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1、大学英语精读第三册Book Three Lesson Thirteenaffluentadj.having a lot of money, so that you can afford to buy expensive things, live in a nice house etc. 富裕的,富足的:He was born in an affluent family.词形变换affluence n. U 富足,富裕axe/ax n. Cespecially BrE。 AmE usually ax a tool with a wooden handle and a heavy metal bl

2、ade, used for chopping wood, cutting down trees, etc. 斧b5E2RGbCAP记忆技巧区别形近词:axox(牛axis轴) 注意:ax 的复数形式是axes, axis 的复数形式也是axes.p1EanqFDPwbanal :adj. disapproving very ordinary and containing nothing that is interesting or important 平庸的,陈腐的,平淡无味的:His thoughts were banal.DXDiTa9E3d词形变换banality n. 平庸,陈词滥调b

3、attered adj. old, used a lot, and not in very good condition 破旧不堪的:a battered old car/suitcase RTCrpUDGiTbeam : n. C ray or stream of light光线. n. C long, thick and usually heavy bar of wood, esp. one used in building 横梁:The cottage had an original fireplace and oak beams. 2. v.I。Tto have a big happy

4、 smile on your face 笑容满面,眉开眼笑:He beamed at the journalists.The barman beamed a warm smile at her.jLBHrnAILg典型试卷When he came down the stairs, he was _ with delight.xHAQX74J0XA. beaming B. bearingC. beatingD. batting试卷详解 答案为A.句意:他下楼时,高兴得满脸笑容。beam 指微笑;bear意为“承受,忍受”,指“to be able to accept and deal with

5、sth. unpleasant”;beat意为“击打”;bat意为“用球棒击球尤指板球或棒球运动)”,如:He bats very well.LDAYtRyKfEbehead v. Tusually passive to cut off sb.s head, esp. as a punishment 将某人)斩首 with too much pride or satisfaction自夸,自吹自擂:She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are.dvzfvkwMI1补充意义 n. C often disapproving

6、proud words used in praise of oneself 自夸,夸耀:It was her proud boast that she had never missed a days work.rqyn14ZNXI词形变换 boastful adj. (人好自夸的;boaster n. 自诩者braid v. Tto twist three or more long pieces of hair, rope, etc. together to make one long piece 将担负(重物,责任或义务:The government burdened the nation

7、with heavy taxes.SixE2yXPq5补充意义 n.1. Ca duty, responsibility etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work (义务,责任等的 重担,负担:I dont want to be a burden to my children when Im old. 2. C formal a heavy load that is difficult to carry 重担, 负荷:The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back.6ewMyirQFL常用短

8、语 lighten/relieve a burden减负;carry a burden 负载重物;shoulder a burden 肩负重物;share a burden 分担责任kavU42VRUscaution v. Tto warn sb. to be careful about sth. 警告:We are cautioned not to make a lot of noise after ten in the evening.y6v3ALoS89补充意义 n.1. U taking care。 paying attention (to avoid danger or making

9、 mistakes 小心,谨慎,慎重:Dad always drives with caution. 2. C formal warning words (对危险或风险的警告,告诫:The policeman let the driver off with a caution.M2ub6vSTnP常用短语 caution sb. about sth. 警告某人某事;caution sb. for doing sth. 因而警告某人;caution sb. against doing/not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事0YujCfmUCw典型考题 Always she sought

10、 someone to whom she could talk without _.eUts8ZQVRdA. caution B. mind C. heart D. attention试卷详解 答案为A.句意:她经常找一个无需戒备的人讲出心里话。with caution 小心需要提防地);反之without caution 在此指无需防备地;考生从本句中可以了解到她想找个人交谈,由此可以断定她希望找一个能够推心置腹交谈的人。注意:without不与 mind, heart, attention 搭配。 sQsAEJkW5T词形变换 cautious adj. 小心的,谨慎的;cautiousl

11、y adv. 小心地,慎重地GMsIasNXkAcellar n.Cunderground room for storing things 用来储物的)地窖,地下室:We are building a potato cellar.TIrRGchYzg补充意义 n. C 所储藏的酒:Our neighbor keeps a good cellar.7EqZcWLZNXceremonial adj.usually before nounused in ceremony 礼仪的,用于礼仪的:a ceremonial sword 礼仪佩剑lzq7IGf02Echallenge v. Tto invit

12、e sb. to enter a competition, fight, etc. to prove who is better, stronger, or more able向. C an invitation or suggestion to sb. that they should enter a competition, fight, etc. 挑战书,.C a statement or an action that shows sb. refuses to accept sth. and questions whether it is right, legal etc. 质疑: It

13、 was a direct challenge to the presidents authority.NrpoJac3v1典型考题He proclaimed his innocence and _his accusers to confront him openly.1nowfTG4KIA. contested B. challengedC. exclaimed D. acclaimed试卷详解 答案为B.句意:他发誓自己是无辜的,要求和控告者们公开对质。challenge sb. to do sth.向某人)发出强烈要求做某事);因为他相信自己是无辜的,所以肯定会向控告者们提出挑战,要求公

14、开对质。contest 争夺,竞争;exclaim 粗线,细绳He tied the package with a cord.HbmVN777sLdebris 。AmE:n.Upieces of wood, metal and brick etc. that are left after sth. is destroyed 残骸,碎片: Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the air clash.V7l4jRB8Hsdiagnosev. Tto find out the nature of an illness诊断,判断.T

