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1、英语专业综合教程一二册笔记整理综合英语第一、二册词汇分类整理第一册:重点单词+一词多义1 Hand in hand:1. 手拉手 2. 紧密相连: Theory and practice must go hand in hand.2 Manner: (注意manner的作单复数时不同的意思) mannered 矫揉造作的;矫饰的;不自然的1singular: 方法;方式: in a/the manner 2. (言行的)方式: aggressive manner; 3. 种类:all manner of sth 各种各样的人(或物);(as) to the manner born 自然而然地;

2、in the manner of= in the style of 以风格3. plural: 1.礼貌;规矩:good/bad manners; have no manners= behave badly 没有礼貌2(某个人群的)风俗;习惯;Middle-class manners 3Appreciation/appreciate1.感激;感谢U in appreciation of : The award is given in appreciation of her huge contribution to the film business. 2.理解;体会;明白 There is a

3、 growing appreciation of the need for environmental reform 3.欣赏;赏识 4. 涨价;增值4. Cherish 1.怀念: cherish the memory of those happy times; 2. 关爱;爱护 3. 珍爱;珍视: a cherished dream/hope/memory5. Infectious 1.传染性的 2. (心情、行动)有感染力的;有影响力的:His enthusiasm was infectious.6Jolt 1.震动;颠簸:The bus jolted to a stop. 2.使震惊;

4、使惊醒:The alarm jolted me out of a deep sleep.7. Bolt n 1.(门或窗的)金属插销 2.螺栓 a bolt from/out of the blue:大出意外的事;晴天霹雳 v(用螺栓)把钉在一起:bolt sth to sth8. Scramble:1. i +over/up/down/out of etc 爬;攀登 scramble to your feet 匆匆站起身2i 争抢;争夺 +for/ scramble to do sth 3.炒蛋:Scrambled eggs9. confidence/confident/confidenti

5、al1.confidence: 1.信心+in 2.信任;信赖+in 3.信心;把握 4.秘密:gain/get sbs confidence 赢得某人的信任; in confidence 秘密地;私下里2. confident in the knowledge that :确保 You can go out, confident in the knowledge that your house is safe.10. skim :v1.撇去(液体面上的浮物)+off : Skim the fat off the soup. 2.(使) 在表面上方快速移动 In the distance, w

6、ater skiers skimmed across/over the bay;The children are skimming stone on the lake. 3.浏览;略读 +through11. steer :steer sth away from/towards/into/through etc sth 1. 掌舵;驾驶 2.引领;引导 3.影响;引导 He steered the country through a transitional period to elections;steer sb to victory=help someone win 帮助某人取得成功; s

7、teer a course:1.遵循:They tried to steer a middle course between overconfidence and undue pessimism. 2.朝着前进 steer a course for12Smash: 1.用力打破;打碎 2.粉碎,捣毁(组织等);击败;击溃:The government would take whatever necessary action to smash the rebellion by separatist guerillas.13Bond 1.联系;关系+between: The trade agree

8、ment strengthened the bond between the two countries. 2.公债;债券 a government/Treasury bond; 3.契约;合同 4.(郑重的)许诺;保证:my word is my bond 我的话像契约一样可靠;我一定会履行诺言 5.bonds: 枷锁=shackle;束缚物:She longs to escape from the bonds of children and housework.14.affect 1.影响;身体上的伤害;感情上的打动 affecting;震动 2. 假装;佯装 She affected a

9、 look of disinterest as she glanced at his newspaper.15.plagueepidemic/pandemic/:1.瘟疫;传染病 2. singular普遍的祸害: the plague of violence in America today 3. (动物或昆虫)无限制的大量滋长;泛滥:A plague of journalists surrounded around the superstar. vt:给造成长期的灾祸;长期困扰:The children plagued him with questions.16.conformist 1.

10、adj 墨守成规的;因循守旧的 2.n墨守成规的人,因循守旧的人17. distinction 1.差别;不同 make/draw a distinction between 2.优秀;卓越;杰出:of (great) distinction; He is a writer of high distinction. 3.声誉;特征;特点;Have/hold/gain the distinction of : She holds the distinction of being the first woman editor of the Harvard Law Review.18.distinc

11、t 1.不同的;单独的:They were classified into two distinct groups; as distinct from: The Company, as distinct from its shareholders, should be liable for any debts.2.清晰的;清楚的;明显的:As dawn broke, the outline of a building became distinct against the sky. 3.usually before noun确实的;显著的: I had the distinct impress

