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1、教师政治学习笔记材料教师政治学习笔记材料2013年教师政治学习笔记材料 师德师风学习材料(一) 2013年3月4日 星期一 一、敬业,树立师德形象 何为师德,师德即是教师具备的最基本的道德素养。如:爱岗敬业、为人师表、诲人不倦等等。如何敬业, 1、敬业要有诚心 这是一个教师必备的最基本的心态。无论是上班时还是下班后;无论是校园内还是校园外;无论是心情好还是心情坏,都会自主、自觉地意识到:我是教师,我应该担任这份职业的社会责任和道德责任,一丝不苟地对待教育中的任何一件事。 2、敬业要有恒心 “十年树木,百年树人”,教育之路艰巨而漫长,它不能急功近利,不能浮躁。如果能该行,就该行吧,如果不能改变现

2、状,那只有耐心、有恒心地潜心于研究业务,全身心地投入教育。一个学困生,不是靠一次两次的辅导教育就能转化,他需要一年、两年的关注、辅导、教育,甚至更多 3、敬业要有爱心 教育要根植于爱。马卡连柯曾说过:“爱是一种伟大的感情,它总在创造奇迹、创造新人,唯有爱,教师才会用快乐的眼光去发现学生 的闪光点,才会把辛苦的教育事业当作乐趣来从事,它能使教师感到每个学生的喜悦和苦恼都在敲打他的心,引起他的思考、关怀与担心。”,面对差生,我们要想:“假如是我的孩子”我舍得放弃吗,面对犯错的孩子,我们要想:“假如我是孩子”我多么希望他人的理解和谅解。这种设身处地,充满爱的换位做法,会使问题解决得更好,更完美. 二

3、、豁达,收获快乐的心灵 有这样一个有关佛家禅语的故事,讲的是一位在山中身居简出的禅师,一天夜晚,他碰到一位正要行窃的小偷,一无所获的小偷慌不择路,禅师却对他说:“别急,天上的明月会给你指路的。”说完,顺手把自己脱下的外衣也递给了他。第二天,禅师在门口发现了小偷送还的外衣,感慨道:“我终于送了一轮明月给他。” 其实,对于一个污垢的心灵,最需的是一轮明月,为他指路的明月对于我们的学生在成长过程中所犯下的一些错误,我们做教师不妨豁达一点,不妨满怀一颗真挚的爱心,投一束亲切的目光,做一个放行的手势,让他们在老师关爱的目光中温暖内心,以感悟和省悟。 我曾经有一个网友,记得很清楚,我们初次在网上见面打招呼

4、互相介绍时,当我说我是一名老师时,他竟毫不含糊地回了一句:“我最恨老师”后面还紧跟了3个感叹号,可想他已经把老师恨之入骨了。我说为什么,他说:“你知道吗,我只读了小学第四册就辍学了,只因为那年我犯下了一个不小的错误,老师和学校把我赶出了校门,从此,我再也没有进过校门。现在在外打工,没有文化找不到好工作,吃尽了没文化的苦头,我能不恨他们吗,假想一下,如果当年学校老师心胸能豁达一点,给他一次改过的机会,结果可能是完全不一样的。学校老师是解了一时的恨,但是留给学生的是一生的痛 我们是“德高为师,身正为范”的教师,我们更应该有一颗“老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼”的豁达无边的心灵,唯有一颗充满爱的

5、心灵才能赋予教育以震撼的力量,否则只是苍白无I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan fun

6、ds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitme

7、nt funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrowers withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the

8、borrowers account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with y

9、our bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management,stop paid confirmed book records table single 13: lifted check pay notice records table single 14: personal loan ahead of repayment application accepted table Records table single 15: loan lines opened/cancellation application approva

10、l table records table single 16: qilu card award letter self loan lines cancellation application approval table records table single 17: loan lines cancellation application approval table records table single 18: qilu Bank loan urged received notice records table single 19: arrived (quality) bet rea

11、l right proved out library listing records table single 20: housing mortgage right cancellation proved records table single 21: personal pledge loan repayment commitment letter 11. schedule Spontaneous date of promulgation of this practice, this procedure is issued prior to the implementation of the

12、 relevant provisions are inconsistent with this regulation, is subject to this regulation. The risk management Department is responsible for the interpretation and amendment of procedures by the head office. Break through the restrictions imposed by this practice, should submit file explanations aut

