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学年 Unit3 The Internet 双基训练卷一教师版附后.docx

1、学年 Unit3 The Internet 双基训练卷一教师版附后2019-2020学年高一下学期训练卷必修二 Unit3 The Internet英 语 (一)(本卷满分100分)一、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)1. Wearing a uniform is a symbol of pride and creates an (个性) for a school.2. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to (更新) my skills.3. My job i

2、s collecting information for a (资料库).4. Jane was ill, so I went to the (会议) in her place.5. They are all from my experiences or something I feel (熟悉) in my life.6. The (慈善机构) is calling for volunteers to make use of their free time to help those poor children.7. What is the (作者) purpose in writing t

3、he passage?8. Follow these simple (指导原则) for a healthy diet.9. However, many system features and tasks will not (起作用) correctly.10. When she arrived at the small village, she got to know the (居民).二、单句语法填空(每小题2分,共16分)11. Checking it on the official website is much more (convenience).12. Eating more f

4、ruit and vegetables will be (benefit) to peoples health.13. A bridge is being built in the (distant) and its construction will be finished in a year.14. (inspire) by her new understanding, Emily spent the rest of her year in England taking courses in communications studies.15. The magazine makes the

5、se ideas attractive and (access) to children.16. The company (target) by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs trials.17. She had an unusual degree of self-confidence and mental (tough).18. I think a lot of people, women particular, pay attention to these sensitive issues.三、单项选择(每小题1.5分,

6、共9分)19. We wont start the work until all the preparations _.A. are being made B. will be madeC. have been made D. had been made20. A fire _ in the center of the market last night. Luckily, no death _ so far.A. broke out; is reported B. had broken out; was reportedC. broke out; has been reported D. h

7、ad broken out; has been reported21. I intend to buy that kind of clothes because I _ that they _ well.A. had been told; washed B. was told; washedC. have been told; wash D. have told; wash22. Some scientists dont deny the existence of aliens, but further evidence is still needed to _ it.A. compromis

8、e B. confirm C. commit D. concern23. In view of all sorts of rumors and guesses, experts carried out some careful and scientific research and the possibility of a second earthquake in this area.A. blamed B. discounted C. attended D. charged24. The early pioneers had to many hardships to settle on th

9、e new land.A. go along with B. go back on C. go through D. go into四、阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共10分)As Internet users become more dependent on the Internet to store information, are people remembering less? If you know your computer will save information, why store it in your own personal memory, your brain? Expe

10、rts are wondering if the Internet is changing what we remember and how.In a recent study, Professor Betsy Sparrow conducted some experiments. She and her research team wanted to know if the Internet is changing memory. In the first experiment, they gave people 40 unimportant facts to type into a com

11、puter. The first group of people understood that the computer would save the information. The second group understood that the computer would not save it. Later, the second group remembered the information better. People in the first group knew they could find the information again, so they did not

12、try to remember it.In another experiment, the researchers gave people facts to remember, and told them where to find the information on the Internet. The information was in a specific computer folder(文件夹). Surprisingly, people later remember the folder location(位置) better than the facts. When people

13、 use the Internet, they do not remember the information. Rather, they remember how to find it. This is called “transactive memory(交互记忆)”.According to Sparrow, we are not becoming people with poor memories as a result of the Internet. Instead, computer users are developing stronger transactive memori

14、es; that is, people are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date. This doesnt mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent, but there is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing.25. The passage begins with two questions

15、 to _.A. introduce the main topic B. show the authors attitudeC. describe how to use the Internet D. explain how to store information26. What can we learn about the first experiment?A. Sparrows team typed the information into a computer.B. The two groups remembered the information equally well.C. Th

16、e first group did not try to remember the information.D. The second group did not understand the information.27. In transactive memory, people _.A. keep the information in mindB. change the quantity of informationC. organize information like a computerD. remember how to find the information28. What

17、is the effect of the Internet according to Sparrows research?A. We are using memory differently.B. We are becoming more intelligent.C. We have poorer memories than before.D. We need a better way to access information.五、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)Owura Kwadwo Hottish teaches computers in the school he works i

18、n. I think it is a 29 school except for the fact that the school didnt have 30 .Owura became famous after he posted photos of him on the Internet. In the picture, people could see he was teaching his students by 31 an entire computer on the blackboard. The photos showed the 32 level of education for

19、 children in Ghana. People were 33 that Owura made sure each button(按钮) was drawn correctly.Owura wanted the students to 34 what life with a computer could be like someday. He would come to school half an hour ahead of the 35 every day. He drew the computer on the blackboard, but at the end of his c

