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三年级英语下册 Lesson4 It s red教案2.docx

1、三年级英语下册 Lesson4 It s red教案2Lesson 4 Its RedSubject(科目)EnglishBook(册)Date(日期)Topic(课题) Lesson 4 Its Red.Part(课时)onePage(页码)46Teaching Aims(教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words: hat /color/ yellow /boxSentences:Whats in it? What color is it? Ability Aims(能力目标):1.To bring up the abilities of listening,spe

2、aking,reading and writing.2.To bring up the ability of taking care of each other. Emotion Aims(情感目标):1.To take care of each other.2.To express feeling in English. Important Points(教学重点)It”s yellow./Its a yellow hat.What color is it? Difficult Points(教学难点)What color is it?It”s yellow.Its a yellow hat

3、. Teaching Methods(教学方法)TPR Instruments(教具)recorder,word cards Teaching Steps(教学步骤).The Teaching Leading(教学导入):1.Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello, boys and girls.(S:)T:I miss you very much. Do you miss me?(S:)2.Have a revision(复习): T: Whats your name?(S:)T writes “Im” on the blackboard.3.The Leading Words(导语

4、):T:Now,look at me.(T touchs her cloth.)T: What color is it?.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开):1.T: Now open your books to page 46 and listen.2.T shows a picture of “YELLOW”. T:Can you tell me what color is it?(T points the picture.) S:3.To study” yellow” and the pronounciation of the letter”y” /j/.4.

5、And to study”color” .(the pronounciation of the letter”o”/a:/ Write the three words.5.To study the last two words”box” and “hat”(Expand: thirsty) 6.TPR: Its a box./a yellow box . a hat./a yellow hat.7.T: Now, I want to ask you some questions.Could you answer them? S: T: Are you ready?(S:) T: What co

6、lor is it? T may give S some seconds to think of the question. S:Yes.(No.) T writes “ Its yellow.” And “Its a yellow hat.” on the blackboard.8. To show a small blackboard: Its yellow. red. To practice answers.9.T: Wonderful! I need one student. Who can come to the front? Role- play: T acts Mom./ S1

7、acts Jack10. To practice in pairs,(about page 46)11.To show their practices. T may visit two or three groups to the front .12. T: Give them big hands. I think the other S can do better. Now its time to listen to tape.Please turn to page 46and read after the tape. Listen together.13. T: Youre flying.

8、 Next, lets do the listening exercises.(page50:Cirle the Correct Response 1)14. T:Take out your workbooks. Lets do the writing exercises. (page46 one :3 ,4/ two:1,2).The Sum Up(总结):1.T: Who can say out the learned in this class? S:.2.Homework:a. To write “hat color yellow box” three times. b. Role-p

9、lay : You can play with your partners. Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 4 Its Red. Whats in it? Its a hat./ Its a yellow hat.What color is it? Its red./Its yellow. Thinking After Class(课后反思)教材为我们提供了很好的听、说、读、写训练内容,通过听听、说说、唱唱、做做,先培养语感,培养兴趣,然后进入开课以前,我就上节课所说内容,采用师师问答、生生问答、小组问答等多种形式进行复习,这一方法不仅有效的复习了上节课或以前所学

10、的内容,而且为新授内容做了铺垫,起到了承上启下的作用。字母教学。让学生在快乐中学习英语,在知识中获得成功感。The Teaching PlanSubject(科目)EnglishBook(册)Date(日期)Topic(课题) Lesson 4 Its Red.Part(课时)TwoPage(页码)47Teaching Aims(教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words:red/nose/blue/putSentences: Here are blue eyes. Put them on. Look at me. Ability Aims(能力目标):1.To bri

11、ng up the abilities of listening, speaking,reading and writing.2.To bring up the ability of introduce snack. Emotion Aims(情感目标):1.Ask S to know the snack and the harm of snack. Important Points(教学重点)Words: sandwich,hot dog,pizza,breadSentences: Here are blue eyes. Put them on. Look at me. Difficult

12、Points(教学难点) 1. puton” 2.Here are +可数名词复数. Teaching Methods(教学方法)The method of pictures情境教学 Instruments(教具)recorder, Teaching Steps(教学步骤).The Teaching Leading(教学导入):1. Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello,boys and girls. Are you OK? S:T:Good job! Now ,please chant after me.”What color is it ? What color is it ?”

13、2.Have a revision(复习): To show word cards: box/hat yellow/color3.The Leading Words(导语):T: What color is it?(S:.)T:OK,lets continue to study other colors.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开):1.T: Open your books to page 47 and listen to the tape. Please find out some colors. OK? S:.2.T: Youre very careful

14、.Now lets study them. To study”red” and “blue”3.T: Who can say their plural?(S:.)4.T: Do you know another color?(S:) To show the pictures of red and blue” To study them together.5.T: Do you know their plural?(S:.)6.To show these snack, and say,” What color is it?” S:. T:Youre smart! To write” Its ”

15、on the blackboard. To read the sentence one by one.(教师注意纠正读音。)7.To practice the style: Its( yellow/red/blue)8.T: We can use the color to describe everything.Now who can tell me what color is this apple.(Teach students how to use the English isn their lives) S:.(启发学生用“like”来回答。)9.To write the table.(

16、每人发一张。)coloryellowredblueHatnoseeyes10. Ask S to say out his or her answers. What is this? Its a nose./Its a red nose.11.T: Youre flying. Now ,Im Jack, * is Xiao lan.You come here. J: Oh,its a red nose. X:Here are blue eyes.Put them on,Xiaolan. J: Ok.Look at me,Jack. T: HaHa.12.Role play.(仿照教师的示范。)1

