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1、完整word版大学英语4综合复习资料大学英语4综合复习资料大学英语4期末考试题型、题量及分值分布:题型题量分值合计I. Reading Comprehension 阅读理解15230II. Vocabulary and Structure 词汇与结构20120III. Cloze 完型填空10110IV. Translation 汉译英5420V. Writing 写 作12020合 计51100I. Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. Japanese are

2、 becoming unhappier at work, the government said in a report yesterday, highlighting complaints over pay, lack of vacations and a decline in morale. 1. Why do Japanese workers become unhappy at work? A. They are underpaid. B. They have to do much more work than they used to. C. Most of them are unem

3、ployed. D. They are not satisfied with their employers. 2. What are the new challenges that Japanese companies face when hiring talents? A. High salaries. B. Aging population. C. A large work force. D. Poor-educated employees. 3. What is the trend that the young workers follow in recent years? A. Th

4、ey stick to the same job all their life. B. They change jobs frequently. C. They only take part-time jobs. D. They take both part-time job and full-time job. 4. The older workers change their jobs because_. A. they are tired of their current profession B. they are not promoted C. they are underpaid

5、D. they cant get along with their colleagues 5. Under the performance-based management, which of the flowing statements is not true? A. The implementation of the wage system should be improved. B. The basis for evaluation should be made clear. C. Employees are guaranteed promotions and pay increases

6、 regardless of performance. D. Detailed explanations for the assessments should be provided. Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage. Nutritional (营养的) status affects childrens behavior. Well-nourished children are more alert and attentive and are better able to benefit from p

7、hysical and learning experience. Poorly nourished children may be quiet and 6. Well-nourished children tend to do all the following but _. A. be attentive while learning B. be too active in class C. benefit from physical activity D. behave very properly 7. Which of the following statement is NOT tru

8、e? A. Childrens resistance to illness is directly proportional to their poor nutritional status. B. The well-nourished tend to recover quickly when they are ill. C. The poorly-nourished are most likely to be the victims of any infections disease. D. The cycle indicates that illness can turn the poor

9、 nutritional condition for the worse. 8. Malnutrition may be caused by _. A. a poor environment B. unwise food selections C. under-nutrition D. all of the above 9. It is implied in the passage that _. A. over-nutrition is even more harmful than under-nutrition B. malnutrition has serious effect on c

10、hilds physical development C. the nutritional condition of young child deserves more concern than that of adult D. the nutrients intake can be improved as the child grows up10. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. The difference between well and poorly nourished children. B. The effects of nutriti

11、on on children. C. The cause of malnutrition. D. The importance of balanced dietary intake. Passage 3 Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage. It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstanding between them. They h

12、ave always complained, more or less justly, that they are possessive and 11. This passage is primarily meant for_. A. parents B. teenagers C. educators D. psychologists 12. The first paragraph is mainly about_. A. the teenagers criticism of their parents B. the misunderstandings between teenagers an

13、d their parents C. the parents complaints about their children D. the dominance of the parents over their children 13. Teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles because they _. A. want to irritate their parents B. have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste C. have no other way

14、 to enjoy themselves better D. want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own 14. Teenagers do not want their parents to approve of whatever they do because they_. A. have a desire to be independent B. feel that they are superior in a small way to the adults C. are not likely to win

15、 over the adults D. have already been accepted into the adult world 15. To improve parent-child relationships, teenagers are advised to be_. A. obedient B. independent C. responsible D. cooperative Passage 4 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. In the United States during 1992, any f

16、amily of four with an annual cash income of less than $ 14, 335 (before taxes) was considered poor. The dollar amount was called the poverty line, an economic measuring rod devised in 16. You would be considered poor in America if _.A. You are out of a job.B. You earn less than three times the amoun

17、t needed to provide the cheapest diet.C. You earn less than $ 14, 335 (before taxes) per year.D. The amount of money you earn is below the current poverty line.17. The average annual cash income per person before taxes in the USA in 1992 was _.A. more than $ 14, 000 B. $200 C. $14,335 D. about $3,58

18、018. The purpose of the example of the American Indians given in the 3rd paragraph is to show that poverty is _.A. absolute B. non-existent C. relative D. never recognized19. Free medical care and subsidized housing most probably exist in _ to relieve the poor and the needy.A. Bangladesh B. Haiti C.

19、 Canada D. India20. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. From 1929 to 1933, 50% of the American population lived in poverty.B. Where there is prosperity, there is poverty.C. Poverty basically refers to a lack of clothing, housing and food.D. Anyone with an annual

20、 income around the 1992 American poverty line would be considered wealthy.Passage 5Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage. Not so long ago almost any student who successfully completes a university degree or diploma course could find a good career quite easily. However, those days are

21、 gone, even in Hong Kong, and nowadays graduates often face 21. In Para.1, the sentence . those days are gone, even in Hong Kong . suggest that_. A. in the past, finding a good career was easier in Hong Kong than elsewhereB. nowadays, everyone in Hong Kong has an equal chance of finding a good caree

22、rC. it used to be harder to find a good job in Hong Kong than in other countriesD. Hong Kong is no longer the good place for finding jobs 22. The word relative in Para. 2 could best be replaced by _. A. family B. comparative C. considerable D. slight 23. The advice given in the first sentence of Par

23、a.3 is to_. A. find out what jobs are available and the opportunities for future promotionB. examine the careers available and how these will be affected in the future C. look at the information on, and probable future location of, various careers D. study the opportunities and the kinds of training

24、 that will be available 24. The word prospective in Para. 5 is closest in meaning to _. A. generous B. reasonable C. future D. ambitious 25. In Para.5, the writer seems to suggest that_. A. interviewees should ask a question if they cant think of an answerB. pretending to understand a question is be

25、tter than giving an unsuitable answerC. it is better for interviewees to be honest than to pretend to understandD. it is not a good idea for interviewees to be completely honest in their answers Passage 6The only certainties Ive found in life are death and change. One is an end, the other a beginnin

26、g. Change is life. Without change there would be no growth, no understanding, no relating and no surprises. We are by nature 26. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the first paragraph? A. Change is as inevitable as death. B. Some of us fear change because it leads to death. C. Ch

27、ange is characteristic of the life of human beings. D. Death is the inevitable result of change. 27. Which of the following is NOT true? A. All human beings want to be healthy by adapting to new experiences. B. Some people do not welcome change as a result of habit and indifference. C. Constant chan

28、ge results in comfort for some people. D. Healthy human beings are not subjected to habit and indifference, and keep on trying to become someone new. 28. According to the passage, “The only differences between a rut and a grave are their dimensions” suggests that _. A. if we regard life as a series

29、of habits and conditioned responses, our life actually ends B. some people die a kind of intellectual and emotional death C. death is inevitable D. too much comfort often results in death29. The word “stagnate” in paragraph 3 means _. A. stop working hard B. stop developing C. become weak D. fall il

30、l30. The authors main purpose in writing the last paragraph is _. A. to tell us that if we resist change, well suffer from loneliness in life B. to show the reason why some people do not accept new ideas or give up old values and habits C. to come to the conclusion that if we go against the law of c

31、hange, it will be impossible for us to enjoy life D. to show that it is because of our desire to seek comfort that we tend to deny our livesPassage 7Many of us believe that a persons mind becomes less active as he grows older. But this is not true, according to Dr. Lissy F. Jarvik, professor of psychiatry (精神病学) at the univers

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