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1、新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第四册单词第二版 新视野大学英语4读写教程 词汇NUIT1 Achase vt. run after sb. or sth. in order to catch them 追逐;追赶cruelty n. C, U behavior that makes people or animals suffer 残酷;残忍pessimistic a. expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that sth. will have a bad result 悲观的conquest n. 1. U the pr

2、ocess of gaining control over sth. through great effort 征服;控制 2. sing., U the act of taking control of a country, city, etc. by force 征服;攻占bankrupt a. without enough money to pay what one owes 破产的motive n. C a reason for doing sth. 动机worship vt. admire and love sb. very much 崇拜;敬重;仰慕spur vt. encoura

3、ge sb. or make them want to do sth. 鼓励;刺激9lure n. C sth. that attracts people, or the quality of being able to do this 诱惑10drown v. 1. have a very strong feeling or a serious problem that is dificult to deal with 沉浸于 2. die from being under water for too long, or to kill sb. in this way (使)淹死11imper

4、ial a. 1. great and magniicent 壮丽的;宏大的 2. relating to an empire or to the person who rules it 帝国的;皇帝的12agent n. 1. C sb. whose job is to help an actor, artist, etc. ind work 经纪人 2. C a person or company that represents another person or company, esp. in business 代理人;代理商 13hasten vt. make sth. happen

5、 sooner or more quickly 加快;加速14elevator n. C a machine that carries people or goods up and down in a building 电梯15blur n. C sth. that one cannot remember or see clearly 模糊的记忆;模糊不清的事物16idle a. not working or producing anything 不工作的;闲着的17bore vt. make sb. lose interest and become tired and impatient 使

6、厌烦 18bored a. tired and impatient 厌烦的19continuity n. U the state of continuing for a period of time 连贯(性);连续(性)20sustain vt. make sth. continue to exist for a period of time 维持;使.持续21minute a. very small 极小的discount vt. 1. regard sth. as unlikely to be true or important 忽视;低估 2. reduce the price of

7、sth. 降低价格;打折 n. C a reduction in the usual price of sth. 折扣)plot n. 1. C the story of a book, film, play, etc. (小说、电影、戏剧等的)情节 2. C a secret plan 阴谋;密谋moviemaker n. C sb. who makes ilms, esp. a director or producer 电影制作人distinct a. 1. clearly different or belonging to a different type 明显不同的;独特的 2. ab

8、le to be clearly seen, heard, smelled, etc. 清晰的;清楚的;明显的spotlight n. C 聚光灯jungle n. C, U a thick tropical forest with many large plants growing very close together (热带)丛林fraud n. C, U the crime of deceiving sb. in order to get money or sth. illegally 欺诈;诈骗contaminate vt. make sth. dirty or poisonous

9、污染;弄脏underline vt. 1. draw a line under a word to show that it is important 在.下划线, 2. emphasize; show that sth. is important 强调,使突出uncompromising a. unwilling to change ones opinions or behavior 不妥协的;不让步的object vi. oppose or disapprove of sth. 反对;不赞成accuse vt. say that sb. is guilty of a crime or of

10、 doing sth. bad 指控;控告banquet n. C a formal dinner for many people on an important occasion 宴会sue vt. make a legal claim against sb., esp. for money 起诉;控告attorney n. C a lawyer 律师second vt. support a suggestion made by another person in a meeting 支持;附议fine vt. make sb. pay money as a punishment 罚.的款e

11、xpel vt. force sb. to leave a school or organization 开除;驱逐|justify vt. show that there is a good reason for sth. that other people think is unreasonable 证明.有道理;为.辩护single-minded a. having one clear aim and working very hard to achieve it 一心一意的;专一的novelist n. C sb. who writes novels 小说家musician n. C

12、sb. who performs or writes music, esp. as a job 音乐家;乐手desperate a. 1. needing or wanting sth. very much 极需要的;极向往的 2. very worried and willing to do anything to change a bad situation 绝望的;拼命的desperately ad. 1. very much 非常 2. in a worried or angry way 绝望地;拼命地 alas ad. unfortunately 不幸的是;遗憾的是Phrases a

13、nd Expressions at best even when considered in the most positive way 充其量;至多run a/the risk be in a situation in which sth. bad could happen 冒险;有.风险remain /be true to continue to be loyal to sb. or sth. 忠于object to oppose or disapprove of sth. 反对;不赞成accuse sb. of sth. say that sb. has done sth. wrong

14、or is guilty of sth. 指控;控告throw out make sb. leave a place, school, organization, etc. because they have done sth. against the rules 开除;UNIT2 ankle n. C the part which connects the foot to the leg 踝;踝关节comic a. causing laughter; funny 喜剧的;滑稽的) n. C a comedian 喜剧演员rag n. 1. (usu. pl.) old torn clothe

15、s 破旧的衣服 2. C, U a torn piece of old cloth 破布;碎布applause n. U the sound made by people applauding a performance, speech, etc. 鼓掌;掌声comedy n. C, U a film, play, etc. that is intended to entertain people or make them laugh 喜剧scout n. 1. C sb. whose job is to look for people with particular skills, esp.

