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1、BBC网站上英国人对北京奥运会开幕式搞笑的评价BBC网站上英国人对北京奥运会开幕式搞笑的评价 2008-08-29 18:41 | (分类:默认分类) BBC网站上英国人对北京奥运会开幕式搞笑的评价BBC网站上老外们对京奥开幕仪式的评价,原帖人的翻译虽然不太准确, 但挺有趣的: comment by stattotheblade (U7075064) absolutely wonderful opening ceremony, i know i can only remember 3, but todays ceremony beats the other two by miles. The

2、organization and timing was wonderful, the sheer scale exciting and the torch lighting astounding. After the (people may not like this) bore of Athens ceremony, i was amazed and pleased to see such a spectacle. London, you now know what weve got to achieve, good luck 绝对美妙的开幕式,我只记得3个开幕式,但是这一个把其他两个甩开老

3、远了。规模和点火炬令人惊叹。在沉闷的雅典奥运后(有些人可能会不高兴)能看到这样的奇观我非常惊叹和高兴。 伦敦,你现在知道该怎么做了吧?祝你好运!。 comment by hkbloke (U11302795) london is stuffed. no money and no original thought. its all going to end in tears. 伦敦完蛋了! 没钱没创意 我们将会在眼泪中收场 comment by deyowthree (U12922406) Beautiful. just that. nothing else. beautiful. China

4、did it very well indeed. the best Opening Ceremony ever to happen on an Olympic. Well its understandable. China is the richest country in terms of foreign reserves on planet earth. They have 1,5 Trillion USDollars in reserves. Spending 50 billion on an olympic barely makes a dent on Chinas huge and

5、fat savings piggy bank. Congrats To China. 太美了!.无话可说.太美了!中国真是做得太棒了.史上最好的奥运开幕式! 不难理解.中国是世界上外汇储备最多的国家,他们有1.5万亿美元储备. 花500亿(有这么多吗?)在奥运会上只是小菜一碟,他们的银行很快又会被塞满的 祝贺中国 comment by sheffieldspike (U12920910) What a amazing show Beijing has given us. It was simply breathtaking, beautifully choreographed and lavi

6、sh visual display of fireworks, chinese history and culture. Hope London can match it in 2012 北京向我们呈现了一场令人惊叹的表演,让人屏息凝神,美丽的舞蹈,丰富视觉效果的烟火,中国的历史和文化。 希望伦敦2012不会太差 Amazing ceremony. Shame about the presenters ruining it by talking through half of it. How is London going to top that? 令人惊叹的开幕式,解说员(他们本国的)太差糟

7、蹋了 伦敦如何能超越? Is this ceromony actually on untill 4 :45? ridiculous if it is (抱怨时间太长)真的要到4:45结束吗?(当地时间),太离谱了 comment by kingFreddieHarris (U7381623) Breathtaking, easily the best OC ever! 惊人的,史上最好的开幕式 comment by Dark1 (U3585317) Will London 2012 look anything like this? Will culture will displayed? 20

8、12年伦敦也会像这样展示文化吗? (后面的跟帖好笑) comment by Chacor (U9441188) You mean London has culture? 你是说伦敦有文化? comment by tru5tworthy (U2073914) We are watching from Australia, its actually being shown here in Full Hi-Def, but alas no plasma to watch it on. But even on the old-skool TV its absolutely amazing! 我们在澳洲

9、收看的,虽然是高清媒体,但是没有plasma, 但是即使是看老式电视机仍然令人赞叹! comment by rickyk10 (U8531822) Has the opening ceremony began yet? I cant work out whats happening through all the smog (这位有点迷茫)开始了吗? 这么多烟雾我都蒙了 comment by TopTorres (U9598927) I think 2012 may be very embarassing for London when you compare it to this spect

10、acular show! 我想相比这个壮观的开幕式,2012伦敦会觉得尴尬的。 comment by Steveo77 (U9884310) anyone who thinks the Olympics are boring really ought to be watching this! 如果你觉得奥运会是乏味的,那你真应该看看这个! (这是位英国的爱国者) comment by MIXtheZyder (U11244581) Ive just been watching it, & yes it is a great celebration of China & Chinese cult

