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1、学年仁爱版八年级上学期末英语测试题有答案初二上学期期末测试英语试卷本卷考试时间为90分钟,满分100分; I .听力技能(15分)对话理解。根据你听到的对话,从A. B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项回答问题。( )1. Where does Jacks father want to go for the holiday?A. Harbin B. Hainan C. Qingdao( )2. Which sport doesnt Jack like?A. Basketball B. Swimming C.Baseball( )3. Why doesnt Sam answer the question

2、?A. Because he cant see the blackboard.B. Because he doesnt know the question.C. Because he doesnt know the answer.( )4. Who has Bobs phone number?A. John. B. Jane. C. Bill ( )5. How far is the nearest supermarket?A. Five minutes walk. B. Twenty minutes walk. C. Twenty minutes ride.( )6. What will p

3、revent them from having a picnic?A. The rain. B. The teacher. C. Their classmates.( )7. Who got to school latest of all?A. Joy. B. Jane. C. Jack.( )8. What does Bob think of his new school?A. Good. B. Just so-so. C. Not very good.( )9. What cant Bob do at school?A. Listen to music. B. Wear school un

4、iforms. C. Use telephones.( )10. What color doesnt the girl like?A. Black. B. Red C. Brown.( )11. How much are the brown shoes?A.100 yuan. B.200 yuan. C.500 yuan. .( )12. What color shoes does the girl take in the end?A. Blue. B. Black. C. Brown.( ) 13. Whats the matter with Bruce?A. He has a headac

5、he. B. He has a cough. C. Both A and B.( ) 14. How long has Bruce been like that?A. One day. B. A week. C. A month. ( ) 15. How often should Bruce take the medicine?A. Once a day. B. Twice a week. C. Twice a day.II. 阅读理解A)完形填空。阅读短文,然后从所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(10分)Many people are interested in talking

6、about life in the future. Some people16 that life in the future will be easier and better. But others believe that it will be worse and more difficult than that now. As for me, _ 17 the idea of the first team.First, as for education(教育),people will have 18 education. This is because of the technolog

7、y(科技). E-books will take the place of books students use now. Robots will take the place of teachers, and students will not have to go to school every day. They will 19 at home through online teaching and will find learning more interesting.Second, peoples 20 will improve. Technology will also play

8、a very important role. New medicine will help people get better quickly. Robots will help doctors and sometimes take the place of 21 . Also doctors will be able to fight more diseases, 22 _people will live longer.Third, housing problems will end. People will build houses under the sea. Also some peo

9、ple will live 23 the moon. Then everyone will have a place to live. Fourth, nobody in the world will be hungry. People will grow crops everywhere. 24 on the top of buildings.Now, what about you? 25 do you think life in the future will be like?( )16. A. find B. decide C. think( )17. A. agree with B.

10、worry about C. stand for( )18. A. longer B. better C. worse( )19. A. sleep B. shop C. study( )20. A. level B. health C. work( )21. A. him B. her C. them( )22. A. but B. so C.or.( )23. A. on B. for C. with( )24. A. only B. even C. still( )25. A. What B.Why C. WhenB)阅读短文,并根据短文内容判断短文后面句子的正误。正确为T错误为F。(1

11、0分)Fire can help people in many ways. But it can be very dangerous. Fire can heat water, warm houses, give light and cook. But fire can burn things, too. It can burn trees, houses, animals or people. Sometimes a big fire can burn forests.Nobody knows for sure how people began to use fire. But there

12、are many interesting stories about the first time a man or a woman started a fire. One story from Australia tells about a man very, very long time ago. He went up to the sun by a rope(绳子)and brought fire down.Today people know how to make a fire with matches. Children sometimes like to play with the

13、m. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper, and then it might burn a house. A small fire can become a big fire very fast. Fire kills many people every year. So you must be careful with matches. You should also learn to put out fire. Fire needs oxygen(氧气).Without oxygen

14、 it will die. Cover fire with water, sand or sometimes with your coat. This keeps the air away from fire and kills it. Be careful with fire, and it will help you.Be careless with fire, and it will burn you.( )26. We are not sure how people began to use fire.( )27. Children mustnt play with matches b

15、ecause they can be dangerous( )28. If there is no oxygen, fire will die.( )29. small fire is not dangerous at all.( )30. You dont need to know how to put out a fire.C)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答所提问题。(10分)Pandas are not bears(熊). There are not very many pandas living in the wild(野外). In the world the number of

