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全part of与a part of差异附词典例句.docx

1、全part of与a part of差异附词典例句part of与a part of差异(附词典例句)(a) part of后接单数可数名词或不可数名词+单数动词(a) part of后接复数名词+复数动词;不存在most part of,使用most of;不存在some part of,使用some of;当part of之前有形容词时,需要添加不定冠词a,构成a +形容词+ part of结构;当part of之前没有形容词时,可以添加不定冠词,也可以不使用不定冠词a。英语常用词用法词典(修订第2版)第591页part词条当需要强调某物是一个总体的不可分割的一部分时,英语往往只说part

2、 of,前面不加不定冠词a。例如:The island is part of our country. 该岛是我国(不可分割)的一部分。葛传槼英语惯用法词典第5页a词条11part of前面用a也有,不用a也有,但意思略有不同。例如:part of it(它的一部分;不一定一半以下,也不一定一半以上)a part of it(它的一小部分;一半以下)但great part of it和a great part of it是没有区别的。不一定一半以下,也不一定一半以上。英汉多功能词典(第2版)第788页part词条part of和a part of的共同意思是“一部分”,在实际应用中常常不加区分

3、,前者用的频率比后者高。但它们之间也有细微的差别:前者part of强调某物是一个整体不可分割的一部分,可以是一半,也可以是一半以上,还可以是一半以下;后者a part of仅指整体一半以下的“一小部分”或指“一小股”的事物,相当于a small part of。另外,在用于小说时,part of笼统指其中一部分;而a part of则有一个章节地点意味。试比较:She has read part of the novel. 她已读过这部小说的部分内容。She has read a part of the novel. 她已读过这部小说中的一个章节内容。还有语法学家认为part 前没有形容词修

4、饰时通常不加不定冠词a,而当part前有形容词修饰时,则常加不定冠词a或an。例如:The individual is only a small part of the social whole.个人只是社会整体中的一小部分。新英汉词典(第四版)第1112页part一部分;部分;局部Part(或A part)of sb wants (feels) sth某人想要/感到某事但心中十分矛盾Part of him wanted to die. 他既相似又不想死。英汉多功能词典第1524页part词条用(a) part of:的一部分;的一员(A)part of the movie is good.

5、电影的其中一部分挺不错的。(不带形容词时通常不用冠词)A large part of the movie is good. 电影的一大部分都很好。(带形容词时使用不定冠词)The media gave us only (a) part of the story. 媒体只报道了事件的一部分。He is like (a) part of the family. 他就像是这家庭的一员。Music has become (a) part of my life. 音乐成为了我人生的一部分。英汉多功能学习词典第1068页part词条The orchestra pit can be raised to fo

6、rm (a) part of the auditorium.乐池可以升起来构成观众席的一部分。part of比a part of常用。part of之后接可数名词的单数形式或不可数名词:Part of the building was destroyed. 建筑物的一部分遭到了破坏。A large part of his money was spent on books. 他的很大一部分钱用来买书了。复数名词之前不用part of,用some of:Some of the workers(不用Part of the workers)are going on strike.一些工人主编举行罢工。

7、柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典第1905页part词条voting on whether to remainpart ofthe Union or become independent.决定是留在联盟内还是独立的投票I wasa part ofthe team and wanted to remaina part ofthe team.我是队伍中的一员,希望留在这个队伍中。朗文当代高级英语辞典第五版第1830页part词条be (a) part of sth是某事物的一部分Falling over is part of learning how to ski. 学滑雪少不了要摔倒。If you d

8、ecide to work for our organisation, you will be part of a great team.如果你决定为我们机构工作,你将成为我们优秀团队中的一员。form (a) part of sth组成某事物的一部分Practical work forms an integral part of the course.实习是这门课必不可少的一部分。朗文当代高级英语辞典第五版第1829页part词条3part of sth: some, but not all, of a particular thing某物的部分(局部)Part of the money w

9、ill be spent on a new playground. 部分钱款将用于建造新操场。Part of the castle was destroyed by fire. 这个城堡的一部分毁于火灾。part of me/him etcPart of me hates him (= I partly hate him). 我有点恨他。(only) part of the story/problem/explanation etcPoor working conditions are only part of the problem.恶劣的工作条件仅仅是问题的一部分。不要说(the) mos

10、t part of,而要说most of:We spent most of(不说most part of)the morning shopping.我们那天早上大部分时间在购物。朗文高阶英汉双解词典(新版)第1647页part词条be/form (a) part of sthThese cells form a part of the bodys immune system.这些细胞是机体免疫系统的组成部分。Falling over is part of learning how to ski. 学滑雪免不了要摔倒。(a)part of a group/team/family etc团体/团队

