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1、当幸福来敲门英文电影台词打印版- All right, Dad.- Come on.Should be here soon.- I think I should make a list.- What do mean?- For your birthday gifts?- Yeah.You know youre only gettinga couple of things, right?Yeah, I know. Just to look atand study so I can choose better.Okay, well, thats smart.Yeah, make a list.Ca

2、n you spell everythingyoure thinking of?- I think so.- All right. Thats good.- How you doing in here, man?- Okay.Can we go to the park today, after?No, I gotta go to Oakland.Well, maybe, well see.Give me a kiss.Ill talk to you later.Excuse me.Oh, excuse me.when is somebodygonna clean this off?Its an

3、 I in happiness.Theres no Y in happiness. Its an I.Im Chris Gardner.I met my father for the first timewhen I was 28 years old.And I made up my mindas a young kid.that when I had children were gonna knowwho their father was.This is part of my life story.This part is called Riding the Bus.

4、Whats that?Its a time machine, isnt it?Seems like a time machine.That seems like a time machine.Its a time machine. Take me with you.This machine.this machine on my lap.This guy, he has a time machine.He travels in the pastwith this machine and.- it is not a time machine.Its a portablebone-density s

5、canner.A medical device I sell for a living.Thank you for the opportunity- We just dont need it, Chris.Its unnecessary and expensive.- Well, maybe next.- Thank you.It gave a slightly denser picturethan an x-ray for twice the money.- Hey.- Hey, baby.- What happened?- No, nothing.Look, I cant get Chri

6、stopher today.Oh, no, you dont, Chris.Im back on at 7.I know. I have got to go to Oakland.So I gotta get Christopher home,feed him, bathe him.get him in bed,and be back here by 7?- Yes.- And we got the tax-bill notice today.- What are you gonna do about that?- Look, this is what we gotta do.You see

7、that car? The onewith the pretty yellow shoe on it?Thats mine.Theres no parking near hospitals.Thats what happenswhen youre always in a rush.Thanks anyway. Very much.I needed to sell at least two scannersa month for rent and daycare.Id have to sell one pay off all of those ticketsunder my wi

8、ndshield wiper.The problem is.I havent sold any for a while.Since when do you not likemacaroni and cheese?Since birth?- Whats that?- What?- What is this?- Its a gift for Christopher.- From who?- Cynthia from work.Its for adults. Chris cant use it.She didnt know.What are you supposedto do with it?Mak

9、e every side the same color.Did you pay the taxes?No, Im gonnahave to file an extension.- You already filed an extension.- Yeah, well, I gotta file another one.Thats. Its $650.Ill have it in the next month.- Yeah, a little bit.Look, why dont you let me do this?All right, just relax. Okay?- Come here

10、. Calm down.- I have to go back to work.Lets get ready for bed.Hey, put your plate in the sink.A few days ago I was presentedwith a report Id asked for.a comprehensive audit, if you will,of our economic condition.You wont like it. I didnt like it.But we have to face the truth.and then go to workto t

11、urn things around.And make no mistake about it,we can turn them around.The federal budget is out of control.And we face runaway deficitsof almost $80 billion.for this budget yearthat ends September 30th.That deficit is larger thanthe entire federal budget in 1957.And so is the almost $80 billion.we

12、will pay in interestthis year on the national debt.Twenty years ago, in 1960.our federal government payrollDuring these 20 years, our populationhas only increased by 23.3 percent.Man, I got two questions for you:What do you do?And how do you do it?- Im a stockbroker.- Stockbroker. Oh, goodness.Had t

13、o go to collegeto be a stockbroker, huh?You dont have to. Have to be goodwith numbers and good with people.- Thats it.- Hey, you take care.Ill let you hang on to my carfor the weekend.- But I need it back for Monday.- Feed the meter.I still remember that moment.They all lookedso damn happy to me.Why

14、 couldnt I look like that?Im gonna try to get home by 6.Im gonna stop by a brokerage firmafter work.- For what?- I wanna see about a job there.Yeah? What job?You know, when I.So Im gonna go see aboutwhat job they got down there.What job?Stockbroker.- Stockbroker?- Yeah.Not an astronaut?Dont talk to

15、me like that, Linda.Im gonna go down and see about this,and Im gonna do it during the day.You should probablydo your sales calls.I dont need you to tell meabout my sales calls, Linda.I got three of thembefore the damn office is even open.Do you rememberthat rent is due next week?Probably not.Were al

16、ready two months behind.Next week well owe three months.Ive been pulling double shiftsfor four months now, Chris.Just sell whats in your contract.Get us out of that business.Linda, that is what I am trying to do.This is what Im trying to dofor my family.Linda.Linda.This part of my lifeis called Bein

