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1、考研英语一真题及答案解析20XX年考研英语一真题及答案解析 20XX年考研英语一真题原文及答案解析完整版 20XX年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一) Section I Use of English Directions: Red the following text. Choose the best word (s) for ech numbered blnk nd mrk , B, C or D on the NSWER SHEET. (10 points) Trust is tricky business. On the one hnd, its necessry condition

2、 1 mny worthwhile things: child cre, friendships, etc. On the other hnd, putting your 2, in the wrong plce often crries high 3. 4, why do we trust t ll? Well, becuse it feels good. 5 people plce their trust in n individul or n institution, their brins relese oxytocin, hormone tht 6 plesurble feeling

3、s nd triggers the herding instruct tht prompts humns to 7 with one nother. Scientists hve found tht exposure 8 this hormone puts us in trusting 9: In Swiss study, reserchers spryed oxytocin into the noses of hlf the subjects; those subjects were redy to lend significntly higher mounts of money to st

4、rngers thn were their 10 who inhled something else. 11 for us, we lso hve sixth sense for dishonesty tht my 12 us. Cndin study found tht children s young s 14 months cn differentite 13 credible person nd dishonest one. Sixty toddlers were ech 14 to n dult tester holding plstic continer. The tester w

5、ould sk, “Whts in here?” before looking into the continer, smiling, nd excliming, “Wow!” Ech subject ws then invited to look 15. Hlf of them found toy; the other hlf 16 the continer ws empty-nd relized the tester hd 17 them. mong the children who hd not been tricked, the mjority were 18 to cooperte

6、with the tester in lerning new skill, demonstrting tht they trusted his ledership. 19, only five of the 30 children pired with the “20”tester prticipted in follow-up ctivity. 1. on B like C for D from 2. fith B concern C ttention D interest 3. benefit B debt C hope D price 4. Therefore B Then C Inst

7、ed D gin 5. Until B Unless C lthough D When 6. selects B produces C pplies D mintins 7. consult B compete C connect D compre 8. t B by Cof Dto 9. context B mood C period D circle 10. counterprts B substitutes C collegues Dsupporters 11. Funny B Lucky C Odd D Ironic 12. monitor B protect C surprise D

8、 delight 13. between B within C towrd D over 14. trnsferred B dded C introduced D entrusted 15. out B bck C round D inside 16. discovered B proved C insisted D .remembered 17. betryed Bwronged C fooled D mocked 18. forced B willing C hesitnt D entitled 19. In contrst B s result C On the whole D For

9、instnce 20. inflexible B incpble C unrelible D unsuitble Section II Reding Comprehension Prt Directions: Red the following four texts. nswer the questions below ech text by choosing , B, C or D. Mrk your nswers on the NSWER SHEET. (40 points) Text 1 mong the nnoying chllenges fcing the middle clss i

10、s one tht will probbly go unmentioned in the next presidentil cmpign: Wht hppens when the robots come for their jobs? Dont dismiss tht possibility entirely. bout hlf of U.S. jobs re t high risk of being utomted, ccording to University of Oxford study, with the middle clss disproportiontely squeezed.

11、 Lower-income jobs like grdening or dy cre dont ppel to robots. But mny middle-clss occuptions-trucking, finncil dvice, softwre engineering hve roused their interest, or soon will. The rich own the robots, so they will be fine. This isnt to be lrmist. Optimists point out tht technologicl uphevl hs b

12、enefited workers in the pst. The Industril Revolution didnt go so well for Luddites whose jobs were displced by mechnized looms, but it eventully rised living stndrds nd creted more jobs thn it destroyed. Likewise, utomtion should eventully boost productivity, stimulte demnd by driving down prices,

13、nd free workers from hrd, boring work. But in the medium term, middle-clss workers my need lot of help djusting. The first step, s Erik Brynjolfsson nd ndrew Mcfee rgue in The Second Mchine ge, should be rethinking eduction nd job trining. Curriculums from grmmr school to college- should evolve to f

14、ocus less on memorizing fcts nd more on cretivity nd complex communiction. Voctionl schools should do better job of fostering problem-solving skills nd helping students work longside robots. Online eduction cn supplement the trditionl kind. It could mke extr trining nd instruction ffordble. Professi

15、onls trying to cquire new skills will be ble to do so without going into debt. The chllenge of coping with utomtion underlines the need for the U.S. to revive its fding business dynmism: Strting new compnies must be mde esier. In previous ers of drstic technologicl chnge, entrepreneurs smoothed the

