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本文(第二学期北京清华附中初三英语延时开学自主学习检测word版含参考答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、第二学期北京清华附中初三英语延时开学自主学习检测word版含参考答案2019-2020第二学期北京清华附中初三英语延时开学自主学习检测2020.3一、单选填空(共 6 分,每小题 0.5分)从下面所给的 A 、 B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项1.My uncle is a doctor. works hard to save patients in a hospital.A. She B. He C. I D. We2.The Dragon Boat Festival falls the fifth day of the fifth monthin Chinese lun

2、ar calendar.A. in B. at C. to D. on3. do you eat outside? Twice a week, but I haven t done thatfor a month.A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How soon4.Remember to think twice you make a decision.A. and B. before C. so D. unless5. I cover my mouth and nose when I cough, mom? Yes, youshould. Oth

3、erwise, it s bad for people around you.A. Should B. Can C. May D. Need6.Who is at math, Mike or Eric? Eric. He always gets highergrades than Mike.A. better B. best C. good D. the best7.This blue dress looks nice on you! Thanks. My aunt it tome as a present on my 15th B. gave C. has

4、given D. will give8.Turn down the music, Tom! Your dad an online meeting now.A. has B. had C. is having D. was having9.Kate, your English behind if you don rte ad English booksevery day.A. falls B. fell C. will fall D. have fallen10.Steve more outgoing since last year.A. was B. would be C. has been

5、D. will be11.Most of the artworks in this exhibition in the 1910s. A.create B. are created C. created D. were created12.Mrs Green, could you please tell us the film together?Sure. Next Wednesday.A. when we watched B. when we will watchC. when did we watch D. when will we watch二、完型填空(共 8分,每小题 1 分) 阅读

6、下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的 A 、B 、C 、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项July 17, 2012 is a date that is forever kept in my memory. I will never forget my dad told me my moms routine kidney(肾脏 ) stone surgery had ended in sudden cardiac arres心t(脏骤停 ). She had been fine only 10 minutes before when she sent me a text messag

7、e. The doctorstold us she had to be put on life support, and she might not survive. I was 12 years old. I couldn evt en imagine my life without my mom. I was 13 and had no idea what was about to come.Two weeks later she came out of coma(昏迷) and woke up. Four months later she came home from the hospi

8、tal. Despite this incredibly happy news, we were left completely unprepared for the fact that my mom had suffered a severe brain injury during her three cardiac arrests. The woman who came home from the hospital wasn t the mama who hadraised me for 12 years. I didn t know1 4h_e_r _n_o_r _ her.Her br

9、ain injury caused her to lose three years of memory and to have 15 with both short term memory and long termmemory. For instance, we might have a conversation and a few minutes later she would have no idea we even had spoken. She asked the same questions multiple times a day, often 16 she even had a

10、skedthem. I answered her as many times as she asked.In the early days, I helped my mom relearn to read, write, walk, talk and eat. She couldn t do any of these things well. It took her minutes to come up with a(an) 17 when we would talk. She even18 her math skills, which were very advanced as she wa

11、s a mathteacher in a college. Now she struggles with third grade multiplication tables.As a 19-year-old adult, I have grown up with my “newm om” forseven years. It can be frustrating for me to have to answer the same questions repeatedly or to show her how to do something again and again, yet at the

12、 same time I understand anything that is difficult for me is incredibly challenging for her. I tried to get to know her without the 19 that she would be the same as she was before. Now I love herunconditionally and learn to be more20 . We are closerthan ever before.13.A. scaredB. disappointedC. disc

13、ouragedD. annoyed14.A. trustB. missC. recognizeD. respect15.A. ConnectionB. convenienceC. disagreementD. trouble16.A. repeatingB. realizingC. complainingD. forgetting17.A. replyB. conclusionC. ideaD. solution18.A. practicedB. hidC. developedD. lost19.A. regretB. noticeC. expectationD. decision20.A.

