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导学案 岳金英.docx

1、导学案 岳金英 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic1 What a nice coat! Section A(课案)第十五周星期一【教学目标】知识与技能1. Learn some new words and phrases: 2. Learn the structure of “so that ” :过程与方法 Learn by themselves情感态度与价值观1. Understand how to ask for help: 【教学重点】1. Learn some new words and phrases: cotton, silk, so that, scarf, j

2、eans, overcoat, handbag, hat, sock2. Learn the structure of “so that ” :I liked it so much that my father bought it for me.My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.【教学难点】1. Learn the structure of “so that ” :【教学过程】一、 读中初悟Step 1 lead-in复习服装词汇,导入1a。1. (用卡片复习以前学过的服装词汇。)T: Boys and gir

3、ls, today we will have a lesson about clothes. I think it is useful for you. You must be interested in it. Look here, whats in my hand? Oh, yes, there are many cards about clothes. You should speak out the names of these clothes as soon as I take them out. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.(教师出示画有服装的卡片,让学生一起大声说

4、出服装名称,复习已学过的服装名称。)coat pants shirt raincoat dress sweater jacket shorts T-shirt shoes T: Good! You have known so many words about clothes. Are you happy?Ss: Sure.二、 思中生成Step 1 Presentation 学习生词,呈现本课活动1a。1. (学习生词) T: I have more beautiful clothes here. Do you want to say them in English? Ss: Yes. (教师

5、拿出已准备好的卡片展示给学生,并教新词。卡片正面是服装图样,反面为英语单词,出示一张牛仔裤的图片,正面对着学生。) (用同样方式,学习并掌握生词:overcoat, handbag, hat, sock;理解blouse;了解:costume, fashion, sportswear。) (板书)jeans n.牛仔裤 scarf n.围巾,领巾 overcoat n.长大衣handbag n.女用皮包,手提包 hat n.帽子 sock n.短袜 T: Now, Ill give you several minutes to remember these new words. OK? Ss:

6、 OK! T: Time is up. Lets have a word competition. Say the names of these clothes when I show them. Ill see which group is the quickest and best. Group A, go. (运用卡片学习服装质地的表达。) T: We have learnt so many words about clothes. Now lets learn how to say materials of clothes. (老师拿出一张唐装卡片,告诉学生它是丝绸做的。) T: Lo

7、ok at the card. Its a Tang costume. Its a silk one. (老师走到一名学生身旁,引导学生说该生的衣服的质地。) T: He is wearing a coat. Its a cotton one. (板书画线部分,掌握silk和cotton。)silk 丝;丝制的cotton n./adj.棉布,棉花;棉制的三、练中拓延(听1a录音,设置听力任务,让学生带着问题听。)T: Well done. Oh, we can find our classmates are wearing different kinds of clothes. What n

8、ice clothes! Today, Maria is also wearing a beautiful coat. If you want to know more about it, please listen to 1a carefully and answer the following questions. (板书)What is Maria wearing?Is it a cotton one?What does Jane want to buy?.1./ (让学生独立完成1b,巩固so that 的用法。)T: Now, finish 1b by yourselves.2. (

9、学生完成2后,教师可领学生做个小游戏,既放松心情,又可巩固所学知识。) T: I think you must be tired. Lets play a game, OK? Ss: OK. Section A(学案)【学习目标】:1. Learn some new words and phrases: 2. Learn the structure of “so that ” :【学习重点】:“so that ” :【学习难点】“so that ” :【学习过程】:一、自主学习(基础知识) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二、合作探究(围绕重点、突破难点而设置).阅读P77-1a,回答问题1

10、.What is Maria wearing?_2.When will they have a class fashion show? _. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1. You look great today. 译:_2. It feels quite soft and smooth. 译:_思考: 句中look和feel 是_ 动词。这两个句子同为_+_+_结构。练习:1)The cookies taste delicious.译_2)In spring, trees turn green.译:_3)他看起来很累。He _ _ _ .4)天气变得越来越热。 It is _ _ _ _

11、.5)迈克似乎很失望。Michael _ _ _. 6)它太难闻了。It_ _.三、拓展延伸思考:so -that-_ that引导了_状语从句练习:1) I was so busy that I had no time to watch TV. 2)那个男孩是那么矮以至于他够不到树上的橘子The boy is _ short _he _ _the oranges in the tree.3)Peter跑得那样快以至于我们班没人能赶上他。Peter runs_ fast _ nobody cant _ _ _ him_in our class.链接:so that- 以便于,为了 引导_状语从

12、句1)I sit in front of the classroom so that I can hear clearly. 译:_2)我起得很早以便能赶上早班车。译:_链接:in order to -以便于,为了 后面跟动词原形转换:将1)和2)句中的so that转换为in order to 1)_2)_ Section A(习案)【基础部分】.英译汉1. 棉花,棉质的_ 4.蚕丝 _ 7.短袜 _ 2.羊毛 _ 5.围巾 _ 8.手套 _3.长大衣 _ 6 .皮革 _ 9.制服 _. 能力提高部分1 .Is it a cotton one ? No, its a silk one . 译

13、:_My coats are so small that I want to buy some new ones.点拨:句中one/ones是_词,one代替前文提到的可数名词_数; ones代替前文提到的可数名词_数。区别:你能区分代词it 与代词one吗? it指同一个,而one指同一类1)My pen is lost and I cant find_ anywhere . So I have to buy_ . 2) The pears in my basket are smaller than the _in Jims. 3) -Two Evening Papers, please.

