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最新 高考英语任务型阅读练习题附答案.docx

1、最新 高考英语任务型阅读练习题附答案最新 高考英语任务型阅读练习题(附答案)一、高中英语任务型阅读1任务型阅读Habits to Be a Highly Effective Student Some students are able to get straight As and at the same time serve as the president of three clubs. However, some students struggle to keep their GPA (Grade-Point Average) above a 3.0_Although its true t

2、hat everyones IQ is different, good study habits are very important. Here5re several habits you should adopt to get good grades. _If you havent had a planner (规划薄), get one. Many people use their computers and smartphones to make a schedule. The problem with that approach is that they are major dist

3、ractions (分心的事物). Instead, get an old-fashioned paper and pen planner. Create a weekly schedule_Include time that will be spent eating, sleeping and doing anything not related to school work. That way you know exactly how much you can accomplish each day. Take frequent, short breaks. Taking a break

4、from studying for 15 minutes every hour will help keep you refreshed_If you dont take a break, you may find yourself daydreaming or even falling asleep. Take some time for some water, a snack or a quick chat with a friend. Take care of yourself. During final exam week, it is common for students to f

5、all behind on sleep and meals. Make sure you get a good nights sleep and have regular meals. Studying while hungry or sleepy is ineffective and will slow you down in the long run. Also try to make time for friends and family_A. Keep things organized.B. Keep away from your computers.C. Of course, not

6、 everyone needs breaks.D. Our brains are not meant to work for hours nonstop.E. Having a good support system will help with all the stress.F. And they seem to spend all of their time in studying.G. Then under each day, make a list of things to do each hour.【答案】E;A;G;D;E 【解析】【分析】文章主要介绍了学习效率高的学生所拥有的四个

7、习惯。(1)根据第一段Some students are able to get straight As and at the same time serve as the president of three clubs. However, some students struggle to keep their GPA.第一句一些学生能够得A。而一些学生则挣扎着只能得到平均分,他们似乎花很多时间在学习。此处是接前句,表明的平均分的人其实也很努力,接下来引出主题,好的学习习惯很重要。故答案为E。(2)根据空后的句子If you havent had a planner (规划薄), get

8、one.可知,作者强调要有规划,所以让一切组织好。故答案为A。(3)第二条建议是列个时间表。所以要列举每小时做的事情,再接后句甚至包括吃饭,睡觉的时间。故答案为G。(4)本段介绍的好习惯为要经常段时间休息一下。在根据后句如果不休息,你可能发现自己白日做梦或昏昏欲睡,所以,前句表明人需要休息,大脑不能无休止地工作。故答案为D。(5)根据前句要花时间跟家人和朋友在一起,后句应该是家人和朋友能给自己提供支持和帮助。故答案为E。【点评】阅读理解七选五解题步骤1)分析选项,串联主题:了解文章的主题、大意,会让解题的方向更明确。 2)研究空格前后,对比选项,选择答案。 3)复读短文,核对答案:为了保证答案

9、的正确性,一定要把答案代入原文,进行核对检查。2任务型阅读 Age has its privileges in America, and one of the most important of them is the senior citizen discount. Eligibility(资格) is determined not by ones need but by the date on ones birth certificate. The discounts have become a routine part of many businessesas common as col

10、or televisions in motel rooms and free coffee on airliners. People with gray hair often are given the discounts without even asking for them; yet, millions of Americans above age 60 are healthy and solvent (有支付能力的). Businesses that would never dare offer discounts to college students or anyone under

11、 30 freely offer them to older Americans. The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that elderly means needy. Perhaps that once was true, but today elderly Americans as a group have a lower poverty rate than the rest of the population. To be sure, there is economic diversity within

12、 the elderly, and many older Americans are poor. But most of them arent. It is impossible to determine the impact of the discounts on individual companies. For many firms, they are a stimulus to revenue. But in other cases, the discounts are given at the expense, directly or indirectly, of younger A

13、mericans. Moreover, they are a direct irritant(刺激物) in what some politicians and scholars see as a coming conflict between the generations. Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits, which mostly involve a transfer of resources from the young to the ol

14、d. Employment is another sore point. Supported by laws and court decisions, more and more older Americans are declining the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the jobthereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers. Far from a kind of charity they once were, senior

15、citizen discounts have become a privilege to a group with millions of members who dont need them.It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of others. Senior citizen discounts only enhance the myth that older people cant take care

16、 of themselves and need special treatment; and they threaten the creation of a new myth, that the elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups. Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting againstdiscrimin

17、ation by age.OutlineDetailsIntroductionAge determines whether an American can be given a discount, which is a common_in American business life today.Origin of senior citizen discountSince the senior citizens are often treated as people who are in _they are given such priority._situationThe situation

