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完整wordTHE STORY OF US字幕美国我们的故事第4集 分裂.docx

1、完整wordTHE STORY OF US字幕美国我们的故事第4集 分裂43:53。08 第四集 分裂43:54.9843:55。141825年 1825.43:56.8343:57。14全世界迎来了现代化的曙光 All over the world, the modern era is being born.44:00.1344:01。12工业革命来临 Its the Industrial Revolution.44:02。8544:03。62美国努力迎头追赶 America is racing to catch up.44:06。2244:09.31在纽约州北部 In upstate Ne

2、w York,44:10.97一条人工运河正在郊野中开凿 a man-made river is cutting through the wilderness.44:13。8144:14。65伊利运河 是四千年来 The Erie Canal is the biggest construction project44:18。17西方世界规模最大的建筑工程 in the Western world in the last 4,000 years。44:21.2844:24。32全长超过300英里 完全由手工开凿 Over 300 miles long, dug entirely by hand,

3、44:27。6544:27.97而当时美国连一名像样的工程师都没有 and America lacks a single qualified engineer.44:31.6644:33。12美国人 The United States of America 44:35.45不会让大自然阻挡他们的去路 isnt about to let nature stand in its way。44:37。2644:37.72我认为美国精神是 I think of the spirit of America 44:40。53想象力与毅力的完美结合 being imagination combined wi

4、th tenacity。44:44。0444:38。43 迈克尔道格拉斯 著名演员44:43。2044:44.44人们有兢兢业业的工作精神 Theres a strong work ethic,44:47。09有可以尽情施展的创造力 a wonderful freedom of creation,44:50.23加上脑力与体力相得益彰 combined with the mental muscle and physical labor.44:55。07对我来说 它是人类精神的最高体现 So to me, it represents the best of the human spirit。44

5、:59。9245:02。48然而大自然并不见得愿意合作 But the land doesnt always cooperate。45:04.8545:05。73一道60英尺高的石灰岩壁挡住了去路 A wall of solid limestone 60 feet high.45:09。3145:15.20仅仅30英里开外就是终点 伊利湖 Just 30 miles from the finish line, Lake Erie。45:19.0045:21.16运河将会改变一切 The canal will change everything,45:22。8145:23。08将整个美国中部与大

6、西洋连接起来 linking the Atlantic Ocean to the whole middle of America.45:26.4745:28。02它改变人们的居住地点和人生追求 It changes where people live, and why,45:30。0945:31.56把整个北方变成了全球经济中心 and turns the North into a global economic powerhouse.45:35。2245:39。40主持运河开凿的 The man behind the canal45:40.89是满腔热忱的纽约州州长 德威特克林顿 is Ne

7、w Yorks gung-ho governor, Dewitt Clinton。45:43。7645:46.70出身富庶之家的他坚信一切皆可为 Born to wealth, he wont take no for an answer.45:49。8845:51。48他有志当总统 He wants to be president。45:52.9045:52.95却最终在纽约州长任上尽心竭力了20年 Instead, he runs New York for 20 years。45:56。0345:56。71美国历史上出现过许多独具慧眼的领导人 America was blessed with

8、 many inspirational leaders,45:59.4945:59.50我认为德威特克林顿 and I think Dewitt Clinton46:00。8146:00。82深知纽约州的发展对美国意义重大 had a real sense of how important new York could be for America。46:04。4345:59.39 鲁道夫W朱利安尼 前纽约市市长46:03.0546:09。43克林顿的愿景是 让纽约州富起来 Clintons vision: to make New York rich。46:12。3446:15.82从政治层面

9、说 开凿运河就像一场豪赌 Politically, the canal is a huge gamble.46:18。6346:18。90舆论纷纷抨击这项危险而又昂贵的工程 Its savaged in the press as dangerous and too expensive.46:21。9546:22。24他们将其戏称为”克林顿的大沟 They call it ”Clintons big ditch。46:24.4546:24。46而这条”大沟将永远改变纽约州 But it will change New York forever.46:27.14这一工程比人类迄今为止所完成的 It

10、 is a work more stupendous,46:29.0746:29.37任何工程都更伟大 更壮观 more magnificent, and more beneficial46:32。7746:33。04并能产生更多效益 than has hither to been achieved by the human race.46:36。1346:38.37所谓创业精神就是 Entrepreneurship is about doing things46:41。6446:41。10 迈克尔R彭博 纽约市市长46:43.8046:41。64尽管你不知道结果怎样 when you don

