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1、初三英语试题精选淮安市中考英语试题及答案解析淮安市2018年中考英语试题及答案解析 -Hi, Jack Is this your nebike? -No, _is over there Its a parent from my uncleA Mine B Yours C Hers D His 2解析答案A,本题考察代词用法,难度较低。mine我的,属于名词性物主代词。名词性物主代词,可以指代上指代的人或物,相当于形容词性物主代词+名词。本题mine相当于my nebike。注mine的考察在-Must I leave now? -Yes you must/No, you neednt/dont

2、 have to mustnt禁止、不允许,通常用mustnt/cant可以回答may的一般疑问句。 例-May I smoke here? -No, you mustnt/cant6-Jenny, shall we watch the movie Fast Farious 7 this weekend?-It sounds _! I cant wait to see it!6解析答案C,考察形容词辨析,难度中等。本题D选项awful 糟糕的;可怕的,属于新教材新增词汇。A strange B bad C great D awful 7I was writing a diary _ my br

3、other was watching TV yesterday evening A before B after C until D while7解析答案D,考察连词用法,难度中等。While当时,通常与延续性动词连用,表示两个动作同步发生。 拓展while还有“然而”的意思,表示对比。 例I like Maths, while my brother ,while my sister likes English8-Mr Smith, _ is the nebridge? - Oh, let me see! Its about 800 metresA hoold B holong C homuc

4、h D hooften8解析答案B。难度较低。考查how的短语辨析。how的用法在- be away borro- keep buy - have begin/start - be on, die - be dead finish - be overjoin - be in+组织机构/ be a member of+组织机构 open - be openfall ill/asleep - be ill/asleep get up-be upcatch a cold /virus- have a cold/virus get to/ arrive/reach /e/go - be there b

5、ee - be leave - be away( from) close-be closed 注非延续性动词与延续性动词替换在-Is there _in todays newspaper? - Yes, quite a lotA anything interesting B something interesting C interesting anything D interesting something11解析答案A,难度中等,考察不定代词用法。初中阶段不定代词分为两种 指物不定代词something/anything/nothing/everything 指人不定代词somebody(

6、someone)/anybody(anyone)/everyboday(everyone)/nobody(no one) 不定代词用法小结形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词通常放在不定代词后面。 There is something wrong with my bike 不定代词做主语时,后面谓语动词通常用第三人称单数形式。 Everything is impossible every、everyone、everything、everybody与否定词连用时,表示并非每个/并非一切, 属于不完全否定。如 -The story is so amazing! Its the most interesti

7、ng storyIve ever read-But Im afraid it wont be liked by everybody12- What are you doing? -Im reading the book _you lent me last weekA what B who C when D that 12解析答案D,难度中等,考察定语从句用法。先行词the book是物,题目中做lend宾语,因此用that。 注定语从句老教材中属于9B的内容,在新教材中属于9A内容。对于定语从句的考察在近十年淮安市中考尚属首次。13-I dont knoKates address Do you

8、 know_? -Sorry, I dont know, eitherA why she lives there B why does she live there C where she lives D where does she live 13解析答案C,难度中等,考察宾语从句。宾语从句通常采用陈述句语序,故排除B、D。由题干I dont knoKates address可知答案C。14I still like those good old songs I often listened to _myself in my spare timeA enjoy B enjoying C to

9、enjoy D enjoyed14解析答案C,本题考察非谓语动词与定语从句,难度较大。分析本题句子结构为主语为I, 谓语动词是like, 宾语these good old songs,因此句子主干部分就是I still like these good old songs。而I often listened to 做先行词songs后置定语,songs做介词to的宾语,因此省略了关系代词that。本题to enoy myself in my spare time属于不定式做目的状语。也就是I still like these good old songs (I often listened to

10、) to enoy myself in my spare time拓展初中阶段常见类似题目还有 The problem we pay attention to has been solved (solve) already He does all his work he can to help (help)the poorThe life in the countryside we were used to_has changed_ (change) greatly already 注此类似题目在-All the people of Huaian need to work together t

11、o make our city more beautiful -Thats it _ A Practice makes perfect B Manyhands make light work C When in Rome, do as the Romans do D A friend in need is a friend indeed15解析答案B,考察英语中的谚语,难度较低。A,熟能生巧 B,众人拾柴火焰高 C,入乡随俗 D,患难见真情。完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) I still remember my kindergarten(幼儿园)teacher, Mrs, Wh

12、ite She looked just like Snohite, 16 she had the same bright eyes and short dark hair We used to 17 a lot And I would shohat I wrote to Mrs White for correction(批改) She would look at my writing and see many mistakes in it But she 18 made any red correction and she always gave a star I was feeling 19

13、 of my writing each time I got a star But it bright, shiny, and guiding me on my way somewhere I do believe she was such a 29 teacher, who tried to use a red pen less to keep the joy, wonder and excitement in a childs 30 Thanks to Mrs White, I have no fear about writing Also, Im not afraid of any mi

14、stake in my life!16 A because B though C if D but 17 A run B cry C write D speak 18 A always B never C often D sometimes 19 A lonely B tired C helpless D proud two years old, you were not wearing your glasses, and it was dark Hofar can you see in the dark?”Stanley thought about it for a minute “Well