18、 has changed a lot where the majority of the elderly are not poor at all.Younger Americans were at a(n)_directly or indirectly due to the discounts given to the elderly, thus leading to conflicts between generations.The number of older Americans _to work rather than retire is on the increase, which

19、means _opportunities for young workers.It is no longer a kind of charity because millions of senior citizens dont need the priority_.ConclusionIts unwise to offer discount priority to the elderly.It will mislead people to think they are unable to_to themselves.People may think that they are ungratef

20、ul and theyre hurting the_of other age groups.Actually senior citizen discounts, to some extent,_against their age.【答案】practice;need/poverty;Present/Current;disadvantage;preferring;fewer;economically;attend/tend;interest(s)/benefit(s);discriminate 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,探讨了美国社会老年人享受商品折扣这一特殊待遇的现象。作者提出很多老年人

21、是拥有支付能力的,他们并不需要享受折扣。让他们享受商品折扣其实是牺牲了年轻人的利益,甚至会加剧两代人之间的冲突,从某种程度上来说,老年人所享受折扣其实也是一种年龄歧视。(1)考查信息转换。根据第一段中的The discounts have become a routine part of many businessesas common as可知这是一种惯常行为,a common practice意为“惯常行为,常规做法”,因此填practice。(2)考查信息转换。根据第二段中的The practice is acceptable because of the widespread beli

22、ef that elderly means needy 可知对老人打折起因于认为老年人有需要,也就是贫穷。因此填need/poverty。(3)考查信息归纳。由本栏中提到的四点可以看出此处是说目前美国的社会现状,即Present/Current situation。因此填Present/Current。(4)考查信息转换。根据第三段中的But in other cases, the discounts are given at the expense, directly or indirectly, of younger Americans. 可知对老年人优惠使得年轻人处于不利地位,at a

23、disadvantage固定短语“处于不利地位”,因此填disadvantage。(5)考查信息转换。根据第四段中的more and more older Americans are declining the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job 可知选择继续工作而不选择退休的老年人的数量在增加。preferrather than固定短语,“选择.而不选择.”,因为“older Americans _5_ to work rather than retire is on the increase”跟在介词of后面修饰前面的主语The

24、 number,所以空格处prefer用动名词形式,故填 preferring。(6)考查信息转换。根据第四段中的thereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers可知老年人不愿退休,年轻人就业和升职的机会变少了,故填fewer。(7)考查信息转换。根据最后一段中的It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of

25、others.可知很多老年人在经济上不需要这种优惠了,这里空格处修饰动词need,要用经济的副词形式,故填economically。(8)考查信息转换。根据最后一段中的Senior citizen discounts only enhance the myth that older people cant take care of themselves 可知长者折扣只会增强老年人不能照顾自己的谬见。attend/tend to oneself固定短语“照顾自己”,因此填attend/tend。(9)考查信息转换。根据最后一段中的the elderly are ungrateful and ta

26、king for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups可知,人们会认为老年人是不感恩的,而且他们伤害了其他年龄段的人的利益,因此填interest(s)/benefit(s)。(10)考查信息转换,根据最后一段中的“Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting againstdiscrimination by age.”可知年长者折扣可能会被认为是一种年龄歧视,这里用在against前,

27、用动词形式。故填discriminate。【点评】本题考点涉及信息转换和信息归纳两个题型的考查,是一篇社会现象类阅读,要求考生准确捕捉细节信息,根据上下文的逻辑关系,结合相关的语法知识和词汇知识,做出正确答案。3阅读短文,按照题目要求用英语回答问题。 One out of many important things for the whole family to do is to have dinner together. Researchers began reporting the benefits of family dinner about a decade ago, focusing

28、 mainly on how it affects children. Studies show that those families who eat dinner at least 3 or 4 times a week together, benefit in many ways. Eating together helps families achieve open communication and build stronger and healthier relationships. Children have better grades at school and are bet

29、ter adjusted as teens and adults, and the entire family enjoys healthier nutrition. For many families, eating dinner together proves to be a good and effective way to reduce the risk of youth rates of addiction, and helps to nurture healthier children. It is also a great time to share the events of

30、the day, discuss news and ideas and just be together and enjoy each others company. During dinner time parents have better opportunity to show that they are the prior to their children. Sitting at the same table and sharing meals is where and when parents can find out more about their childrens scho

31、ol performance, daily activities and attitudes toward life. When parents have all this information they can better direct their kids toward positive things in life. They also have better chance to reduce the possibility that children will get involved with alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs. Howeve

32、r, family researchers say that the benefits of family dinner by no means can be considered as automatic. Parents can sit down to dinner with their kids every day and achieve nothing. Family dinner may not benefit if there is too much arguing going on, if there is no meaningful conversation or, what is even worse, if there is just pl

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