20、lass, it was 36 off to start the next class, so he had to 37 it the next day!Owuras efforts were 38 when Microsoft(微软公司) took 39 of his act. They first took him to an international educators meeting in Singapore. He made a 40 about his teaching methods at the meeting. He 41 a standing ovation(致敬) af

21、ter the speech. 42 , Owura got the thing he always wanted for his studentssome companies 43 computers to the school. Not a single child in the 44 had seen a real computer in their lives. Thanks to their teachers 45 , the world took notice and responded with 46 to them.“Your work has really made us f

22、eel 47 about the world. At Microsoft, we believe that educators are heroes. They 48 influence the lifelong skills of their students.” said Anthony Salcito, Vice president at Microsoft.29. A. final B. dusty C. normal D. personal30. A. computers B. playgrounds C. classrooms D. managers31. A. operating

23、 B. drawing C. describing D. repairing32. A. clear B. high C. ancient D. poor33. A. worried B. disappointed C. afraid D. amazed34. A. start B. imagine C. rebuild D. harm35. A. line B. culture C. schedule D. judge36. A. shown B. called C. cut D. rubbed37. A. improved B. repeated C. ruined D. calculat

24、ed38. A. rewarded B. selected C. forgotten D. affected39. A. care B. notice C. place D. charge40. A. plan B. medal C. decision D. speech41. A. received B. replaced C. decreased D. contained42. A. Suddenly B. Hopelessly C. Importantly D. Strangely43. A. gave B. sold C. lent D. applied44. A. company B

25、. nation C. dynasty D. school45. A. efforts B. pains C. humor D. doubt46. A. wisdom B. honesty C. kindness D. pride47. A. secure B. confident C. helpless D. foolish48. A. quickly B. briefly C. directly D. rarely六、书面表达(共25分)现在网络上有许多关于英语学习的app,关于在平时的英语学习中是否应该使用这些app,最近你在班级内进行了一次调查,发现同学们的看法各不相同。请根据表格中内

26、容写一篇英语短文。70%的学生支持1.能帮助扩大词汇量,提高听力;2. 随时随地查阅资料,开拓学生的视野。30%的学生反对1.产生依赖心理,不能独立思考;2.可能含有错误甚至有害信息。你的观点1.2.(至少两点)注意:1.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数;2.字数150左右;3.参考词汇:扩大词汇expand vocabularyNowadays, there are various English learning apps on the Internet. Recently, Ive made survey in my class about whether students should m

27、ake use of these apps in their study._2019-2020学年高一下学期训练卷必修二 Unit3 The Internet英 语(一)答 案(本卷满分100分)一、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)【答案】1. identity 2. update 3. database 4. conference 5. familiar6. charity 7. authors 8. guidelines 9. function 10. residents二、单句语法填空(每小题2分,共16分)【答案】11. convenient 12. beneficial 13. di

28、stance 14. Inspired15. accessible 16. was targeted 17. toughness 18. in三、单项选择(每小题1.5分,共9分)19.【答案】C【解析】考查动词时态。句意:我们得等到所有的准备工作都做好了才能开始工作。主句是将来时,从句用现在时或相当于现在的时态;现在完成时强调过去对现在的影响或动作从过去一直持续到现在。故选C。20.【答案】C【解析】考查动词时态及语态。句意:昨晚市场中心发生了一场火灾。幸运的是,目前还没有人死亡。根据last night可知,第一空用一般过去时态,break out(爆发)是不及物动词词组,无被动语态;根据

29、so far(到目前为止),且句子主语和谓语动词之间是被动关系,所以第二空用现在完成时态的被动语态。故选C。21.【答案】C【解析】考查时态。句意:我想买那种衣服,因为有人告诉我他们很好洗。分析句子可知,从句内容为已经完成的动作,故用现在完成时;他们很好洗则是一个客观事实,故用一般现在时。结合选项,故选C。22.【答案】B【解析】考查动词。A. compromise:妥协;B. confirm:确认,证实;C. commit:犯罪,指派;D. concern:涉及,关心。句意:一些科学家并不否认外星人的存在,但是仍有待进一步证据证实。表示证实证据,故选B。23.【答案】B【解析】考查动词。句意为:考虑到各种谣言和猜疑,专家们进行了认真科学的调查,结果否定了在这个地区再一次发生地震的可能性。A项:谴责;B项:折扣,否认;C项:参加;D项:管理,负责,要价,控告。所以选择B项合适。24.【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语。句意:早期拓荒者们不得不在新的大陆上经历很多艰难困苦才能定居下来。A. go along with:和相处;B. go back on:背弃;C. go through:经历,检查;D. go into:染上。由many hardships to settle on the new land可知,go through符合句意。故选C。四

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