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1、最新中学英语教师课堂用语300句中学英语教师课堂用语300句第一部分 复习热身( Revision and warm-up)I. 课前准备 (Preparation for a class) 1. Clean the blackboard, please. 2. Try to be on time. / Dont be late next time.3. Go back to your seat, please.4. Linda, have you collected the students homework? 5. Here are your exercise-books. Please

2、hand them out. 6. Monitor, would you please get some chalk for me? 7. Im sorry Im late. / Excuse me for coming late.8. Pass me the ruler and help me with the wall charts, please. II. 组织上课 (Beginning a class)9. Are you ready for class? 10Class begins./ Its time for class. Lets start our class/lesson.

3、/ Lets get started.11. Stand up, please! / All rise, please! III.问候 (Greeting)12.Hello. / Good morning / afternoon, class /everyone /everybody /children/boys and girls.13. Sit down, please./Please be seated.IV.考勤 (Checking attendance)14. Whos on duty today?/Whos helping today?15. Is everyone/everybo

4、dy here/present?16. Is anyone /anybody absent?17. Whos absent/not here/ not at school?/Whos away?18. Where is he/she? Do you know where he/she is?V. 自由对话(Free talk)19. How are you today?20. Did you have a good weekend?21. Did you enjoy the holiday?22. Tell me what you did at the weekend?23. What day

5、 is it today?24. Whats the date today?25. Whats the weather like today? /Hows the weather today? VI.课前演讲(Speech)26. Whos going to give us a speech today? Whod like to tell us a story today?27. You can choose any topic you like. 28. Listen to him carefully then ask and answer questions about his spee

6、ch/talk. VII. 复习(Revision)29. First, lets review the lesson.30. What did we learn in the last lesson?31. Who can remember /tell me what we learned in the last lesson?32. Before the new lesson, lets review some words and phrases. 33. Take out your exercise-book. Lets have a dictation about the words

7、and phrases.34. Ill ask two students to write the answers on the blackboard. Any volunteer?35. Who would like to come to the front and write on the blackboard?36. So much for the dictation. Please hand in your exercise-books.第二部分 新课 New Lesson I. 导入(Lead in)37. Now its time to learn the new lesson.

8、Unit 1 Lesson 1.38. Now were going to learn something new/ different./Now lets learn something new.39. Whats the title of this unit, please? 40. What do you think were going to learn from the title? II. 学习新的词汇和表达方式 (Learning the new words or expressions) 41. Now were going to learn some new words an

9、d expressions. 42. Have you previewed the new words? 43. Whats the meaning of the word?44. Who can explain the use of the word to me?45. (Give me) An example, please? Can you give me an example?46. OK. Tell me the differences between the two sentences.47. Can you tell A from B now?48. Look up the wo

10、rd in the dictionary. 49. Can you make a sentence with this word/phrase? 50. Can you say the sentence/phrase/word in another way?III. 口语(Speaking) 51. Project your voice so everyone in the room can hear you.52. Show your usual self when speaking English to your classmates.53. Give complete sentences

11、.54. Act in the roles of the two characters in the passage.55. Why dont you retell the story in your own words?56. Shall I give you a clue?57. Sum it up in a few words.58. What can you see in the picture?59. What else? Anything else / more? Any other things?60. Look at Picture 1, guess what is going

12、 on/ has happened?61. Who can describe all the pictures in detail again? 62. Well, lets come to the dialogue in Part II.63. Read the dialogue in pairs, please. 64. Practice the dialogue in pairs then act it out.65. Now Tom will be A, and the other half will be B.66. Lets do a role play. Who wants to

13、 be A?67. Who wants to act the dialogue out?68. Make a dialogue using the following expressions. 69. Ask and answer questions about the dialogue. 70. Make a similar dialogue according to your own real life. 71. Complete the dialogue.IV. 听力(Listening) 72. It is essential to identity who, what, when,

14、where, why and how of an utterance.73. Listen until you understand all the details.74. Guess the implication from the context.75. This is go give you practice in listening for the general idea.76. Let me give you some key words (difficult words/ new words).77. Listen again and pick out words that yo

15、u dont know.78. That seemed a little too fast.79. Can you explain it in your own words?80. Jot down the main points while listening.81. Listen and mark the answer to each question.82. Now listen to the tape. Before listening, look at the pictures and guess who can play soccer well. 83. Before listen

