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1、广东省中考英语书面表达范文 读写综合之书面表达一. 题型攻略题型解读 书面表达是中考中的主观题,分值为15分。培养写作技能,训练语言表达能力是新教材英语语言教学的主要内容之一。新课标要求学生能在所学词汇、语法和句型的基础上造简单的句子;能仿照学过的题材和所给的范例写简单的书信、便条、通知等。书面表达是中考英语测试的一个重要方面,综合考查学生运用所学英语知识进行语言表达的能力。考查角度:(一)考查考生能力:1.观察能力2.思维能力3.综合分析能力4.运用语言知识的能力5.用英语组词造句,连句成篇的能力6.书写能力(二)考查考生基础语言基础知识:1. 词类常识2. 词类的句法功能3. 动词八种时态

2、用法4. 动词不定式及动名词的用法5. 情态动词的用法6. 形容词和副词比较等级及最高级的用法7. 主谓一致8. 被动语态9. 从句的用法方法点睛 1. 仔细审题,理清作文要点,确定时态文体。2. 列提纲。3. 写作。确保用有把握额词汇和句型,注意文章的连贯性。4. 通读全文,检查复核。1.是什么构成一篇好文章?1.高级的词汇及短语。Eg. I like basketball and football. - I am fond of basketball as well as football.He is a good student. -He is an excellent student.

3、2. 复杂的句型。Eg. I cant go with you tomorrow. I have no time.- I cant go with you tomorrow because I have no time.3. 好的连贯性。使用连接词,过渡自然,连贯通顺, 并列 and; as well as ; also; too, 选择or; either.or; 原因because (of) ;owing to; due to ; thanks to 结果so ; therefore ; thus ; as a result 转折but ; yet; however ; 递进besides

4、 ; 举例for example; such as ; 4. 好的内容2.如何写好简单句?句型1:S+V(主谓结构:S=主语;V=谓语)The students listened carefully.He runs quickly.My parents work day and night.句型2:S+V+P(主系表结构:P=表语)The story sounds interesting.He becomes a teacher when he grew up.句型3:S+V+O(主谓宾结构:O=宾语)We found their home easily.You should look aft

5、er your children well.句型4:S+V+O1+O2(主谓双宾结构:O1=间接宾语;O2=间接宾语)He gave a book to me.My brother brought a computer to her.句型5:S+V+O+C(主谓宾补结构:C=宾语补足语)The teacher made the girl angry.We all found her happy that day.3.如何写好复合句?句型1:主语+及物动词+that(宾语从句)He found that his English was too poor.He decided that he mu

6、st work hard.句型2:主语+whether/if从句(宾语从句)I wonder whether he will come.I dont know whether he will arrive on time.句型3:主语+连接代词/连接副词+从句(宾语从句)No one knows what hes doing.Can you tell me when we are leaving?句型4:主句+when/while/as/before/after从句(状语从句)Please keep silent when/while he is writing.When my mother

7、came in, I was doing my homework.句型5:主句+until/till从句(状语从句)I didnt sleep until/till eleven oclock last night.I do my homework until/till ten oclock every night.句型6:主句+since从句/It is+.since从句(状语从句)We have lived here since we moved to the city.Its four years since we met last night.We have been good fri

8、ends since we were at school.句型7:主句+as soon as从句(状语从句)Please call us as soon as you arrive at the airport.I will tell your mother the news as soon as I see her.句型8:主句+because从句He didnt pass the exam because he didnt study hard.Because you are here, I am here.句型9:主句+so that/in order that 从句Can you sp

9、eak louder so that/in order that I can hear you?I get up early every morning so that/in order that I can arrive at school on time.句型10:主语+be/v.+so+adj./adv+that从句(状语从句)The child is so lovely that everyone loves her so much.He ran so quickly that I couldnt catch up with him.句型11:though/although从句+主句(

10、状语从句)Though/Although you are a child, I will still punish you.My grandfather is very strong though he is old.4.如何处理句子的衔接?表时间的过渡词语:now, than, soon, before long, just now, just then, suddenly, immediately等。范例:一天下午,一些男孩在操场上踢足球,突然有个孩子跌倒了且伤了腿。One afternoon some boys were playing football on the playgroun