13、horities file explanation deemed necessary and submitted to the Head Office of the loan Review Committee for approval. Record form 1: personal loan customer conversation transcript to me given the loan applicant bank personal loan applications, according to qilu Bank personal loan interviews regulat

14、ions and interviews on the following issues with the borrower and the guarantor, please respond, and ensure content authenticity. 1, your personal loan application materials must be submitted to the qilu Bank is true, otherwise you should bear the corresponding legal responsibility. In this regard,

15、do you understand? Yes () No () 2, you apply for personal loans amounting to million of period of months, you decide to take the repayment options are: due a one-off debt (), monthly interest, to . Qilu Bank: 力的教育。我们教师应该有能谅解学生点滴错误的包容之心,才能让他们收获阳光与欢笑,收获一颗快乐、懂得感恩的心 三、学习,成就教育事业 一位教育者说过:“一个教师不在于他教了多少年书,而

16、在于他用心教了多少年书。不重复自己、不断探索、不断创新,这样的教师不会停止对生活的撞击,即使他成不了一位教育家,他也会拥有诗意的教育生活,他的生命也会更有意义。”而不重复自己,不断挑战自我,其前提就是学习。没有学习,一切都成为无源之水、无本之木。没有一个成功的教育工作者不是一个善于学习的人。 可以说教师从教之日,正是重新学习之时,教师从教一天,就得学习一天。那么教师该学些什么呢 1、教师应该学习前人的教育财富。古有孔子、孟子,今有于永正、魏书生;外有马卡连柯,中有陶行知,他们都是教育先驱,教育典范。 2、教师应该学习多方面的知识。从平常的教学中,我们经常会感到自己知识的贫乏。作为一名教师,他需

17、要的知识并非拘于某一个方面,而是上下五千年纵横数万里几乎无所不包的。一个知识面不广的教师,很难真正给学生以人格上的感召力,他们欢迎百科全书式的教师。如果教师一问三不知,学生会非常失望。因此,教师应该博览群书,历史地理生物军事艺术文学哲学医学上无所不包无所不知,教师除了该有的学历外还应该有经历有阅历,行万里路读万本书,课堂上才能信手拈来,得心应手。 3、 教师应该多掌握现代信息技术。网络时代如果与网络绝缘,那无异于新的睁眼瞎了。更何况现代信息技术设备已经越来越多地进入我们的教学生活,谁也不会否认合理地运用现代信息技术会使课堂更生动,课堂效果会收到事半功倍的效果。 4、向身边的人学习,向自己学习。

18、从身边学习老教师、优秀教师的教育经验,班级管理经验;从自己的教育教学实践中去学习去对比去研究去总结去反思。也有哲人说过:“一个人他教了30年书,不一定能成为一个优秀的教师,而坚持写了3年的教学反思,那他一定会成为一个不一般的老师了。”在反思中认真总结教育得失,不断去改进自己的教育方法,就会不断的进步。 “一份耕耘? 一份收获”,学习是快乐的,希望我们都能成为学习型的老师,都能从学习中享受到快乐。 师德师风学习材料(二) 2013年3月11日星期一 好的师德师风的一个具体表现,就是师生之间保持一种人格上的平等。相互学习、相互尊重。 封建社会里老百姓称当官的为“父母官”,是期待这些官能为民办事,也

19、是对好官的一种尊称。其实真正的衣食父母是老百姓。封建社会把这个关系颠倒了。 当教师也有同样的道理。 “一日为师,终身为父”是学生对老师的尊敬之言。既然做“父亲”,就要关心爱护学生,对学生负责。教师切勿将此言理解为可以用“家长”的身份来干涉学生、指使学生甚至利用学生。有句古话说,“人有德于尔,尔不可忘。尔有德于人,尔不可不忘也”。学生尊你为父,你自己千万不要把这当成对学生有恩,在学生毕业之后,还念念不忘自己的“德”与“恩”。真正有师德的教师即使有恩于学生,也不会牢记不忘的。 在我看来,“一日为师,终身为父”是告诫教师:一是即使只当了一天的教师,对学生也要负责任。既然为“父”,就要遵循“子不教,父

