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1、工地用英语一、工地上初次认识对话用语:1、Welcome to China.欢迎你到中国来。 2、Welcome to our job site.欢迎你到我们工地来。3、I wish we shall have a friendly cooperation in coming days.希望今后友好合作。4、Let us work together for our common job.让我们为共同的事业一起工作吧!、Allow me to introduce myself, my name is yuan.请允许我介绍自己,我的名字叫袁。、Please allow me to introdu

2、ce a fellow of mine, Mr._.请允许我给你介绍一位我的同事,某先生。、I am a manager. (project manager, resident construction manager, construction superintendent, controller staff member, engineer, technician, economist, supervisor, foreman, worker)我是经理。(项目经理、驻工地总代表、工地主任、管理员、职员、工程师、技术员、经济员、检查员、工长、工人)。、I work in the Second

3、 Construction Company of SINOPEC.(Market Department, Engineering Department).我在中国石化集团第二建设公司(市场开发部、工程部)工作。、My technical specialty is civil engineering.(Chemical engineering, process, mechanical equipment, electrical, instrumentation, piping, welding, furnace building, corrosion prevention, thermal-in

4、sulation, heating-ventilation, quality control).我的技术专业是土建工程。(化工工程、工艺、机械设备、电气、仪表、管道、焊接、筑炉、防腐、保温、采暖通风、质量管理)。、What is your specialty?你的专业是什么?、I am a mechanician.(electrician, Pipe-layer, welder, carpenter, turner, blacksmith, builder, erector, riveter, rigger, concrete worker, engine-driver, repair wor

5、ker).我是一个机械工。(电工、管工、焊工、木工、车工、铁工、建筑工人、安装工人、铆工、起重工、混凝土工、司机、维修工)。、What is your nationality? Are you American? (English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Romanian). 你是什么国籍的?你是美国人吗?(英国人、日本人、德国人、法国人、意大利人、罗马尼亚人)。、Can I have your name, please?请问你的名字?、Which department do you belong to ?你在那家公司工作?、Kindly giv

6、e us your advice, please.请多指教。、Thanks for your direction.感谢你的指导。二、在会议上(34句) AT THE MEETING1、Our meeting will be next Tuesday at eight oclock. 我们的会议将在下星期二八点钟举行。2、We want to change our meeting from Monday to Wednesday.我们想把会议由星期一改为星期三。3、Sit down, please. Have a smoke and a cup of tea.请坐,请抽烟、喝茶。4、Which

7、problems shall we discuss today?我们今天讨论哪些问题?5、Today we shall discuss the question of hydraulic (pneumatic)test.今天我们将讨论水压、(气压)试验问题。6、Please give us your opinion.(Point of view, ideas)请把你的意见(观点、想法)告诉我们。7、We must know your opinion.我们必须知道你的意见。8、We are willing to accept your suggestion.(Plan)我们乐于采纳你的建议(计划

8、)。9、Your suggestion suits us. We agree.你的建议适合我们,我们同意。10、Please forgive me. We have different (opposite) views on this. Our opinion is 请原谅,我们对此有不同的(相反的)看法。我们的意见是.11、I am very sorry, but I disagree with you.我很报歉,我不同意你说的。12、We should be able to settle this question.我们应该能够解决这个问题。13、We would like to hear

9、 your opinions.我们想听一下你的意见。14、We must act according to the contract.我们应该按照合同办事。15、Thanks for the advice, but this is something we have to figure out (workout) ourselves.感谢你的劝告,但此事我们要自己考虑一下。(解决)16、I do not see any point in discussing the question any further.我认为进一步讨论此事没有必要。17、Let us discuss these prob

10、lems one by one.(step by step)让我们一个一个地(一步一步地)讨论这些问题。18、Do you agree with me?你同意我吗?19、I agree.我同意。20、I disagree.我不同意。21、I agree with you ,but with some reservations.我同意,但有某些保留。22、I think so.我想是这样。23、I do not think so.我不这样想。24、Shall we have a break?我们休息一下好吗?25、It is a question which we shall not discu