11、d. Suddenly one of them fell over and hurt his leg.=One afternoon some boys were playing football on the playground when one of them fell over and hurt his leg.= One afternoon when some boys were playing football on the playground, one of them fell over and hurt his leg.表顺序及过程的过渡词语:first(ly), first

12、of all, second(ly), at first, then, next, at last, finally等。范例:每天早晨起床后我有很多事要干,首先刷牙洗脸,接着读书,最后吃饭。I have a lot of things to do after I get up every morning. First I brush my teeth, wash my face, then do some reading, at last/finally have breakfast.= I have a lot of things to do after I get up every mor

13、ning. Firstly I brush my teeth, wash my face, secondly do some reading, finally have breakfast.表转折和让步的过渡词语:but, (and) yet, instead, however, although, though, otherwise, or else, in spite of等。范例:爸爸虽然很忙,但他总是乐于帮我学英语。Though/Although my father is very busy, he always likes to help me with my English.=Th

14、ough my father is very busy, yet he always likes to help me with my English.= My father is very busy, however, he always likes to help me with my English.表结果和原因的过渡词语:thus, therefore, so, so.that, so that, as a result, because等。范例:我认为学好英语很重要,因为世界上许多国家都使用它。I think it is important to learn English well

15、 because it is used in many countries in the world.=English is spoken in many countries in the world so I think it is important to learn English well.表总结的过渡词语:finally, in a word, in short, in the end, in all等。范例:你知道,在我的老师帮助下,我在学习方面取得了很大进步。As you know, with the help of my teachers, I have made great

16、progress in my studies.= As you know, I have made great progress in my studies with the help of my teachers.二. 典例分析1.应用文应用文包括启事、通知、书信、日记、电子邮件等形式。下面举例说明其写作思路和方法。例1.2009年海珠一模假如你的朋友Juliana从美国来你的学校期末将一起参加考试,她有点紧张。作为朋友请你写几条建议给她,告诉她注意事项: 1要制定一个复习计划; 2考试前要早早上床,要有充足的睡眠; 3考试前要吃好早餐; 4自由发挥一两条建议。 注意:不要逐条翻译,可以适当

17、增加谈论话题时经常用到的词语和连接词,使所写内容连贯。所写内容必须包括以上所有内容,开头和结尾已写好。Dear Juliana, Im sorry to hear that youre worried about your examsHeres some advice Goodluck!Best wishes! Yours, Li Jie写作指导:本文是一封书信,属于应用文。内容是你要向你的朋友Juliana提些建议,让她避免因为考试而紧张得心理。从内容上看,我们可以发现提建议,我们最好采用情态动词,同时可以运用had better do 的句型。另外,我们应当避免对要点的直译,我们可以多使用

18、连贯词如besides,能够使文章更具连贯性。范文:Dear Juliana, Im sorry to hear that youre worried about your examsHeres some adviceIthink one of the most important things to do is to make a planThen you can have enough time to revise everythingYou should go to bed early and have a good sleep so that you will feel good th

19、e next morningEvery morning,youd better have a good breakfast and you can eat some bread,milk fruit and so on,because food gives you energyWhat is more。I think you mustnt be too nervous about the exams,and it can help you think clearly I hope my advice is of some help to you Good luck!Best wishes! Y

20、ours, Li Jie例2.2010花都一模假如你是李华。5月1日你被邀请参加广州“迎亚运,学英语”的英语晚会活动。那天活动非常丰富,请你按要求写一篇英文小报道,发表在21世纪中学生版teens上。内容包括:1. 当天活动的安排;2. 你参加的一至两项活动及原因;3. 你对活动的感受。 “迎亚运,学英语”英语晚会安排表6:30p.m-7:30p.m: 听讲座:如何用英语介绍亚运 (全体参加)7:40p.m-8:40p.m: 观看表演和参加游戏(自由选择) 1. 英文歌 2. 英语小故事 3. 英语游戏注意:1 词数80左右(开头已写好,不计入词数)2 可适当添加细节,但不能透露个人的任何信息

