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1、仁爱版八年级上册各单元短语和句型总结八年级(上)各单元短语和句型Unit 1 Topic going to + 动词原形2.There be going to be + 名词 + 其它.3.特殊疑问词 + be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 + 其它 ?4.see sb do sth see sb doing sth5.during the summer for play against7.have a basketball game against sb8.hope to do sth hope + (that) 从句9.cheer

2、. on10.prefer doing / to do prefer A to B11.quite a lot12.join the club / Army / Party take part in the birthday party13.of course14.grow up (She wants to be a teacher when she grows up . ) the future16.go cycling / rowing , swimming , skating , fishing , mountain climbing17.spend + 时间/金钱+ on s

3、th spend + 时间/金钱 (in) doing good at / do well in + 名词/ 代词 , 动名词(doing) sure to do sth be sure of / about + 名词/ 代词 be sure that + 从句.20.the long jump the high good for be bad for22.make +宾语 + 形容词 make + 宾语 + do sth23.all over / around the world /country24.the day before yester

4、day the day after tomorrow25.a good way to do sth26.keep fit keep +宾语 + 形容词/doing keep doing keep on doing27.arrive at + 小地点 arrive in + 大地点 get to + 地点 reach + 地点28.Its too bad / a pity that + 从句 .29.leave for Unit 1 Topic 21.fall / be glad to do sth3.Would / Do you mind (not) doing sth ? m

5、ind doing4.Would / Do you mind + if 从句?5.practice doing sth6.kick / pass sth to sb kick / pass sb sth7.never mind8.give sb a hand9.have a sth around11.shout at / to / try ones best (to do sth ) angry with sb be angry at / about about sth talk to / with sb15.each ot

6、her16.What about + 名词 / 代词, Ving17.say sorry / hello, thanks, goodbye to sorry for + doing / 19.have fun = have a good time, enjoy oneself20.have a fight (with sb)21.with ones help = with the help of of the most popular/ interesting of + 限定词+ 名词复数 + 谓语动词单数24.over ( more

7、 than ) a thate into being28.throw . through 29.stop . from doing sth30.follow the rules31.for example / such as / and so on32.Its + 形容词 (+ for sb ) to do sth .33.enjoy doing34.a large number of + 可数名词复数35.just for fun36.turn . into .37.Whats the meaning of + 名词 / 代词 ? the me

8、aning of Unit 1 Topic 31.学习用will / shall+ v 表示一般将来时的用法。2.the boys 800-meter in join in take part in be in / at home at ones house4.both A and B5.Its ones first time to do sth6.have lots of fun7.have fun doing sth8.prepare for be / get ready for9.make friends with sb10.relay race11.good idea

9、 the theater13.catch up with14.neck and into16.the modern / ancient Olympic17.a / the symbol / motto of18.stand turn21.have the chance to do sth22.the Peoples Republic of well / badly in 24.the beginning / finish line finish more exercise26.s

10、ome able to 28.regard as29.break the world record30.the most successful Unit 2 Topic 1表征求意见和提建议的句型:1.主语+should / shouldnt + v + 2.Shall I / we +v + ? 3. Lets + v + . 4.Why not / dont you + v + ? 5.What / How about + ving + ? 6.Would you like + ? 7. 主语 + had better (not) + v + .1.Whats wrong

11、 / the matter with +名词 / 代词 ?2.have a cold / fever, cough, backache, headache, toothache, stomachache3.Im sorry to hear that .4.see a doctor / night / in the evening6.have a good sleep stay in bed7.Im feeling terrible .8.have the flu9.take / have some medicine take / have some pills10.ta

12、ke and night all day and all night12.feel like doing13.have a ( good ) rest14.lie down tell sb a lie15.drink enough boiled water16.too much + 名词 much too + 形容词17.someting / anything , nothing + 形容词 (定语后置)something new / important , interesting 18.fall down19.feel much better20.look after sb

13、 ( well ) / take ( good ) care of careful / look out22.ask for ( two months ) leave23.Thank sb for +名词 / 代词 / doing sth .24.nothing serious25.worry about / be worried about Dont worry . / Dont be worried .26.follow ones advice / suggestions a piece of adviceUnit 2 Topic 21. 学会使用情态动词 must, mu

14、stnt, can和may。2. look / feel tired3. watch a soccer game on TV4. stay up late5. put litter into dustbin6. do morning / eyes exercises7. keep fingernails long8. wash hands before / after meals9. go to school without breakfast (without + doing)10. brush teeth twice a day11. How terrible! How + adj / a

15、dv(+ 主语 + 谓语)!12. give up doing give + 代词 + up13. show sth to sb14. have a bath / take showers15. be careful (not) to do sth16. force sb (not) to do sth17. as soon as18. be surprised to do sth19. in fact20. not only but also (邻近原则)21. as + 形容词 + as possible / one can as soon as possible22. Staying u