12、ion that he did not like me.19.stature 1.身高 He will be taller than his father when he reaches his full stature. 2. 名望;威望: Gain/grow/rise in stature20. fragment 1.n碎片:fragments of glass 2.v(使)破碎;(使)分裂 Fragmentation(含抽象意味);n破碎;破裂;分裂 of the Soviet Union21Polar 1.极地的 2.截然不同的:The novel deals with the pol

13、ar opposites of the love and hate.22.integrate1.使融入;使打成一片:integrate sb into sth 2.使结合;使成为一体:integrate sth into/with sth 3.使取消种族隔离 Integrated:融合的;整体的;综合的;互相协调的team 2.无种族隔离的 Integration 1. 融合;融入:+into 2.种族融合:the of school 3.结合;融合;整合:+of/with/into Integrity 1.正直;诚实:maintain/preserve your integrity; que

14、stion/doubt sbs integrity; professional/artistic/political integrity 2.完整;完全:defend the new states territorial integrity23.spectrum 1.系列;范围;幅度 wide/broad spectrum=a large range: The course covers a wide spectrum of musical activity from opera to rock 2. 光谱 3. 频率24.capacity 1.能力;:capacity to do/for s

15、th;2.身份in a professional/personal/advisory etc capacity;in your capacity as :I attended in my capacity as chairman of the safety committee.3.容量;容积;容纳力1.The seating capacity of the theater is 5,000. 2.The hall was filled/full to capacity.25.discipline n1.纪律;惩罚:Impose discipline/maintain discipline 2.

16、自控能力;自制力:Their attention wandered and they lacked the discipline to learn. 3.训练方法:Studying a foreign language is a good discipline for mind. 4.(尤指大学的)学科;科目 v1.惩罚;处罚:The strikers were disciplined by management. 2.discipline yourself:约束自己26.conscious:1.意识到;注意到 of doing sth/that 2.神志清醒的;有知觉的 3.慎重的;有意的;

17、刻意的decision/effort 4.特别感兴趣的;关注的:Environmentally-conscious27.refine: 1. 精炼;提纯:refined sugar 2. 改善;改进;使精炼:refine ones manners28.reflection;1. 映像:He admired his reflection in the mirror. 2. (声、光、热等的)反射 3. 反映;显示;表达:The increase in crime is a sad reflection on(=shows sth bad about)our society. 4.沉思;深思;审慎

18、的思考:She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all.29. induce : 1. 劝说;诱使 induce sb to do sth 2.引起;导致=cause or produce, result in, bring about, entail : Drugs which induce sleep 30. Persist 1. 顽强地坚持;执着地做 in sth/in doing sth/with sth ; 2.维持;保持;持续;存在:If the pain persists, consult a doctor.31Vi

19、sion 1.视力;视野: good/perfect/poor/blurred/normal vision; 2.想象;幻想 3. 想象力;眼力;远见卓识=foresight: a leader of foresightVisionary 1.有眼力的;远见卓识的 2. 梦幻的;(尤指)宗教异象的;神示的32Vain futile1. 徒劳的;枉然的;in the vain hope/in a vain attempt to do/in vain; 2.自负的;自视过高的: She is too vain to wear glasses.33. Given : 1.adj已经安排好的;规定的:

20、They were to meet at a given time and place. Be given to sth/to doing sth: 经常做;习惯于;2.prep考虑到;鉴于 Given his age, he is remarkably active. Given that: It was surprising the government was re-elected, given that they had raised taxes so much.34. moral adj1. 道德的:a moral issue/dilemma/question 2.道义上的;道德上的

21、:moral responsibility/duty 3.品行端正的;有道德的 4.能辨别是非的:Children are not naturally moral beings. Take/claim/seize the moral high ground 声称自己的论点在道义上占优势n1.品行;道德 2. 寓言:The moral of the fable is that honesty is always the best policy.35. scarcely adv1.几乎不:I can believe whats happened. 2.才;仅仅:We had driven a mi

22、le when the car broke down. 3.决不;一定不:I can scarcely refuse to help after all hes done for me.36.conviction 1.定罪;判罪:previous conviction; 2.坚定的信仰;信念;3.深信;确信:lack conviction(缺乏信心);not carry conviction(没有说服力)37. nest 1.鸟巢 2.+of 一套;一组: a nest of table38. off 1.离开;走开:be off/be off to; off/on course 偏离/在正确

