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1、辽宁专升本英语真题2011辽宁省高职高专毕业生升入本科学校继续学习招生考试英语试卷注意事项:1、答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚。2、所有答案必须涂写在答题卡上相应位置,答在本试卷上不计分。3、考试结束后,考生应将本试卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分 选择题一、词汇与语法 根据句意及语法要求从每题A、B,C,D四个选项中,选出一个最适合的答案填空, 并在答题卡上将所选答案的字母涂黑。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1、NO one of us has a clear idea_ to do A、what the others want B、that the others wa

2、nt C、which do the others want D、what do the others want2、_,he managed to find time to go to see a doctor A、As he is B、As he was busy C、Busy as he was D、Busy as he is3、He has very poor life habit, and he also said he was used to going to bed late,_? A、didnt he B、did he C、wasnt he D、was he4、Research_

3、all over the world into the possible cause of cancer in the past few years A、was made B、had been made C、has been making D、has been made5、When we reached the port,we knew the ship hadnt arrived yetWe _. A、neednt have hurried B、needed not to hurry C、had not needed to hurry D、didnt need to hurry6、After

4、 I took the Japanese culture course,I knew that the culture and customs of Japan are a little bit like_ of China A、what B、that C、ones D、those7、I heard Mrs. Brown had a heart attack, I wonder how she has been_ in hospital. A、getting off B、getting across C、getting on D、getting through8、After a long ti

5、mes hard work, I will have a _Vacation to go to Beijing A、two weeks B、two-weeks C、two-week D、two-weeks9、When you _,I know for certain that you will feel much better. A、are waking up B、have been waking up C、wake up D、have woken10、He suggested that everyone of us _ at the meeting. A、shall present B、pr

6、esent C、be present D、presented二、阅读理解 根据短文内容从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最适合的答案,井在答题卡 上将所选答案的字母涂黑。(本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分)Passage 1 Personality is to a large extent inherentA-type parents usually bring about A-type childrenBut the environment must also have a great effect. If competition is important to parents,

7、it is likely to become a major factor in the lives of their children,too One place where children get A-type characteristics is school,which is a high competitive institution. Too many schools encourage their students to “win at a11 cost” and measure their success by achievement of this goal. This p

8、roduces a two-layer system, in which A-type seems in some way better than B-type. But being too eager to win can have dangerous results Until now,the worst form of competition in schools is the too much attention to examinationsIt is a rare school that allows students to concentrate on those things

9、they do wellThe advantages of competition by examinations are somewhat questionable,but competition in the certain knowledge of failure is positively harmfulObviously, it is not good that all A-type students change into B-typesThe world need different types and schools have an important duty to fit

10、a childs personality to his possible future employment. Perhaps selection for the caring professions,especially medicine, could be made less by good grades in chemistry and more by such considerations as warm heart and sympathyIt,is surely mistaken to choose our doctors only from A-type studentsB-ty

11、pe students are important and could be encouraged.11、According to the passage, A-type students are usually_. A、impatient B、considerate C、aggressive D、agreeable12、The author is strongly opposed to the practice of examinations at schools because_. A、failure rates are too high B、some students are bound

12、 to fail C、the pressure is too great on the students D、the way to judge students abilities on the results of examinations is doubtful13、The selection of medical professionals is now based on_. A、super values B、competitive spirit C、academic performances D、students senses14、From the passage we can dra

13、w the conclusion that_. A、B-type characteristics can never be better than A-type characteristics B、the personality of any people is well determined at birth C、ones characteristics are controlled by ones daily experienceD、the development of ones personality is due to many factors15、The world question

14、able means_. A、indifferent B、no problem C、doubtful D、no doubtPassage 2 Real policemen,both in Britain and the United States,hardly recognize any resemblance(相似)between their lives and what they see about themselves on TV. The first difference is that a policemans real life revolves around the law. H

15、e has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in courtHe has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer Most crime dramas on television are about finding the criminal. As soon as he is arrested,the story is over. In real life,finding criminals is

16、seldom much of a problem, except in very serious cases like murders and terrorist attackwhere failure to produce results will affect the reputation of the policelittle effort is spent on searchingThe police have elaborate machinery, Which eventually shows up the most wanted menAfter having made an a

17、rrest, a detective really starts to workIn order to prove the criminals case in court he often has to spend a lot of time gathering evidence. There is a third big difference between the drama detective and the real oneThe real detective comes up against an unpleasant moral problem resulting from two

18、 opposite pressures: first as members of a police force they always have to behave in an absolute lawful way;secondly,as expensive public servants they have to get resultsThey can hardly ever do bothMost of the time some of them have to break rules in small ways16、It is essential for a policeman to

19、be trained in the criminal law so that he can_ A、arrest criminals in the street B、justify his arrests in court C、know as much law as a professional lawyer D、justify himself on TV 17、Only when very serious cases like murder and terrorist attack occur,will the police_. A、show up their elaborate machin

20、ery B、fail to produce results C、spend a lot of effort in finding the criminals D、pay attention to their reputation18、 The most wanted men refers to A、the most dangerous criminals B、most of the witnesses wanted C、those the police are searching for D、the men the police are most interested in arresting

21、19、The real detective faces unpleasant moral problems because he_. A、is an expensive public servant B、often feels rather depressed C、has to break the law in order to preserve it D、must always behave with absolute legality20、According to this passage,which of the following statements is true? A、In re

22、al life,finding criminals is one of the policemens greatest problemsB、The detectives work is over once the arrest has been doneC、The police spend a great deal of time finding evidence to support their arrests.D、The police devote most of their working life to searching for criminals.Passage 3 Cars pl

23、ay an important part of life in the United StatesWithout a car most people feel that they are poorAnd even if a person is poor, he doesnt feel really poor when he has a car. Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars in large numbersMaybe,he didnt know how much the car was going to affect

24、American culture,The cars made the United States a country on wheelsAnd it helped to make the United States what it is today There are three main reasons that the car has become so popular in the United States today First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it. The

25、car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportationWith a car people can go to any place without spending a lot of money. The second reason cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportation. Long-di

26、stance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the worldNowadays there is a good system of air-service provided by planesBut it is too expensive to be used frequently. The third reason is the most important one,though. The American spirit of independence i

27、s what really made cars popularAmericans dont like to wait for a bus,a bus, or a train or even a planeThey dont like to have to follow an exact scheduleA car gives them the freedom to schedule their own timeAnd this is the freedom that Americans want most to have The gas shortage has caused a big pr

28、oblem for AmericansBut the resolution will not be a bigger system of public transportationThe real solution will nave to be a new kind of car,one that does not use so much gas21、Which of the following statements is true? A、When an American owns a car, he will never be poor B、An American will feel po

29、or unless he has a car. C、In the United States even the poor own cars D、In the United States all the poor have no car22、What can we infer from this passage? A、Americans travel a lot by their cars. B、Americans seldom travel by plane C、Americans often use public transportation D、Americans spend a lot

30、of money traveling by car23、Americans prefer their cars to other means of transportation for the following reasonsEXCEPT_ A、they like to travel from place to place B、traveling by car is not expensive C、they have the spirit of independence D、buses,trains and planes are too crowed24、What does a countr

31、y on wheels mean? A、Cars play an important part in Americans lives B、The United States produces most cars of the world C、The United States depends on the car industry for its development. D、Everyone in the United States owns a car.25、According to the author, what really makes cars so popular in the United States? A、Americans cannot move around without their cars B、Americans like to schedule their own time C、Americans do not feel poor when they travel in their cars D、The United States lacks public transportation.三

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