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1、医学英语对话医学英语对话怎么服药P: How do I take the tablets? N: Please take 2 tablets each time, 4 times a day. P: How do It take the sucking lozenges? N: Please put one under your tongue, dont swallow it. P: How do I take the liquid medicine? N: Please suck it. P: How do I take the pills? N: Please dissolve one p

2、ill in water before taking it. P: How do I take the syrup? N: One teaspoonful, 3 times a day. P: How do I take the drugs? N: One line (half a line) 3 times a day. Shake it well before taking it. P: How do I take the pain-killers? N: Take do I tablet of this pain-killer if you feel pain, but not more

3、 than once every 4 hours. P: How do I use this suppository? N: Insert one into your anus (vagina) every night. P: How do I use this adhesive? N: This is a special adhesive for easing the pain. Apply it to the painful area and change it every 2 days. P: How do I use this lotion? N: Apply some of the

4、ointment, and rub it into the skin. P: How do I use this lotion?form N: paint this lotion to the itching spot with this cotton swab. P: How do I use this powder? N: Please dissolve the powder in hot water. Soak your hand (foot) in it for 20 minutes twice a day. P: How do I use the eye-drop and ointm

5、ent? N: Put the eye-drop into your right eye 4-6 times a day, 1 to 2 drops each time. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night. N: Bend your head back as far as possible and then drop some in the libse. P: How do I apply the ear drop? N: Turn your head to the side, put 1 to 2 drops i

6、nto your ear. Press the tragus for a few seconds. P: How do I take these big pills? N: Chew and swallow the bits with water or put one in water to dissolve it. Remove the wax before taking it . 患者:这种药片怎么服?护士:1次2片,1d4次。患者:这种含片怎么服?护士:请放在舌头底下,不要往下咽。患者:这种水剂药怎么服?护士:请喝下去。患者:这种丸药怎么服?护士:服前请将药丸放在水中溶化。患者:这种糖怎


8、次,每1-2滴。每晚挤一点眼药膏在你的眼皮里。患者:这种滴鼻剂怎么使用?护士:尽量把头往后仰,然后滴入鼻孔。患者:这滴耳剂怎么使用?护士:把头侧过去,滴1-2滴至耳内,再按耳屏几秒钟。患者:这么大的药丸怎么吃?护士:咀嚼一下,并用水冲下,或者将药丸溶化在水里。服用之前去掉外面的蜡皮。护理日常英语用语-收集信息2010-2-7 17:10 【大 中 小】【我要纠错】二、information collection(收集信息) 10.Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? 您介意我问您几个问题吗? 11.We need some information

9、from you. 我们需要从您这儿收集一些信息。 12.Is your tummy still sore? 您的肚子还疼吗? 13.Does your pain come on after or before meals? 您的疼痛是在饭前还是饭后发作? 14.Does it hurt to pass urine?/when I press here? 排尿时痛吗?/ 当我按压这儿时痛吗? 15.Does your back ache? 您的后背痛吗? 16.Do your feet swell? 您的脚肿了吗? 17.Do you have a cough/fever? 您咳嗽吗?/ 您有

10、发热吗? 18.Do you bring up any sputum? 您咳痰吗? 19.Is there any radiation of the pain ? (to the shoulder)有放射(到肩部的)痛吗? 20.How long have you had the pain? 您的痛有多长时间了? 21.When did the pain start?/where is your pain? 疼痛从什么时候开始的/什么地方疼痛? 22.Are your periods regular? 您的月经规则吗?医院日常用品、设备英文单词2010-2-7 17:12 【大 中 小】【我要

11、纠错】Thermometer体温表 Tongue depressor (spatula)压舌板 Needle针头 Syringe注射器 Cotton stick (ball)棉签(球) Bandage绷带 Elastic bandage弹力绷带 Esmarchs bandage橡皮绷带 Tourniquet止血带 Gauze纱布 Adhesive plaster橡皮膏 Dressing敷料 Splint夹板 Rubber glove橡皮手套 Sand bag沙袋 Ice bag冰袋 Hot water bottle热水瓶 Bedpan便盒 Urinal尿壶 Catheter导尿管 Rectal

