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1、四级辅导写作讲义评分标准:(语言,内容)1 内容要切题, 统一:写作内容要围绕题目规定的话题展开。提纲式作文要求根据提纲规定的内容和范围展开段落,不能按照自己的思路发挥。且一个段落或一篇文章只有一个中心观点,其他各句,各段均围绕这一中心观点展开描写或论述,否则会留下思路混乱的印象。2 语篇连贯:层次分明,条理清楚。上下文之间,词与词之间,句与句之间要上下连贯,前后呼应,这样文章结构才会严谨,思路清晰,有条理。注意连词,衔接词,指示代词的运用,过度词使文章自然流畅以防生硬。3 语言准确:用词和语法的准确性。无重大语法错误,如:时态不一致,主谓数不一致,用词不当等。4 句式多样性:为避免句型的单调

2、,增加句式的多样性和语言的表现力,在文章中应使用不同结构,不同类型,不同长短的句子,如:简单句,复杂句,倒装句,排比句,感叹句等。如何提高写作水平?选词存在的问题* 喜欢用老生常谈的词汇 如:喜欢 like, enjoy, prefer, love;不能做什么cant do, fail to do, unable to do 1. good: positive(effect), favorable(impression), promising(有希望的future),perfect, pleasant(weather) , excellent, outstanding, superior(to

3、 )2. bad: dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的),less impressiveeg. An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation, as a result, they find their academic records are

4、 less impressive. 3. many: (an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of,) 4. some: a slice of, quiet a few , several 5. think: harbor the idea that, take the attitude that,hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that) 6. in my opinion : for my pa

5、rt ,from my own perspective 7. frown on sth替换 be against , disagree with sth8. get many benefits: reap huge fruits 9. more and more: Increasing(ly),growing修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly. Eg. sth has gained growing popularity. Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth. 1

6、0. Helpful: beneficial, rewarding 11. Customer: shopper, consumer, purchaser 12. Very: exceedingly, extremely, intensely 13. attract ones attention: capture ones attention pour attention into 替换pay attention to14. cause: give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 15. reasons for sth: There are severa

7、l reasons behind sth 16. Want: desire 17. Remember: bear in mind that 18. Have: enjoy(high social status/salary) 19. Should: be expected to; be supposed to; Its imperative for sb to do* 喜欢用汉语式的思维来对译英语词汇,忽视其内涵, 如:I am bad in grammar and vocabulary (bad-poor) I want to hear the music (hear-listen to)I

8、f you meet some trouble, you can look for the policeman.(turn to)If you have no money to spend, you can ask from your parents and friends (ask sb for sth)Disadvantages are more than advantages (outweigh)选词标准1 用熟悉的词,不用生僻,把握不准的词 e.g. home, house, habitation; stop, pause, cessation2 用简洁的词代替短语,句子For, fo

9、r the purpose of; after graduation, after she had graduated3 用具体词代替抽象词, 尽量用小词不用大词或华丽的辞藻,让事实说话,避免空洞 e.g. China is a big country. It gas a large population and Chinese people are very good.- The total area of China is over 9.6 million square meters. It has a population of about 1.4 billion and Chinese

10、 people are very kind/ warm-hearted/ honest/ selfless/ friendly/amiable4 用词应多样话,尽量多用近义词,同义词,反义词给文章增色,使用人称代词,指示代词来代替上文提到的人或事,使文章更加紧凑简洁,避免重复。5 尽量使用词性变化来丰富自己的表达手段。 如使用派生形式来点缀文章亮点。多用名词,介词词组: it is of great importance/ help/ use/ significance 替代 it is very important/ significant/ helpful/ useful 造句存在的问题1

11、 句子罗嗦冗长,重复表达,不简洁。In my opinion, I think that many families have the money to buy a TV set.-I think that any families can afford a TV set.2 句式变化少,多简单句,主动语态和陈述句First, I go to the class. I am absorbed in my lesson. I take notes. Thus, I will pass the examination. Second, I go to the library. For I am n

12、ot satisfied with what I have learned in the class. I must go to the library to enrich my knowledge.- First, I go to the classroom where I am absorbed in my lesson by taking notes in order to pass the examination. Second, library is a good place to enrich my knowledge, for Im not satisfied with what

13、 Ive learned.3 句子语法结构错误多American people are patriotic and love to meet challenge. (and aggressive)English is a useful language, she decides. to learn it.-English is so useful a language that she decides to learn it.有效句的标准特点1 完整性(语义不完整)e.g. Dofu was one of the greatest poets.- of the Tang Period.She

14、is too young. Because it is useful.2 连贯性(句中的成分间具有合乎逻辑的有机联系,思路清晰)平行结构有缺点We thought she was charming , intelligent and a very capable young woman.代词指代不清He was knocked down by a bike, but it was not serious.(but was not badly hurt.)Im going to the lecture on modern Chinese drama, because hes a dramatis