16、 pandas in the wild is less than five hundred. They live only in a small part of China, a country in Asia. Chinese people want to protect them best. Until October, 2011, pandas in the wild could live for eighteen to twenty years. Pandas in the z00 could live for more than thirty years. To save panda

17、s, Chinese people keep them in the Z00.You might see pandas in the Z00. Pandas are covered with fur. They are white with black legs. They have black fur around their eyes. Their ears are black,too. They have short tails(尾巴). Pandas weigh(重量为) about ninety kilograms. Pandas eat a kind of plant called

18、 bamboo. Pandas have strong jaw(下颚). They usually eat bamboo with their large teeth. Sometimes they also eat meat. They spend at least twelve hours each day eating. Pandas like to live and play alone. They do not live in groups. Baby pandas are very small. When they are born, they are about as big a

19、s a stick of butter(一条黄油).31. How many pandas are there in the wild all over the world?_ .32. How long do pandas in the wild can live?_ .33. Which pandas can live over thirty years?_ .34. What do pandas usually feed on?_ .35. Do pandas like to live and play in groups?_ .D)阅读短文,从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选

20、项。(10分)The English love sports. One of the most popular games in England is cricket (板球) .But cricket doesnt change much these years. For some parts of England, the eight months of the football season is more important than the four months of the cricket season.Most middle schools have sports fields

21、 (场地).Boys usually play rugby (橄揽球) or football in winter and cricket in summer, while girls play tennis or baseball in summer and basketball or hockey ( 曲棍球) in winter. Boys seldom play basketball. The more popular grown-up (成人的) games are golf and tennis. A lot of people play them.The British also

22、 like watching horse racing, but few show interest in bike racing. Britain is the home of many modem (现代的) popular sports.( )36. In England, there are,_ months in the cricket season.A.4 B.5 C.6( )37. Middle school boys often play rugby or football inA. Spring B. winter C. summer( )38. In England,_ a

23、re popular grown-up games.A. football and basketball B. tennis and football C. golf and tennis( )39. From the passage, we can learn that many modem popular sports areFrom_ .A. America B. Britain C. Japan( )40. Which of the following is TRUE?A. For most British people, the cricket season is more impo

24、rtant than the football season.B. Cricket changed a lot during the last ten years.C. The British prefer horse racing to bike racing.(E) 阅读短文,根据内容,选出最佳选项。(10分)Do you know something about dolphins? Dolphins live in the ocean and there are more than thirty different kinds of these beautiful animals. So

25、me of them live in small groups of just a few members. Others live in very large groups.Dolphins use loud noises to communicate(交流) with each other. As for food, dolphins feed on small fish and other small sea animals. They can swim very fast-up to 40 kilometers per hour.Dolphins enjoy being with pe

26、ople. They like to make friends with people. Dolphins also help swimmers or sailors(海员) in trouble. There are many stories about this. Dolphins are very clever. You can see them in some parks where they play games with visitors. Some can even play ping- pong, Dolphins are so lovely, but some of them

27、 live in bad living conditions now.They cant get enough food, so they are becoming fewer and fewer in number. Even worse, some people kill them for money. Therefore(因此), we should take actions to protect the environment and our friend dolphins!( )41.We learn that dolphins_according to the passage.A.

28、 live in groups B. feed on sea plants C. swim slowly( )42.Dolphins can talk to each other _ .A. with their eyes B .by using loud noises singing songs( )43.We can hear many stories about dolphinsA. helping swimmers B. killing sailors C.playing sports with visitors( )44.Which of the following is

29、NOT true?A.There are fewer and fewer dolphins.B. Dolphins cant get enough food.C. Dolphins are very clever but lazy.( )45.We can_to protect dolphins.A. keep them in zoos B.kill lots of fish C.keep the ocean water cleanIII写作技能(共四个部分,计35分)A)单词拼写。根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。(5分)Many earthquakes happen every ye

30、ar. Some of these earthquakes are very strong. When they happen in cities, they can be very (46)_(严重的).Many people will be hurt or die in the earthquakes. Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquake.If you are indoors when the earthquake happens, the safest place is (47)u_a strong table or desk. Sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall is safer than standing in the middle of a room. Remember to protect your head and neck with your arms. Stay away from windows, tall furniture and pictu

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