15、,” he said, “when its dark, I can see the moon Hofar is that?”31The car accident happened _A one Sunday morning B next Thursday morning C one Sunday evening D next Thursday evening32The cause of the accident is that _ A the red car was going too slowly B the white car was going too fast C the driver

16、s were sleepy D Stanley was in their way 33 Stanley was asked to go to the court because _A he wanted to make money B he promised to be a witness C he was a lawyer D he was badly hurt in the accident 34Maybe the red car driver contacted Stanley by _A writing a letter to him B sending an email to him

17、 C paying a visit to him D making a phone call to him 35 We can learn from the story that _A Stanley was a clever and humorous man B Stanley wore glasses when the accident happenedC the lawyer thought that Stanley could see clearly D Stanley was not able to see the moonA 本篇阅读是一篇记叙,讲述了Stanley作为一场车祸的目

18、击者,而引发的法庭上的唇枪舌战,而故事的结尾却不乏幽默感。 31解析答案C,细节题,难度较小。答案开头one Sunday evening可知答案。 32解析答案B,细节题,难度较小。第一段二、三排可知答案。 33解析答案B,推断题,难度中等。由第五段红车司机要求Stanley在法庭作证,而Stanley给了他地址和电话号码可知答案。 34解析答案D,推断题,难度中等。答案同上。 35解析答案A。推断题,难度中等。由最后一段Stanley对于白车司机辩护律师的反驳可知答案。 B Foods that are well known to you may not be familiar to pe

19、ople from different places around the world Tourists and travelers often get to try some unfamiliar food That is part of the fun of traveling Here are four peoples experiences with foreign food David King is a Chinese student in France “I never had cheese or even milk before I came to France Cows ar

20、e seldom seen in my part of China So there is no milk or milk products I drank some milk when I first arrived in France I hated it! I tried cheese, too, but I didnt like it I love ice cream, though thats made from milk” Birgit is from Sweden She traveled to Australia on vocation “I was in a restaura

21、nt that was special in fish I heard some other people order flake, so I ordered some, too It was delicious! Later, I learned that flakes is an Australian name for shark Now, whenever I see a nefood, I try it on purpose You knohy? I remember homuch I enjoyed flake” Chandra is a dentist in Texas She i

22、s from India “ Im afraid to try nefoods because maybe there is beef in them Im a Hindu(印度教信徒)and my religion(信仰) stops me from eating meat from the coThats why I cant eat hamburgers or noodles with meatballs” Nathan is from the United States He taught for a year in China “My friend gave me some 100-

23、year-old eggs to eat I didnt like their appearance at all The eggs were green inside, but my friends said the color was normal Chinese people put something on fresh eggs Then they put them in the earth for three months So the eggs werent really very old Even so, I didnt want to touch them”36 David K

24、ing is a student in France and he es from_A China B Sweden C India D America37Birgit ordered _in a restaurant during her vocation in AustraliaA cheese B eggs C hamburgers D flake38Chandra is afraid to try nefoods because_A she cant eat food with beef B she doesnt like their appearance C she doesnt l

25、ike foreign food D she doesnt need any food at all 39Nathan worked as _ in China for a yearA a worker B a dentist C a teacher D a student 40The passage tells us that _A David King often drinks milk B flake and shark are the same fish C a Hindu eats meat from the coD the egg is put in the earth for a

26、 hundred years B本篇阅读叙述了四个不同的人在旅游过程中对于不同食物的不同体验。36解析答案A,细节题,难度较小。由David King is a Chinese student in France可知答案。37解析答案D,细节题,难度较小。由I heard some other people order flake, so I ordered some, too可知题目的答案。 38解析答案A,推断题,难度中等。由My religion stops me from eating meat from the cow可知答案。 39解析答案C,细节题,难度较小。由He taught

27、 for a year in China可知答案。 40解析答案B,细节题,难度中等。由later, I learned that flake is an Australia name for shark可知本题答案。 C Monarch butterflies from eastern Canada make the most amazing journey in the insect world Each year, this butterfly travels about 3000miles to its winter home in central Mexico(墨西哥) Hocan

28、it fly so far? And why does it make this long and dangerous trip? Scientists still dont have an answerFor many years, people in Mexico wondered where the orange-and-black butterflies came from every winter Then, in 1937, a scientist started to folloand study the butterflies For the next grandchild o

29、f the butterfly that traveled there last yearEach year, four generations of a Monarch butterfly family are born Each generation of the family has a very different life The first generation is born in the south in late April It slowly moves north, reproduces(繁衍), and then dies On the trip north,two m

30、ore generations are born, reproduce, and die Each of these generations of butterflies is born This generation has a much longer life It lives for about eight months This generation of butterflies makes the amazing journey back to the winter home of its great-great-grandparents The butterflies spend

31、the winter there, and in the spring they reproduce and then die Their offspring will be the first generation of the next circle of life Today, people are still studying the Monarch butterfly But they are not clear about everything 41The best title of the passage can be _A Family of Monarch butterflies B Mystery of Monarch butterflies C Monarch butterflies birthplace D Monarch butterflies winter home42It took the scientist _ to find out that monarch butterflies came from CanadaA gra

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