12、 tube肛管 Dilator扩张器 Gastric tube胃管 Lavage tube洗胃管 Oxygen tube (cylinder)吸氧管 Sengstaken-Blakemore tube三腔二囊管 Visual testing chart视力表 Incubator保温箱 Plaster bed石膏床 Sheet被单 Bedding被褥 Blanket毛毯 Diaper尿布 Pillow case枕套 Bedside table床头柜 Towel毛巾 Basin脸盒 Comb梳子 Tooth-paste牙膏 Tooth-brush牙刷 Rubber cushion橡皮圈 Air c

13、ushion bed气垫床 Scale台秤 Flashlight电筒 Scissors剪刀 Tray托盘 Sputum cup痰杯 Test tube试管 Infusion support输液架 Infusion drip monitor输液滴速监护仪 Micropump微泵 Operating table手术台 Shadowless lamp无影灯 Slit lamp裂隙灯 Scalpel手术刀 Silk sutures丝线 Rubber drainage引流管 Operating gown手术衣 Overalls工作服 Operating sheet手术床单 Mask口罩 Hemostat

14、ic forceps止血钳 Needle forceps (holder)持针钳人体器官英语词汇2009-10-21 9:10 【大 中 小】【我要纠错】head 头 throat 喉咙,咽喉 armpit hair 腋毛 nipple 乳头 chest 胸部 pit 胸口 navel 肚脐 abdomen 腹部 private parts 阴部 thigh 大腿 neck 脖子 shoulder 肩 back 背 waist 腰 hip 臀部 buttock 屁股 skull 颅骨,头盖骨 collarbone 锁骨 rib 肋骨 backbone 脊骨,脊柱 shoulder joint

15、肩关节 shoulder blade 肩胛骨 breastbone 胸骨 elbow joint 肘关节 pelvis 骨盆kneecap 膝盖骨 bone 骨 skeleton 骨骼 sinew 腱 muscle 肌肉 joint 关节 blood vessel 血管 vein 静脉 artery 动脉 capillary 毛细血管 nerve 神经 spinal marrow 脊髓 brain 脑 respiration 呼吸 windpipe 气管 lung 肺 heart 心脏 diaphragm 隔膜 exhale 呼出 inhale 呼入 internal organs 内脏 gu

16、llet 食管 stomach 胃 liver 肝脏 gall bladder 胆囊 pancreas 胰腺 spleen 脾 duodenum 12指肠 small intestine 小肠 large intestine 大肠 blind gut 盲肠 vermiform appendix 阑尾 rectum 直肠 anus 肛门 bite 咬 chew 咀嚼 knead 揉捏 swallow 咽下 digest 消化 absord 吸收 discharge 排泄 excrement 粪便 kidney 肾脏 bladder 膀胱 penis 阴茎 testicles 睾丸 scrotic

17、les 阴囊 urine 尿道 ovary 卵巢 womb uterus子宫 vagina 阴道妇产科检查中英文对照2009-7-16 9:19 【大 中 小】【我要纠错】发红 redness发疹 eruption溃疡 ulcer糜烂 erosion;erodet白斑 vitiligo leukoplakia阴蒂肥大 clitorimegaly处女膜 hymen阴道窥器 vaginal speculum阴道分泌物 vaginal secretion;vaginal discharge阴道横隔 transverse vaginal septum;transverse vaginal septa宫

18、颈糜烂 erosion of cervix宫颈肥大 hypertrophy of cervix宫颈息肉 cervical polyp宫颈粘膜炎 endocervicitis宫颈腺囊肿 Naboth cyst宫颈裂伤 cervical laceration接触性出血 contact bleeding前位子宫 anterial uterus后位子宫 posterial uterus子宫附件 uterine adnexa子宫底 fundus of uterus包块 mass检查项目常规检查全血细胞分析 whole blood cell test红细胞 red blood cell;erythrocy

19、te白细胞 white blood cell;leucocyte血红蛋白 hemoglobin血小板 thrombocyte;thromboplastid血型 blood type;blood group大便常规 routine stool test大便潜血试验 stool occult blood test专科检查阴道分泌物涂片 vaginal secretion smear妊娠试验 pregnancy test基础体温 basal body temperature,BBT性激素 sexual hormone;gonadal hormone雌激素 estrogen,E? 雌二醇? estra

