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本文(新疆生产建设兵团第五师八十六团一中七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananasSection A教案2新人教.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新疆生产建设兵团第五师八十六团一中七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananasSection A教案2新人教.docx

1、新疆生产建设兵团第五师八十六团一中七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananasSection A教案2新人教Unit 6 Do you like bananas?话题热身:引导学生思考日常吃的蔬菜和水果。教学活动设计意图:引出本单元话题,为学习本单元目标语做好准备。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 1利用动画资源,启发学生尽量说出食物的单词,并鼓励学生积极举手抢答。Ask students to watch the flash and say what they can see.Look and say.根据教师展示的动画尽量说出自己知道的英语单词。Step 2展示更多

2、的图片,比较直观地展示更多的词汇,让学生对与单元话题相关的新词汇有更多的了解,激发他们的学习欲望和兴趣。Show more pictures of vegetables and fruit thatstudentsmay not know.See more pictures of vegetables and fruit.看图片,了解更多的词汇。学中活动一重点词汇学习:hamburgers, tomatoes, broccoli, French fries, orange, ice cream, salad, bananas,strawberries, pears学习内容:教材Section

3、A的1a教学活动设计意图:帮助学生学习本单元蔬菜和水果的重点词汇,为对话交流做好词语的准备。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 3展示单元主题图,并按课本要求布置学习任务。Show the picture and ask students to finish the task in1a.Look at the picture. Match the words with the things in the picture.按照教师要求独立完成。Step4学生完成后,可以先让学生同伴间核对答案,再全班一起核对答案。Ask students to check the answers in pairs

4、first and then check in class.Check the answers with their partners.与同伴讨论核对答案,发现问题,进行纠正。Step5带读1a中的词语。Get students read the new words after the teacher.Read the new words after the teacher.跟读新单词。Step6让学生观察单词的单数及复数。Ask students to pay attention to the singular forms or the plural forms of the words.L

5、ook and say.观察单词、说出特点。学中活动二教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step7播放听力材料前,要求学生再看图片,让学生预测和了解所听内容。然后布置听力任务。Askstudentsto look at the picture and think about what they will hear.Look and think.看图预测。Step 8布置1b听力任务,要求学生听第一遍之后将答案写在书上;听第二遍之后,教师利用PPT资源核对答案。After the first listening, askstudentsto number the conversations. Then a

6、skstudentsto listen again and check the answers.Listen and number the conversations.听并标出答案。Check the answers.听核对答案。Step9播放第三遍1b,让学生跟读对话。Play the tape and ask students to read the conversations after the tape.Listen to1bthe third time and read the conversations after the tape.听第三遍,并跟着磁带朗读。Step 10演示动画

7、资源请学生练习对话。Ask students to watch the flash and read the conversations aloud.Watch the flash and read the conversations aloud.看动画,朗读对话。学中活动三巩固词汇;目标语学习 Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. Do you like salad? No, I dont.学习内容:教材Section A的1c活动设计意图:在操练对话的过程中巩固目标语。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step11利用PPT演示目标语,为学生进入句型练习做好准备。Showt

8、he sentence structures. Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. Do you like salad? No, I dont.Look at the sentence structures.了解将要学习的重点句型。Step 12播放动画。利用PPT演示功能句,布置对话操练任务。Play the flash. Ask students to look at the key structures, and then make a conversation in pairs.Watch the flash. Look at the key structu

9、res. Andmake conversations in pairs.观看动画。两人一组操练句型。Step13选择几组学生表演对话。Ask several pairs to present their conversations in front of the class.适当关注蔬菜水果名称的表达。Listen to other pairs carefully and pay special attention to the words of vegetables and fruit.倾听并进行反思,关注蔬菜水果名称的表达。学中活动四目标语学习 Do you like salad? Yes

10、, I do. Do you like pears? No, I dont like pears.I like hamburgers.I dont like broccoli.Lets have salad.学习内容:教材Section A的2a、2b、2c活动设计意图:通过听和写,学习并操练目标语。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 14播放听力音频,布置2a听力任务。Play the tape and ask students to follow what they hear.Listen and circle.听,并圈出所听到的单词。Step15再次播放2a听力音频,让学生跟读所圈出的单词

11、。Askstudentsto listen to2aagain and repeat the food they circle after the tape.Listen and repeat.听,并跟读。Step16放2b听力音频,布置2b任务。Play the tape and askstudentsto finish the task in2b.Fill in the blanks.完成对话。Conversation 2Do you like3)?No, I dont like4).Conversation 3Lets have5).Oh, no.No?I dont like6).Ste

12、p 17播放动画,帮助学生完成2b任务。Play the flash. Helpstudentsfinish the task in2b.Listen and fill in the blanks.听,并完成对话。Step18再次播放2b听力音频,让没有完成任务的学生继续完成2b任务。Play the tape again if somestudentshavent finish the task.Listen again and fill in the blanks.没有完成任务的同学们再听一遍完成对话。Step19利用PPT核对答案。Check the answers in class.Key:3.broccoli4. broccoli5. ice cream6. ice creamCheck the answers.核对答案。Step20按书上要求布置结对练习对话2b。Ask students to practice conversations in2bin pairs.Conversation 1 I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do.Conversation 2 Do you like broccoli?Letshave ice cream. Oh, no. No?

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