17、g Stupid.Can I ask you a favor, miss?Do you mind if I leave this herewith you just for five minutes?I have a meeting in thereand I dont wanna carry that.looking smalltime.Here is a dollar and Ill give youmore money when I come back out.Okay? Its not valuable.You cant sell it anywhere.I cant even sel

18、l it, and its my job.All right?- Chris? Tim Brophy, Resources.- Yes. How are you?- Come with me.- Yes, sir.Let me see if I can find youan application for our internship.Im afraid thats all we can do for you.See, this is a satellite office.Jay Twistle in the main office,he oversees Witter Resources.I

19、 mean, Im. You know,Im just this office.As you can see, we got a hell of lotbut I cant seem to find it anywhere.- We.- Thank you very much.I need to go.Ill bring this back.- Thank you.- Okay.Trusting a hippie girl with my scanner.Why did I do that?Excuse me. Excuse me.Like I said, this part of my li

20、feis called Being Stupid.Hey! Hey! Hey! Dont move!Dont move! Stay!Stop! Stop!Dont move!Stop this! Stop the train!Stop! Stop!The program took just 20 peopleevery six months.One got the job.There were three blank lines afterhigh school to list more education.I didnt need that many lines.Try and sleep.

21、 Its late.Its a puzzle measuring just 3 inchesby 3 inches on each side.made up of multiple colorsto a solid color on each side.This little cubeis the gift sensation of 1981.Dont expect to solve it easily.Although we did encounterone math professor at USF.who took just 30 minutes on his.This is as fa

22、r as Ive gottenon mine.As you can see,I still have a long way to go.This is Jim Finnerty reportingfor KJSF in Richmond.Hey, wake up.Eat.- Bye, Mom.- Bye, baby.- Come back without that, please.- Oh, yeah, Im going to.So go ahead, say goodbye to it,because Im coming back without it.Goodbye and good ri

23、ddance.You aint had to addthe good riddance part.Bye, Mom.Bye.Its written as P-P-Y, but itssupposed to be an I in happiness.But its not spelled right.- Is fuck spelled right?- Yeah, thats spelled right.But thats not part of the motto,so youre not supposed to learn that.Thats an adult word to show an

24、gerand other things.- But just dont use that one, okay?- Okay.Whats that sayon the back of your bag?My nickname.We pick nicknames.- Oh, yeah? Whats it say?- Hot Rod.- Did you have a nickname?- Yep.- What?- Ten-Gallon Head.- Whats that?- I grew up in Louisiana, near Texas.Everybody wears cowboy hats.

25、And a ten-gallons a big hat.I was smart back then,so they called me Ten-Gallon Head.- Hoss wears that hat.- Hoss?Hoss Cartwright on Bonanza.- How do you know Bonanza?- We watch it at Mrs. Chus.When? When do you watch it?- After snack? After your nap?- After Love Boat.I made my list for my birthday.-

26、 Yeah, whatd you put on there?- A basketball or an ant farm.- He says hes been watching TV.- Oh, little TV for history.- Love Boat?- For history. Navy.Thats not the Navy.I mean, he couldwatch television at home.Were paying you $ 150 a month.If hes gonna be sitting around.watching TV all day,were tak

27、ing him out of here.Go pay more at other daycareif you dont like Navy TV.You late pay anyway.You complain. I complain.Can you at least put the dog upstairsin your room or something?Bye.I was waiting forWitter Resource head Jay Twistle.whose name sounded so delightful,like hed give me a job and a hug

28、.I just had to show him I was good- Good morning.- Mr. Twistle, Chris Gardner.- Hi.I wanted to drop this off personallyand make your acquaintance.I thought Id catch you on the way in.Id love the opportunity to discuss.what may seem like weaknesseson my application.Well start with this, and well call

29、 youif we wanna sit down.- Yes, sir. You have a great day.- You too.Hey, yeah, how you doing?This is Chris Gardner callingfor Dr. Delsey.Yeah, Im running a little latefor a sales call.I was wondering if.Yeah, Osteo National.Right. We can still? Half an hour?Yes. Beautiful. Beautiful.Thank you, thank

30、 you.Hey! Hey!Hey!This part of my life.- Wait!.this part here.its called Running.Wait!Hey! Wait!That was my stolen machine.Unless she was witha guy who sold them too.Which was unlikely.because I was the only oneselling them in the Bay Area.I spent our entire life savingson these things.It was sucha revolutionary machine.- Can y

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