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1、八年级unit2教学案英语八年级下册 Unit 3 教学案学习目标:1.知识目标(1)词汇:babysit, camp, plan, hiking, Tibet, Hong Kong, away, postcard, send(2)短语:how long, get back, go hiking, babysit he sister, go camping, relax at home, on the 12th, go away, have a good time, show sb. Sth.(3)句型:1.-What are you doing for vacation? -Im visit

2、ing my grandmother. 2.-Whats she doing for vacation? -Shes going camping. 3.-When are you going? -Im going on Monday. 4.-When is he going? -Hes going on the 12th.语法:be + doing 表示将来2.能力目标:会运用一般将来时谈论未来的计划和安排,形成初步运用语言的能力。3.情感目标:学会科学地制定计划,培养自理、自立的精神。Period 1 (总第11课时)Unit 1 Section A 1a-2c 设计人:一、课前预习:预习重

3、难点1.记住p1等单词词组。2.翻译P1-2页出现的句子。预习过程预习任务一:英汉互译1.去野外露营 long 3.回来 4.babysit her sister_ 5.在家里 6.on the 12th 7.远足 8.go away 9.玩的开心 10.send me a postcard_预习任务二:重点词汇拓展1. 临时照顾_(现在分词)_2. 计划,规划_(现在分词)_(过去式)_3. 发送;寄_(过去式)_ 预习质疑把你预习过程中发现的问题写下来。 二、课中实施:(一)预习展示,小组内交流,预习完成情况,检查预习效果。(二)学习1a-2c各部分内容。 (三)精讲点拨完成下

4、列句子。1.-_ are you going _? -Im going with my parents.2.-_ _ you _ for vacation? -Im visiting my grandmother.3.-_is he going? -Hes going on Monday.名师点拨:现在进行时的形式表示将来,常表示即将来临的未来预定要做的事情,一般指个人计划要做的事,常跟将来的时间。特别是go, come, leave, start, fly等表位置移动的动词,常用现在进行时表示将来。三、对应训练:句型转换1.Susan is visiting her aunt this we

5、ekend._ Susan _ this weekend?2.Mollys going to Paris on Monday._ is Molly going to Paris?3.Mr. Green relaxes at home every summer.Mr. Green _ _ at home next summer.4. she, what, doing, vacation, is, for, week, next_5. My parents and I are going to visit my uncle.Im visiting my uncle _ my parents.Per

6、iod 2 (总第12课时)Unit 1 Section A 3a-4 设计人:一、课前预习:预习重点一、识记单词:language, Japanese, world等单词、词组。二、翻译:1.去徒步旅行 the mountains_3.多长时间_4.go away_5.给我寄一张明信片_6.have a good time_7.回到学校 me your photos_ 二、课中实施:(一)预习展示:检查预习效果(二)学习3a-4各部分。(三)精讲点拨完成句子,重点句型1. -_ are you _ for vacation? -Im going to Tibet fo

7、r a week.2. -_ _ is he staying? -He is staying for two weeks.名师点拨How long 意为“多久,多长时间”, 询问动作持续的时间,谓语动词应为延续性动词,如work, live, study, play等, 可与多种时态连用,对“for + 一段时间”提问。(四)对应训练:根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Going to Hawaii for vacation _(sound) nice.2. -Where is Aunt King? -She is _ (babysit) her little daughter

8、at home.3. -How long are the Greens _ (stay ) in Canada? -For two months.4. Would you like _ (show ) me your sports collections?5. I am _(send) Tom a copy of Harry Potter III for his birthday.三、限时作业:单项选择1. My friend is staying in Hawaii _ December.A. in B. at C. on D. for 2. Can you _ me a postcard

9、from Hong Kong? A. visit B. spend C. pay D. send3. -_are you going away? -For two days.A. How long B. How often C. How many D. How soon4. Show your new photos _ me tomorrow, OK?A. at B. with C. to D. for 5. -Im visiting my friend in Hainan! -_ A. Have a good time! B. Have fun! C. Enjoy yourself! D.

