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B 1 U 5.docx

1、B 1 U 5Unit Five A Teaching Objectivesa. Contents of the text: Focus 1: A cheating case in a popular TV game show challenges our notions of what is right and what is wrong.Focus 2: Gain a knowledge of different kinds of betting and peoples different attitudes towards betting in different parts of th

2、e world.b. Key language points in the text: Focus 1: 1. Words such as prize, signal may function both as a noun and as a verb. 2. Adjectives as post-modifiers of indefinite pronouns. 3. Emphatic sentence with it as the formal subject.c. Vocabulary: Focus 1: 25 B-level words, 14 A-level words, and 8

3、phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.Focus 2: 12 B-level words, 12 A-level words, and 6 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.d. Comprehensive skills:Understand a passage at the pre-intermediate level of difficulty and on this basis, be able to write a summary of the text.e. Fun

4、ctions: Focus 1: Expressing and Accepting an Apology. Focus 2: Writing a Letter of Apology. B Procedures and Methods Eight teaching periods are needed to cover the present unit. 1. Period One and Period Two: Step One: a. Background information:TV game shows are popular all over the world. They are T

5、V programs in which people play games or answer questions to win prizes. There are usually several stages in each game. With the advancement of stages, the challenges are more and more difficult, and the prizes are higher and higher. Many contestants and audiences are attracted by the high prizes an

6、d the excitement of the shows. In order to win a high prize, some contestants even use some illegal methods. But once cheating is discovered in these games, the winners will have to return all their winnings, and face legal prosecution. b. warm-up questionsHave you ever been cheated or do you know a

7、ny stories about cheaters?What is your favorite TV game ? (The warm-up exercise shall not take up more than 8 minutes.) Step Two: Go over the key words and expressions in the text. *million /num. 百万,百万个(人或物)pl. 许多,无数Tom won two million dollars in the lottery. *millionaire /()/n. C 百万富翁,大富豪He dreams

8、of becoming a millionaire. contestant /n. C 竞争者,参赛者There were more than 5,000 contestants in this composition competition. *personality /n. C, U 人物,名人;个性,人格He has already become a personality in the news. *audience /n. C 观众,听众,读者The audience is always excited by a wonderful game. haltingly /ad. 结结巴巴

9、地,断断续续地,犹豫不决地Shyness made the girl speak haltingly. *peculiar /()/a. 特殊的,独特的;奇怪的,古怪的This book has a peculiar value. crazy /a. 狂热爱好的,着迷的;发疯的,荒唐的She is crazy about dancing. *progress /vi. 前进,进步,进展/ n. U 前进,进步,进展Mary is progressing in playing tennis. phase /n. C 阶段,时期;面,方面The child is going through a d

10、ifficult phase. *frequently /ad. 经常,频繁地I frequently visit that library. *signal /n. C 信号,暗号vt. 发信号,用信号联系A red light is usually a signal of danger. extraordinary /a. 特别的,非常的,非凡的What an extraordinary idea! *sympathetic / a. 同情的,有同情心的;赞同的She was very sympathetic towards Jane. *regular /()/a. 有规律的,有规则的;

11、经常的,习惯性的;整齐的,匀称的;正规的,正式的He kept regular living schedules. occasionally /ad. 偶尔,偶然,有时候He takes a glass of wine occasionally. *purpose /n. U, C 目的,意图;用途,效果Whats your purpose of doing that? *control /n. U 控制,支配;克制,抑制vt. 控制,支配;克制,抑制This machine is out of control. accuse /vt. 指控;指责 She accused him of the

12、ft. *tape /n. U 录像带,录音带;磁带;带子,胶布vt. 录音,录像;用带子捆,用胶布固定Do you want to watch this tape? verify /vt. 证明,证实;查对,核实Has the murder been verified? *guilt / n. U 犯罪,罪行,责任;内疚 We now have the proof of his guilt. *guilty /a. 有罪的;内疚的He was proved/proven guilty. *cheat /vt./vi. 欺骗,骗取,作弊n. C 骗子;欺骗,欺诈行为Dont try to ch