11、ss here.这个问题我们将不在此讨论。26、We have not get fully determined.我们尚未完全决定。27、This is something beyond our comprehension.这是我们不可理解的事。28、I regret to say that I can not agree with you.我很报歉(遗憾),不能同意你。29、We hold the opinion of our own.我们坚持我们的意见。30、Let us decide on this point.让我们决定这一点。31、We decide to do so.我们决定这样办

12、。32、This problem must be reported to the higher level, they have the final say to make decisions.这个问题应该呈报上级,由他们作最后决定。33、Your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising there from.由此产生的一切后果由你方负责。34、Let us draft a resolution about it.让我们为此起草一项决议。35、Please sign your name to the minu

13、tes of the meeting.请在会议记录上签字。36、We shall meet again tomorrow morning.我们明天早上接着开会。37、Let us put this matter aside for sometimes, Good-bye.这事过些时候再说,再见!38、Your cooperation means much to us.你们的合作对我们是很重要的。三、计划与进度(20句) PLANNING AND SCHEDULING1. We should work according to the overall schedule chart (the co

14、nstruction time schedule) of the project. 我们应该按照工程项目的总进度表(建设进度表)工作。2. The effective date of this contract will begin from July sixth , nineteen eight-three.这个合同的有效期将从一九八三年七月六日开始。3. The Seller will provide preliminary (final )technical documents for Buyer in May.卖方将于五月份向买方提供初步(最终)技术文件。4. The basic (d

15、etailed) process design will be issued before August.基本的(详细的)工艺设计资料将于八月前发出。5. Our major planning items contain estimating of cost and construction schedule.我们主要的计划工作项目包括费用预算和施工进度。6. We shall have a design collecting (preliminary design, final design) meeting next month.下个月我们将召开设计数据收集(初步设计、最终设计)会议。7.

16、 On our most projects Critical Path Method(CPM) is used for scheduling.在我们的大多数工程项目中都采用“统筹法”(即关键路线方法,简称CPM)安排计划。8. Field erection work (civil work) will begin in October this year and complete on June first next year.现场安装工作(土建工作)将自今年十月开始至明年六月一日完工。9. This contract plant will start-up (put in commissio

17、ning )on November thirty this year.这座合同工厂将于今年十一月三十日开车(投产)。10. The date of acceptance of this plant will be April sixth, nineteen eighty-four.这座工厂的交工验收期将在一九八四年四月六日。11. The plant is scheduled to be completed around 1985.工厂计划于一九八五年前后建成。12. The Sellers operating group (A crew of specialists) will remain

18、 on the job until guarantees are met.卖方操作组(专业工作组)将在现场,一直工作到生产符合保证条件。13. We must take the plant through the test run and finally into commercial operation.我们必须使工厂通过试运转并最终投入工业生产。14. Every month we shall establish construction schedule.每个月我们都要制订建设进度计划。15. We shall also make the project schedule report

19、every day .我们也将每天提出项目进度报告。16. We are going to begin this work tomorrow.(next week ,next month).我们准备明天(下周、下月)开始这项工作。17. We must take this work plan into consideration.我们必须考虑这个工作计划。18. We have to change our plan for lack of materials (construction machinery, erection tools)因缺少材料(施工机械、安装工具),我们只能改变计划。19

20、. What is your suggestion about this schedule?你对这个计划进度有何建议?20. Give me your opinion on this plan.请把你对这个计划的意见告诉我。四、技术资料和图纸(34句) TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS1. We completed this task according to the drawing number SD-76. 我们按照图号SD-76的图纸完成了这项工作。2. According to the technical standard (norm, rules of

21、 operation), the erection (alignment, testing )work is now getting on .安装(校准、试验)工作正在根据技术标准(规范、操作规程)进行。3. This is a plot plan (general layout ,general arrangement, detail ,section, erection ,flow sheet, PID, assembly, civil, electrical, control and instrumentation, projection, piping, isometric ) dra

