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1、英美文学题6英美文学练习题一一、. Select from the lettered choice the one, which best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of your choice in the brackets.( ) 1. _ believes that mans fate is predeterminedly tragic, driven by a combined force of “nature”, both inside and outside.A. Charle

2、s Dickens B. Thomas Hardy C. Bernard Shaw D. George Eliot ( ) 2. The Elizabethan literature_A. had a marked unity and the feeling of patriotism and devotion to the queen. B. witnessed a decline of degeneration C. expressed age and sadness, even the brightest hours were followed by gloom and pessimis

3、m. D. was not romantic.( ) 3. Which of the following information about John Donne is NOT true? A. he was born in a Roman Catholic family B. he received his education at Oxford and Cambridge C. later he gave up his Catholic faith and took orders in the Anglican Church. D. he wrote only religious poem

4、s.( ) 4. Which of the following information about John Milton is NOT true? A. John Milton was the greatest English Poets after Shakespeare. B. Milton was born in a Roman Catholic family and both his parents were understanding parents. C. He received education at Cambridge and in 1632 he completed hi

5、s M.A D. His masterpiece is Paradise Lost( ) 5. In 1704, _founded the periodicals “the Review”. A. Swift B. Blake C. Milton D. Defoe( ) 6. The 18th century is called Age of _ A. Chaucer B. Shakespeare C. Pope D. Reason( ) 7. Chaucer is called the founder of English realism because he portrays all th

6、e classes of English feudal society except_A. businessmen and scholars B. nobles and serfsC. plowmen and priests D. knights and franklins( ) 8. Romanticism shares the following common features exceptA. imagination B. intuition C. restraint D. natural sentiment( ) 9. Shakespeares comedies are compose

7、d of _A. ordinary people and clowns B. knights and noblesC. witches and prophets D. shrews and princes( ) 10. The following poets are all Poet Laureate except_ A. Ben Jonson B. Thomas Gray C. Robert Southey D. William Wordsworth( ) 11. Author of Gullivers Ttravels also wrote A. A Modest Proposal B.

8、Robinson Crusoe C. Henry V D. The Tyger( ) 12. John Milton wrote his masterpieces after blindness expect _A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise Regained C. Samson Agonistes D. Areopagitica( ) 13. The _ Movement appeared in the thirties of the 19th century. It showed the English workers were able to appear as

9、 an independent political force and were already realizing the fact that the industrial bourgeoisie was their principal enemy.A. Enlightenment B. Renaissance C. Chartist D. Romanticist( ) 14. _ was written by James Joyce.A.A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man B. Portrait of a LadyC. Picture of Do

10、rian Gray D. To the Lighthouse( ) 15. Saint Joan was written by Shaw. It is a _A. historical play B. novel C. poem D. balladFill in the authors name according to the given title of the work 1. _ Leaves of Grass 2. _ The Sketch Book 3. _ The Rise of Silas Lapham 4. _ The Portrait of a Lady 5. _ The G

11、reat Gatsby 6. _ On the Road 7. _ Invisible Man 8. _ Joy Luck Club 9. _ Woman Warrior 10. _ Long Days Journey into NightIIIFill in the blanks.1.The Preface to _ by Wordsworth and Coleridge served as the manifesto of _. 2.Milton was a master of _. He first used it in _. 3.In the last adventure, Gulli

12、ver came to a country where _ were possessed of reason while _ were brute beasts.4.Joyce was born in _and became the founder of _ school of novel writing.5.Both Hardy s poems and novels are transition from _ to _. Explain the terms in your own words .1. Transcendentalism 2. Jewish Literature Answer

13、the following questions briefly.1.The symbolic meaning of the title in the story of Araby by Joyce.2. The significance of the sentence “ It was a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”.3. Talk about the development of Black America

14、n Literature .二、( )1.Beowulf is a national epic ofA. Germany B. England C. Scandinavia D. France ( ) 2.Sir Gawain and Green Knight was created byA. Chaucer B. Langland C. Bede D. None of the above( )3.The one who propose the story-telling in the Canterbury tales isA. the poet B. the knight C. the bo

15、ss D. the pardoner ( )4.One of the following events played an important part in Chaucers writing: A. his marriage with a girl of noble family B. his visit to Italy C. his duty as a controller of the Customs D. his participation in the Hundred Years War ( )5.Le Mort D Arthur deals with the following

