. A scie ntist worki ng in a project to develop in dustrial uses fornu clear power might have all the positive associati ons with“ atomic ” , such as “ ben efit, en ergy ” , etc.b.A Japa nese reside nt of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosi onmight have all the negativeas “ sufferi ng, killi ng,

22、“atomic ” might be associatedat the end of World War II,associations with “atomic ” , such death, horror, etc.c.To a stude nt of nu clear physics, with “ mystery, scie nee, kno wledge10.talkative: implying a fondness for talking frequently and atlength ( neutral )articulate: express ing on eself eas

23、ily and clearly ( positive )gossip: in dulg ing in idle talk or rumours about others(negative )rambling: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas ( negative )flue nt: speak ing easily, smoothly, and expressively (positive )mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way ( nagative ) 11.NoAp

24、preciativeNeutralPejorative1particularfastidious/fussy2criticalfault-fi ndi ng/picky3style/voguefad4artfulcunnin g/sly5un stablefickle/capricious6develop ingun derdeveloped/ backward7en courage/ promotein stigate8groupclique/ga ng14. bull -HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +BOVINEcow -HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +BOVINEcal

25、f -HUMAN +MALE -ADULT +BOVINErooster -HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINEhen -HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +GALLINEchicke n -HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINE-HUMANbullcowcalf+BOVINEroosterhenchicke n+GALLINE+MALE-MALE+ADULT【Chapter 6 】Polysemy4.Homonymy4.1) Makeboth ends meat is a parody of make both ends meet which means

26、 “have enough moneyfor ones needs”. Here the butcher cleverlyuses the pair of homonymsmeat and meet to make a pun. It makesa proper answer to the lady s question. (1) Butchers cannotmake both ends meat (make whole sausages with all meat) because they cannot make both ends meet (If they madesausages

27、with all meat, which is more costly, they would not earnenough money to survive.)( 2) Dont complain. All the butchersdo the same. I amnot the only one who is making sausages with bread.2)Swallow is a bird which is seen in summer. But by one swallow wesee, we cannot deduce that it is already summer t

28、ime. Swallowcan also mean a mouthful of wine. On a cold winter day, if onehas a swallow of wine, one may feel warm.3)arms has two meanings: weapons; the human upper limbs. Since “acannon ball took off his legs ”, the soldier was not able tofight on, so he “laid down his arms” , which means“ surrende

29、r ”. It can also mean he laid down his upper limbs.Synonymy3.avaricious:greedycourteously:politelyemancipate:set freecustomary:usualwidth:breadthadversary:opponentgullible:deceivedremainder:residueinnocent:sinlessobstacle:obstructionvexation:annoyance5.a. identifiableb. safetyc. motivatesd. delicatee. surroundingsf. artificialg. prestigeh. perspirei. accomplishment j. silentk. impressivel. move

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