13、eat me. appropriate /a. 适当的,恰当的His clothes are not appropriate for such a meeting. *anyway /ad. 不管怎么说,无论如何I will go and see her anyway. *challenge /vt. 质询,质疑,提出异议;向挑战n. C 挑战,困难They went to the court to challenge the decision. *justice /n. U 司法,法律制裁;正义,公正Ive lost my faith in a certain countrys justic

14、e.offence /n. C, U 违法行为,罪行;冒犯,得罪,违反 He committed an offence against the law. robbery /n. C 抢劫,盗取;非法剥夺Have you heard about that bank robbery? *excellent /a. 优秀的,卓越的,杰出的They have done an excellent job. game show(电视)游戏表演,竞赛节目be sure of肯定change ones mind改变想法(主意)on purpose故意,有意be guilty of犯了罪go to prison

15、入狱,关进监狱in prison在牢里administer justice执行审判 Step Three: Start to teach the text para. by para. Help students understand the text and explain language points meanwhile. Questions About Para. 1(1) What kind of program is Who wants to be a millionaire?(2) What will happen to the contestant if he or she g

16、ets the right answer in the game? (3) What is the top prize for the final winner? Notes of Para. 1million: num. C 1,000,000 百万,百万个(人或物) e.g. (1) Tom won two million dollars in the lottery. 汤姆买彩票中了两百万美元。(2) Several million people watched this program on TV. 几百万人在电视上看了这个节目。 million作复数时,意为“a very large

17、 amount 许多,无数”。 e.g. He made his millions on car sales. 他通过汽车买卖赚了许许多多的钱。注意:在表示具体数字时,million的复数形式为原形,如3 million, several million;但是millions of用来表达一个笼统的数目,意思是“千百万的”。用法相同的还有 hundreds of,thousands of。 The money increases for each question until, if the contestant has answered all the other questions cor

18、rectly, the prize for the final question is one million pounds. 每答对一道题,奖金就会增加,如果参赛者正确回答前面所有的问题,那么最后一题的奖金就会升至100万英镑。在这个句子中,until引导时间状语从句,这个状语从句比较复杂,还含有一个if引导的条件状语从句。e.g. I couldnt sew until I was six. 我直到六岁才会用针缝东西。Notes of Para. 2personality: n. C, U celebrity, famous person人物,名人e.g. (1) He has alrea

19、dy become a personality in the news. 他已经成了一个新闻人物。(2) She is a TV personality known by everyone. 她是一位众人皆知的电视名人。personality更常用的意思是“the whole nature of a particular person 个性,人格”。e.g. They are twins, but they have different personalities. 他们是双胞胎,但是性格迥异。personality从形容词personal派生而来,后者意为“relating or belon

20、ging to a single or particular person个人的,私人的;亲自的;针对个人的,有关私人的”。e.g. (1) I have something personal to discuss with you.我有点私事要和你商量。(2) Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance.个人的干净清洁对健康和仪表都很重要。audience: n. C a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) perfo

21、rmance 观众,听众,读者e.g. (1) The audience is always excited by a wonderful game. 精彩的比赛总会使观众非常激动。(2) An audience of about 3,000 crowded the theatre. 剧院里挤满了约3000名观众。 注意:audience是集体名词(collective noun),在上面例句中不用复数形式。此外,观赏戏剧或音乐会的人叫audience,观看体育比赛的人叫spectators,参见本册第四单元第一篇文章的有关解释。haltingly: ad. stopping and star

22、ting often, not fluently 结结巴巴地,断断续续地,犹豫不决地e.g. (1) Shyness made the girl speak haltingly. 由于害羞那姑娘说话结结巴巴的。(2) He began to speak haltingly when he was nervous. 他一紧张就开始结巴。haltingly的词根是动词halt,意为“to stop moving; to make something stop moving 停住,停止”。e.g. (1) The soldiers halted for a rest. 士兵们停下来休息。(2) He