11、/家庭的一员I enjoy being part of a team. 我喜欢当团队成员。It takes a long time for people to accept you as part of their community.人们接纳你成为其社区的一员需要花很长一段时间。part of sb某人有点儿Part of him wanted to stay. 他有点儿想留下来。牛津英语用法指南(第三版)第598页part词条如果part of前没有形容词,part of前面的a通常省略。Part of the roof was missing. 房顶的一部分没有了。(但要说:A larg

12、e part of the roof was missing. 房顶的很大一部分没有了。)Part of the trouble is that I cant see very well. 造成麻烦的部分原因是我看不太清楚。(比A part of the trouble更为自然)Jan was in Australia part of last year. 简去年有一部分时间待在澳大利亚。COBUILD英汉双解词典第1042页part词条2Something or someone that ispart ofa particular thing or isa part ofit is one

13、of the pieces, sections, areas, or things of which it is made up, or is one aspect of it; often used when emphasizing that something is included in something else rather than being outside it or separate from it.(常用以强调包括在事物之内而不是游离在外的)部分,组成部分The bridge is part of the main north-south road. 这座桥是南北干道的一

14、部分。Economic measures must form part of any solution to this crisis.经济措施必须成为如何解决这一危机办法的组成部分。One suspects this was only part of the story. 人们怀疑这只是部分情况。Dependency is an intrinsic part of love. 相依性是爱情的固有部分。They are very much part of the day-to-day life of all human beings.它们在很大程度上属于人类日常生活的一部分。It was all

15、 part of the job. 这全是该项工作的一部分。COBUILD英汉双解词典第1042页part词条3When you refer topart ofsomething ora part ofit, you are referring to some of it or to a section of it. (某物的)一部分,一段Part of the ceiling collapsed. 一部分的天花板塌下来了。Part of the Missouri was frozen over. 密苏里河的部分河面结冰了。My brothers went to school for part

16、 of the day and to work for the rest of it.我的弟兄们白天的部分时间上学,其余时间干活。The scales reflect back only a part of the light that falls on them.鳞片只把照在它们上面的一部分光反射回来。COBUILD英汉双解词典第1042页part词条4Ifpart of youora part of youwants or feels a particular thing, you have that desire or feeling but also have the opposite

17、 one or other ones. (指希望或感觉只占这个身心中的)部分Part of him wanted to die. 他有点儿想死。A part of us yearns, hopes, for something better.我们对更好的事物颇有几分追求,颇抱几分希望。柯林斯高级英语用法词典第640页part词条part of或a part of表示“部分”。part of或a part of放在单数可数名词或不可数名词前。Economic measures must form part of any solution to this crisis.经济措施必须成为解决这个危机

18、的方法之一。Jailing and physical danger were a part of everyday existence.监禁和健康危险是日常生活的一部分。part of或a part of不能放在复数名词词组前面。其中有些士兵没有枪。误:Part of the soldiers have no rifles.正:Some of the soldiers have no rifles.Some of the singers were having trouble getting to the theatre.有些歌手到剧院演出不容易。Some of them went up no

19、rth. 他们有些人去北方了。其中许多房子都是平顶。误:A large part of the houses have flat roofs.正:Many of the houses have flat roofs.Many of the old people were blind. 有许多老年人是盲人。Many of his books are still available. 他的许多书是可利用的。韦氏高阶英汉双解词典第1510页part词条1Some parts ofyour speech were excellent. = Your speech was excellent in pa

20、rts.你演讲中有些部分非常精彩。文馨当代英汉词典第1335页part词条(a) part of:的一部分(这种说法的part往往可不用冠词)(通常,在此短语后面接单数名词时,动词用单数,接复数名词时,则动词用复数)Only (a) part of the story is true. 那篇报导只有一部分是真实的。Part (A part) of the employees have gone abroad. 一部分员工出国去了。Let me go with you part of the way. 让我陪你走一段路。A large part of the money was stolen.

21、一大部分的钱被偷了。Writing is (a) part of his life. 写作是他生活中的一个主要部分。剑桥高阶英汉双解词典第1585页part词条in (a) large part在很大程度上,多半How quickly we can finish the project dependsin (a) large parton when we get the payments through. 我们能多块完成这个项目很大程度上取决于款项什么时候到位。新英汉词典(第四版)第1112页part一部分;部分;局部Part(或A part)of the books have arrived

22、. 一部分书已经到了。英汉大词典(第二版 陆谷孙主编)第1422页part词条a piece of marble which seems to bea part of statue好像是从雕像上掉下来的一块大理石Part(或A part)of the delegates have arrived. 部分代表已经到达。Great(或A great)part of the story is true. 故事的大部分情节四真实的。Part(或A part)of him wanted to die. 他有点儿想死。现代英语用法词典(修订版 张道真主编)第1051页part词条也可加不定冠词If you decide to work for our organization, you will be (a) part of a great team.Only (a) part of his story is true.This piece of glass seems to be (a) part of a lamp.

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