23、航线;航向2.从(顶部或表面)离开:keep/stay off the grass 3.不上课;不工作;休息:be off and on/on and off 有时;间或;断断续续39Distant 1. 在远处的:in the not too distant future:在不久的将来;Distant memory 遥远的记忆;the dim and distant past:很久以前;遥远的过去;Keep a respectful distance 敬而远之;2疏远的;不友好的;冷淡的; 3. 恍惚的;心不在焉的;4.远亲的;远房的 a distant relative40.s

24、omehow:1.以某种方法:somehow or other:不管怎么样;2.由于某种未知的原因41Lean 1.清瘦而健康的;2.倚靠:lean against/on sth 3.有(选择或支持某事物的)倾向:lean in the direction of sth; lean on sb 依靠某人;leaning towards 对的倾向;爱好;偏爱42Extend 1.提供;给予;(向某人)表示(欢迎、感谢、同情)extend sth to sth 2.涉及(范围;延伸(距离)延续(时间);Rain is expected to extend to all parts of the c

25、ountry. The desert extends for miles.Extension/extent: 1.This kidnapping shows an _extension_ of terrorist activity to innocent children. 2. This kidnapping shows the _extent_ of terrorist activity which has got innocent children involved.43. Identify: 1.indentify sb as sth:1.辨认;确认;2.是的标志;显示出; 2.ide

26、ntify with sb 体会(某人)的思想感情;理解并同情(某人)的感受:He didnt seem to be able to identify with ordinary people and their aspirations. identified with sb/sth 把某人或某物联系在一起 4.identify sth with sth 认为和一致;将等同于44.ground v1.使飞机停飞;船只搁浅;2. 罚呆在家里His parents grounded him for two weeks for smoking.3.使决定、想法建立在之上,基于:be gro

27、unded in/on sth n4.理由;原因:on the grounds of: She is suing the company on the ground of unfair dismissal. 45.sway v1.摇动;摇摆 2.影响某人;使改变看法:Sway sb into doing sth 3.nhold sway :1.(对人们的观点或行为)有巨大的影响力;2.控制某个区域 under sbs sway:在某人的控制或统治下46Smear:1.(胡乱地)涂,抹:be smeared with sth 2.玷污;诽谤:slur/smash/malign47Facility

28、 1.通常用复数(房间、设备等)设施;2.(工具、制度等的)特点:Have the facility to do sth : The software has the facility to produce high-quality graphics displays. 3.(用作某种用途的)区,大楼;4.单数/U天赋;技能;技巧:He has a facility for languages.注:facility作单数时指场所;作复数时指设施。48.hover 1.(鸟、昆虫或飞机)翱翔;2.守候;犹豫:The waiter was hovering over their table. 3.

29、(在之间)摇摆不定;不确定+between:His girlfriend is hovering between life and death.4.(在上下)徘徊:+around/near: hover on the brink/edge/verge of sth 接近于某事边缘,濒于某事边缘(尤指令人不快的事)49.mock adj仅用于名词前1.假的;仿真的mock guns and knives 2.假装的;虚假的affected 3.(考试、面试等)模拟的4.v讥笑;嘲笑50.confer 1.授予(权力、权利或荣誉):confer sth on sb; 2.讨论;商谈;商议;协商:C

30、onfer with 51Involved :1.牵涉在内的;卷入的+in;2.参与的;3.复杂难懂的第二册1. resonate;1.(使)产生情感共鸣+with: Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, as I do live in a small family. 2.回响;回荡:The building resonates with historic significance.2. due:1.adj仅用于名词前,适当的;恰当的:He was found to have been driving without due/necessar

31、y care and attention. / in due course:在适当的时候:We will announce the results of our investigation in due course./with all due respect:恕我直言 2.预定的;预期的;预计应出生的:When is the next bus due?/Their baby is due in June. 3.UN应有的权利;应得到的东西:He failed again, but to give him his due, he did try hard. 说句公道话;4.ndues复数:应缴

32、款;会费3. spell:n1.一段时间;一会儿:a brief spell;2.(特定天气情况的)持续时间:a hot/cold/wet/dry spell;3.(疾病突然的)一次发作:a dizzy/fainting spell;4.魔咒;魅力: cast a spell on sb 5.v意味着(通常是不好的事)spell a disaster/doom for sb;6.vt暂时代替某人4. lumber :1.木材2.给某人增加麻烦;拖累:Lumber sb with doing sth. 3.缓慢吃力地移动;笨拙地行进:In this distance, we could see a herd of elephants lumbering across the plain. 5. stifle v1.压制;

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