11、t know what its gonna look like,46:43.3846:43.39也不知道该如何着手 you dont know what its gonna be made of,46:44.79你所凭借的只是一种直觉 you just have this instinct 46:46。49一种充满必胜信心的直觉 that you can do it and itll work。46:47.85这群人很有远见 并且敢想敢做 Those guys had visions and did it.46:50.3746:53。895万人 50,000 men。46:55。221100万

12、立方码的石块 11 million cubic yards of rock.46:57。69玫瑰碗球场 可容纳92,542人46:59.6946:57.69足以填满26000个玫瑰碗球场 Enough to fillthe Rose Bowl 26,000 times。47:01。5447:07.39工人中有很多是爱尔兰移民 Crews are filled with Irish immigrants。47:09。3947:10。57大卫吉尔罗伊在这里挣的钱是家乡的5倍 David Gilroy makes five times what he can earn back home,47:14

13、。41但这是项危险的工作 but its hazardous work.47:16.7947:17.68他们其实是在移山 Theyre literally moving mountains,47:19.9947:20。00而唯一可行的办法就是 用火药 and theres only one way through- gunpowder.47:23.6647:24.03这是一种由硝酸盐 木炭及硫磺制成的 A highly combustible mix of 47:26。74极易燃的混合物 nitrate, charcoal and sulfur。47:28。6747:29.12一旦配比出错 后

14、果就是致命的 The wrong proportions can be lethal.47:31.7947:43.14只有一项工作比 Theres only one job47:44.17比点燃导火索更危险 thats more dangerous than lighting the fuse。.。47:46.5247:48.59那就是回去再点一次 going back to relight it。47:50.4248:09。42为了克服恐惧 工人们喜欢喝酒 To cope, workers drink.48:11。5348:11.99威士忌能缓解紧张 Whiskey calms the ne

15、rves48:14。31同时也会麻痹大脑 and clouds the brain.48:15。6348:16。12一名英国游客不敢相信 An English tourist cant believe48:18.07他们在执行爆破工作的时候还敢喝酒 theyre mixing alcohol and explosives.48:20。6548:21。00这些爱尔兰工人变得越发莽撞大胆 The Irish laborers grew so reckless of life,48:23.49以至于当听到爆炸的信号时 that at the signal for blasting,48:25。024

16、8:25。86他们只不过拿铲子在头顶挡一下 they would just hold their shovels over their heads。48:28。0148:36.24我认为成长在美国 I think when youre brought up in America,48:37。7548:36.75 肖恩康姆斯 著名歌手 绰号吹牛老爹48:40.7548:38.03就是成长在一段辛勤劳动的历史之中 youre brought up on the history of hard work。48:40.5048:41.00有那么多的移民 There are so many immigr

17、ants48:42.79为建设这个国家献出了生命 that have died to build this country.48:45。1748:45.52这种精神流淌在我们美国人的血液中 Thats in our bloodstream, 48:47。00深藏在我们美国人的基因里 thats in our DNA as Americans.48:48.3948:48。67我们不想让先辈们的牺牲付诸东流 We dont want their lives to go in vain。48:50。4748:50.48因此 我们会比其他人更勤劳 Because of that, we usually

18、 work harder than anybody else.48:54。0148:58.30八年的开凿 Eight years of digging.48:59.4448:59。77近千人的牺牲 Nearly a thousand lives lost。49:01.4349:01。74七百万美元的投入 相当于如今的一亿美元 7 million, more than 100 million today。49:05。1749:05.61换来了伊利运河于1825年的顺利通航 The Erie Canal opens in 1825,49:08.5549:08.56一个工程史上的奇迹诞生了 a mi

19、racle of engineering, 49:10。79东部和中西部从此连为一体 connecting East and Midwest.49:13。48运河立刻成为了一条推动经济的高速公路 Its an instant economic superhighway。49:16。0049:16.22每年有总价值1500万美元的货物来往于河上 15 million of goods a year flow along the canal。49:20.2749:21.16沿岸的小村庄迅速发展成了发达的城市 Villages along the canal boom into dynamic ci

20、ties-49:24。5949:24。60水牛城 锡拉丘兹和罗切斯特 Buffalo, Syracuse and Rochester。49:27。3249:29.50物价大幅下降 最大降幅达到95 Goods crash in price, up to 95%.49:32.9649:34.05昔日不得不自给自足的边陲小镇 A frontier that had to be selfsufficient49:36。27如今各种商品应有尽有 can now buy anything they want.49:38。7249:41。40繁荣之火开始燎原 Prosperity is on the mo

