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1、商务交流视频字幕Gavin: Have you ever done business with a room full of strangers?No. Ill change that. Have you ever done business with a room full of foreigners?You all decide to talk the same language.Yet you dont understand a thing thats being saidYou sit at the same table but you might as well be sitting

2、 on opposite sides of the planet.Have you been there?I have.I dont know. Maybe Im being melodramaticI mean, I work with those people. They are my colleagues.We work for the same company.So how did it happen? How did I get there?Darren : So thats itand youre the one to head it up.Gavin: But why rome?

3、Darren : Why not?Gavin: Thank you for a very plausible reason. Darren.Darren : Oh, come on. youll love it. Its very cosmopolitan. Very creative, veryGavin: Not LondonDarren : Ok listen. Were supposed to be a global company. Why?Gavin: Because weve got offices in every continent.Darren : Local office

4、s. Gavin, and I stress the word local. And some of them are completely autonomous. As you know. And you know how were perceived in the rest of the business?Gavin: Yes I know.Darren : As a London accountancy firm with a bit of interest in other countries.i mean, hardly global, is it? And thats where

5、Morel comes in. we need to be sharing best practices across different cultures. And thats why we decided to integrate and work as a international team. Gavin: But why does it have to be based in Rome?Darren : It display our global thinking.Gavin: But I mean, surely. I could coordinate it from London

6、.Darren : Oh, come on, Gavin, a chance to head an international teamthink of the challenge.Gavin: Im thinking of the headaches. Gavin: Now, youre asking yourself what is Morel?To put it simply. Morel is a mushroom. A rare mushroom. Highly valued by the finest chefs on Earth. To the outsourcing world

7、. Morel was to be a hugely sophisticated accountancy software package. A programme with no equal. Accurate, efficient accounting, completely scandal free. Because with Morel its impossible to cheat, or as we say,cook the books!.maybe thats why we named it after a food. A LEAGUE OF NATIONS?So there I

8、 was. On the first of my many bi-monthly excursions to Rome. Darrens idea of a cosmopolitan creative place. Gavin: right. Good morning and welcome to the Morel International Team. As you know, Morel is a big step for the company and Im quite sure that its gonna revolutionise the accountancy world. S

9、o thats why were all here. as a team. We have the enviable task of getting it up and running throughout the company by the end of the year. Now, you each have been chosen because of your expertise. I think that we should start by introducing ourselves. I assume you all know who I am. Gavin Hales and

10、 for lack of a better person. Ive been chosen to head up this project. Eva?Eva: Gavin? Gavin: Did you want to ask me something?Eva: No. I was just wonderingGavin: Wondering what?Eva: Who else did they want to choose?Gavin: I dont understandEva: The better personGavin: ohlack of a better perI seeyes,

11、 thatsthats very funny. Yeah, no, no, actually. Ive been involved with the project since its inception. You know, authoringtestingbug ioningre-testingand now finally rolling it out golbally. And I want Morel to be a market leader within a year. So thats what Im here for. Jesse : Ok. Im uesd to being

12、 the first to jump in. Im te oldest of five kids. Anyway, Jesse king rom Chicago. This is my first time in Europe., which I absolutely love. And gusee what? Its not Chicago. So, anyway I really wanted to be a part of the internatinal aspect of the business. So I convinced the powers-that-be I was th

13、e one with the most international experience because of my working with the Toronto officeI was team leader. So. Anyway(beingbeing)Alberto ProntoAh, ingegere, si, mi dia, mi dica. Ehh, dovrebbe trovare tutto sui mio terminal, file “Alberto 36”, dovrebbe essore tutto li, insomma. Son qui con gli amic

14、i di Morei, si, abbiamo iniziato un po il discorso. Ah. I will tell him, gielo diro. La ringrazio, eh, arrivederci, buongiorno. Sorry. Please, please continue. Gavin: Youre done? Jack, how about you?Jack: Im Jack Xu. Shanghai office is very pleased to take part in the project. My boss Mr. Wu sends h

15、is greetings to Mr. Gavin and the rest of the team. I look forward to taking as much information back to my colleagues so that Morel will be a great success. Alberto That was Mr Gardini, on the phone, my boss, he sents his warmest regards and hopes all the success for the project. Gavin: Thank you.