14、thankfulB. understandingC. friendlyD. hopeful阅读理解(共 62 分)三、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项(共 52分,每小题 4分)Biographical( 传记类的 ) movies bring us into the lives of real people who have had an impact on society. Here are four amazing biographicmovies.The Glass Castle is a 2017 biographical

15、drama movi based on the 2005 memoir(回忆录) by Jeanette Walls, an author, columnist and journalist.The movie focuses on the early years of Jeanette Walls, and more specifically, her poor childhood. Brie Larson stars as Jeanette Walls.IMDB( 网络电影资料库 ) rating: 7.2/10Eat, Pray, Love is a 2010 biographical,

16、 comedy, romancemovie based on the 2006 bes-tselling memoir by Elizabeth Gilbert, an essayist, novelist and short story writer.The movie focuses on Gilbert s journe-yd ioscf osveelfryaround the world, after her divorce.Along the way, she enjoys ItalyIndia ssp irituality (Pray) and findsIndonesia (Lo

17、ve). ! Julia RobertsElizabeth Gilbert.IMDB rating: 5.7/10e20. The movie Eat, Pray, Love mainly tells aboutA. Jeanette Walls memory of childhoodB.Elizabeth Gilberts journey- doifs sceolvf eryC. Beatrix Potter s struggle for happinessD. Harvey Pekar s creation of music21. Beatrix Potter is best known

18、for her works ofA. news stories B. childrens books C. travel jouDrn. aclos mic books23.Among the four movies, scored the highest in IMDB rating.A.The Glass Castle B. Eat, Pray, LoveB.Miss Potter D. American SplendorBGirl Scouts(女童军 ) gave me a way to always feel at home, no matter where I moved.I wa

19、s born in Nebraska, but my first Girl Scouts troop was in North Dakota. We then moved to Utah when I was in the third grade, and I was in Girl Scouts of Utah from third grade until I graduated from the 12th grade in 1999.When I got to Utah, I was the new kid in school, as we moved in January, about

20、halfway through the school year. Making friends was hard. I don t remember how long after we moved that my mom reached out to the local Girl Scouts council and found me a troop队( 伍 ).I remember that the girls in the troop welcomed me with open arms. It was nice to have friends to eat lunch and play

21、with on the playground. My mom ended up becoming the leader of that troop, too! Girl Scouts was the connection to a new place. It was a way for me to make friends and meet people and gave me a sense of home.After attending college in Utah, I moved to California and eventually got a job working for A

22、ngeles Girl Scout Council. I learned a lot while in Girl Scouts, including leadership skills and money management, but this has been the most useful skill that I learned: that Girl Scouts are connected to each other.Thinking back, I first moved here with no job. I was living with my dads cousin and

23、wasn t really sure if it was going to work or if I was going to stay, but 16 years later, Im still herethanks in large part to the Girl Scouts.I spent Thanksgiving with my co -workers at the Girl Scouts when I couldn t go back home, I celebrated birthdays with them, and watched their kids grow up. I

24、ve learned and grown so much from the c-oworkers and the troop leaders that I have met through my job. Even as an adult, the Girl Scouts remain that connection and that lifeline for me they are my extended family. That lesson is priceless!24.The author joined the Girl Scouts in Utah because .A.her f

25、riends introduced was the rule of the new schoolC.her mom was the leader a Girl Scouts was a good way to connect to a new place25.How did the author feel when she first moved to California?A.Frightened. B. Hopeless. C. Uncertain. D. Lonely.26.What is the most important lesson the a

26、uthor learned from her experience at the Girl Scouts?A.Difficulties help us become stronger.B.A good leader is important to a team.C.A valuable person is one with useful skills.D. Where you can find a sense of belonging is home.CCompleting chores promotes the development of many basic skills necessa

27、ry for success in life. For younger children completing simple chores can improve coordination and motor skills (协调与行动技能 ). Completing chores also enhances a child s ability to follow directions and helps develop planning and organization skills. Completing chores also helps children develop time ma

28、nagement skills. Researchers found that children who did household chores also scored high on measures of academic success.Doing chores also helps children develop a sense of responsibility. They not only engage in self-help skills which foster(培养 ) a sense of independence and a sense of shared resp

29、onsibility. Successfully completing chores also promotes feelings of self-worth and belonging. When parents do everything, children may feel either dependent on others or may expect things to be done for them.There is a reason we call chores, chores. Most people, including parents, don t love doing

30、them, but they need to be done anyway. It s obvious that kids learning to take care of themselves and help around the house helps them to become more independent and ready for the freedom that will come when they get older. I think it is necessary to distinguish( 区别 ) between self-help and maintaini

31、ng the household. Some children consider picking up toys, making their bed, or even brushing their teeth as a chore.The obsession with screen time by many children adds to the problem. They hate any activity that may rob(夺去 ) them of a few more minutes on their electronic devices. One rule of thumb实

32、( 用原则 ) should be that activities related to personal care, homework, and helping out the family or the family pet come first. When responsibilities are met and if there is time left, it can be used for recreational activities. The average kid in the U.S. receives an allowance (pocket money) of $800 per year. However, I believe that kids should

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