21、(例如:具体的学校和姓名等),否则不予评分。 On May 1st, I took part in an English party which was held to welcome the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. 写作指导:1. 审题:本题要求写一篇报道。2. 定要点:活动的安排 你参加的一至两项活动及原因 你对活动的感受3. 定人称:第一人称4. 定时态:一般过去时范文:On May 1st, I took part in an English party which is held to welcome the 2010 Guangzhou Asian

22、Games. There were a lot to do in the party. From 6:30 p.m to 7:30 p.m, we listened to a speech and learned how to introduce the Asian Games in English. At 7:40, English performances began. There were English songs, English stories and English games and you could choose what you like. I like listenin

23、g to English songs very much, so I went to watch the young singers singing in English. They all sang beautifully and I gave them a big hand. The party ended at 8:40 p.m. I was very excited to take part in the English party. I think thats a good way to let people learn English and know about more the

24、 Asian Games.2.提示作文写提示作文要注意两个方面:一是内容,二是表达。对内容的要求是包括所有要点,如果要点遗漏,就会失分。为防止遗漏要点,下笔前可以在题上标出1,2,3。最难的是表达。一般要求是用词准确,不出现语言错误;较高的要求是能够写出结构复杂的句子,熟练运用较好的短语和句型,并适当发挥。例12010天河区一模很多学生都抱怨总是记不住学过的东西。 请根据下面内容提示写一篇题为“The ways to improve memory”的短文。词数80词,短文的开头和结尾已给出,不算入总词数内。要点提示:1. 集中精神做事;(focus your attention)2. 要想记得

25、长久,必须先理解好文章;3. 及时复习,防止遗忘;4. 多吃对大脑有益的食物,如牛奶、鸡蛋、鱼类等;5. 多做运动、保证充足的睡眠和休息,这是增强记忆力的关键。 The ways to improve memory来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K Memory is very important in our daily life and study. Here are some ways to improve it. 写作指导:从写作提示内容我们可以看到有很多条,所以在写作中为了让作文更具有连惯性,我们可以实用first,second,third这些连贯词要提示连接起来。同时在写作中我们一定要

26、善于用情态动词来表达建议。写作中采用第二人称。范文: Memory is very important in our daily life and study. Here are some ways to improve it. Firstly, when you study, you should focus your attention and dont think about other things. Secondly, you should understand what you are learning. If so, you can remember things for a l

27、ong time. Thirdly, if you go over what you have learned in time, you will not forget the things easily. Fourthly, eat more food, such as eggs, milk, fish, they can improve your memory. Most importanly, you should do more exercise, get enough sleep and enough rest after hard work. Its the key to impr

28、oving your memory. If you can do so, you will have a good memory. 例2. 2009海珠区一模目前,学生考试作弊现象严重,请围绕以下要点谈谈其中原因以及个人建议。内容包括:一、原因:1.考试太多 ; 2.自身勤奋不够 ; 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上 ; 4.为了骗取家长和老师高兴。二、你的看法与建议。要求:1、字数80左右;2、围绕要点可适当发挥。 范文:At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit cheating in

29、examinations.There are four main reasons. First, schools have given students too many exams, some of which are too difficult. Second, some students are not hard-working and they dont work hard at their lessons. Third, they waste a lot of time playing games or surfing the Internet. So they havent eno

30、ugh time to prepare for the exams. Finally, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents happy. In my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our study. We students should be honest and diligent, and only in this way can we improve our study and make progress. Besides, our teacher

31、s should offer us fewer exams and more time to study for ourselves.三. 易错点清单学生在英语写作中常常出现很多错误。下面我们将对一些常见的错误进行归纳,并对一些典型的病句逐一加以剖析。1 不一致所谓不一致不只是指主谓不一致,还包括数的不一致,时态的不一致及其代词的不一致。如: Once Mary have money, she can do what she want to do. ( have-has )2 修饰语错位英语和汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子中的不同位置,句子的含义可能发生变化。如:She can play basketball. She too can play football.She too can play foot

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