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本文(河南省信阳市学年高二上期期末调研检测英语试题扫描版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、河南省信阳市学年高二上期期末调研检测英语试题扫描版含答案高二英语参考答案及评分标准 第四部分: 第二节:Should we give money to beggars?We have had a class meeting today on whether we should give money to beggars and we have different opinions.Some believe that we should give money to beggars because some of them are old people, who cant live on thei

2、r own. Among them are also some students who have dropped out of school because their families are so poor. And we can also see some disabled people. So we should give money to those who need our help badly.On the other hand, however, many more students think we shouldnt give them money because most

3、 of the beggars beg not because they are poor but because they want to make money more easily. They are not real beggars. Besides, to give money would encourage them to be lazy even if they have the ability to work.In general, we should help the people of the inferior group but when we give money we

4、 should be careful. 听力材料:(Text 1) M: My plane leaves at 8: 00, andhey Kate, are you crying?W: Well, its summer vacation and youre going away.(Text 2)W: I need some film to take some pictures on my vacation.M: Will you be shooting mainly indoors or outdoors?W: Outdoors. Ill be on the beach every day.

5、(Text 3)M: Is this Partelli Mattresses? Id like to order a table for two.W: You have the wrong number. This is a private house, not a store. What number were you trying to reach?M: 288-2351. Oh, wait- I read the listing wrong. Sorry to have bothered you.(Text 4)W: It doesnt look as though these plan

6、ts have been watered for a long time.M: I came around with the watering pot just two days ago. Are you sure the leaves are getting enough light?W: Maybe thats the answer. Can you help me move this plant closer to the window?(Text 5)M: Hi. My cars been making a strange noise and I seem to be losing p

7、ower.W: OK, I will have a look at it and should be able to tell you whats wrong in about an hour.M: An hour! Im in a bit of a hurry. Do you think you can finish any sooner?W: Im sorry but these things take time. Well be happy to call a taxi for you if you dont have time to wait.(Text 6)M: Hi Mari. S

8、orry Im late.W: Thats OK.I havent ordered yet. So, whats new?M: Nothing much. Howre things with you?W: Same as usual. Overworked. Underpaid.M: Oh, Ive got this new boss. She works twenty-five hours a day, and expects everybody else to do the same. Ive been working till at least ten oclock every nigh

9、t this week.W: Well, its Friday evening now, so you can relax a bit.(Text 7)W: Thank you for shopping at Dales Clothing Store. Your total is $120. Would you like a plastic bag for your clothes?M: No, but I need to shorten these pants. Do you provide a tailoring service, too?W: Yes, sir. We have prof

10、essionals to do that for you for an extra $5 per pair of pants. However, please be advised that once clothes are changed, they cant be returned anymore.M: I understand. So when is the soonest time to pick up my pants?W: Well, I think tomorrow is OK.(Text 8)M: What can I do for you?W: Id like to go t

11、o Walt Disney World, but I have never been there before. So I need your help to plan my trip. Can you tell me some information on flights to Florida?M: OK. Do you want to go first class, business class, or economy class?W: Oh, economy class, of course. Id like the lowest fare you can find.M: All rig

12、ht. And thats one way or round trip?W: Round trip. Id like to leave on Sunday the 12th and return on Saturday the 18th.M: Well, theres a very low fare. Its only $345, but its not direct. You have to change planes in Chicago. Theres a direct, nonstop flight, but the fare on that one is $680.W: Thats

13、OK. Ill change planes in Chicago.M: OK. Thats flight 690. It departs at 8:15 a.m. on Sunday the 12th and arrives in Orlando at 12:15.W: That sounds good.(Text 9)W: Hi, Mark. Can you give me some details about the meeting next month?M: OK. Ill help if I can.W: Well, firstly, according to the schedule

14、, when am I presenting?M: Your presentation is on Tuesday 8th September at 10 a.m. Is that OK?W: Wednesday at 10 would be better for me.M: Fine. Ill change your time to Wednesday.W: Thanks. What about the hotel?M: Everyone is staying in the Manor.W: Ill tell Rachel and Sam. They asked me this mornin

15、g.M: Im going to post everybody an information paper with the meeting details, probably at the end of next week. Please tell Rachel and Sam.W: OK. Ill let them know. In fact, were meeting later today at 4 so I can tell them then.M: Right. So any plans for the rest of the morning?W: Not really. Im ju

16、st going to finish a few reports and then its lunch.M: Sounds good. Thanks for your call. You can get further information by e-mail.W: OK. Thanks. Bye.M: Bye.(Text 10)W: Good afternoon, everyone. Were delighted to welcome today a representative from the Red Cross, Mr John Francis, who is going to ta

17、lk to us about the work of the organisation and about some basic aspects of First Aid.M: Thank you, Mrs Brown. Well, Im pleased to tell you something about this organisation. The Red Cross movement was started by a businessman called Jean Henri Dunant. His interest in the innocent people caught up i

18、n war began in 1859 when he witnessed the effects of a very fierce battle in Italy. At the time, he organised all the villagers to help the wounded soldiers and make sure they had food and basic medical attention. In 1864, the same gentleman, together with four Swiss colleagues from his hometown, or

19、ganised a conference which laid the foundations for the now famous organisation.So that Red Cross workers could always be recognised, they created their own symbol. They chose a red cross on a white background. It is protected by the laws. Sometimes we find that the red cross has been used as a deco

20、rative symbol or to represent first aid stations but this is actually wrong because using the red cross for anything other than the international organisation is actually against the law. Even though we often associate a red cross with hospitals and medical treatment. In Australia, as in many countries, the recognised symbol for first aid and medical centres, in fact, is a white cross on a green background.

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