16、trnsition by dreming up wys to combine lbor nd mchines. The best uses of 3D printers nd virtul relity hvent been invented yet. The U.S. needs the new compnies tht will invent them. Finlly, becuse utomtion thretens to widen the gp between cpitl income nd lbor income, txes nd the sfety net will hve to

17、 be rethought. Txes on low-wge lbor need to be cut, nd wge subsidies such s the erned income tx credit should be expnded: This would boost incomes, encourge work, rewrd compnies for job cretion, nd reduce inequlity. Technology will improve society in wys big nd smll over the next few yers, yet this

18、will be little comfort to those who find their lives nd creers upended by utomtion. Destroying the mchines tht re coming for our jobs would be nuts. But policies to help workers dpt will be indispensble. 21.Who will be most thretened by utomtion? Leding politicins. BLow-wge lborers. CRobot owners. D

19、Middle-clss workers. 22 .Which of the following best represent the uthors view? Worries bout utomtion re in fct groundless. BOptimists opinions on new tech find little support. CIssues rising from utomtion need to be tckled DNegtive consequences of new tech cn be voided XX:/.docsj/doc/6f75d283d83837

20、6bf1ffc4ffe4733687e21fc35.html ction in the ge of utomtion should put more emphsis on cretive potentil. Bjob-hunting skills. Cindividul needs. Dcoopertive spirit. 24.The uthor suggests tht tx policies be imed t encourging the development of utomtion. Bincresing the return on cpitl investment. Cesing

21、 the hostility between rich nd poor. Dpreventing the income gp from widening. 25.In this text, the uthor presents problem with opposing views on it. Bpossible solutions to it. Cits lrming impcts. Dits mjor vritions. Text 2 new survey by Hrvrd University finds more thn two-thirds of young mericns dis

22、pprove of President Trumps use of Twitter. The impliction is tht Millennils prefer news from the White House to be filtered through other source, Not presidents socil medi pltform. Most mericns rely on socil medi to check dily hedlines. Yet s distrust hs risen towrd ll medi, people my be strting to

23、beef up their medi litercy skills. Such trend is bdly needed. During the 20XX presidentil cmpign, nerly qurter of web content shred by Twitter users in the politiclly criticl stte of Michign ws fke news, ccording to the University of Oxford. nd survey conducted for BuzzFeed News found 44 percent of

24、Fcebook users rrely or never trust news from the medi gint. Young people who re digitl ntives re indeed becoming more skillful t seprting fct from fiction in cyberspce. Knight Foundtion focus-group survey of young people between ges 14nd24 found they use “distributed trust” to verify stories. They c

25、 ross-check sources nd prefer news from different perspectivesespecilly those tht re open bout ny bis. “Mny young people ssume gret del of personl responsibility for educting themselves nd ctively seeking out opposing viewpoints,” the survey concluded. Such ctive reserch cn hve nother effect. 20XX s

26、urvey conducted in ustrli, Britin, nd the United Sttes by the University of Wisconsin-Mdison found tht young peoples relince on socil medi led to greter politicl enggement. Socil medi llows users to experience news events more intimtely nd immeditely while lso permitting them to re-shre news s proje

27、ction of their vlues nd interests. This forces users to be more conscious of their role in pssing long informtion. survey by Brn reserch group found the top reson given by mericns for the fke news phenomenon is “reder error,” more so thn mde-up stories or fctul mistkes in reporting. bout third sy th

28、e problem of fke news lies in “misinterprettion or exggertion of ctul news” vi socil medi. In other words, the choice to shre news on socil medi my be the hert of the issue. “This indictes there is rel personl responsibility in countercting this problem,” sys Roxnne Stone, editor in chief t B rn Gro

29、up. So when young people re criticl of n over-tweeting president, they revel mentl discipline in thinking skills nd in their choices on when to shre on socil medi. 26. ccording to the Prgrphs 1 nd 2, mny young mericns cst doubts on the justifiction of the news-filtering prctice. B peoples preference

30、 for socil medi pltforms. C the dministrtions bility to hndle informtion. D socil medi ws relible source of news. 27. The phrse “beer up”(Line 2, Pr. 2) is closest in mening to shrpen B define C bost D shre 28. ccording to the knight foundtion survey, young people tend to voice their opinions in cyb

31、erspce. B verify news by referring to diverse resources. C hve s strong sense of responsibility. D like to exchnge views on “distributed trust” 29. The Brn survey found tht min cuse for the fke news problem is reders outdted vlues. B journlists bised reporting C reders misinterpret tion D journlists mde-up stories. 30. Which of the following would be the best title for the text? Rise in Criticl Skills for Shring News Online

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