16、Thanks. Ok Eva? Eva: Dr Eva Schmidt. I am responsible for IT Communications in the Berlin Office. I am a Market Researcher and internal communication specialist. I am interested in seeing the schedule for introduction, procedures for implementation and I am particularly interested to see how the wor

17、k will flow between our different centres. Sanji we are completing a totally new computer faclilty outside Delhi. Its very impressive. As you know, weve been outsourcing for sometime now. we are capable of handling many accounts across many coutries. Morel is a big opportunity for us. Gavin: Mohamed

18、?Mohamed: I am Mohamed HusseinAssistant managing Director, Cairo. You know, in Egypt the abacus is still very much used by some people like shop keepers. They are very quick with it, some of these people are even faster than someone using a computer. It remains to be seen how Morel is accepted. Gavi

19、n: And lastly. Alberto, who is many ways our host. Alberto: Thank you. Gavin. I am very pleased that Roma was chosen for the base of this project. Because, you know, its such a cosmopolitan city. And I think its profect perhaps to reflect the new thinking for Morel. Now, Mr Gardini, my boss, wishes

20、to commit all the facilities of the Rome office to the team. So they are at your complete disposal. And,personally, I hope youre all going to enjoy Rome, yes? And if I can do anything to make your stay more enjoyable, please tell me and Ill do it. Gavin: So. Down to businesss. Weve got a lot to cove

21、r and as soon as m laptop arrives from the hotelAlberto:Excuse me, Gavin. Can I suggest some coffee while we wait? Everybody? (yeah) Excellent, good, please, come this way. Gavin: Yeah, well, perhaps we can just grab a cup, bring it backAlberto:Bring it back? No no, “bring it back”! come on lets, le

22、ts go next door. Gavin: Oh, okAny chance of a tea? Gavin: I was hoping that kind of introducing ourselves woould break the iceEva: Hes so British, he doesnt even take himself seriously. Jesse :He may have a sense of humour. But Im not too sure he has a sense of direction. Alberto: people dont seem t

23、o open up to him. People just dont go to him. Why? I think it is because he doesnt go to them. Gavin: you should be in a meeting with Alberto. I mean, its like what meeting? its more like the Roma social club and its all coming throgh his mobile. Jack: very different way to do business. I have much

24、to learn but already I have concerns: how do I get Gavin and my boss Mr. WU together? He must understand our situation, and win Mr. wus support. Mohamed: Relationships take time. I dont see how it could work being thrown together like that. Gavin: we work for the same company, why do we need all thi

25、s dancing around each other? Gavin: We are back to the grindstone. Jack: Grindstone?Jesse: Its like getting back to work. Eva: GavinI have two items to be placed on the er whats tagesordnung in EnglishAgenda? Yes. I have two items to be placed on the agenda for this meeting. Gavin: The agenda?Eva:Ye

26、s. I thought you were writing it down for us. Gavin: No,no, I am writing out the objectives for the Morel launch. What I want us to achieve with it. Eva: Oh I seebut that is at the end. Jesse: I dont understandEva:Gavin is writing down what we will achievein the end. Gavin: of course, you need to kn

27、ow where youre going before you can start out. Eva:But if we dont know what route were taking. You know, a clear method of how we will work together, step by stepGavin:So well get there in the end, trust me. Jesse: I guess different managers have different ways of doing things. Gavin: GoodTake your

28、jackets offits pretty warm. (thank you) And perhaps it would be a good idea to turn off our mobile phones, just to help us concentrate. Good. Now, as you can see, Ive set out the objectives for the Morel launch: to have it fully operational by Novermber 1st, to have our existing clients transferred

29、to the new system, and to initiate an aagrressive marketing drive to sell Morel to the multi-nationals. Now, youve all been chosen because of your expertise in certain areas, so Id like to discuss that now, so I can allocate tasks, and(being being)Alberto: ingegnere? Pronto, si, mi dica, si, si. Dac

30、cordo. Gavin: En, Jesse was brought in because she has a good understanding of the multi-nationals cross border accounting equirements. Her information will be invaluable in evaluating Morels potential. Especially in light of the marketing Alberto: Sorry, Gavin. Are we to concentrate on Morel as a p

31、roduct, or as a service to our customers?Eva: Perhaps this is a point of discussion that should be brought up at a later time. Alberto: Whats wrong with now?Eva: Well its not logical, nor useful. Alberto: Well, its useful to me because I need to know. And its also logical because I am going to be in

32、 charge of the marketing, so Gavin: Yeah, which was exactly my point. I mean. Alberto is to head up the markeingJesse: Actually I think we need to communicate the phenomenal potential of Morels capabilities. Did you know that the average laptop computer is more powerful than the combined computer force that put Neil Armstrong on the moon? Alberto: Fine, Jesse, thank you, but dose that me

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