20、之过”的古训。二是当学生有了成绩或成了气候,不要借“父”名抬高自己或去借学生的“光”。三是当学生犯了错,应主动承担起“子不教,父之过,I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation,

21、 business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the

22、following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrowers withdrawal req

23、uest to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrowers account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one p

24、ayment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management,stop paid confirmed book records table single 13: lifted check pay notice records table single 14: personal loan ahead of repayment application accepted table Records table single 15: loan

25、lines opened/cancellation application approval table records table single 16: qilu card award letter self loan lines cancellation application approval table records table single 17: loan lines cancellation application approval table records table single 18: qilu Bank loan urged received notice recor

26、ds table single 19: arrived (quality) bet real right proved out library listing records table single 20: housing mortgage right cancellation proved records table single 21: personal pledge loan repayment commitment letter 11. schedule Spontaneous date of promulgation of this practice, this procedure

27、 is issued prior to the implementation of the relevant provisions are inconsistent with this regulation, is subject to this regulation. The risk management Department is responsible for the interpretation and amendment of procedures by the head office. Break through the restrictions imposed by this

28、practice, should submit file explanations authorities file explanation deemed necessary and submitted to the Head Office of the loan Review Committee for approval. Record form 1: personal loan customer conversation transcript to me given the loan applicant bank personal loan applications, according

29、to qilu Bank personal loan interviews regulations and interviews on the following issues with the borrower and the guarantor, please respond, and ensure content authenticity. 1, your personal loan application materials must be submitted to the qilu Bank is true, otherwise you should bear the corresp

30、onding legal responsibility. In this regard, do you understand? Yes () No () 2, you apply for personal loans amounting to million of period of months, you decide to take the repayment options are: due a one-off debt (), monthly interest, to . Qilu Bank: 教不严,师之惰”之责任。做到了这三条,才是理解了“一日为师终身为父”的真正的含义,也才算具有

31、师德。 师德师风不像其他有些事情,可以“一俊遮百丑”。越是有才能的教师,越是学术地位高的教师,越需要在这方面自勉。因为你有影响力,从正面说,人家都敬重你,从反面说,人家不敢得罪你。但你有才能,有成就,大家承认你,只是承认你的才能和成就。不能用才能和成就来代替你的道德,或者说,不能用才能上的“俊”去遮德行上的“丑”。学生看老师既看才,也看德(无才无德,学生厌恶你;有才无德,学生敬畏你;有德无才,学生同情你;德才兼备,学生才会真心拥戴你。 师德师风学习材料(三) 2013年3月18日 星期一 “侠”、“义”是中国的一种传统美德。英文中找不到与“义”字义相同的词。关羽之所以被那么多人尊崇,就是因为他

32、最好地体现了这种美德。但很少有人把这种美德与教师联系起来,好象这两个字只与武将或武林之人有关,实在看不出跟教师有什么搭界。其实不然。中国的教师离不开自己的历史和文化背景。不少教师是很讲“义气”的。 实际上,遵守诺言、讲求信用、乐于助人、“受人之托,忠人之事”、“路见不平,拔刀相助”等等这些在古代就在平日里要求常人做到的,都是“义”字的题中之义。把这些放在教师身上,同样是一种美德。那些不讲义气,在学生困难时不解囊相助,学生需要时不能设法满足,学生遇到危险时不能挺身而出的教师,恐怕也谈不上有师德( 为人师,不仅要对学生负责,也要对社会负责、对科学负责。眼下大学教师有一种浮躁的心态,尤其是人文社会科学学科的教师。浮躁实际上是一种对科学、对社会、对学生不负责的态度。这种心态表现在科学研究上,必然不“真”,表现在教学上,必然不“实”,学生得不到真才实学,就会贻害社会,因而也谈不上“善”。所以说,“躁”也是缺乏师德的表现。 在教师职业中,这种心态主要有十种具体表现: 1(头重脚轻,满足一知半解 2(华而不实,耽于夸夸其谈 3(唯书唯上,缺乏独立思考 4(哗众取宠,追求轰动效应 5(好大喜功,不愿踏实积累 6(脱离实际,乐于坐而论道 7(沽名钓誉,个人主义膨胀 8(吹拍拉扯,市侩作风横行 9(敷衍应付,整日得过且过 10.弄虚作假,热衷歪门邪道 师德师风学习

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