15、t I like.(the speaker)修饰语与被修饰语间的关系不明确To get up early, the clock was set at six. (he set the clock at six)Although seriously ill, the boss made her work ten hours a day. (she had to work )He give a reason for not attending the meeting, which nobody believe. (, a reason which nobody believed.)人称,数时态有混

16、乱之处An important thing for the student to remember is that when writing a paper, you should not plagiarize. (he)His job was a policeman (he was a policeman)3 精练性It was blue in color, and small in size. (It was blue and small)He returned in the early part of the month of August. (in early August)Mr Sm

17、ith usually likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France. (Mr Smith prefers wines produced in France/ French wines)4 强调性 (突出重心,层次感)They were waiting for the meeting to begin. They talked with each other. They talked about the womens volleyball team. The team had won victories in Tok

18、yo.= While waiting for the meeting to begin, they talked about the victory won by the womens in Tokyo.Li is a new student. He comes from a southern province. He speaks a dialect. We find it hard to understand his dialect.= Li, a new student from a , speaks a dialect which is difficult for us to unde

19、rstand.5 句式多样化(好文章的基本要求,为使其更具吸引力,避免全文用结构相同长度相近的句子,否则文章显得单调,呆板,说服力不强)句子多样化的手段1) 改变句子结构 粗心驾驶易引起车祸Traffic accidents are invited by careless driving Careless driving invites traffic accidents.For anyone to drive carelessly is to invite the traffic accidents.The fact that you drive carelessly invites tra

20、ffic accidents.Driving carelessly invites traffic accidents.Traffic accidents are what careless driving invites.Anyone who drives carelessly is to invite traffic accidents.2) 改变句子长度America is a new country. Its a nation of nations. People from all over the world exploded and developed this new count

21、ry. Everyone is considered equal. They make a name through hard work. Its a classless society. A farmers son can work his way up to be a president.=Exploded and developed by the people from all over the world, America is a new country, a nation of nations, a classless society where everyone is consi

22、dered equal, everyone can make a name through hard work, even a farmers son can work his way up to be a president.3) 改变句子主语Im so angry that I cant utter a word.= anger choked my words.I studied in a college in 1991.= 1991 found (witness, saw) me studying in a college.There is a great change in China

23、 in 2008.We couldnt go out because of heavy rain.= Heavy rain prevented us from going out.It often means a demanding job to learn a new language.= learning a new language often means a demanding job.We are still not clear with what the teacher taught last time.= What the teacher taught last time is

24、still not very clear to us.4) 改变句子开头以分词开头 e.g. waking up in the morning, I dressed quickly.以不定式开头 e.g. To win the match, the volleyball players practiced very hard.以形容词开头 e.g. Intelligent and hard working, the girl passed the test.以副词开头 e.g. Finally, the time for decision had come.以同位语开头 e.g. An exp

25、ert in forest fore control, the forest ranger talked to the campers about safety in the woods.以状语从句开头 e.g. When he was four, he began to take music lessons from his mother.5) 适当使用修辞,如倒装,强调,加强语气,渲染气氛。Exercises:The pioneer was strong and healthy and lived to be 112 years old. (adj)Tom began his travel

26、s at a very early age and had many unusual and colorful adventures.(participles)He kept silent when we asked him about his family (participle)We were absorbed in work and forgot our lunch. (participle)Sentence Combining Exercises* 1. He didnt write the letter himself. He asked his friend to do it. =

27、 Instead of writing the letter himself, he asked his friend to do it.2. Dogs are able and willing to learn a wide variety of tasks. They are intelligent and devoted to their owners.= Dogs are able and willing to learn a wide variety of tasks because of their intelligence and devotion to their owners

28、.3. Ford produces cheaper cars. Ford also supplies Americans with better ones year after year.= Besides producing cheaper cars, Ford also supplies Americans with better ones year after year.4. John Smith planted these dwarf apple trees three years ago. They have not born any fruit.= These dwarf appl

29、e trees, which John Smith planted three years ago, have not born any fruit.5. The tall hedge muffled the highway noise. The house was surrounded by the hedge.= The tall hedge that surrounded the house muffled the highway noise. 6. He asked to read the instruction book once more. He felt sure that he

30、 was using the instrument improperly= He asked to read the instruction book once more, feeling sure that he was using the instrument improperly7. I approached the island. I noticed a row of newly built houses.= Approaching the island, I noticed a row of newly built houses.8. I spent almost two hours

31、 on the phone yesterday. I tried to find a garage to repair my car.= I spent almost two hours on the phone yesterday trying to find a garage to repair my car.9. Beijing is a beautiful city. The city is filled with flowers and trees. The city reminds us of our home on Provo, Utah, in the heart of Roc

32、ky Mountains.= Beijing, a beautiful city filled with flowers and trees, reminds us of our home on Provo, Utah, in the heart of Rocky Mountains.10. He was an even-tempered man. He was nevertheless extremely angry when he heard the news.= An even-tempered man, he was nevertheless extremely angry when he heard the news.11. The children watched the bus

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