16、 in sport or entertainment 物色新秀者;星探 2. C a soldier sent out to get information about the enemy 侦察兵crude a. 1. rude and offensive 粗鲁的;粗俗的 2. simple and not skillfully done or made 粗制的;粗陋的 3. in the natural state; not reined 天然的;未加工的%clap v. applaud 鼓掌;拍手 revolt vi. refuse to accept sb.s authority or

17、obey rules, laws, etc. 反抗;不服从heel n. 1. C the raised part of a shoe underneath the back of the foot 鞋跟 2. C the back part of the foot 脚后跟moustache n. C (also mustache) hair growing on a mans upper lip 小胡子coarse a. 1. rude and offensive 粗鲁的;粗俗的 2. rough and not smooth 粗糙的nationality n. 1. C, U the le

18、gal status of belonging to a particular country 国籍 2. C a large group of people with the same race, language, culture, etc. 民族postpone vt. delay sth. to a later date or time 推迟,延迟nonsense n. 1. U speech or writing that has no meaning or cannot be understood 无意义的话或文字 2. U ideas, opinions, statements,

19、 etc. that are untrue or stupid 荒谬的想法、观点、说法doubtful a. 1. probably not true or not likely to happen 难以预料的,未定的 2. having doubts about sth. 有疑问的,感到怀疑的immense a. extremely large in size or degree 巨大的;无限的immensely ad. to a very great extent; extremely 非常,很extraordinary a. very unusual or surprising 不寻常的

20、;令人惊奇的rouse vt. produce a particular feeling or attitude 激起;激发script n.C the written form of a speech, play, film, etc. 底稿;讲稿;剧本pepper n. 1. U 胡椒粉;辣椒粉 2. C 辣椒execute . do or perform sth., esp. in a planned way 实施;执行;履行 2. kill sb. as a legal punishment 将.处死betray vt. not be loyal to ones country or

21、a person 背叛;出卖collision n. 1. C, U a strong disagreement or conlict 冲突 2. C, U an accident in which a person or vehicle strikes against another violently 碰撞(事件)sunset n. U the time when the sun goes down and night begins 日落(时分);黄昏surround vt. be all around sb. or sth. on every side 围绕;包围spark vt. ma

22、ke sth. happen 触发;引起Christmas n. C, U 圣诞节(burial n. C, U the act or ceremony of putting a dead body into a grave 埋葬;葬礼clumsy a. awkward in movement or manner 笨拙的;不灵活的cop n. C a police oficer 警察incident n. C sth. that happens, esp. sth. that is unusual 事件memorial n. C sth., esp. a stone with writing

23、on it, that is intended to remind people of sb. who has died 纪念物;纪念碑Phrases and Expressions cut down reduce the size of sth. such as clothing, writing, etc. 改小;缩短for good for ever 永久地trip up 1. cause sb. fall by putting the foot in front of them when they are moving 绊,绊倒 2. make a mistake, or force

24、sb to make a mistake by tricking them (使)出错make up invent a story, etc. in order to deceive sb. 虚构,捏造,编造come down in the world become poorer or less successful than used to be 落魄,潦倒;失势to a degree partly 有些;在某种程度上go along advance; move further with sth. 进行;前进find ones way into arrive or get somewhere

25、 到达;进入UNIT3raw a. not processed, treated, or cooked 未经加工的;天然的;生的wheelchair n. C a chair on wheels for people who cant walk to get around 轮椅pension n. C an amount of money paid regularly by the government or a company to sb. who no longer works because of age or illness 养老金;抚恤金、caseworker n. C a soci

26、al worker who works to help people with social problems 社会工作者rent n. C an amount of money sb. pays regularly for the use of a room, house, car, etc. that is owned by sb. else 租金 v. pay money regularly for the use of a room, house, car, etc. 租用opt vi. make a choice 选择;决定drum v. make a continuous soun

27、d by hitting a surface 不停敲击 n. C 鼓temptation n. C, U a desire to do or have sth., esp. sth. that is bad for you 诱惑,引诱profile n. 1. C the public image of a person or organization 形象;印象 2. C a side view of a persons head (人头部的)侧面;侧影high-profile a. attracting a lot of public attention 引人注目的bow vi. bend

28、 ones body forward, esp. to show respect 鞠躬 n. C the act of bowing 鞠躬compensation n. 1. C, U sth. used to balance or reduce the bad effects of a damage, loss, injury, etc. 补偿;弥补 2. U money that sb. receives because sth. bad has happened to them 补偿金;赔偿金liberal n. C sb. who accepts different opinions

29、or ways of behaving 思想开明的人 a. willing to accept different opinions or ways of behaving 心胸宽广的;开明的detective n. C sb. who tries to discover information about a crime and ind the criminal 侦探shorts n. (pl.) short trousers ending at or above the knees 短裤paste vt. stick sth. to sth. else or in a speciied p

30、lace 粘贴 n. U a kind of glue made of lour and water 浆糊receipt n. C a written statement showing that you have paid for sth. 收据,收条donation n. C money or goods that you give to a person or an organization in order to help them 捐赠物;捐款hip n. C the part on each side of human body between the top of the leg and the waist 臀

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