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五年级下教学设计 At the weekend.docx

1、五年级下教学设计 At the weekendTeaching Design of Oxford English 5BModule2 Unit5 At the weekend ((Period 1))Plans for the weekendTeaching contents:5B-M2-U5-P1 Look and learn, Listen and sayTeaching ideology:英语课程标准以学生“能用英语做事情”的描述方式设定各级目标要求,旨在强调培养学生的综合语言运用能力,各种语言知识的呈现和学习都应从语言使用的角度出发,为提升学生”用英语做事情”的能力服务。在本节课中,我

2、将新知识的呈现建立在学生已知经验基础之上,通过多种形式为学生提供了体验、参与、实践与合作学习的机会。活动的设计从学生实际生活经验出发,帮助学生学习语言,语言实践活动层层递进,采用创编对话和谈论家人周末计划的方式,实现了语言学习与语言运用的有机结合。本节课侧重对听说技能的训练,但也关注到与读写技能的结合,同时渗透品德教育,培养学生有计划地做事,热爱生活的人生价值观。Text analysis: 本课是由上海教育出版社出版的沪教2011课标版(三年级起点)第六册第五单元At the weekend第一课时的内容,本单元教学内容围绕周末活动展开,本课Listen and say部分呈现了MsGuo和

3、学生们谈论周末计划的场景,通过周末活动引出了本单元的核心句型What are you going to do this weekend?,要求学生学习用一般将来时询问别人的周末计划,同时能够向别人介绍自己周末打算做的事情。Analysis of the students:本节课的授课对象为五年级学生,经过两年多的英语学习,学生已掌握不少话题的语言点。学生已经掌握了:go to the park/zoo/museum/cinema/library/supermarket,watch TV, visit my grandparents, playchess/football/basketball,

4、 What day is it today?/What do you usually do?等短句及句型。同时通过本册第四单元的学习,学生已经掌握.be going to.的陈述句表达方式,所以对于本节课进一步学习.be going to.的特殊疑问句有了一定的基础。因此,在运用语言的过程中,教师要引导学生适当复习旧知识,适时融入新的语言项目,横向纵向交错,构建新的语言知识体系。通过新单词的学习,重点句型的操练,逐步创设真实的语言环境,引导学生更好地感知语言。Teaching aims: a. Knowledge aims:1. Students can understand and say

5、the words and phrases: weekend, stay, film,boat,plan,see a film,row a boat etc. 2.)Students can correctly use the usage of simple future tense.b.Ability aims:Students can use the new vocabulary and simple future tense to talk about their plans for the weekend. Eg: What is/are.going to do this weeken

6、d? .am/is/are going to.c. Emotional aims:To make the students feel the beauty of life and love life.Teaching important points:Vocabulary: weekend, stay, film,boat,plan,see a film,row a boat etc. Sentence patterns:What is/are.going to do this weekend? .am/is/are going to.Teaching difficult points:In

7、specific situations,students can correctly use the simple present tense and the future tense.Teaching methods: a. Communicative Teaching Methodb. Task-based language Teaching Methodc. Situational Teaching MethodLearning Strategies :a. Task-based Learning Strategy b.Cooperative Learning Strategyc.Ind

8、ependent Learning StrategyTeaching aids: Multi-media equipment, word cards, picturesTeaching procedures:a.Pre-taskpreparation1.) Sing a song together.T: Good morning, everyone. Nice to see you, sit down,please. Today Im your new teacher. Are you happy? Im happy,too. Do you like English? Do you like

9、singing? OK,now lets sing a song together, “the Days of the Week”. Can you sing? Great, sing together. (play the song video)2.) Free talk.T: What day is it today?How many days in a week? What are they?Ss: Seven days. Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,SundayT:Great.Which day do you li

10、ke from Monday to Sunday ?We go to school from Monday to Friday. They are weekdays. We dont go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. They are weekends. Do you like weekends?Ss:Yes.T: What do you often do at the weekends?Ss:(go to the park/zoo/museum/cinema/library/supermarket/beach,play chess/football

11、/basketball/volleyball/table tennis/computer games, do my homework, watchTV,fly a kite/fly kites,readbooks,stay at home)T: Great. I like weekends, too. We can do what we want to do at the weekends.I often surf the internet at the weekend, Its very interesting. Sometimes I go climbing. But this weeke

12、nd, Im going to the Taihang Park in Changzhi. Im going to and fly a kite on this Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon,Im going to the Sky City Cinema with my family. We are going tothere. T:What about your plans for the weekend? What are you going to do this weekend?设计意图:导入环节从歌曲“the Days of the W

13、eek”开始,结合学生一周的时间安排,帮助学生理解“weekend”的含义,并联系生活实际,复习用一般现在时谈论周末活动,然后通过师生的谈论,让学生感受到周末活动的丰富多彩,激发兴趣,激发旧知,扫除障碍,揭示主题。将新知的呈现建立在学生已有经验基础之上,激活已有知识,引出新知。学习本课新授短语:row a boat , see a film , 并通过自然拼读法的语音教学法,帮助孩子学习单词,列举同类单词,学生举一反三,注重学习方法和学习策略的指导,真正做到教是为了不教。通过师生互动、生生互动的形式让学生感知、理解新授语言。b.While-taskprocedure1. Listen and

14、answer.T:We are talking about our weekends. How about our old friends? What are they doing? Please listen to the text then answer.( play the recording of the text)Ss:They are talking about their weekends,too.T:Yes.设计意图:让学生带着面向课文整体的问题听录音看动画,初步感知文本,整体把握文章的主旨大意和人物关系。2. Watch and answer.T:Who are talkin

