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1、美语三级跳111课文本标题:美语三级跳 Go English:001A 电影单元: 初级课程听力内容:大家好!今天我们为您播出美语三级跳节目“电影”单元的初级课程。(Music)Professor: Winnie, today were going to listen to Emily and Peter talking about movies on their blind date.哎,初次约会通过聊电影来了解对方,这办法不错!Professor: I agree! Now lets find out if they both like going to the movies in the

2、ir free time.P: So Emily, what do you like to do for fun?E: I like to go to the movies. What do you do in your free time?P: I also like going to the movies.E: Well thats great! Its nice that we have something in common.听起来俩人都爱看电影,已经有共同话题了!对了,Professor Bowman, doing something for fun和doing something

3、in your free time 有区别么?P: Theyre very similar. When you want to know what peoples hobbies are, you can ask them what they do for fun, or what they do in their free time.原来如此,那我可以说 I like studying English in my free time.P: Exactly, Winnie! Now lets listen and see when they go to the movies.E: When d

4、o you usually go to the movies?P: I usually go in my free time on the weekends. How about you?E: The movie theater is always so crowded on the weekends. I like to go to the movies during the week.P: Thats true. And sometimes the tickets are cheaper during the week as well.Professor: It looks like Em

5、ily and Peter like going to the movies at different times. Did you hear the difference, Winnie?嗯,好像Peter是周末去电影院,但Emily嫌周末人多,所以她一般都是周一到周五去看电影。Professor: Thats right, and Peter says the tickets are cheaper during the week too. What kind of movies do you think they like?唔,男生和女生喜欢的电影类型一定不一样,最好能有什么类型的电影是

6、他们俩都喜欢的,这样第二次约会就有戏了!Professor: Lets listen and find out.P: I like watching comedies, like Borat. Do you like watching comedies too?E: Not really, I like watching horror movies, like The Unborn.P: You like horror movies? I dont like them because theyre too scary! I like comedies because I love to lau

7、gh.E: I like horror movies because I like to be scared.啊呀, 他俩的电影口味相差很远呢! Emily是个女孩子,结果反倒爱看恐怖片,Peter是男子汉,却不敢看这种电影。Professor Bowman,我有个问题,他们好像管喜剧叫comedies,而不是comedy movies,这是为什么?Professor: Well, Winnie, for some kinds of movies, you dont have to use the word movies after them. For example, you can tal

8、k about comedies, dramas and thrillers, and everyone will know youre talking about movies.我明白了。Comedies喜剧片、dramas剧情片和thrillers惊险片,后面都不用加movies. Professor Bowman,你觉得,他们电影口味不同,还会继续约会么?Professor: I think if they really like each other, theyll find a way to solve the problem. Lets listen.P: Well, its to

9、o bad that we like different kinds of movies. Maybe were just different kinds of people.E: Yeah its too bad . but actually I think I know what to do.P: Whats that?E: We can go to a horror movie, and Ill hold your hand so you dont get scared.P: You mean . like on a second date?E: Of course! Or are yo

10、u still too scared!P: No way! That sounds great!哈! Emily可真不简单!她不仅安排了第二次约会,而且还找到了和Peter拉手的理由!Professor: That was indeed very smart of her, Winnie! It looks like this date was a success after all.是啊!您说他们能成一对儿么?Professor: Well, well have to listen in next time and see what happens.标题:美语三级跳 Go English:0

11、01B 电影单元: 中级课程听力内容(Music)Emily和Peter正在约会,俩人聊到了电影,还有平时喜欢的消遣。Professor: Winnie, we already know that both of them like going to movies in the theaters. Now lets listen to them talking about other ways to watch movies.P: Did you do anything fun over the weekend?E: I didnt want to go out last weekend, s

12、o I decided to stay at home and watch a movie.P: Why didnt you want to go out?E: I was very tired after working all week. Sometimes on the weekend I dont have enough energy to go out to a movie theater.P: Did you download a movie or rent it at the store?E: I downloaded it so that I didnt have to rem

13、ember to return it.Professor: So, Winnie, besides going to the movie theater, what are the two other ways to watch movies that Emily and Peter talked about?两个方法我都记下来了!一个是从商店里租电影看,另一个是直接从网上下载。Professor: Right. And whats better about renting a movie by downloading it?这个我有亲身体会,下载电影不用记得去还!这么做的确很方便!Profe

14、ssor: I agree, Winnie! Now lets listen to Peter talking about the other activity he really likes.P: Last weekend I didnt want to go out either, so I stayed at home and played video games by myself. It was really fun!E: Oh yeah, that sounds pretty cool, I guess .P: Yeah, Im really into video games. I

15、n fact, all my friends are on the Internet. Ive never met any of them in the real world.E: Oh really . well you must be very popular on the Internet. But its true that its nice to do some things in the comfort of your own home.不会吧?Peter的朋友都是玩线上游戏时认识的网友?在Emily眼中,这好像不能加分呦!Professor: I think youre righ

