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1、高考英语阅读理解和任务型阅读课堂综合练习十五附解析2009年高考英语阅读理解和任务型阅读课堂综合练习十五一阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A “Sesame Street” has been called “the longest street in the world”. That is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts of the world. That program became one of Americans exp

2、orts soon after it went on the air in New York in 1969. In the United States more than six million children watch the program regularly. The viewers include more than half the nations pre-school children, from every kind of economic(经济的), racial(种族的), and geographical group. Although some educators

3、object to certain elements in the program, parents praise it highly. Many teachers also consider it a great help, though some teachers find that problems arise when first graders who have learned from “Sesame Street” are in the same class with children who have not watched the program. Tests have sh

4、own that children from all racial, geographical, and economic backgrounds have benefited from watching it. Those who watch it five times a week learn more than occasional(偶然的) viewers. In the US the program is shown at different hours during the week in order to increase the number of children who c

5、an watch it regularly. The programs all use songs, stories, jokes, and pictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers, letters and human relationships. But there are some differences. For example, the Spanish program, produced in Mexico City, devotes more time to teaching whole words tha

6、n to teaching separate letters. Why has “Sesame Street” been so much more successful than other childrens shows? Many reasons have been suggested. People mention the educational theories(理论) of its creators, the support by the government and private(私人的) businesses, and the skillful use of a variety

7、 of TV tricks. Perhaps an equally important reason is that mothers watch it along with their children. This is partly because famous adult stars often appear on it. But the best reason for the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching feel able to learn. The child finds himsel

8、f learning, and he wants to learn more. 1. “Sesame Street” is actually _. A. a street in the US B. a program for childrenC. a program for teachers D. a program for students2. Children who often watch the program _. A. can have problems in school B. will find it a great helpC. will take no interest i

9、n their studiesD. will be well educated3. What is special about the program?A. It offers great fun.B. It makes children feel able to learn. C. It is shown at different hours during the week. D. Children learn and enjoy themselves while watching. 4. Why is “Sesame Street” so popular in the world?A. B

10、ecause it is supported by the government and businesses. B. Because it uses a variety of skillful tricks. C. Because mothers watch it along with their children. D. Because it makes every child watching it feel able to learn. 5. The best title for this passage can be _.A. TV Programs B. Educating Chi

11、ldrenC. Sesame Street D. A Great SuccessBLanguage learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are often long listeners. Most children will “obey” spoken instructions some time before they can speak,

12、though the word “obey” is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the children. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises.Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make t

13、o their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves as particularly expressive as delight, pain, friendliness, and so on. But since these cant be said to show the babys inten

14、tion to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new words to their store. This self-imitation(模仿) leads on to deliberate(有意的) imitation of sou

15、nds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech.It is a problem we need to get our teeth into. The meaning of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situat

16、ion; and it is clear that what a child means by a word will change as he gains more experience of the world. Thus the use, at seven months, of “mama” as a greeting for his mother cannot be dismissed as a meaning-less sound simply because he also uses it at another time for his father, his dog, or an

17、ything else he likes. Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself. I doubt, however, whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of this ability in an attempt to teach new sounds.6. Before children start speaking _.A.

18、 they need equal amount of listening B. they need different amounts of listeningC. they are all eager to cooperate with the adults by obey spoken instructionsD. they cant understand and obey the adults oral instructions 7. Children who start speaking late _.A. may have problems with their listeningB

19、. probably do not hear enough language spoken around themC. usually pay close attention to what they hear D. often take a long time in learning to listen properly 8. A babys first noises are _.A. an expression of his moods and feelingsB. an early form of languageC. a sign that he means to tell you s

20、omething D. an imitation of the speech of adults9. The problem of deciding at what point a baby imitations can be considered as speech _.A. is important because words have different meanings for different peopleB. is not especially important because the changeover takes place graduallyC. is one that

21、 should be properly understood because the meaning of words changes with ageD. is one that should be completely ignored(忽略) because childrens use of words is of-ten meaningless 10. The speaker implies _.A. parents can never hope to teach their children new soundsB. children no longer imitate people

22、after they begin to speak C. children who are good at imitating learn new words more quicklyD. even after they have learnt to speak, children still enjoy imitatingCThe Man of Many Secrets Harry Houdini was one of the greatest American entertainers in the theater this century. He was a man famous for

23、 his escapes from prison cells, from wooden boxes floating in rivers, from locked tanks full of water. He appeared in theaters all over Europe and America. Crowds came to see the great Houdini and his “magic” tricks. Of course, his secret was not magic, or supernatural powers. It was simply strength

24、. He had the ability to move his toes as well as he moved his fingers. He could move his body into almost any position he wanted.Houdini started working in the entertainment world when he was 17, in 1891. He and his brother Theo performed card tricks in club in New York. They called themselves the H

25、oudini Brothers. When Harry married in 1894, he and his wife Bess worked together as magician and assistant. But for a long time they were not very successful. Then Harry performed his first prison escape, in Chicago in 1898. Harry persuaded a detective to let him try to escape from the prison, and

26、he invited the local newspapermen to watch.It was the publicity(宣传) that came from this that started Harry Houdinis success. Harry had fingers trained to escape from handcuffs and toes trained to escape ankle chins. But his biggest secret was how he unlocked the prison doors. Every time he went into

27、 the prison cell, Bess gave him a kiss for good luck and a small skeleton key, which is a key that fits many locks, pass quickly from her mouth to his.Harry used these prison escapes to build his fame. He arranged to escape from the local prison of every town he visited. In the afternoon, the people

28、 of the town would read about it in their local newspapers, and in the evening every seat in the local theater would be full. What was the result? World-wild fame, and a name remembered today.11. According to the passage, Houdinis success in prison escapes depends on _.A. his special tricks and supe

29、rnatural powersB. his unusual ability and a skeleton keyC. his magic tricks and inhuman powersD. his wisdom and magic tricks12. In the fourth paragraph, the underlined word “this” refers to _.A. his first prison escape B. the year 1898C. the publicity D. Harry Houdinis success13. It can be inferred

30、from the passage that Houdini became famous _.A. in 1894 B. before he marriedC. at the age of 17 D. when he was about 2414. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. A Skeleton Key B. A Man of Many SecretsC. World-wild Fame D. Great Escape DOn May 29, 1973, Thomas Bradley, a black

31、man, was elected mayor of Los Angeles. Los Angeles is the third largest city in the United States, with a population of three million. About sixteen percent of the citys population are black.News of this election appeared on the front pages of newspapers everywhere in the United States. Here is how

32、one major newspaper reported the event:LOS ANGELES ELECTS BRADLEY MAYOR UNSEATING YORTYBLACK WINS 56% OF VOTES Bradley called his victory over Yorty “the fulfillment (实现) of a dream”. During his childhood and youth, people had kept telling him, “You cant do this, you cant go there, because you are a Negro.” Nevertheless he had won a decisive victory over a man who had been won 43.7 percent.Los Angeles vote

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