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1、大学英语六级考试真题及参考答案全三套2019年6月大学英语六级考试真题及参考答案(第套)artI riting (30mut)iectns:or this prt, yo re allod 3 nuestowrte anessay onthe imporanc ofotivti and ethods in learning.You shoud wrie t ea15 wrdsut no moe thn 20wrd。【参考范文】A old ayinggoes, kowledge a chnge one ife.Inord aqi noldg, havo tuyrd. Hweer, it ca o

2、 b ignoredth ffeti learnin needbothotivation andscenti mthod。t not diffitrus t cm p with severl possibe eason accountin for thi perspectie In the first c,leanin n ofsrs n ard or. herefoe,ntevryos bletokep going wthou crai itrnl motivation。 Besie, scienic methods pay a signiant oe i improvng learning

3、 fficency May of us believetht he ngryu stu,the betrgrad yoill get. Bt a lt exeriencesofour casmtes prove thatths viw is not entirely corret。In etails,sudyigfora lon sexhstig n i is veyley o dceas std fficency, whch crical to academc perforace.Fomwhaas been mentone bve, we ca eilydraw a conlusnthatt

4、 mprn of otivaion and method i lang s selfeident。 And t is necesafo u toevelp good larng hds.【参考范文译文】俗话说,知识能改变命运。因此,为了获得知识,我们必须努力学习。然而,不可忽略的是,有效的学习既离不开学习动力的存在,也离不开科学的学习方法。不难列举上述观点的原因。首先,学习是一件严肃且困难的事。因此,不是每个人都能在没有某种内在动机的情况下一直继续。此外,科学的方法在提高学习效率方面发挥着重要的作用。我们当中有不少人都认为,学习的时间越长,成绩就会越好.但是我们周边同学的很多经历证明这个观点并

5、不完全正确。具体来说,长时间的学习是累人的,因此它很可能会降低学习效率,而学习效率对于学业成绩来说却是至关重要的。综上所述,我们可以很容易就得出如下结论:学习动机和方法的重要性是不言而喻的,因此我们非常有必要形成良好的学习方法。art iteigComprhenn(30 minutes)ScioADctions:In thisseti, you ll hear two long coneratons。At tend of achnveratin, yowilhear for th nversati ad the qustiosille sokn nly oce Ater y

6、ouhera ustin, you must cosethe bes aswerromthe four chices make),B),C)and )Ten mark the correponingletr onAnserhe 1ith a single ine thgh te centre.uestist 4 re basdo the cnversaion y hav jus hard.1. A) Roan oliaas mr famous tan Breakt at Tifanys。B)whyAe epburn a more feae fans tan mal nesC)Why he wo

7、anwane tbekAudrey Hepburn.)wh somy rls doedudrey Hrn.。A)He uniqupersonality.B)r physica coditionC)e hft ofintere tperrming arts.)er famils sspensio o inacial ai.。 A)he wasnoan outgoin pers。B)Ses met andhardokngC)Sh wsasygoin on the wl.D)Sh was uslly ntery optimistic.4. )was influeced byherole shepla

8、ed intheilm。B)He rents taught hr to symboize ih the nedy。C)he eard to voluter when she as a id。)He family eniitefrm therppeselp。estins5 o 8are bsed o eecoding yo hav jus har。5。 A) Gvea prestatin。)Riseom quesions。C)tat w omany。D)Ated abard eeting.6。 ) Itwiut rdution cosB)It wil as roductivtes。C)No st

9、afwilll b ismissed.D)o ew taffwill behie.7。A) eine of restructuring.B) Tereasos fo estrutrin.C) T commicatonchanels。) Th cpn nw missions.8。A)By oulti hir own dprtmnt mnage) B emiling uestion ttheman or the womanC) B plrng varus chaes of conicationD)By istingthe opnywn computer network.etionBretions:

10、nthi sction, yu wll ear two passes。 th nd of each passag,y wl her thre orfor qeos。 Boththe asge andthe qustons willbe soen oly nce. Afer u hear a quetio,you ust choose he es answe fm tefou choicemaked),),) and)。 Thnar thecrepoing ettr onAswer he 1th a single line thrgh he centr.uestons 9to1ae bdon h

11、essag youhv jtheard.9。A) t hepspasse o akareof thr pet anil.B)It hasnimal t help asengscary their languae。C) Itusestheapy iml to soothnevouspasengr。)It allw pssengers tohave animal ravel withthe。1。A) Avoidig poibl dangers.B) Fiing ther way arud。C) Idenifying dgsmuglrs.D)Lokin arsick asseges。11。A)Sce

12、uleei figtsaoudtheaniml visitsB) Photograph taamals athearport。C) Keep soe aiml for thraetic purposes。D) Bring heir nio brthei lane。Qustion12 1 re based n the pssage u av jus hd。12.) Bside eatifly paited walln Ales。) Bsd t gatef an ncen Roma ciyC) thesite ofanacient Rma anionD) A the ntranc a recept

