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届中考英语 完形填空与阅读理解复习练习 Unit 10.docx

1、届中考英语 完形填空与阅读理解复习练习 Unit 10Unit10话题:育人故事 词数:176 参考用时:6分钟A king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king. He told all the young people in his country, “I will give _1_ of you a seed (种子). Plant it and bring it back one year later. Show me the plants that you bring, _2_ Ill choose a new ki

2、ng from you.”A boy _3_ Peter got a seed, too. He planted it _4_. But the seed didnt grow at all. A year later, Peter had to take his _5_ box to the palace. Others all brought beautiful plants there and Peter felt _6_.The king _7_ the palace and looked around. When he found there was nothing in Peter

3、s box, the king smiled and said to the others, “One year ago, I gave everyone a seed _8_ couldnt grow. But all of you, _9_ Peter, have brought me plants and flowers. Peter was the only one with the honesty (诚实) and courage to bring _10_ a box. So he will be the new king!”1. A. neitherB. each C. both

4、2. A. butB. although C. and3. A. helpedB. askedC. named4. A. carefullyB. carefulC. careless5. A. fullB. empty C. beautiful6. A. excitedB. sad C. happy7. A. reached B. gotC. arrived8. A. who B. what C. which9. A. besides B. exceptC. with10. A. suchB. so C. as读后自主学习【答案速查】参见答案P【自我评价】我做对了_题,我很棒!我做错了_题,没

5、关系,再努力!【答案还原】将正确答案填写到文中空格处。【诵读全文】大声朗读文章3-4遍、整体感知全文,体悟作者意图。【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1) not at all_ (2) Its time to do sth._(3) 向四周看_ (4) 一年前 _2. 佳句翻译(1) Plant it and bring it back one year later. _(2) Ill choose a new king from you. _(3) He found there was nothing in Peters box._PassageB话题:助人为乐 词

6、数:296 参考用时:6分钟When I was a child, my parents often took me to an old house in a thick forest. No other children ever stayed there. I didnt even have the choice of playing with a brother or sister.I could never understand what the attraction(吸引) of the house was, even for my parents, who enjoyed noth

7、ing better than to sit in silence with a good book. The woman in the house, my fathers distant cousin, was a terrible cook and her food was inedible.One day, when I was wandering around the garden behind the house, I noticed a wooden house which had clearly been abandoned(被遗弃的). As I walked towards

8、it, I heard a noise, like an animal moving hurriedly away. Then I saw a man with a long beard standing at the door. I was greatly surprised.“Please dont tell them you saw me,” he said. “They never use this place, and I have nowhere else to live.” “Dont worry,” I said. “I wont tell anyone. But are yo

9、u all right out here? I meando you have enough to eat?” The old man shook his head. The same evening, I took a small plastic bag into the dining room and, while no one was looking, emptied some of the food into it. Later, I got out of the back door secretly and gave the food to the old man, whose na

10、me I had discovered was Taff.I had never seen anything else as lovely as the smile of satisfaction on Taffs face when he ate the food. From then on, my visits to the old house had a purpose, and I enjoyed every minute of the rest of my stay.1How did the writer feel about staying in the old house at

11、first?A. He was happy to be with his parents. B. He enjoyed reading good books there.C. He was pleased with the woods. D. He felt very lonely.2. The underlined word “inedible” is closest in meaning to “_”.A. too bad for him to eat B. nice to look atC. not enough to eat D. as delicious as usual3. The

12、 writer discovered the old man _ the old house.A. near the back door of B. in the dining room ofC. in the garden behind D. among the bushes before4. What can we know about the old man from the passage?A. He was poor and hungry. B. He helped to repair the old house. C. He liked to play hide-and-seek

13、with the writer. D. He raised many animals.5. The story mainly tells us _.A. its nice to raise wild animals B. its valuable to help othersC. its good to live in the forest D. its comfortable to live in the old house读后自主学习【答案速查】参见答案P【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1) have the choice of _ (2) in silence

14、_(3) 满意的微笑_ (4)从那时以后_2. 佳句翻译(1) No other children ever stayed there. _(2) Then I saw a man with a long beard standing at the door. _(3) I noticed a wooden house which had clearly been abandoned(被遗弃的). _(4)Later, I got out of the back door secretly and gave the food to the old man, whose name I had d

15、iscovered was Taff._PassageC 话题:人物故事 词数:246 参考用时:5分钟 Rachel Carson was born in the USA on May,1907. Her mother, Maria Carson, had been a schoolteacher. She also loved nature. She showed Rachel the beauty of nature. She also taught Rachel a deep love for books. As a quiet child, Rachel liked to read

16、and write stories. At a very early age, she decided she wanted to be a writer some day. Her story first appeared in a childrens magazine when she was ten years old. Her first books, Under the Sea Wind came out in 1941. In 1948, Miss Carson began working on another book, The Sea Around US. She always

17、 remembered carefully when she wrote. She collected information from more than one thousand places to write The Sea Around Us. When the book came out in 1951, it won the National Book Award. It was No. 1 on the best-seller list for more than a year. The Sea Around US made Rachel Carson famous.Rachel

