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8、DHC产品的高品质。这一人性化的服务在使顾客更为亲睐DHC的同时也为DHC自己的营销创造了机会。如最近DHC就在中国启动了免费体验天然基础护肤六件装的活动,只需发短信直接在手机中抵扣3元挂号费(确保产品准确送达顾客手中),就可以获得护肤套装,市场反响非常热烈。经济热点:如何解决住房问题The euro crisisIs anyone in charge?A look behind the drifting and squabbling to see who is really to blame, and what theyre thinkingOct 1st 2011 |BRUSSELS, L

9、ONDON, PARIS AND WASHINGTON, DC| from the print editionIN THE Centennial Hall in Wroclaw, Poland, in early September, Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank, warned Europes finance ministers how grave the global financial crisis was. The euro area, he said, was currently its epi

10、centre, and the consequences could be much worse than anything seen so far.But since most citizens are not yet feeling the pain, politicians are struggling to act decisively. A lightning visit to Wroclaw by Tim Geithner, Americas treasury secretary, to express his alarm over the “catastrophic risk”

11、of cascading sovereign defaults seemed to have little impact. The Europeans offered either excuses (decisions in a European Union of 27 countries are hard to reach) or hostility (America should sort out its own debt). After two days of talks, the euro-zone ministers came no closer to a solution.One

12、week later, at the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Washington, the Americans and others, including China, berated the Europeans for threatening the world economy. In fact, there was some progress: the Europeans agreed that there must be a plan to ring-fence solvent but illiquid economie

13、s, beef up the main bail-out fund, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), recapitalise Europes banks and, not least, deal with Greece, which may yet default chaotically. But there was no agreement on any of the details of such a plan.Correction to this tableThe euro zone has the firepower

14、 to solve this crisisits aggregate deficit and debt numbers compare favourably with Americas and Britains. But it is not a single entity, politically or economically. The currency is European, but treasuries are national and economies are only partially integrated. Each country wants to limit its li

15、ability for the debt of others and to curb the interference of peers in its economic policies. All 17 members have a veto on key decisions, which must then be ratified by unruly parliaments. Now the euro zone is trying to re-design itself even as it sinksand every country is wondering whether to hel

16、p others or save itself.Half-step by half-stepBy its own ponderous standards, the euro zone has changed course quite fast. It has bailed out three countries, created an embryonic rescue fund and, only this week, toughened up fiscal discipline with threats of early sanctions for miscreants. Yet each

17、belated half-step exposes how much is left to do. A deal agreed in July, including a second bail-out for Greece with a “voluntary” contribution from creditors, recapitalisation of banks and more flexibility for the EFSF, is still struggling through national parliaments; and, in any case, these measu

18、res are already obsolete. Contagion has spread to Italy, and nobody pretends that the EFSF, even after Julys reforms, could save it without more money.The euro zone may have only a few weeks to come up with a more credible plan; the informal deadline is the next G20 summit in Cannes in early Novembe

19、r. Are Europes squabbling leaders up to it? To one despairing outsider, Austan Goolsbee, a former adviser to Barack Obama, Europeans are like the ineffective windbags in Monty Pythons “Life of Brian”“where, you know, the guy comes out and says, We need to act, and the next one says, Youre right, let

20、s draftno more talkingI second the motion. Lets start doing something.”One could easily imagine Jean-Claude Trichet as the hapless Brian, left to rot on the cross as his comrades walk away. To many, Mr Trichet has been the saviour of the euro, freely breaking with orthodoxy and acting decisively to

21、buy the bonds of vulnerable euro-zone governments while the politicians talk. Others, though, see him as the politicians lackey, and his purchase of sovereign bonds has driven two German colleagues to resign.Mr Trichet works hard at being a paragon of charm and composure. But his self-control crumbl

22、ed earlier this month when he was asked whether the ECB was now a European “bad bank”. “We have delivered price stability over the first 12-13 years of the euro! Impeccably! Impeccably!” he thundered, adding that he “would like very much to hear some congratulations” for delivering greater price sta

23、bility in Germany than even the mighty Bundesbank ever managed.Mr Trichet is clever enough to find justifications for his actions: the ECB, he claims, buys bonds not to bail out governments but to help the “transmission” of its interest rates to the market; and it accepts dubious Greek collateral on

24、 the ground that bailed-out countries are by definition solvent. He rightly warned the politicians that their campaign to make private bond-holders take a hit in future bail-outs would only spook the markets. But he may be wrong to oppose any kind of debt restructuring for Greece, which is patently

25、bust.Mr Trichet could, in theory, solve the immediate problem single-handedly by announcing that the ECB would buy unlimited amounts of sovereign bonds if a solvent country came under attack. There are signs that it is ready to provide longer-term liquidity (up to one year) to banks and to ease inte

26、rest rates. But Mr Trichet is the first to declare that the ECB cannot alone hold the breach in the bond markets.In any case, time is running out for a grand move. Mr Trichet will step down at the end of October, making way for Italys Mario Draghi. The change makes many nervous. The Italian central

27、banker is impeccably orthodox in his economic thinking. Moreover he may find it hard, as an Italian, to expand the ECBs bond-buying when Italy is especially vulnerable.Its all up to Angela and WolfgangIn the end, the future of the euro will be decided largely in Germany. It has the deepest pockets,

28、and its post-war renaissance is intimately bound up with European integration. If Europe takes decisions slowly, it is partly because of Germanys complex federal structure and messy coalition politics. And for all the criticism, it is easy to understand Germanys hesitation (SEE CHARLEMAGNE). It face

29、s an agonising choice: to back the euro with almost unlimited taxpayers funds, or risk the break-up of the single currency. The government has tried to steer away from both horrors. Many Germans think it is already going too far, too fast towards a “transfer union”.Germanys slow response also has so

30、mething to do with the personality of the chancellor, Angela Merkel. She is a physicist by training, methodical to a fault and ultra-cautious; faced with conflicting advice, her instinct is always to put off a decision. She may be fully committed to the project, but for her Europe is a cost-benefit

31、calculation rather than historical destiny.Not so her finance minister and one-time rival, Wolfgang Schuble, a disciple of the ex-chancellor, Helmut Kohl. Mr Schuble, who is wheelchair-bound since an assassination attempt in 1990, does not demur when interviewers describe him as the cabinets “last E

32、uropean”. His relations with Mrs Merkel have not always been easy. She became chairman of her Christian Democratic Union in 2000 after Mr Schuble was forced out of the job over his involvement in a party-financing scandal. These days the Merkel-Schuble dynamic is watched as closely as bond spreads. At least once, the chancellor has countermanded a deal struck by her finance minister. Mr Schuble is hawkish on the need for fiscal discipline and may be readier than Mrs Merkel to push Greece into a default, yet he is also more prepar

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