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英语作文样板 Microsoft Word 文档.docx

1、英语作文样板 Microsoft Word 文档初三英语总复习之书面表达小结一、英语写作基本常识1、写好句子:1) 熟悉并掌握形成完整句子的基本框架结构。我们知道,单词、语法是学习、掌握和运用语言的基础,然而只靠它们拼凑句子是远远不够的,耗时费力不说,拼凑出来的也多是汉语式的英语,很不地道。因此,*生平时必须牢记所学过的“固定搭配”及“词组句型”,并会活用。写句子要注意以下几点:(1)主谓要一致;(2)正确使用动词的时态、语态、语气;(3)名词的格要与代词的格一致;(4)句子结构成分完整,特别注意不要漏掉或添加成分。2)一个句子一个重心,句意清楚,合乎逻辑。3)句子开头首字母要大字,句末要使用

2、正确的英语标点符号。2、组句成文:一般说来,文章可以通过句子的进展和句子之间的各种结合来构成。 1)熟悉并掌握表示并列、递进、转折等关系的过渡词(transitional words)。例如: 并列关系:and, as well as, also 递进关系:besides, in addition, moreover, whats more 转折关系:but, yet, however, although, otherwise, or, in spite of, despite, instead of, in the end 时间顺序:while, when, soon after, befo

3、re, afterward, finally, first, then, next, as soon as 比较、对比:like, unlike, on the contrary, on the other hand 总结: in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all, generally speaking 进一步阐述:in other words, that is to say, for example, for instance, such as 因果关系:as a result, so, thus, therefore2)

4、明确表达文章主*,内容要点全面,不要节外生枝。3) 要点安排得当,使之文通字顺,合乎逻辑,层次清晰。4) 注意养成写完后自我检查的习惯,应重点检查:a, 要点有无遗漏; b. 句法、词法有没有问*; c. 单词拼写有无错误; d. 大小写、标点符号有无问*; e. 字数是否在*目要求范围之内。二、英语写作*分指要1句式要有变化 复杂句、并列句: 倒装句:(1)虚拟语气中if省略;(2)only+状语置于句首(3)否定词置于句首(4)地点副词置于句首 强调句型:It is that (who) 非谓语动词: 虚拟语气: 固定句型结构:tootosothat such athatnot onlyb

5、ut also neithernor such as not until so thateitheror 直接引语与间接引语多种时态,动名词、不定式,并列结构2要使用*等级词汇及短语 使用*等级词汇 使用短语 使用谚语 使用表强调的词,如alone, just, single, only, notat all; on the earth; the very; on earth等 使用修辞手法:明喻, 暗喻,夸张,头韵,拟人等:as busy as a bee; as proud as a peacock; as blind as a bat.3. 使用连接词,过渡自然,连贯通顺,一气呵成。1)

6、 用于按空间展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:above before me here on the left across below in the distance on the rightbeyond nearby opposite to over also further next to on top of up down close to beneath under around near to along2) 用于按时间顺序展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:soon, then, suddenly, at the same time, next, early, this morni

7、ng /year, now, after, at present, later, afterwards finally, at last, all of a sudden , at noon , in the morning/afternoon/evening 3) 用于按分析法展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:first, second, etc. now for this purpose but as a result furthermorefinally at last moreover also therefore likewise another for example next y

8、et 、 for instance on the contrary once in addition in summary such in this case on the other hand then otherwise in conclusion thus in closing 4) 用于按比较法展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有: another moreover in addition (to) equally important too, also at the same time besides then in the same way in fact like, similarl

9、y 5) 用于按对比法展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:on the contrary different from on the other hand in contrast to despite in spite of yet, but unlike nevertheless not onlybut also herethere thisthat years agotoday the formerthe latter thennow the firstwhereas the second someothers onethe other oncenow on the one handon t

10、he other hand(一方面另一方面)6)逻辑关系:递进: then(然后), besides(还有), furthermore(而且), moreover(此外) 转折: however(然而), but(但是), on the country(相反), after all(毕竟)总结: finally(最后), at last(最后), in brief(总之), in conclusion(最后)。强调: indeed(确实), certainly(一定), surely(确定), above all(尤其)。对比: in the same way(同样地), just as(正如

11、), on the one handon the other hand三、书面表达常用句型及短语1、学校生活及学习成绩Im getting on well with ones study take several courses at school have English (Chinese, Physics) every (other )day work hard at put ones heart intobe interested in be fond of like chemistry best be tired of be good at ; be poor at ; do well

12、 in ; be weak in make progress in ; improve oneself in ; fail in pass the examination; give sb. a passing grade; He has the best record in school. 他的成绩最棒。get a doctors degree 获得博士学位 (English is) more interesting to sb. learn about; succeed in; be active in class (work); take an active part in ; lear

13、n by heart; work out a (maths) problem;get 90 marks for (English); get an “A” in the exam; have a good command oflay a good foundation in (language study) won the first prize/ got the first place in the competition the first/top three winners(前三名)2、师生关系:get on well with sb; like to be with students;