20、diol,E2孕激素 progesterone,P睾酮 testosterone,T促激素释放激素 luteinizing hormone,LH腺垂体促卵泡激素 follicle stimulating hormone,FSH催乳素 prolactin,PRL抗精子抗体 anti-sperm antibody ,ASAB抗心磷脂抗体 anticardiolipins,ACL抗子宫内膜抗体 EMAb宫颈粘液检查 cervical mucus examination宫颈粘膜碘试验 Schiller test宫颈管刮片 endocervical scraping smear子宫颈涂片细胞学检查 ce

21、rvical smear and cytological examination超声检查 ultrasonographyB超 B-scan经阴道超声检查 transvaginal ultrasonography子宫发育不良 hypoplasia of uterus宫内节育器 intrauterine device,IUD月经期子宫内膜 menstrual phase of endometrium子宫内膜 endometrium卵泡 follicle孕囊 fertilized egg囊肿 cyst;hydatidoma;hydatoncus子宫肌瘤超声所见 ultrasound view of

22、uterine myoma子宫腺肌症超声所见 ultrasonic feature of uterine adenomyoma子宫输卵管造影术 hysterosalpingography单角子宫 unicornuate uterus双角子宫 uterus bicornis残角子宫 rudimentary horn of uterus输卵管积水 hydrosalpinx;hydrops tubae;tubal dropsy诊断性刮宫 diagnostic curettage;exploratory curettage宫颈锥切术 conization of cervix输卵管通液术 fluid i

23、nfusion of fallopian tubes经阴道后穹窿穿刺术 colpocoeliotomia posterior宫腔镜 hysteroscope阴道镜 colposcope ; vaginoscope腹腔镜 peritoneoscope;ventroscope;laparo;laparoscope;laproscope常用中医治疗补肾滋阴 replenishing vital essence to tonify the kidney疏肝养肝 soothing and nourishing the liver健脾和胃 strengthening the spleen and stom

24、ach补益气血 invigorating qi and enriching the blood活血化瘀 promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis理气行滞 regulating the flow of qi清热凉血 removing pathogenic heat from blood温经散寒 expelling pathogentic cold from channel利湿除痰 removing dampness by diuresis and eliminating phlegm解毒杀虫 detoxicating and des

25、troy intestinal worms中医特色治疗四黄水蜜外敷 application with毛冬青保留灌肠 retention-enema with hairy holly root莪棱保留灌肠 retention-enema with zedoary and burreed tuber激光治疗 laser therapy针灸治疗 acupuncture and moxibustion therapy常用西医治疗保守治疗 expectant treatment手术治疗 surgical therapy药物治疗 drug treatment放射治疗 radiotherapy心理治疗 ps

26、ychotherapy物理疗法 physical therapy抗炎 anti-inflammatory therapy利尿 diuretic therapy杀菌 sterilization妇科手术前庭大腺囊肿造口术 fistulization of bantbolin gland cyst无孔处女膜切开术 excision of imperfcrated hymen子宫颈息肉切除术 excision of cervical polyp全子宫切除术 panhysterectomy ; complete hysterectomy经腹全子宫切除术 abdominouterectomy ; lapa

27、rohysterectomy经腹输卵管卵巢切除术 abdominal salpingo-oophorectomy ; laparosalpingo-oophorectomy子宫肌瘤剔除术 myomectomy会阴切开术 episiotomy ; sectio perinealis ; perineotomy剖宫产 cesarean section ; abdominal delivery ; caesarean section ; cesarean delivery人工流产 artificial abortion ; induced abortion ; abactio ; abactus v

28、enter药物流产 anti-early pregnancy with drug ;induce abortion with drug128个护理诊断-医学英语(1)交换(Exchanging)营养失调:高于机体需要量(Altered Nutrition:More Than Body Requirements)营养失调:低于机体需要量(Altered Nutrition: less Than Body Requirements)营养失调:潜在高于机体需要量(Altered Nutrition:Potential for More Than Body Requirements)有感染的危险(Risk for Infection)有体温改变的危险(R

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