11、ure, & rightly so. So what happens when the games come to London in 4 years time. You can bet your life, that it will be a celebration of multi culture, & World harmony, with not 1 union flag in sight, let alone, Rule Britania,God save the Queen, or land of hope & glory!. 我正在看,的确这是一场中国和中国文化的盛会。 4年后在

12、伦敦,你能确信我们会有一场多元文化、世界和谐的盛会,没有拉帮结派 bla bla bla comment by Dark1 (U3585317) You mean London has culture? 你是说伦敦有文化? - Dunno. I was asking what London had to offer apart from fish and chips. 不知道。我是想问,伦敦除了炸鱼和薯条还有什么? comment by SixerMixer (U9667579) Why have the kids come with backpacks? Cant their schools

13、 give them a day off?. atleast for the Olympics? 为什么孩子们还背着书包?学校就不能为了奥运给他们放一天假吗?(鸡蛋里挑骨头) comment by supersubag (U7126766) Well make this look like a childrens party in 4 years time - were GREAT Britain - you dont hear anyone calling it Great China - although they do have that Great Wall. 4年后的我们或搞成一场小

14、p孩儿狂欢 我们是“大”不列颠, 没人把中国叫成“大”中国,即使他们有伟大的长城。 comment by Chacor (U9441188) I dont know about you, but Id be pretty freaked out by smiley fireworks. 不知道你们怎么认为,我是觉得笑脸烟花很诡异 comment by Sasuke_nffc (U3372540) Mike sent a text asking how we would compete with the chinese in 4 years time. I dont think we have

15、it in us. The Chinese seem extremely proud of this event and have pulled out all the stops. All well do is waste money and employ unsuitable people to sort the ceremony out. Anyway, have we got anything worth telling the world about? As far as I can see at the moment, all that happens in Britain is

16、that kids kill each other. Its a sorry state of affairs that I hope changes before 2012. Well done China.this is absolutely spectacularly beautiful. 麦克发了个短信问我我们4年后如何超越中国人 我觉得我们不行。中国人看来非常自豪并对这场盛事倾尽了全力 我们只会浪费钱,雇用不合适的人来糊弄 我们能像世界呈现什么呢?目前我只看到孩子们在互相残杀 (好像是指现在英国青少年暴力问题比较严重) 我很抱歉目前的状况,希望2012前有所改变 中国干得好,(开幕式

17、)绝对壮观美丽 comment by Chacor (U9441188) Dont they normally go Greece - Afghanistan? Why are they continuing on alphabetically from Greece? 难道希腊之后不应该是阿富汗吗? 为啥他们从希腊开始按字母顺序入场? (附,希腊greece, 几内亚Guinea, 哈哈,这位老兄以为是从G开始,H, I ,J,K.) comment by Dark1 (U3585317) Bagpipes! Thats some British culture for you. 风笛! 英

18、国元素!(英国人很兴奋吧?) comment by Martin Squirtle (U10746386) Wow that was mint. No wonder it took so long to prepare. What an opening ceremony. 哇塞太棒了,怪不得花这么长时间准备,多么棒啊 comment by Reddevil1288 (U8682524) Those bagpipe players must be chuffing hot in all that fur. They must have higher endurances levels than

19、99% of the athletes theyre playing entrance music for. 风笛演奏者裹在毛皮里一定热坏了,他们一定比99%的入场运动员吗更有耐力。 comment by twoseat (U8431670) Ive heard that for the UK ceremony were going to have 10,000 Chavs shouting Come and have a go if you think youre hard enough in perfect harmony. 我听说伦敦开幕式上,我们会有1w个小混混,很和谐地齐声喊“来吧,

20、如果你觉得你够厉害就.”(sorry 不明其意,ms漏打了字母?) comment by xlancer (U12922539) great opening and the chinese people have every right to feel proud but i think that athens, barcelona and moscow were the top 3 opening ceremonies ever.Dont think that todays show was in any way so original as those 3! still best wish

21、es for a great olympiad! 非常棒的开幕式,中国人绝对有权自豪!不过我还是觉得雅典、巴塞罗那和莫斯科这三个开幕式最好,这次的不如那三届自然(?) 还是祝北京奥运好运! comment by lazy_olympian (U12922570) That was an amazing ceromony! truly thoughtful but the commentators were so dire! Huw kept on spoiling the surprise, Hazel talked without really saying anything and as