21、ve。49:43.3749:46.06纽约市变成了一座繁华都市 New York City becomes a boomtown.49:48。6549:53。56华尔街迅速崛起 成为了世界金融中心 Wall Street takes off as a global financial center.49:56。8049:59.83城市规模扩大了4倍 The city quadruples in size.。50:02。0450:04。44并一举超越新奥尔良成为全国第一大港口 and surpasses New Orleans as the nations numberone port.50:0

22、8。5750:14.22这里财富聚集 Theres so much money around,50:16。0150:16。32”百万富翁”一词就是1840年在这里诞生的 the word Millionaire is invented in 1840。50:20。1850:22。35伊利运河仍在影响着今天的纽约州 The Erie Canal still shapes New York today。50:24.9950:25。56其北部80%的人口 80% of the upstate population 50:27.14依然生活在运河25英里的流域范围内 still lives withi

23、n 25 miles of it.50:30.5250:37.00向南数百英里 Hundreds of miles to the south,50:38。6550:39。07一种小型作物正在创造另一种经济腾飞 a small plant is creating another economic boom.50:42.6350:43。00棉花 Cotton。50:44。0450:44。22然而这种作物也导致了后来的国家分裂 But this one will eventually tear the nation apart。50:47.7150:49.79棉花原产于热带地区 Cotton is

24、native to tropical regions,50:51。8550:52。13因此美国南部各州成为了理想的种植区 making the Southern states of the US a perfect breeding ground。50:55。7350:58.43棉花有价值的部分是 The valued part is the soft fiber51:00.69紧密地长在这种灌木黏性种子周围的柔软纤维 which grows tightly around the shrubs sticky seeds.51:03。2151:05.58全世界有30个棉花品种 There are

25、 30 species worldwide.51:07。3451:08.32引进种植不成问题 Growing it is no problem,51:09.6651:12.39但是加工这些纤维 并使之能纺织成布料 but processing the fiber before it can be spun into cloth51:15。7751:15。78则需要大量劳动力 is labor-intensive.51:17。2351:17。93特别是在除去棉籽时 Especially, separating the seeds.51:19。9351:20.92多年来 只能通过手工来完成 For

26、 years, it could only be done by hand.51:23.7351:24。16仅分离一磅棉花就需要一整天的劳动 One pound took an entire day.51:26。4851:28.341794年3月4日 一项简单的发明 A simple patent filed on March 4, 1794, 51:32.0151:32。02改变了这一切 changes all that.51:33。0451:35.61轧棉机 The cotton gin。51:36.5451:38。00它实现了加工过程自动化 It automates the proces

27、s 51:39。4751:39。48也加深了国家的分裂 and deeply divides the country。51:41。9551:42。12轧棉机不仅改变了美国 The cotton gin transformed not only America, 51:44.35也改变了世界 but the world。51:46.03利用机器进行大规模生产的理念 The concept of mass production using a machine 51:49。96从此开始在各地流行 just exploded everywhere。51:52。4351:46。66 伍迪诺里斯 发明家5

28、1:50。6651:53。50一个工人现在能加工比从前多50倍的棉花 One man can now process 50 times more cotton.51:57.2051:57。49整个南方的棉产量因此突飞猛进 Output skyrockets all over the South.52:00.1852:03.501830年 美国棉产量占世界总产量的一半 In 1830, America is producing half the worlds cotton。52:07.1152:07.67到1850 这一比例接近四分之三 By 1850, its nearly 3/4.52:10

29、。9152:15.29被喻为白色黄金的棉花 Called white gold,52:16。5752:16。58给南方带来了一种新式的奢华生活 cotton supports a new lavish lifestyle in the South。52:20。2152:22。30到1850年 By 1850,52:23。51密西西比州的纳奇兹市的人均百万富翁数量 there are more millionaires per capita in Natchez, Mississippi,52:27.02比全世界任何一个地方都要多 than anywhere else on Earth。52:28。8652:31。63城里最富有的人拥有4万英亩田地 The richest man in town owns 40,000 acres,52:34.7652:34.77几乎是曼哈顿岛的3倍大 nearly three times the size of Manhattan Island。52:37。8352:43.30南方的迅速繁荣 The South is thriving52:45.90离不开一种人剥削人的制度 o

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