14、be gentle with us; be kind to sb; be a strict teacher; be strict with ones pupils; be strict in work be satisfied with We think of him (her) as ; help sb with sth; praise sb for sth blame sb for sth. give advice on ; question sb on correct the students homework carefully and prepare for the next day

15、; give sb a lot of work; try to teach sb good study habits; make ones lessons lively and interesting; teach sb. sth.; teach sb to do sth. devote all ones time to work;admire (sb.for) his devotion to the cause of education 佩服他对于教育事业的献身精神。3、课余活动及周末生活:spend ones time in many different ways; enjoy doing

16、 things by oneself; go swimming;go for an outing/ a picnic; have an outing at (the seashore); see the sights of Beijing; play the piano (violin); play chess (basketball); have a swim; have dances on weekends; have a picnic over the weekend; go to the cinema; have a party; hold a sports meeting; do s

17、ome reading; help sb do sth; enjoy a family trip; get everything ready for; ride ones bike with park); There are a lot of activities at (the beach). We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city. She would like to bring sth. to the picnic. It was a very relaxing Sunday.There are good pr

18、ogrammes on TV on weekends. Enjoy myself/ourselves; have a wonderful time4、彼此沟通信息:take a message for sb; send a message to sb; hear from sb; talk about/of sth; tell/ask sb to do sth; get information about; express ones idea (feelings) in English; Write sb a letter sayingapologize to sb for ; make a

19、speech t at the meeting; thank you for ; explain sth to sb; look upon sb as think sb to be ; take sbs side5、事件中人的态度:would like to do; allow sb to do; force sb to do; call on sb to do; feel like doing; insist on doing; drive sb. off; speak highly of sb; speak ill of sb; think highly of sb; be afraid

20、to do (be afraid of ); offer to do; refuse to do; agree to do ,be afraid to do (be afraid of ); offer to do, refuse to do; agree to do; prefer to do A rather than do B; had better do/ not do ; regret doing; would rather (not) do.keep sb from doing prevent/stop sb. (from) doing); 6、事情过程:have the habi

21、t of doing; have no trouble doing; make up ones mind to do; prepare sb/oneself for ; give up doing; do sth as usual; sb is prepared for/to dodo what he wants us to do; set about doing;/set out to do try/do ones best to do=go all out to do; get into trouble; help sb out; do ones bit for the country ;

22、 do some good deeds to people; wait for sb to do; find a way to do; make friends with sb; show (tell) sb. how to do; take (send) sb to ; pass the time doing; feel a little excited about doing; cant help doing; be prepared for more hard work;Some are (doing sth.A), others are (doing sth.B), and still

23、 others are doing (sth C)7、感观活动与思维活动:look around for ; look up (down) at ; catch sight of ;take a look at ; hear sb do (doing); take notice of ; take view of ; have a good understanding of ;consider sb (sth) to be ; come to know;realize that ; know1. 初中英语重点句型大全(初三部分) Have you got a dictionary?2. Hav

24、e you seen my dictionary?3. She used to be a biology teacher/4. Her hobby is to read./reading.5. One day the librarian came up with an idea.6. No matter what the weather is like, you can always find surfers out riding the waves7. There is a big difference between serious surfers and the so-called be

25、ach boys.8. They surf three times a day if possible, in both winter and summer.9. For example, Jack Booth, a 21-year-old man, gave up his job in the San Francisco library a year ago.10. He has been in Honolulu ever since.11. Have you just been to the computer room.12. Then he slowed down as the wind

26、 became stronger and the waves higher.13. His teacher, Mr. Feng, spoke highly of his student.14. You give it your best shot.15. Do you thing Greener China can do something?16. Whenever some one throws in some rubbish, it produces a piece of music.17. Its a pleasant way to help keep our environment c

27、lean and tidy.18. Taking care of our environment is very important.19. Wherever you live, you can do something around your neighbo(u)rhood.20. It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.21. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more bea

28、utiful.22. We should plant more trees to make our city greener. The more trees, the better.23. When you throw rubbish at home, make sure that all of the rubbish goes into the dustbin.24. I hope to see him as soon as possible.25. Im free every day except today.26. How did you find it?27. It is much c

29、heaper and far more enjoyable than a rush trip by air.28. There were bookshops, fruit stands and stores selling all kinds of things.29. He listened to the click of the rails and soon fell fast asleep.30. Ill show them to you as soon as they come out.31. There goes the bell.32. We are going to talk a

30、bout where we are going for our holiday.33. In the south of the island, there is scuba diving, fishing and boating.34. Hainan Island is the place to be, whether it is summer or winter.35. Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan.36. Id like to book 4 tickets, please.37. It takes ten and

31、a half hours if you take the K12 train.38. Whether large group or small, we are happy to help you.39. He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful fish.40. The waves at Makaha are terrific.41. How long have you been surfing?42. Thats a deal.43. In some places there are watchtowers on the beaches to tell people of sharks in the water.44. I think if I make a pen that has a machine in it, I will be able to white faster.45. Tomas Edison said he liked people who had ideas/46. When he was a child, he was always asking questio

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