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1、托福TPO35听力文本+答案解析得听力者得天下,托福听力对于考生来说至关重要!如何攻克托福听力,除了要多听,托福TPO听力也是托儿必刷的真题.小编托福考生们带来了TPO听力35文本,希望可以帮助广大托福考生轻松备考托福。Conversation 1Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and a faculty advisorfor the university newspaper.Student: Hi, I am sorry to bother you, but Faculty advisor: Yes?Student:

2、This is about the newspaper.Faculty Advisor: Oh, Ok. Well. I am only the advisor; the newspaper officeis off campus on Pine Street. Ehwhat was it? Did you want to work for thepaper? We are always looking for writers. Student: Well, my problem was with thewriting actually, with an article that was pu

3、blished in yesterdaysnewspaper.Faculty Advisor: Oh? Which one?Student: The one about the student government and its president SallySmith.Faculty Advisor: Is this something to do with what the editor wrote aboutthe statue? Eh, the statue at the main entrance of the university?Student: Well, thats par

4、t of it. But you know, the editor used thesituation to say some really unfair things, about the student government, andthe president Sally Smith in particular. I think the paper should publish aretraction, or at the very least an apology to Sally.Faculty Advisor: Ok. Um if I remember correctly, what

5、 you are referring towasnt a news story, but an editorial, right? Eh, it was on the opinion page, itwas signed by one of the editors, and was clearly labeled as commentary.Student: Well, yes. But the thing about the statue, Sally made this simplecomment that was in really bad condition and should be

6、 replaced. And, well, thetone in the editorial was demeaning. It accused her of not respecting the pastand it had some personal stuff that seemed unnecessary. Faculty Advisor: Wait aminute. Remind me.Student: Well, you know, it implied that Sally doesnt know much about theuniversitys history and it

7、called her a big city politician because shes fromBoston. Its just mean-spirited, isnt it? Faculty Advisor: Havent you heardthe saying “all publicity is good publicity”? Student: WellFaculty Advisor: Id say the article is bringing attention to the studentgovernment organization, which is pretty invi

8、sible. Eh, you rarely hear aboutwhat the student government is doing. Student: But this articleFaculty Advisor: And the piece, well, yeah, it had a bit of an exaggeratedtone. It was satirical, or at least it was meant to be. It wasnt just pokingfun at Sally, but the whole idea that our school is sor

9、t of rural, and you know,not cosmopolitan.Student: Well, none of us thought it was very funny.Faculty Advisor: Well, sometimes its best just to roll with it. It is justa clich; everybody knows it is not true.Student: But I thought we could expect better than that here.Faculty Advisor: Well, I am cer

10、tainly in favor of getting a variety ofviewpoints. so why dont you go talk to the editor, Jennifer Hamilton, and tellher you want equal time? You or Sally could write a response.Student: Really? She would let us do that? Didnt she write it?Faculty Advisor: Ill let Jennifer know you are coming, she f

11、eels the sameway I do. She is journalism major. She would be happy to publish another pointof view.1. 4,原文说到她来是about the newspaper,说the editor used the situation to say somereally unfair things, about the student government, and the president SallySmith,可见她来的目的是complain2. 1、3, 男的说这篇文章表明是commentary,且

12、是satirical的,所以选personalviewpoint和humorous3. 2, 女生说到文章对Sally Smith的评价是mean-spirited的,所以选not respectful 4. 3,男的说这篇文章is bringing attention to the student government organization, which is prettyinvisible,可见这篇文章旨在引起大众对于government organization的关注 5.4,女生很不相信地问really,可见她并不是convincedLecture 1United States h

13、as whats called a Federal government. In the federal systemof government, the power to make laws and regulations is divided between anational government and smaller political units - states, in this case. Thereare two views of how those powers interact with one another. One view is calleddual federa

14、lism. Dual federalism says that the national and state governmentsboth have clearly defined powers, though the governments power is quitelimited. The other perspective, is cooperative federalism. Cooperativefederalism, asserts that the national governments power over the state is notso clearly limit

15、ed. In fact, it is not clearly defined. A kind national andstate governments work together cooperatively. But the national government cantalso impose its power over the states. One competing point of view, after all,the United States Constitution still vows the power of the national government.But t