14、-Only one copys left. Would you like to have _, sir?4) -Your watch is quite nice. Where did you buy_ ? -In Shanghai. Do you want to have _like this? 5.Excuse me, could you tell me where to buy a scarf? 译:_点拨:疑问词what / which / whom / when / how /where 等后跟动词不定式短语, 作动词的宾语。练习:1) I dont know what to do n

15、ext. 译:_ 2) I dont know how to deal with it. 译:_ 3)您能教我怎样使用计算机吗? Can you teach me _ _ _ the computer?4)您能告诉我怎样到火车站吗?Could you please tell me _ _ _ _ the train station?5)我不知道什么时候去意大利。I dont know _ _ _ _ Italy. 单项选择。(10分)( )1. _ shoes would you like to buy? 39. A. How long B. What size of C. How wide

16、D. What color( )2. This purse is made _ leather _ France. A. of; by B. by; from C. from; in D. of; in( )3. The girl _ a red coat is my sister. A. wears B. in C. wear D. puts on( )4. Why dont you take the T-shirt, Linda? I have only $10. I cant _ it. A. borrow B. afford C. sell D. bring Section B(课案)

17、第十五周星期二 【教学目标】知识与技能1. Learn some new words and phrases:2. Learn object clauses: 3. Offering help.过程与方法 Learn by themselves情感态度与价值观. Learn useful expressions about buying clothes:【教学重点】1. Learn some new words and phrases:pocket, size, be made of, natural2. Master the usage of adverbial clauses of res

18、ult: I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look more handsome. Its such a cool windbreaker that you should take it immediately.【教学难点】1. Learn useful expressions about buying clothes:【教学过程一 读中初悟Step 1 Review 1. (复习上节课内容,叫学生描述所带家庭相片中家人的服装及质地。)T: Now. Its time to check your homework. Have you brou

19、ght your family photos?T:Can you introduce your family to our classmates?T: Volunteers? OK, please come to the front, and introduce your family to us.S1: This is my father. Hes wearing a cotton sweater. This is my mother. She is wearing a silk dress T: Yes, its a sweater. Its a woolen sweater. It is

20、 made of wool. (同样方式呈现leather。然后老师拿出一件准备好的风衣。) T: Look! What is it? Do you know? (老师板书windbreaker。根据构词法,学生能读出该词。) Ss: Its a windbreaker. T: Very good! Its a windbreaker. Its made of natural materials. It has two big pockets. I like it very much, so I bought it.二、思中生成Step 1 Presentation 1. (听录音1a,回答问

21、题。) T: Thats fine. You know about your clothes well. But what about your friends Michael, Kangkang, Jane and Maria? Now they are in a clothing store. Please listen to 1a and answer the following questions.What does Jane think of the cotton pants?What size would Michael like?(上述问题可在课前准备好,板书在小黑板上或用幻灯片

22、显示,以节省课堂时间。)(学生听完之后,核对答案,并简要介绍 so that 和such that 句型。理解clothing。)fashion showKangkang T-shirt and cotton pants Michael windbreaker size M natural materialsJane a purple silk hat and a woolen dressMaria a leather jacket 3. (根据关键词,复述1a。) T: Retell 1a with the key words.三、 练中拓延1. (让学生根据图片和提示语填空,完成1c,进一

23、步巩固so , so that , such that 和 so that 的用法。)T: Michael, Kangkang, Jane and Maria are trying on the new clothes. Do you want to know how they feel? Look at the four pictures in 1c, and fill in the blanks according to the pictures. (教师可适当补充练习,让学生更好地掌握结果状语从句的用法。) (1) We study English hard, our English t

24、eacher is very happy. (2) The price of the leather jacket is expensive I cant afford it. (3) Miss Wang planned very well her students enjoyed a good trip. (4) Its beautiful coat Jane feels satisfied with it.Answers: (1) so (2) so, that (3) so that (4) such a, thatT: Make a survey about five of your

25、classmates favorite clothes and the materials of their clothes. Then complete the table. NameClothesMaterial2. Homework: (用so , so that ., such that 和 so that 造句。至少5个。) T: Every student makes at least five sentences, using “so ”, “so that ”, “such that ” and “ so that ” .Section B(学案) 【学习目标】:1.读准并会默

26、写本课的单词,新的词组。 2. . Learn useful expressions about buying clothes:【学习重点】:. Learn useful expressions about buying clothes:【学习难点】expressions【学习过程】:一、自主学习(基础知识)知识链接】 What do you think of ? 的同义句How do you like ?1.口袋 _2.有制成 _ 3. 尺寸_ 4.自然的_一、阅读P79-1a,回答问题1.What does Jane think of the cotton pants? _2.What s

27、ize would Michael like?_ 3.What does Maria want to buy? _二、合作探究(围绕重点、突破难点而设置)1.疑点探究 be made of “由材料做成”,用于能看出原材料的; 而be made from用于看不出原材料的。例如:The coat is made of cotton. 这件外套是棉制的。The paper is made from wood. 这些纸是木材做的。.2.Everyone is preparing for our fashion show. 译:_练习:1)我们正忙着准备期末考试。We are busy _ _ the _exams. 2) 他们正在准备表演短剧吗?_they _ _ the

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