10、All the above.完成句子1.我要去三亚一周。Im going to Sanya _ _ _.2.Dave 要在那儿停留多久?_ _ is Dave _ there?3.我们返校后我可以让你看我的照片。I can _ you my photos when we _ _ to school.4.你不该离开太久。You shouldnt go away _ _ _.5.去夏威夷度假怎么样?_ _ _ to Hawaii for vacation?Period 3 (总第13课时)Unit 1 Section B 1a-2c 设计人:许丽娟预习重点(一)熟记:p16等单词、词组。(二)翻译

11、p16出现的句子。.预习任务(一)重点词汇拓展1.Taian is f_ for Mount Tai.2.Can you tell me s_ interesting about China?3.I went to the c_(乡村) for vacation.4.Dont f_ to take the raincoat with you when you go out. Because its raining.5.The boy f_(完成) his homework two hours ago.6.There are a lot of t_(游客) coming here for vac

12、ation.(二)重点词组识记1.take walks_ 2.去观光_3.return to_4.计划做某事_5.think about_6.骑自行车旅行 me forget problems_8.去度假_9.decide on_10.去野营_二、课中实施(一)预习展示:检查预习效果,小组交流活动。(二)学习1a-2c.(三)精讲点拨1. go + doing的用法这是一个固定的句型,表示“去做”。Hes going camping with his parents.他要与父母一起去野营。此类结构除go shopping去买东西等少数用法外,大多与体育或娱乐有关。2.一般将来时(

13、1)概念及构成一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或重复发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。如tomorrow, next, year, soon等。一般将来时的结构 + doing 2. be going to + do 3.shall/ will + do(1) 用法点拨 用现在进行时be + doing的形式表达一般将来时,表明主语对某事已经做好了计划、安排,动作不久将要发生,常用于趋向动词(go, come, leave, fly等)。作谓语的时候,在美式英语中,用于所有动词。Eg: She is leaving for Beijing ne

14、xt month.下个月她要去北京。用be going to do的形式表达将要发生的事,强调计划、打算、决定要去做某事。Eg: What is your father going to do with you this afternoon?今天下午你和你的爸爸将要干什么?用shall (主语为第一人称we/I)/ will do的形式表达一般将来时,shall/ will 是情态动词,此处意为“要,将要”,强调将要发生的事情。Eg: Shall we go to the park the day after tomorrow? 我们后天去公园好吗?三、对应训练用所给词的适当形式填空1How

15、many _(video) did you rent last week?2Dave often goes _(sightsee) with his friends.3Who is Jenny _(spend) the weekend with?4My aunt is a _(report) in our city TV station.5Would you like to go bike _(ride) this Sunday?单项选择( )1. Whats her answer _ the question? A. to B. in C. of D. at( )2. A _ from CC

16、TV is making a survey about students vacation plans. A. reporter B. singer C. teacher D. actor( )3. -_ is the weather in Italy? -Its quite sunny. A. What B. How C. Where D. When( )4. Guangdong is a province in the _ of China. A. east B. west C. north D. south( )5. Can I ask you _ questions about the

17、 TV play? A. a little B. a few C. much D. a lotIII. 根据汉语提示完成句子1. Its a good habit to _ _ (散步) after supper.2. Would you like to _ _(钓鱼) with us after school?3. Can I ask you _ _(几个) questions about your teachers?4._ _(多久) are you staying in Italy?5. Some children are talking about their _ _(假期计划).Pe

18、riod 4 (总第14课时)Unit 3 Section B 3a-4 设计人:一、课前预习:预习重点1.牢记英语书信书写格式。2.熟背Section B 3a英文书信。预习任务1.重点词汇翻译去钓鱼_ 去远足 _ go bike riding _Sleep a lot _ rent videos_2.完成句子1. 他考虑过去希腊还是西班牙,但最终决定去加拿大。He _ _ _ to Greece or Spain, but _ on Canada.2.这次,我想做些不同的事情。This time I want to do _ _.3.他打算六月的第一周动身一直呆到九月份。He _ _ th