16、he constitutions are relatively short documents, a lot of it untilinterpretation. In fact, those who wrote it want it that way. To a lot offlexibility, they are actually passive in the constitution that can supporteither view of federalism. So, from time to time, there are clashes between dualand co

17、operative applications of federalism. And when that happens, the UnitedStates Supreme Court, the countrys highest courts, decides to have the power inthe given situation, the state governments, or the national government, and thedecisions made by the Supreme Courts are binding on the entire nation,t

18、hroughout much of US history, until the 20th of century, Supreme Courtdecisions generally favor dual federalism, deciding that the national governmentshould not infringe on states power. But there were a few early Supreme Courtsdecisions that did favor national power. One such case, was the McCulloc

19、h. V.Maryland in 1819. McCulloch. V. Maryland addressed the question of whether thenational government had power to establish a bank. The Supreme Court said yes,it could establish a bank, a national institution, the court wrote the rule thatthis national bank could not be cut by the states in which

20、it was located. Thisdecision supported the cooperative federated field. Another significant earlycase favoring cooperative federalism Gibbons. V. Ogden was decided in 1824. InGibbons. V. Ogden, the state of New York, wanted to give one steam boat company,the exclusive right to ferry passengers acros

21、s the river between New York andthe neighboring state of New Jersey. The Supreme Court ruled that New York couldnot make decisions affecting into another state that businesses that affect twostates came under the power of the national government. So again, a SupremeCourt ruling favored national powe

22、r, but these cases were really exceptions. Wewouldnt see an overall shift towards cooperative federalism until the 1930s. Toexplain the timing of the shift, lets consider the economy of that time. In thedecade leading up to the 1930s, the US economy became increasinglyinterdependent. What do I mean

23、by that? Well, there were major population shiftsfrom rural farming areas to cities, where factories were springing up. So ratherthan growing their own food, people bought it at grocery stores. _ relied ondistant farms to the food they sold, those farms , which might be in a differentstate, were usi

24、ng equipment made in factories in that another state. That is oneexample of economic interdependence. Everyone played a part in an expending,economicnetwork. In 1929, a stock market crashed sense massive economy intodepression, known as the great depression. The new economic interdependencemeans tha

25、t the prices in one sector of the economy, the finance in the streetripple through the entire economy. Unemployment became widespread. Now helpingthe unemployed and other _ had always been a responsibility of stategovernment. But suddenly, those governments no longer had the resources to help,so the

26、 Supreme Court began a supporting law that gave the national governmentmore power. For example, in 1935, a national law gave the employees all stagesthe right to bargain collectively, in dispute between labor and management. Inthe past, the high court said that such laws that inference on the right

27、ofstates to regulate businesses, but now they thought differently. This cram theway from dual federalism and cooperative federalism has continued. But a dynamictension between the two also continues. And this tension, the struggle betweenopposing views is actually useful. Because it prevents either

28、the nationalgovernment or state governments from gaining too much power.6. 3,主旨题,文章讲到在不同时期,Supreme Court对于两种federalism的不同需求,和对nationalgovernment和state government的power的诠释,所以选differing perspectives 7. 4,文章提到the twowho wrote it wanted it that way,而之前说到constitutions are short of documents,最后听到tothe fle

29、xibility, 可见选flexible。8. 2,文章讲到涉及到两个州commerce的事件需要由national government来rule,所以选2 9. 2、3,文章首先提到了Everyone played a part in an expending, economicnetwork,其次提到了在recession中,national government没有resource,所以高院给了更多权力10. 1,文章说到两种federalism之间相互制约,防止state或者nationalgovernment单方面做大,所以有其important purpose 11. 2、4、

30、5Lecture 2So continuing with crop domestication in corn, or maize, as its oftencalled, obviously, it is one of the worlds most important crops today, itssuch a big part of the diet and so many countries and its got so many differentuses that is hard to imagine the world without it. But because it do

31、esnt grownaturally without cultivation and because thereis no obvious wild relative of maize, more to the longest time, researcherswere not able to find a clear link between maize and other plants that made ithard for them to trace the history of maize. Now seeing the big theory of theorigin of maize first stated coming out in 1930s, one involved a plant calledTeosinte. Teosinte is a tall

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