22、wing.这是一张平面布置(总平面、总布置、细部、剖面、安装、流程、带仪表控制点的管道、装配、土建、电气、自控和仪表、投影、配管、空视)图。4. That is a general (front, rear, side, left, right, top, vertical, bottom, elevation, auxiliary, cut-away, birds eye) view.那是全视(前视、后视、侧视、左视、右视、顶视、俯视、底视、立视、辅助、内部剖视、鸟瞰)图。5. How many drawings are there in the set?这套图纸有几张?6. Is this

23、 a copy for reproduction?这是一份底图吗?7. What is the edition of this drawing?这张图纸是第几版?8. Is this drawing in effect?这张图纸有效吗?9. Is this a revised edition?这是修订版吗?10. Will it to be revised yet?这图还要修订吗?11. Are there some modifications (revisions) on the drawing?这张图上有些修改(修正)吗?12. The information to be placed i

24、n each title block of a drawing include: drawing number, drawing size, scale, weight, sheet number and number of sheets, drawing title and signatures of persons preparing, checking and approving the drawing.每张图纸的图标栏内容包括:图号、图纸尺寸、比例、重量、张号和张数、图标、以及图纸的制图、校对、批准人的签字。13. There are various types of lines on

25、 the drawing such as : border lines, visible lines, invisible lines, break lines, phantom lines.图上有各种形式的线条,诸如:边框线、实线、虚线、剖面线、中心线、引出线、尺寸线、断裂线、假想线。14. We have not received this drawing, (instruction book , operation manual) please help us to get it .我们还未收到这张图纸(说明书、操作手册),请帮助我们取得。15. Please send us furth

26、er information about this item.请将有关这个项目的进一步的资料送交我们。16. I want additional information on this.我需要这方面的补充资料。17. Please explain the meaning of this abbreviation(mark, symbol) on the drawing.请解释图上这个缩写(标记、符号)的意义。18. We comply with and carry out the GB standard (ANSI, BS, AFNOR, JIS, DIN) in this project.在

27、这个工程中我们遵守并执行中国国家标准GB。(美国标准、英国标准、法国标准、日本标准、联邦德国标准)19. Please make a sketch of this part on the paper.请将这个零件的草图画在纸上。20. Would you lend me your information? (handbook, brochure)可否将你的资料(手册、小册)借给我?21. Please bring us those drawings.请把那些图纸带给我们。22. This is a translated information, it maybe not quite sure.

28、这是翻译的资料,可能不太确切。23. It is a mistake in translation.那是一个翻译错误。24. The copy is blurred, it is not very clear.这个复制件被弄模糊了,不太清晰。25. Please give us a copy of this information .(technical specification, instruction, manual, document, diagram, catalog)请给我们一份这个资料(技术规程、说明书、手册、文件、图表、目录样本)的复印本。26. Please send us

29、a technical liaison letter about it .请给我们一份有关此事的技术联络单。27. I received this letter (report, detailed list )last week .我上周收到此信。(报告、清单)28. A working drawing must be clear and complete.工作图必须简明完整。29. Just look at this drawing.看看这张图吧。30. Please have a look at the drawing.请看这张图。31. Please make a copy of thi

30、s letter.请把这信复制一份。32. I have done six copies.我已复制六份。33. Data on equipment can be found in the related information.有关设备的数据可从有关的资料中找到。34. Such information would not avail much.这些资料用处不大。35. Have you any idea how to use the manufacturers handbook.你知道怎样使用这本厂家手册吗?36. We regard these data as very useful .我

31、们认为这些数据是很有用的。五、施工现场 ON CONSTRUCTION SITE1. Welcome to our construction site.2. Glad to have you here. 3. Our job site(施工现场) is over there/here.4. It is very simple and crude here. Do not mind, please.这里很简陋,别介意。5. Come in, please. Be quick. Just a minute, please. Take care.6. I am a site engineer (director, workshop head, chief of section, foreman, worker, staff member).工地工程师(厂长、车间主任、班组长、领工、工人、职员)7. May I introduce our chief engineer to you. (总工程师)8. Mr. Wang is responsible

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