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1、高中英语Unit9Lesson1OnYourBike教案北师大版必修3Unit 9 Lesson 1 On Your BikeUnit 9 Lesson 1 On Your BikeI Analysis of the teaching material:This lesson is very important because it is not only a reading lesson, but a beginning for this unit. The topic of the whole unit is about wheels, and this lesson is special

2、ly talking about the white bicycles in Amsterdam, which experience thirty years innovation. Besides, reading is the most important part in outputting knowledge. II Analysis of the students: Frankly speaking, most of the students are outgoing and eager to express themselves on condition that they can

3、 get praise from the teacher, although their English level is not as good as others. Fresh and funny things can always attract their attention. Besides, students have learned English for four years, so they can develop their cognitive ability through the old English knowledge store and express thems

4、elves freely.III Teaching aimsStudents will be able to:i Knowledge objectives: Build up the vocabulary related to white bikes: benefit, therefore, convenient, thief, indeed, insert etc; Understand the text better.ii Ability objectives: Develop the ability of fast reading and careful reading through

5、the reading strategies and exercises; Learn to cooperate with their partners and guess new words.iii Moral objectives:Understand the importance of protecting the environment which is everyones duty.IV Teaching important points and difficult pointsi Teaching important points: To improve students read

6、ing ability by finishing the reading tasks.ii Teaching difficult points:To help students understand the text by finishing the reading tasks and think actively.V Teaching and learning methodsi Teaching methods: Direct teaching method and task-based teaching method;ii Learning methods: Independent rea

7、ding and discussion method.VI Teaching aids: Multimedia and a projector.VII Teaching procedure:一 目标导学1 Lead in Question: Look at these pictures: What country is it? Whats its capital? Whats its another name? Play a video about Amsterdam and let students observe the most vehicles to check their guess

8、ing.Intention: Firstly, a video can catch students attention, arouse their curiosities and fire their imagination. Secondly, questions can also activate students existing background knowledge and get them ready for the following reading.2 Present the title and the learning objectives.a) Build up the

9、 new words related to bicycles. b) Improve reading ability through the exercise.c) Understand to protect the environment. Intention: Telling objectives is helpful to make the teaching content specific and provide a clear outline of whats going to do in class. 二 自主学习(自学指导)、合作探究、展示释疑、精讲点拨Part 1 Pre-re

10、ading: New words.1 Guidance of guessing words. ( Play a video.)When you meet the new words, guess the meanings according to the context!2 Drill: Guess the new words and discuss with partners.1 Speaking good English is a big benefit in hunting for a job.2 He got a bad headache, therefore, he did not

11、go to school as usual. 3 I live near my school, and it is very convenient to go to school.4 A thief stole my mobile phone when I was in No. 20 bus.5 If you want to get money, you should insert your bank card into the ATM first.6 This cat is indeed ill, for it hasnt eaten anything for three days.Inte

12、ntion: Words learning is important, which can make students understand the text smoothly, and guessing the new words can attract students more attention. Part 2 While-reading1 Fast reading: Find the main idea of each paragraph. Guidance: Pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. Listen

13、to the first sentence of each paragraph and do the exercise.Para. 1 A. White bikes in 1960sPara. 2 B. Why Amsterdam is called the “City of Bicycles”Para. 3 C. Effects of the white bikes Para. 4 D. White bikes 30 years later(Key: B A D C)Intention: To make students master the outline of the text and

14、practise the way of summarizing main idea. And giving the guidance about fast reading can reduce the reading difficulty.2 Careful reading: For more details.Guidance: Use the key words in the exercise to locate the specific sentence in the text.Para.1 List the reasons why Amsterdam is suitable for bi

15、cycles. Is Huainan likely to be “ The City of Bicycles”? (at least three reasons) PersonallyFirstly, Secondly, Finally Para. 2: 1960s a group of cycling fans. Fill in the table. What were their hopes? 1) save energy 2) _ 3) _ What did they do? 1) painted bicycles white, placed them _ around Amsterdam;2) _ to take them; 3) wherever sb. finished a journey they _; What was the result? _within weeks. Question: We face the same problem as that in Amsterdam in 1960s. In Huainan, many white bikes are stolen or destroyed, what should we do?Para.

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