13、ion all n me。13。 A)A numberf dffeentimages. B) A umber of myhooca heroes.C) Varismsiclinstruments。 D) ainsy famous Frenh artsts。14。A)The oriinaiy nd xprise shown. )The worldy sophiticatiodisplaedC)Thestunning iages vividly depice。D) Theipressveskills nd cosly dyes1.A) His aistic tst i superb.B) i id

14、etiyremains unclr。) e was colectorof niqes。 D) w rchtaian mhat。ecin Dictions:I his secion, you wil hr tree recrdings of lectso tlksfolowed by ee r four question.Th reordngswil b playd only once. fe yu ar quetion,youustchoe te st anser fm the for hoies mrkd A), B), C) and D)。ark the corrspondg letero

15、nnswer Sheet 1wth a sneline tohe ntre。uetions 16 to 18 are based on the reoing yohave juthad16 A) The orae intratioa coperatin。B) Tey lay sress n basic scentifi eearch.C) They plce geat emhasi nmpiricl suies.) he favur scientfro tsmebr uries.17 A) Man of th iht wi internationl recoition.B) They beev

16、 tha r hads will ake igt work。) They wan tofolow cloly t ntenational tren.D) May f t proct haveecme compcate。1.A) I requirsmthematcn o worindepeenty。B) ifaedwith many unpecdente hallegC) lagbehinother dclinein coaortion.D) It cals fr mre esearchfunding cath upQueons 19o 21 are asd on the recrdin you

17、 have stear。9。 A) Sceniststriesen a baloonto enus。B) Scintissdiscovered wate on Veus.C) Scintsts ounVens had amosphee。) Sientiss osered nus fm a pac ehicle。20。) It resemblesarth in aspects。B)It is hesaa fiion as portrayed.C)It i a pradse of mance foralenlif.D)It undergoe eologcalchanges like Eart.2.

18、A)Itgh have enhoer than i tday.B)It ight hve be aczy abiatfor life。C)It usedo av mre watr th arth。D)Itsed to becveed with rinforestQuestion 22 to 5 aeased o th recoin youhave jut hard。22。A)Cauesoseeplsess.B)Crosscuturlcommunation.)Cutual psyhology。)Motvaton adpsiiv fels3.A)Thy attchgrat iportanc o s

19、lep。B)hey often ave tobealng lep。C)hy amre tteion tosleepfficy。D)Th generlly eep le tan East A。24.)By sking peope to report their seep hbits。B)By observineolessleep patters in abs。)Byhain peopear motion-etetinwatchs.D)By ideing popes dilyslpigprocesses。25.A) It hs mde rearable progres in the ast ewd

20、cads.B)It a no yeplred the cros-cultral ect of sle.C)It asot ytprddnyig conclusive)It has attached tenin al over tewrld。【参考答案】15 BAA-10 BBCB 115 ACAD - DBA 21-25 Par Readng Comhension (40 miues)ction ADrectins:n th section, the is apssage wih tn blanks. Yu are eqied toseleton ord r eah anfrm a ls of

21、choice iven ia worbankfolowigthe psage. Red the asthrough crefullyefr makng our chic.Eah hoice n theban is idetid bya lt。 Plase mak he coresponin leter or eac itm onAnswr Sheet 2i a sigl linehroughteentre. ou at seany te wordsin the an mor han once。Qestios 2 35are based on theollowigpasag.Pasta is o

22、 longe of te men,aftra w revewofuessuggsted thtthe arbhdate can form parto a ealthy di, and ven hl eopl lose weih。 Foyes, nutritinstshav recommeded tha asta be kett 26 ,to c le, prevent fat uidup a op boosgar 7 up。T owcabodrat fomvemetave r t suh dets a he Akins,Paleo and Ket,which advisd waping fod

23、s ikebread, sa and pottos or vetle, fish and mat. More recenly thtend o swapispaghtti f vegetabs hasbee 28y cleneatingexert.But now a 29 eviw and anlyiso 3 studieb aadianreerchers found that oy does a not use igt gan,bure mea awee a helpeope ropmore han alf kilogam rfourmoths。 Th eviwrs ound hat pas

24、ta a been unfaly eied (妖魔化) bca it ad ee 30 i with other,m tpromotigcabhyates。“Thstudy ound tha pa didnt3 o weightgairincease in bodyfa,” sad ed athor DJohn Sievenier. “ 32theeidenc, e now sy it soe confidncethapasdoesnothve an 33efect o body weighotcome when tscosmd a partof aeathy ietary patter。” In act, anlysis cualy showeda allweigh loss34t ncerns。 perhaps pasta c ba ahelthy dietThe ivve i te trals on aveageate 3.servings of pasta a we instead otercarbohdae, servigqualin arounalf acup.Thy los arou af a ki

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