16、story except A. search for Cup B. life of King Arthur C. fight against Roman invasion D. illicit love ( )6.Milton was nicknamed “the lady of Christs” because he was A. a lady B. as serious as a lady C. as handsome as a lady D. as gentle as a lady ( )7.The one who tempts Eve to eat an apple from the

17、forbidden tree is A. God B. Satan C. Adam D. Raphael ( )8.Metaphysical Poetry is characterized by fantastical A. mysticism B. romanticism C. lyricism D. decadence ( )9.Dryens contribution to England literature lies in the following except A. he established the heroic couplet as one of the principal

18、English verse forms B. he clarified the English prose C. he raised the English literary criticism to a new level D. he raised English comedy to a higher level ( ) 10.Mr. Spectator stands for the ideas of A. the 16th century B. 17th century C. the 18th century D. the19th century ( ) 11.Best known for

19、 his novels about the adventure is A. Dickens B. Goldsmith C. Defoe D. Scott ( ) 12.The Rape of the Lock gives an account of a A. bull fighting B. knight duel C. writers life D. anecdote of the court ( )13.Richardson was noted as story-telling , letter writer and a A. critic B. moralizer C. poet D.

20、playwright ( )14.“Humor” according to Ben Jonson means A. fun B. comedy thought D. temperament ( )15.All the qualities can be contributed to Portia except A. nosy B. cultured C. courteous D. kind-heartedFill in the authors name according to the given title of the work 1. _ The Tenth Muse Lately Spru

21、ng Up in America 2. _ The Scarlet Letter 3. _ The Red Badge of Courage 4. _ The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 5. _ The Grapes of Wrath 6. _ Howl 7. _ The Weary Blues 8. _ Donald Duk 9. _ Watch on the Rhine 10. _ The Glass Menagerie. Write T in the bracket if the statement is true and F if the state

22、ment is false. 1. According to Emerson , man is divine in nature .( ) 2. Thoreau , Whitman and Hawthorne are considered the three great Transcendental figures in the 19th century . ( ) 3. Irving was best known for his short stories such as Rip Van Winkle . ( ) 4. Human goodness is one of the most fa

23、miliar themes in American naturalism . ( ) 5. Stephen Crane was also a poet who influenced Imagist poetry . ( ) 6. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn reflects the moral growth of Tom Sawyer . ( ) 7. The imaginary place of Yoknapatawpha functions as an allegory of the American South . ( ) 8. Steinbec

24、k is a sociological writer and his Babbitt presents a documentary picture of the narrow and limited middle class mind . ( ) 9. Fitzgerald shows an interest both in upperclass society & lowerclass society . ( ) 10. Pynchons fascination with popular culture is overwhelmingly evident in the novel V. .

25、( ) 11. The protagonist of Catch22 is called Herzog . ( ) 12. Bellows themes are concerned with the struggle of city dwellers to define their roles and responsibility in modern world . ( ) 13. Native Son was considered the best book after WWin 1965 . ( ) 14. In her works , Amy Tan wrote beautifully

26、about the contrast between Chinese and American cultures . ( ) 15. T. Williams sister Rose became the model for Laura in The Glass Menagerie . ( ) Explain the terms in your own words .1. naturalism2. Jazz AgeAnswer the following questions briefly.1What are Steele and Addison s contributions to Engli

27、sh literature?2How are characters portrayed in Joseph Andrews by Fielding?3Read the following passage , identify the author and the work first , then explain the numbered parts in simple English , finally answer the question after the passage . Most of those reports were a nightmaregrotesque , circu

28、mstantial , eager , and untrue . When Michaelis testimony at the inquest brought to light Wilsons suspicions of his wife I thought the whole tale would shortly be served up in racy pasquinadebut Catherine who might have said anything , didnt say a word . Question: What is the theme of this novel ?三、

29、. Select from the lettered choice the one, which best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of your choice in the brackets.( )1. Each of the professions listed below is correctly paired with Dickens exceptA. novelist B. clerk C. reporter D. dramatist ( ) 2.The Idylls of t

30、he King is written by A. Browning B. Tennyson C. George Eliot D. Carlyle( ) 3.Dramatic monologue was created by the author who wrote A. Crossing the Bar B. Ode to the West Wind C. The Ring and the Book D. Jude the Obscure( ) 4.Angry Young Man of the 1950s most came from A. the lower class B. the upper class C. peasants D. workers( ) 5.Dubliners is writing of A. realism B. modernism C. stream of consciousness D. none of the above( ) 6. In Memoriam is written by Tennyson in memory of his friend A. Hallam B. Browning C. Arnold D. Hardy( ) 7.Scotts chief contribution to E

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