19、e first week in June and staying _ September.4.我刚刚制作完我的上一部电影。I just _ _ my last movie.预习质疑 把你预习中发现的问题记下来。 二、课中实施(一)预习交流:小组活动,检查预习效果。(二)学习3a-4.(三)精讲点拨1.something 某物,某事Something, anything, nothing等是不定指代词,当形容词修饰不定指代词时,形容词应置于其后,汉语翻译时通常前置。例如:something different不同的事情Do you have anything important to tell

20、me?你有什么重要的事情要告诉我吗?He heard something interesting outside today.今天他再外面听到了一些有趣的事。典型例题:Is there _ in todays newspaper?A. something new B. anything new C. new something D. new anything答案: B解析:由于修饰不定指代词的形容词要后置,因此,排除选项C和D。又因为这是个一般疑问句,不能用something。(四)对应训练单项选择1. Do you want _ a long vacation this summer?A.

21、take B. to take C. taking D. of taking2. -Why do you decide _ Beijing for vacation? -Because Im going to the Great Wall. A. in B. to C. at D. on3. -Did you think about _ in Greece? -No, never. A. live B. to live C. work D. working4. If you speak good _, you can help the visitors from Paris. A. Chine

22、se B. Japanese C. French D. England5. Id like some ice cream. But my brother likes _. A. something different B. different something C. anything different D. different anythingII. 同义句转换1. He decided to buy a new car.He decided _ _ a new car.2. Remember to close the windows when you leave the office._

23、 _ _ close the windows when you leave the office.3.How is the weather today? _ the weather _ today?4. They often go for a walk after dinner. They often _ _ after dinner.5. Show me your new watch, please. _ your new watch _ _, please.III.完成句子1. 天空中有些奇怪的东西。There is _ _ in the sky.2. 我迫不及待地要打开礼物。I cant

24、 _ _ _ my present.3. 我可以问几个关于你学习情况的问题吗?May I ask you a _ _ _ your study?4. 约翰正考虑去美国度假。John is _ _ going to America for vacation.5. 李明明天动身去澳大利亚。Li Ming is _ _ Australia tomorrow.Period 5 (总第15课时)Unit 1 Self-check设计人一、 课前预习:预习重点1. 总结本单元重点单词、句子。 2语法: 一般将来时。预习任务 重点词组拓展和词组记忆(一)、重点词组拓展1.计划;规划(n.& v.) _2.向

25、远处;离开;向另一个方向(adv.)_3.发送;寄(v.)_ 4.乘骑;搭乘(v.)_5.著名的;出名的(adj.)_6.某物;某事(pron.)_7.离开;出发(v.)_ 8.农村;乡村(n.)_9.大自然;自然界(n.)_10.结束;完成(v.)_(二)、重点词组识记1.去野营/徒步旅行go_ _ 2.多久;多长时间how_ 3. 回来get _ 4.去骑自行车/观光/钓鱼 go bike riding/ _/_5.去度假take a _ 6. 思考;考虑_about 7. 决定_on 8.散步 _walks9.租用录像带_videos 10.很;非常a _二、课中实施:处理self-ch

26、eck中全部内容1.预习展示:小组交流预习任务完成情况,检查预习效果.2.完成第1、2部分.3.对应训练根据首字母提示完成单词1. China is f_ for the Great Wall.2. The children like going c_ very much.3. This Sunday I want to r_ myself in the sun.4. My father often goes f_ on weekends.5.Every year many t_ come to Beijing to go sightseeing(观光)三、 限时作业:句型转换 1. Were going to the Great Wall with our teacher._ are you going to the Great Wall _?2. Were going camping next Friday._ _ you going camping?3. can, I, some, you, questions, a

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