22、for the other one-the cheap political and historical shots were unfair-not least because many conutries dont exactly have a picture perfect human rights record (ahem!) As for 2012-I really hope they can top it-but I have a suspician they will dress up retired newsreaders in big ben costumes! 这是一场令人惊

23、叹的开幕式!我真的这么想,但是解说员太烂了(BBC的解说员)。 Huw一直在扫兴,Hazel一直在放屁,至于另一个 SB一个,他的政治攻击很不公平没有哪个国家真的有详细的人权记录报告! 至于2012 非常希望他们能超越 但是我恐怕,他们会把退休的新闻播音员盛装打扮成大笨钟! So the Olympics start soon, followed afterwards by the Paralympics. The phrases didnt they all do well and its not the winning, but the taking part that matters w

24、ill be used many, many times during the Paralympics. I mean, who seriously watches it? I would watch it if they added a few events, such as midget boxing, blind javelin and wheelchair high dive 恩,奥运会马上就开始了,后面跟着的是残奥会。在残奥会期间,“他们都很棒”,“能不能赢不是最重要的,重要的是参与”这些口号将被反反复复的提起来。我说,谁会去看残奥会啊?要们要是增加“侏儒拳击”,“盲人标枪”和“轮椅

25、跳水”这些项目,我倒是会考虑下。 (在后面有人跟他的帖子) I would watch the blind javelin if you were one of the field judges 如果你在现场做裁判的话,我倒是很想看看这个盲人标枪比赛 I feel like a child at Christmas at the moment! Im so excited!. 我现在的感觉,就象小孩子过圣诞节。我太兴奋了。 One thing guaranteed is a fantastic fireworks display .they invented them after all 有一

26、件事情可以肯定,焰火一定很精彩。毕竟是他们发明了焰火啊 Wow! Huw Edwards is making me laugh a little with his commentary though. Hee. How are we going to beat this? Chas & Dave and lots of urchin children dressed in rags singing songs from Oliver followed by Pearly Kings & Queens? 哇!Huw Edwards(BBC记者)的评论让我觉得有些搞笑啊。嘿。我们以后怎么才能胜过他

27、们啊?找来Chas&Dave(英国音乐团体),还有一帮小孩子穿着破布做的衣服,唱着雾都孤儿时代的歌曲?后面还跟着Pearly Kings & Queens(伦敦传统的游行中的国王和王后) comment by & Anderson said make it a double! (U12903968) I thought the opening ceremony was pretty awful to be honest. No doubt in 4 years time lots of top hats, cups of tea and crumpets will be involved. 老

28、实说我觉得挺糟的。 不用说,4年后我们会呈现很多礼帽,茶,松饼. (英国特色的东西) (这是看到现在唯一一个说不好的.) comment by SilasWegg (U8198073) Fantastic ceremony both in design and execution. Perhaps London should think the unthinkable for our go in 2012. Make our opening ceremony a world event, not a national one. Include the big movements and ide

29、as from across the world and across all cultures. Resist the temptation to focus on our own national identity and history (not that there is anything wrong with it)Surpise the world 梦幻的开幕式,设计和执行都非常好。 也许伦敦2012应该想一些想不到的点子(如果“想不到”那该怎么去想?), 让我们的开幕式成为世界的盛典而不是单一民族的。 展示多元文化的理念而不仅仅是民族特有的(我不是说这样不对),给世界一个惊喜!

30、comment by Brundle Fly (U1720058) after seeing that london might as well stop planning and give up now. i heard they are planning on having david beckham come in on a london bus.NICE! 看完后我觉得伦敦应该现在就停止和放弃!我听说他们打算让贝克汉姆在伦敦巴士上表演。囧! Goose stepping Imperial Guards is not really in the Olympic spirit 鹅步前行的帝国护卫队不能算是符合奥运精神吧 If the Chinese athletes have put as much effort into their preparations as the organisers have for the opening ceremony then theyre going to clean up on the medals. Still, as long as the yanks dont win everything I dont mind 如果中国的运动员在准备比赛的时候所付出的辛苦,和组织者为开幕式付出的一样,他们可以拿下所有的奖牌的

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