15、g about their weekends? Please watch the cartoon then answer.(play the video of the text)Ss:They are MsGuo, Joe, Peter, Jill, Kitty and Alice.T: Yes. They are talking about their weekends. What questions do they ask?Ss read and answer.T: Yes, They ask this question: What are you going to do this wee

16、kend? (板书本课重点句型)设计意图:培养学生借助课本插图理解文本的能力。课本动画声情并茂,学生乐于观看。在轻松的环境中整体感知语篇,培养学生在观和听的过程中获取所需信息的能力。3. Read and answer.T: What are they going to do this weekend? Please read the text and circle the sentences.((学生自读课文,画出文中同学们相关的周末计划)T:Have you found the answer? Please share your ideas with your partners.T: Le

17、ts check. What is Joe going to do this weekend? S1,you are Joe now,Lets ask him together.Ss: Joe, what are you going to do this weekend?S1:Im going to play football.T:Do you like sport?S1:Yes, its my favourite sport.T:Great. How about Peter, Jill, Kitty and Alices plans for the weekend? Please ask a

18、nd answer in groups. Then come and help me finish the mind map.(one is Peter/Jill/Kitty/Alice, the others of the group ask him/her.)T:Look at the blackboard. Check the answer.设计意图:在阅读环节中,教师让学生带着明确的目的自主阅读文本,按照对话的自然顺序对教学内容进行梳理;在默读、小组讨论和全班交流的基础上形成了清晰、简洁、直观的语篇思维导图。这样的思维导图不仅帮助学生不仅帮助学生理清了对话的思路,抓住了主干内容,而且有

19、利于学生掌握对话的内容。学生在阅读中获得乐趣,了解信息,培养和发展阅读技能。4. Listen,read and retell the text.T:Now please listen and read. T: OK, its time to retell. Please look at the blackboard, I will give youa model. (The students practice and then show.)设计意图:英语课程标准中指出:在英语教学的起始阶段,教师应提供大量听音,反复模仿和实践的机会,帮助学生养成良好的发音习惯。复述是一种比较有挑战性的口语练习

20、活动。借助思维导图复述课文,学生在把握文本的基础上对原文内容和形式进行适当加工、整理、归纳和再复述,这一活动给学生提供了运用所学语言的机会,有利于加深学生对课文的理解,能促进学生语言知识能力的迅速转化,有利于开发学生的创造性思维。c.Post-taskactivities1. Make a new dialogue.S1: Hows the weather?S2: Its.(sunny, cloudy, rainy,snowy, warn, hot, cool, cold.)S1: What day is it?S2:Its.(Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday

21、, Friday,Saturday,Sunday)S1: What are you going to do this weekend?S2: Im going to.(see a film/row a boat/go to the park.)What about you ?Do you want to come with me, S1?S1: Sure, thank you./ Sorry. Im going to.设计意图:请同学们根据范例两人合作创编对话,创编之前给学生提供一些素材,让学生有语可言,同时培养孩子实际运用综合语言的能力及合作意识。)2. Think and write. W

22、hat do your family usually do at the weekend? What are you going to do this weekend?设计意图:让学生试着谈论家人周末通常的活动及本周末的计划,两种时态对比练习,培养孩子在真实的语境中运用语言的能力,同时培养孩子说和写的技能。Homework :1. Listen to the tape and follow the text and imitate pronunciation and intonation.2.(Choose A or B)A. To ask your parents about their w

23、eekend plans and write down them.B. Show yourself and your familys weekend plans in the form of a mind map and describe them in sentences.设计意图:该家庭作业能够面向全体,关注个性。第一项的基础练习是全体同学的必做题,目的是帮助学生巩固课文,形成良好的语音语调;第二项“用所学句型询问并记录家人的周末计划”为简单综合题,是中等及以下的学生能达到的水平;“把调查结果绘制思维导图,”为综合应用题,是中等及以上同学能完成的任务;学生可以根据自己的实际情况选做其中一项

24、或两项。这样的作业有坡度,不同的学生都能各取所需,满足了所有学生的需要,为每个学生的发展提供各自的舞台,使得每个学生都能够轻松愉快的学习,都能体验到成功的喜悦,师生关系也更加融治。Blackboarddesign:Teaching reflection: 阅读是语言学习的途径之一,其最终目的是要以读促想、以读促说、以读促写、以读促做。让学生学会阅读是英语教学的关键。导入环节从歌曲“the Days of the Week”开始,结合学生一周的时间安排,帮助学生理解“weekend”的含义,并联系生活实际,复习用一般现在时谈论周末活动,然后通过师生的谈论,让学生感受到周末活动的丰富多彩,引出了本

25、课的目的语句型What is/are.going to do this weekend? .am/is/are going to.。阅读中,首先让学生通过听,整体把握语篇讨论的主题;其次,让学生带着面向课文整体的问题看动画,初步感知文本,整体把握文章的主旨大意和人物关系。然后,让学生带着明确的目的自主阅读文本,按照对话的自然顺序对教学内容进行梳理;再次,让学生在默读、小组讨论和全班交流的基础上形成了清晰、简洁、直观的语篇思维导图。帮助学生不仅帮助学生理清了对话的思路,掌握对话的内容。最后,借助思维导图复述课文,学生在把握文本的基础上对原文内容和形式进行适当加工、整理、归纳和再复述,给学生提供了运用所学语言的机会,加深学生对课文的理解,促进学生语言知识能力的迅速转化,开发学生的创造性思维。整节课做到了阅读前引导,阅读中引领,阅读后引申,达到了培养、提升学生语篇阅读能力的目的。

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