18、 Carsons most famous book, Silent Spring came out in 1962. In this book, she pointed out that the use of some kinds of pesticides(杀虫剂) like DDT would cause the number of birds to decline because it would kill them as well. Finally, in November 1969, the United Sates government decided that the use o

19、f DDT must stop in two years.Rachel Carson has been regarded as a great environmentalist(环保主义者) and writer. She will be remembered by the world.1. Rachel Carson had a deep love for nature and books because of _.Aher father B. her mother C. her schoolteacher D. her brother2. Rachel decided that she w

20、anted to be a writer when _. A. she was very young B. she was in college C. she became a teacher D. she became famous3. The Chinese meaning of the word“decline” in this passage is probably “_”. A. 增加 B. 减少 C. 维持 D. 翻番4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Rachel Carson wa

21、s a careful and serious writer. B. The Sea Around Us won the National Book Award. C. In Silent Spring Rachel said some pesticides were bad for the environment. D. The use of DDT was stopped as soon as the book Silent Spring came out.读后自主学习【答案速查】参见答案P【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1) the beauty of natu

22、re _ (2) come out _(3) 收集信息_ (4)指出_2. 佳句翻译(1) She also taught Rachel a deep love for books. _(2) It was No. 1 on the best-seller list for more than a year._(3) Rachel Carson has been regarded as a great environmentalist(环保主义者) and writer._Unit10Passage A 1-5 BCCAB 6-10 BACBA【答案详解】1.【解析】选B考查代词辨析。句意:我

23、将给你们每人一颗种子。neither意为“两者都不”;each意为“每个”;both意为“两者都”。each of you “你们每个人”。故选B。2.【解析】选C考查连词辨析。句意:将你们带来的植物给我看,我将从你们中选择一位新国王。but“但是”,表示转折;although “虽然”;and表示承接。此外两个分句间承接并系,故选C。3.【解析】选C考查动词辨析。句意:一个名叫彼特的男孩也得到了粒种子。a boy named Peter “一个名叫彼特的男孩”。4.【解析】选A考查副词用法。句意:他细心地种植它。carefully “细心地”,在句中作状语修饰动词planted;而caref

24、ul和careless都是形容词,不可以作状语。故选A。5.【解析】选B考查文意理解。根据下文When he found there wasnothingin Peters box,可知“彼特不得不将他空箱子带到宫殿来”。full“满的”;empty“空的”;beautiful “漂亮的”。根据文意选B。6.【解析】选B考查文意理解。他带了一个空箱子到宫殿来,其他人都带漂亮的植物,因此,“彼特感到难受”。excited “激动的”;sad “难受的”;happy“高兴的”。故选B。7.【解析】选A考查动词辨析。reach是及物动词,后接名词作宾语;get作为“到达”讲,是不及物动词,需要加上介

25、词to才可接名词作宾语;arrive作为“到达”讲,也是不及物动词,需要加上介词at或in才可接名词作宾语。故选A。8.【解析】选C考查定语从句的引导词。句意:一年前我给了你们每人一粒不能生长的种子。本句中的先行词a seed是物,故引导词应用which。所以选C。9.【解析】选B考查文意理解和介词辨析。句意:但是除了彼特以外,你们每个人都给我带来了植物和花。besides “除以外”,需要加上它后面的内容;except “除以外”需要排除它后面的内容;with“带有”。根据句意及介词的含义选B。10.【解析】选A考查文意理解和词义用法辨析。句意:彼特是唯一一个具有诚实和勇气带要如此箱子的一个

26、人。such “如此的”,后接名词或名词性短语;so “如此”后接形容词或副词;as意为“作为,由于”等,没有“如此的”含义。所以选A。读后自主学习1. 短语互译(1)根本不 (2)是该做的时间了。 (3)look around (4) one year ago2. 佳句翻译(1) 种上它,一年后把它带来。(2) 我将从你们当中挑选一位新国王。(3) 他发现彼得的盒子里什么也没有。Passage B读后自主学习【答案详解】1-5 DACAB1. D细节理解题。根据 “No other children ever stayed there. I didnt even have the choic

27、e of playing with a brother or sister. ”可知我最初是感到有点孤独.。故选D。2. A词义猜测题。这间房子的女主人做饭手艺很差劲,做的饭自然是“难吃的”。故选A。3. C细节理解题。根据 “Then I saw a man with a long beard standing at the door. I was greatly surprised. 可知我在房子后面发现了这个老者。故选C。4. A细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知这名老者很穷又很饿。故选A。5. B 主旨大意题。文章讲了我幼时帮助了一个老者的故事,感觉到了帮助他人的美妙的感觉,选B。【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1)选择(2) 安静,寂静 (3) the smile of satisfaction (4) from then on2. 佳句翻译(1) 没有其他孩子曾经待在那儿。(2) 然后,我看见一个长胡子的男人站在门口。(3) 我注意到一个显然已被放弃的木制的房子。(4) 后来,我从后门偷偷地出去,把食物给了老人,我发现他的名字叫塔夫。PassageC读后自主学习【答案详

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