17、3.Read after the tape.(p47)14.Do the workbook:page twenty-,.The Sum Up(总结):1.T: Who can say out the learned in this class? S:.2.Homework:a.To recite the new words: red/nose/blue/put b. Role-play : You can play with your partners. Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 4 Its Red. What color is it? Its. Here a

18、re blue eyes. Put them on. Thinking After Class(课后反思)通过本堂教学使我深刻体会到:学生们对于歌诀、游戏的感知能力极其强烈,而诵读顺口溜也是习得语言的重要方式,它寓思想教育于情趣,融科学知识与情景,技能训练与游戏与一体,英汉结合,节奏明快,韵律和谐,琅琅上口,寓教于乐,妙趣横生非常适合小学生的学习心理特点,是学生学习词语的好形式。The Teaching PlanSubject(科目)EnglishBook(册)Date(日期)Topic(课题) Lesson 4 Its Red.Part(课时)threePage(页码)48Teaching

19、Aims(教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words: can/draw/tiger/blackSentences: Can you draw a tiger? Yes ,I can./No, I cant. Color is yellow and black. Ability Aims(能力目标):1.To bring up the abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing.2.To bring up the ability of asking sth for sb. Emotion Aims(情感目标):

20、1.To take care of each other.2.To express feeling in English. Important Points(教学重点)Words: can/draw/tiger/blackSentences: Can you draw a tiger? Yes ,I can./No, I cant. Color is yellow and black. Difficult Points(教学难点)Sentence: Can you draw a tiger? Yes ,I can./No, I cant. Teaching Methods(教学方法)TPR实物

21、教学 Instruments(教具)recorder,word cards Teaching Steps(教学步骤).The Teaching Leading(教学导入):1.Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello, boys and girls.(S:)T:I miss you very much. Do you miss me?(S:)2.Have a revision(复习): T:Now ,lets go over some colors.Who can say out how many colors do you learn?S:.(yellow red blue)3.The

22、 Leading Words(导语):T:Today well continue to learn colors.DO you want to learn?(S:.)T:You must study carefully. OK?(S:.).The Teaching Presentation(教学展开):1.T: Now open your books to page 48 and listen.2.T Do you know some animls?Can you tell me? S:3.To show some animals pictues and to study them.(师注意“

23、i”在tiger中的发音)4.T: If you want someone to draw a tiger, please to say” Can you draw a tiger?”OK?S:OK!.(仿照教师的语调。) T shows another animals pictue.(提示学生用上面的方法说出来。)5.To practice the dialogue: A:Can you draw a tiger?B: Yes, I .can.A:Oh, good!Color it yellow and black.B:OK,Tutu. 6.T: Well done!Do you want

24、to draw some animals? S:.7.T: You may say out in Chinese. S: T: What color is it?(Finger out the blackboard)8.To study “ black” (教师注意”black”的发音,并对发音不准的学生给与纠音。)9.To expland” draw a( an) tiger/cat/monkey/elephant”(pay attention to the use of “an”)10.T: Can you draw?(To show the three pictures of anima

25、ls.) 教师提示用“can”来回答。 Eg. Can you draw . T: Yes,I can./No,I cant.11. T: Give them big hands. I think the other S can do better. Now its time to listen to tape.Please turn to page 6 and read after the tape. Listen together.12. T: Youre flying. Next, lets do the listening exercises.(page52:Listen and co

26、lor.)13. T:Now,take out your workbooks. Lets do the writing exercises. (pagetwenty-one ,).The Sum Up(总结):1.T: Who can say out the learned in this class? S:.2.Homework:a. To write and recite” can/draw/tiger/black” three times. b. Role-play : You can play with your partners. c. Workbook: page twenty-t

27、wo- Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 4 Its Red.Can you draw a tiger? Yes, I can. No, I cant.Color it yellow and black. Thinking After Class(课后反思)改变原来机械的教学结构安排,根据学生年龄小,注意力集中时间短的特点,合理安排教学结构,使学生在老师“导演-指引”中学会在散发思维中学习,在娱乐演练中学习,在注意力有效集中中学习,使教学具有娱乐性,层次性,系统性,连贯性,实践性,开放性,创意性和艺术性,课堂教学由原来的学生不想说,不会说到现在的学生“思如泉涌”,满堂

28、彩,教学的效果大大提高了。实物、图片、简笔画、幻灯片等是英语教学中常用的直观教具,除教师制作直观教具外,我发动学生自己制作教具、学具。如刚开始学字母时,就可让学生作字母卡片,以便进行同桌、分组、找朋友等多种形式的听说训练。单词教学、对话教学等都可以让学生自己动手做图片卡、单词卡、句型卡或头饰、道具。这样安排不仅有利于师生进行听说训练,而且也能促使学生动脑动手,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂效率,教学效果非常好。The Teaching PlanSubject(科目)EnglishBook(册)Date(日期)Topic(课题) Lesson 4 Its Red.Part(课时)fourPage(

29、页码)49Teaching Aims(教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words: green/orange/moon/sun/starSentences:a green moon / you can see many stars. Ability Aims(能力目标):1.To bring up the abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing.2.To bring up the ability of taking care of each other. Emotion Aims(情感目标):1.To ta

30、ke care of each other.2.To express feeling in English. Important Points(教学重点)Words: green/orange/moon/sun/starSentences: a green moon an orange sunyou can see many stars Difficult Points(教学难点)You can see many stars. Teaching Methods(教学方法)TPR Instruments(教具)recorder,word cards Teaching Steps(教学步骤).The Teaching Leading(教学导入):1.Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello, boys and girls.(S:)T:Im very glad to see you. Are you? (S:)T: Lets chant s

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