16、t, Winnie. Emily didnt sound very impressed by Peters being into video games. By the way, saying youre into something is a casual way of saying you really like it.哦,所以,如果我对政治特别感兴趣的话,就可以说Im really into politics?Professor: Exactly. I wonder if Emily is into guys who spend all their time playing video

17、games. Lets listen and find out.P: Youre right. Watching movies at home is way cheaper than going to the theater, too. I like downloading movies too because its easy and fast.E: I agree. And its very convenient.P: Have you ever heard of a movie rental company called Netflix? They send the movies dir

18、ectly to your house in the mail.E: Really? Thats great! Im going to try that next time.P: Yeah, but I wish they delivered video games too. Then I would never leave my house!Professor: Winnie, did you hear Peter say why he likes watching movies at home?好像是他觉得在家看电影比去电影院便宜。可是,他说way cheaper是什么意思呢?Profes

19、sor: The word way can be slang for very.我明白了。前面加个way, w-a-y, 是为了加重语气。那我可以说 Peter is way into video games!Professor: Thats it!P: So Emily, do you still want to see a movie together this weekend?E: Well, what do you want to see? I dont think there are many good movies out right now.P: Hmmm . I know! W

20、e can go to a really bad sci-fi movie and sit in the back of the theater and make fun of it. What do you think?E: Now thats a great plan. Its a date!大功告成!虽然Peter沉迷于网络游戏,可Emily还是愿意继续跟他约会,两人准备去看最烂的sci-fi movie科幻片,然后一起嘲笑电影的粗制滥造!Professor: Thats right. When you say that a movie is out, that means that i

21、t is playing in the theaters.对啊!我特别想看布拉德皮特的新片,but it wont be out until next month!So, professor Bowman, do you think Emily and Peters next date will go well?Professor: For that, Winnie, well have to tune in next time and find out!这次的美语三级跳就播送到这里。标题:美语三级跳 Go English:001C 电影单元: 高级课程听力内容:Movie Dialogue:

22、 Advanced各位听众,大家好!今天我们为您播出“美语三级跳”节目“电影”单元的高级课程。Professor: Today were going to learn some useful vocabulary for talking about movies.太好了!Professor Bowman. 我特别喜欢看电影,正好学点新词汇!Professor: Good, Winnie! Then listen closely to Emily and Peter discussing their favorite movies.E: So Peter, do you have a favor

23、ite comedy?P: Well thats hard to say because there are so many good ones. I dont think I could pick a favorite.E: You know what comedy I really like? Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. I think Jim Carrey is really funny.P: Oh yeah, thats one of my favorite flicks. I think Jim Carrey is one of the funniest

24、comedians ever.E: I agree. But even though I like comedies, I usually prefer more serious films. My favorite movie is Titanic.Professor: Winnie, Did you hear the words flick and film? They both mean movie, but flick is slang for a movie that doesnt have a lot of artistic value, but may be fun to wat

25、ch anyway.哦,flick 和film都是电影,但是flick指那些艺术价值不高,看来消遣的电影。Professor: In the next segment, listen for the words cheesy and special effects.P: You like Titanic? That movie is so cheesy.E: Its not cheesy! Its romantic. When it first came out, I saw it in the theaters five times in one week.P: Really? Well t

26、he special effects might have been good in 1997, but when you watch it today they make the film seem really cheesy.E: Alright, maybe its a little bit cheesy. But come on, isnt it fun to go to a cheap flick once in a while?P: Actually, I have to admit that youre right. I like some pretty cheesy movie

27、s too. I love Arnold Schwarzenegger action flicks, especially Terminator.E: Haha, thats definitely a cheesy movie too. Did you watch it over and over again?P: Well . I saw it only once, but for the next two months when I talked to people, I pretended I was the Terminator.Professor: Winnie, Did you n

28、otice that a cheesy movie can easily be called a flick? They both mean that the movie is low quality or low-brow.的确,不少flick都是为了迎合大众口味,比较俗气的片子,这种“cheesy”的电影一般就是消遣一下,看过就忘了。Professor: But apparently Peter really got into the Terminator character! Now were going to learn about words to describe action m

29、ovies and horror movies. Listen for the terms gory, gross me out and freak me out.E: You talked like the Terminator for two months? Wow, I think you liked that movie even more than I liked Titanic. Why did you like Terminator so much?P: Well, Terminator is a really great action movie, and I like act

30、ion movies because theyre exciting.E: Isnt Terminator really violent? I usually dont like gory movies because they gross me out.P: It is pretty violent, but since its just robots fighting one another, it isnt very bloody and so it wont gross you out.E: Hmm . I dont know. Even though it may not be go

31、ry, I think it would still be scary enough to totally freak me out.Professor: OK, Winnie, a movie is gory if it contains lots of death and blood. If you really dont like to watch that kind of thing, you can say that you were grossed out.没错,我一看血腥电影就觉得恶心,Im totally grossed out by gory movies!Professor: And you might be freaked out by some other movies, meaning you get scared when watching them.In the next segment, were going to learn how to talk about movies we dont like.E: Well now that I know what kind of movies you like, tell me, whats your least favorite kind of movie?P

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