16、ing, read through the questions in the book.84. Close your books while listening. 85. Lets check the answers.86. Listen again, do Exercise 2, please.87. Listen to the tape again and repeat, then answer more questions.V. 阅读(Reading) 88. Whats the title of the passage, please? 89. How many paragraphs

17、are there in this article? 90 Skimming-Read fast then tell me the main/ general idea of each paragraph. 91. Now read the text quickly, and find out the answers to the guiding questions.92. Scanning-Read again carefully, then answer the questions. 93. Read carefully; fill in the blanks according to t

18、he passage. 94. Read it in detail /carefully for the second time, then answer the questions on Page 24 of your workbook.95. Can you tell me the clue sentence? 96. Now read the text by yourself. If you have any questions, please ask me. 97. Listen and repeat./Listen and try to follow it. 98. Translat

19、e this sentence into Chinese. /Put the sentence into Chinese. 99. Who can guess the meaning of the word in the context? 100. Find out the important words and phrases in the paragraph. 101. Find out the difficulties that you dont understand.102. What does “them” in Line 2, Paragraph 3 refer to accord

20、ing to the context? 103. Look at the key words on the blackboard and retell the text. 104.Now who can retell the text according to the table (表格) ? 105. Can you predict a good ending for this passage? 106. Paraphrase the sentence, please. /Who can say it in another/a different way?107. What do you t

21、hink of the article?/How do you like the article? 108. What have you learned from the text?109. Whats your opinion/idea?VI. 语音(Pronunciation)110.Who can tell me what letter or letter combination(字母组合)makes / i:/ sound? 111. Read it correctly. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.112. Le

22、tter “a” here makes an /ei/ sound. 113. Read the sentence with a rising /falling tone/intonation.114. How many syllables does this word have? 115. Which syllable is stressed? 116. Pronounce the long vowels long enough.117. Pronounce diphthongs fully.118. Notice the difference between the two consona

23、nts.VII. 写作(Writing) 119. After learning the text, please rewrite the text within 100 words. 120. Shorten the text in your own words.121. Look at the pictures and the words given; write a story with no more than 100 words. 122. Write an 80-word passage with the following expressions in ten minutes.1

24、23. Have you finished the writing? Finish up?124. After learning the text, write a new composition with the title of Susans Day. Please change the first person into the third person. Pay attention to the change of verb forms. 125. The title should be written with a capital letter. / The first letter

25、 should be capitalized. 126. Always remember to check the punctuation when you check your spelling.127. A comma (period/ full stop/ semicolon/ colon/ exclamation mark) is needed here.128. Begin each paragraph on a new line with an indentation of four spaces.129. Write neatly and carefully.130. Dont

26、write to the very edge (side) of the paper.131. Dont always use the same words and phrases in your composition.132. Look up words where you are not too sure in the process of your writing.133. Brainstorming before writing is important in generating ideas.134. This sentence is too long and complicate

27、d. Break it (up) into two sentences.135. Focus on the topic sentence within one paragraph.136. You can first give the background information, and then present the theme.137. Organize your thoughts well before you write.138. You will be a proficient writer if you keep practicing. 语法(Grammar)139. What

28、 part of speech is this word in the sentence?140. Pay attention to the use of form words (function words) / notional words (content words) in this sentence.141. Pay special attention to the verbs.142. Put the attributive phrases after the nouns they modify.143. Provide the adjective derivative of th

29、e word.144. Replace the nouns with appropriate pronouns.145. Analyze the grammar of the sentence.146. What is the subject in the sentence?147. Think whether it is an object or a subject complement.148. Invert the sentence.149. Find out all the general, special, alternative and disjunctive questions

30、(or tag questions) in the text.150. Classify the sentences in the paragraph into dimple, compound and complex sentences.151. Transform this attributive clause into a participial phrase.152. Put this auxiliary verb at the beginning of the emphatic sentence.153. Render the direct speech in the passage

31、 into the reported speech.154. Lets look up a new grammar point.155. Explain the difference between their usages.第三部分 练习 (Exercises) 156. Lets go back to the exercises. Please watch the big screen. 157. Look at the exercises on Page 46. 158. Fill in the missing words.159. Fill in the blanks with proper words.160. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given. 161. Make the two sentences have the same meaning. 162. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 163. Make sentences with the following sentence patterns. 164. Make a dialogue ac

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