23、 halted the car at the red traffic lights. 他在红灯时停住了汽车。halt 作名词时,意为“a stop or pause 停住,停止”。e.g. The car came to a halt just in time to prevent an accident. 汽车及时停下,避免了一场车祸。Question About Para. 3 (4) What is an “Anthony Eden”? (5) How much money did Ingram win in the end? (6) What did Ingram keep doing

24、 in the game?Notes of Paras. 3-4crazy: a. very enthusiastic or excited about sth. 狂热爱好的,着迷的;发疯的,荒唐的 e.g. (1) She is crazy about dancing. 她热衷于跳舞。(2) He would be crazy to drive his car so fast. 他开车这么快,真是疯了。progress: vi. to move forward 前进,进步,进展e.g. (1) Mary is progressing in playing tennis. 玛丽打网球的技术正在

25、进步。(2) Our company is progressing rapidly. 我们的公司在快速发展。progress还可以作不可数名词,意为“advancement to an improved or more developed state or to a forward position 前进,进步,进展”。e.g. (1) You have made progress in English. 你的英语已经取得了进步。(2) Our company has made rapid progress in recent years. 我们公司近几年发展迅速。 注意:progress作动

26、词时,重音在后面的音节上,作名词时,在第一个音节上。phase: n. C a stage in a process of change or development 阶段,时期;面,方面e.g. (1) The child is going through a difficult phase. 那孩子正经历困难时期。(2) The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase. 那两组交通信号灯不协调。be sure of: to feel certain or confident of 肯定e.g. (1) Are you sure of you

27、r facts? 你肯定你说的都是事实吗?(2) He is pretty sure of the answer. 他对这个答案非常肯定。must: 在句中并不是表示“必须”的意思,must + have +过去分词表示对过去的推测,意思是“一定,肯定”。参看本册第一单元第一篇文章的有关注释。这里再举两个例子:e.g. (1) You must be in the first grade. 你一定是一年级的学生。(2) He must have been there before. 他以前一定去过那里了。 例(1)是对目前状况的推测,例(2)则是对过去状况的推测。该结构用于对过去的肯定推测,否

28、定推测需用cant/couldnt + have + 过去分词。e.g. They couldnt have gone to England. 他们不可能去了英国。 To many in the audience that night, it seemed as if he kept changing his mind and frequently repeated an answer as if waiting for a signal. 在当晚的很多观众看来,他似乎一直在改变主意,并频频重复一个答案,好像在等暗示一样。本句中出现了两个as if,但它们的句法功能不一样。前一个as if引导

29、名词性从句,作表语;后一个as if引导的是一个省略的方式状语从句,相当于as if he was waiting for a signal。另外,如果as if/as though引导的从句与主句有相同的主语,从句主语可以省略,本句就是如此,waiting的逻辑主语就是主句的主语。e.g. She stood up as if to say something. 她站起来,好像要说什么似的。as if: 连词,意为“好像,似乎”。 e.g. (1) It looks as if it is going to rain. 看上去好像要下雨了。(2) It seemed as if they w

30、ere brothers. 他们看起来像兄弟。(3) He looked very happy, as if he had discovered a gold mountain. 他看上去很高兴,好像发现了一座金山一样。 as if引导的从句的谓语动词可以是陈述语气,也可以是虚拟语气。例(1)中as if引导的从句谓语动词是陈述语气,例(2)和例(3)则是虚拟语气。例(1)表示下雨的可能性还是有(尽管微乎其微),所以用陈述语气,而例(2)则表示不可能的事实,例(3)表示没有发生的事。frequently: ad. often 经常,频繁地e.g. (1) I frequently visit

31、that library. 我经常去那个图书馆。(2) He frequently makes the same mistake. 他常常犯同一个错误。frequently去掉-ly成为形容词,意为“happening or doing sth. often 时常发生的,频繁的”。e.g. (1) I enjoy his frequent visits. 我喜欢他经常来访。(2) He is a frequent caller of our house. 他是我家的常客。大部分形容词加-ly可构成副词。但friendly, deadly, lovely, lonely, likely, lively, ugly, brotherly等仍为形容词。signal: n. C a sign, movement or sound that carries a message 信号,暗号e.g. (1) A red light is usually a

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