15、to question whether sth. is true and valid对提出质疑: The figures have been disputed. 2. Tto argue or disagree strongly with sb. about sth. especially about who owns it争论,辩论: The ownership of this land has been disputed for centuries.ORjBnOwcEd常用短语 dispute with/against sb.与某人争论词义辨析 dispute, discuss, deba

16、te, arguedispute:指因意见分歧而带着强烈或激动的感情进行争辩;discuss:指为寻求真理而友好地商讨,各抒己见,以求圆满地解决共同关心的问题;debate:意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩;argue:指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。2MiJTy0dTTdoll n.C a childs toy in the shape of a person, esp. a baby or a child.玩偶,洋娃娃: a rag dollgIiSpiue7Aeternal adj.without an end, or existing o

17、r continuing for ever不朽的,永久的: She is an eternal optimist.uEh0U1Yfmh常用短语eternal life永生;eternal love永恒的爱;eternal happiness永恒的幸福IAg9qLsgBX词形变换 eternally adv. 永恒地,永久地。 eternity n. 永恒,不朽典型考题The _cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.WwghWvVhPEA. eternal B.

18、external C. internal D. interior试卷详解 答案为A.句意:生与死永无休止的循环是科学家和哲学家们感兴趣的话题。eternal永恒的,永不停息的,强调在时间上无始无终。external意为“外部的”;internal意为“内部的”;interior是名词,意为“内部”。asfpsfpi4kexemplaryadj. providing a good example for people to copy典范的,可做榜样的: Her behavior was exemplary.ooeyYZTjj1fatigue n.Ugreat tiredness。 exhaust

19、ion 疲劳,疲乏,劳累:Driver fatigue was to blame for the accident.BkeGuInkxI词义辨析 exhausted, weary, tired exhausted:very tired 筋疲力尽;weary: very doing something for a long time (尤指长时间工作后 疲劳的;tired: feeling that you would like to sleep, rest 疲倦的 PgdO0sRlMoferocity f n. Uviolence。 fierce or aggressive behavior

20、凶猛,凶恶,残忍:The police were shocked by the ferocity of the attack.3cdXwckm15flag v. (flagged,flagging I to become tired, weaker or less enthusiastic 疲乏,变弱:Her confidence never flagged. h8c52WOngM补充意义 n. C a square or oblong piece of material usually with a pattern or picture on it that is put up as sig

21、n of a country, organization or to make a signal 旗帜,旗 :All the flags were at half mast. v4bdyGious常用短语 keep the flag flying 坚持到底,不屈服;show the flag 显示军事力量J0bm4qMpJ9formidable f adj. causing fear and inspiring respect 令人敬畏的:She has a formidable list of qualification. XVauA9grYPfuneral n. burial of cre

22、mation of dead person with the usual held ceremonies 葬礼:The funeral will be held at St. Martins church.bR9C6TJscwgiblets n. edible organs (heart, liver of a bird that can be used as food 内脏,杂碎pN9LBDdtrdglare v. Ito stare angrily and fiercely at sb. 怒目而视:I looked at her and she glared furiously back.

23、DJ8T7nHuGT补充意义 1.v. to shine with a very strong bright light which hurts your eyes 发出刺眼的光:The sun glared through the car windscreen. 2. n. C a hard unpleasant effect given by a strong light刺眼的强光: the glare of the sun. QF81D7bvUA典型考题 Children should be taught not to _ the disabled people.4B7a9QFw9hA.

24、 stare at Bglance atC. gaze at D. glare at试卷详解 答案为A. glance at 匆匆地瞥一下强调“匆匆”和“瞥”的短);glare at 怒视强调情绪是怒);stare at 盯着看,凝视;gaze at 盯住因为对某人或某物感兴趣或是某人或某物很有吸引力)。ix6iFA8xoXgravy n.U a brown sauce made by adding flour to the juices that come out of meat while it is cooking not clear because haze 朦胧的,薄雾蒙蒙的:The

25、 mountains were hazy in the distance.远处的山峦在薄雾中若隐若现。Kp5zH46zRkhurl h v. T+adv./prep. to throw sth./sb. violently in a particular direction 猛扔,猛投,猛投:He hurled a brick through the window.Yl4HdOAA61典型考题 He _a brick through the window.A. cast B. hurled C. put D. tossed试卷详解 答案为B. 句意:他用力地把砖块掷进窗里。 cast v. 投

26、,掷;指抛较轻的东西,用力小,但速度快。如:The fisherman cast his net into the water. put v. 推,掷,指用全身力量猛推某物,主要用于体育方面。 hurl v. 用力投掷:指猛烈地或用力地抛出一件东西。toss v. 投,掷,用于轻的物体,表示随意地轻轻地一抛。例如:Please toss me the matches. 请把火柴扔给我。ch4PJx4BlIill-informed adj. having or showing little knowledge of sth. 了解不够的,信息不足的:The public is ill-infor

27、med about their legal rights.qd3YfhxCzoinconceivable adj. in-不)+ conceivable相信的) impossible to imagine or believe 难以想象的,无法相信的: It is inconceivable that the minister was not aware of the problem. E836L11DO5interrogator n. a person who questions sb. closely or aggressively for a long time询问者,质问者 S42ehLvE3Mlining n.C a layer of material used to cover the inside surface of sth. 衬层,内衬,里衬501nNvZFis常用短语 silver lining:a comforting or more hopeful side to a sad or difficult situation 困难中看到的一点慰藉,光明jW1viftGw9mushmouth n. slang a pe

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