16、p late is bad for your health .23. You should go to bed early and youll feel better tomorrow.24. You mustnt read in the sun .25. The article says smoking is bad for our lungs. 26. It can even cause cancer .27. I must ask him to give up smoking .28. Breakfast gives you energy for the morning .29. Its

17、 necessary for your health .30. It will keep you active during the day .31. Be careful not to eat too much salt or sugar .32. They must give up smoking as soon as possible .Unit 2 Topic 31. 掌握情态动词have to, must及反身代词的用法,并会写电话留言。2. go ahead3. prevent / stop, keep sb doing sth4. build sb up5. first seco

18、nd third finally6. all the time on time in time7. keep / stay away from crowded places8. take ones advice / suggestions9. ring sb up call / phone, telephone sb give sb a call / telephone10. leave a message ( to sb )11. give sb a / the message12. give a talk about sth to sb13. forget to do sth14. by

19、oneself hurt oneself15. do some / the cleaning16. ask sb for help17. healthy eating habits18. try to do sth19. on the other hand20. be happy to be healthy21. say no to doing sth22. warm up23. instead of24. Must +主语+ V ? Yes, 主语+must. / No, 主语 + neednt / dont have to .25.Could I speak to sb ?26.Pleas

20、e tell my father not to forget the talk tomorrow afternoon .27.Its necessary to learn about first aid .28.Happiness is important for your health .29.In order to keep healthy , we should 30.The more exercise, the better .31.We should stop exercising when we are hurt . stop + doingUnit 3 Topic 11. 掌握表

21、示爱好的动词及短语后跟动名词的形式。2. 掌握used to 的基本结构及用法。3. in ones free time4. read stories5. like/love/enjoy/hate/prefer/be fond of/be interested in + doing6. recite poems7. Its easy to get start .8. sounds good9. dance to music10. walk a pet dog11. collect stamps / stamp collection12. not all13. used to / be used

22、 to + doing14. more than / over 500 years15. cut out16. stick sth to17. share sth with sb18. provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb19. take a bath20. take sb out for a walk21. Why not go out and do some outdoor activities ?22. It certainly is .23. It must be great fun .24. Maybe I need a change .2

23、5. Or they may be dangerous pets like snakes .26. What beautiful stamps !27. We can learn a lot about history and people from stamps .28. I used to collect baseball cards. But now Im interested in basketball.29. I didnt use to go shopping , but now I like it .30. What did they use to do in spring ?3

24、1. What hobbies did you use to have ?32. and he doesnt mind whether they are good or not .Unit 3 Topic 21. How + adj / adv (+主语+谓语)!What (+ a / an) +adj + 名词(+主语+谓语)!2. at the concert3. give a / the concert4. watch movies5. lend sb sth lend sth to sb6. pop / folk / classical / rock / country / jazz

25、/ violin / piano music7. be popular with8. be famous for be famous as9. at the age of10. take / have music lessons11. start doing12. as + adj / adv + as13. so + adj / adv that14. be surprised15. so +adj / adv such +adj + 名词16. all kinds of17. How exciting !18. And it sounds beautiful !19. What a pit

26、y !20. I can lend you some CDs of her songs .21. What sweet music !22. What kind of music do you like ?23. Its hard to say .24. I hate listening to rock music .25. Pop music often comes and goes quickly .26. They are very popular with young people .27. They are famous for their folk songs .28. At th

27、e age of three , he was able to play the piano by himself .29. He played as well as his big sister .30. He learned so quickly that his father was very happy .31. Different kinds of music make them happy .Unit 3 Topic 31. 过去进行时的构成和用法(was / were + doing)2. at this / that time 3. answer the telephone4.

28、 take a shower5. from to 6. chat with sb7. agree with sb agree to do agree on / about agree + that8. on a new years Eve9. in ones hand / arms10. in a low voice11. fall down12. be afraid to be afraid of be afraid that13. warm sb up wake up14. stop doing15. the beginning of16. all day17. Hold the line

29、 , please .18. What were you doing at this time yesterday ? I called you to go to the English Corner but no one answered .- This time yesterday ? Oh , I was taking a shower .19. Wasnt it interesting ?20. -Were you playing computer games ?- Yes , I was . / No , I wasnt .21. I thought it just so-so .2

30、2. I agree with you . / You are quite right .23. No , I dont think so . / I think it is too serious .24. In the early 1800s , Sunday was the “ holy day” .25. And then they felt too tired to work on Monday mornings .26. To solve the problem of “ blue Mondays ” , in 1874 the English made Saturday afternoon a holiday .27. At one oclock , everyone stopped working .28. This is the beginning of the idea of the weekend in England.Unit 4 Topic 11. 形容词比较级和最高级的构成及其用法。2. A + be + (much / a lot / a little / even) 形容词形式 + than + B .3. A + be + the + 最高级形式 + in / of + 比较范围 .4. think a

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