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1、中职英语基础模块下unit6全部教案学 时 教 案 (总第41-8学时)授 课 题目Unit WhatsImortant授 课学 时课型讲授讨论 习题复习 其它:教 学 目 标1. Tain hestudents seaking and eding blt.Learn nd maste so seful wod、phrases an seten patens and putit ntoractice3. Uranhe ain idea and srctur of eadn.Proote ac attitude towards earing english教学重点1.Uesta he ide a

2、nd sructur of eaing.2. Stuncnretel th tx and u e ors exression leared ihext to writr own esay.3.Grasp sntnc aes.教学难点1 w to mprvethe tdetreadig abilty.hw to give encouraements innglh. 教具、课件Ppt. Coprehensiv cour, blakoard, paform, hak教学过程备 注1-2学时:Sep1: Gretn Greetuenschfuly to her them up ortis Englis

3、esn.Stp2: Te stdens h genera arraeents of lasroom techng nd earingand teir tasks i tis cass.Step3: teching e pronouiation ofh nw ods an prase nd give xpanlaon othem.1.earn ones vig=make ones iing 谋生 earn money=e mn 赚钱2. remid b. ofsth. 使(人)想起. rmnd sb. to do th. 3 unles = if.not 除非,如果不e.g.Wwill shop

4、pinguss rais.=We wil gosping i it dsn rain. . nsteao, itead 代替:反之, e. Wecn use steinted of woodIs o hot. W didn o hping Insed, wwent swimg.5. be dieet frm 与.不同.My boki irnt from tesaease.g Myookis t sameasous.6. accet, ecie (主观)接受;(客观)收到Irecv some fowrs esterday. Bu Iidt ace te.7. fford to st

5、h.Cnt afr sh.买不起.Cant afford to sth g. We cant afrd (tou) a lge house8.brou o = takepriden 为.而骄傲e.g e are poud of yu.=We take ide in ou.9. on eart到底;究竟e.What do you want o erth?0. g fr rie(开车)去兜风g for walkSe4:Doh wmigp art. Swoe pcturesbout oey on thppt r studns, ad ve elaatontosome ordsad pases:1)D

6、o you tink oey iimpotnt?2)Do uk to weramos band lths?3)What do you tinf fe, asyo ificu?Then sowthe ntenepattern: Ihink1.Moeyis mportant beause .2.Lie is s/dffiul becaue.3.Wesu /soldnt earamusbrand cothes bcas . akean eap usng te tten bel,nd tenask students to d rou work tomake dalgueandact tem ou.重点

7、:难点:课外学习引导及作业布置 Piw Reaing.2.Copy th n words and sentence n eebe tem.课后反思 semore ways topratice Ss ekn ailityandmke them m actve i clas.2. Elainhe newphrasescaefully nd gie them moe tim t prctice thatthey a ut frl in uture-4学时:Sep1:Gethe woe lass tep2: Revision Revew th ew wodsand hraes learned last

8、clss.tep3: ea with Readi Ts1 kimmng ead tetx ukly; try to fi man ea of thetext.1 Why d the on disike h atherand feel unhp?. Why doyoug peole liketoaramous brand ho d lotes?3 C evrybody i ountry etich atth sme tm? s it tru tht all oreigners are rih?. Whtdoyo thnk is motalable foyou?Ts2 ScanningRdteet

9、 aain andthen fnd detaled inoratn.( F)Thby fae ern uc y.2 (T ) Young eole inIly lke twear ams band shoesand cotes. () Al he peolecan eom rich tthesame time4. ( T )Accodig to tee,know tha lieis difiult for st people.5 ()Canada isnon s a ric an developd coutr.6( F) Money simprat thn ayhing eseTask gua

10、 Poitsnd Sentece Sructrs1.Tis rmndsmeoftal, when it wassil a eveopig cunty。这使我想起了意大利,当时它还是个发展中国家。emin . of.e.Thisictrrends mof my ometn.这张照片使我想起了我的家乡。2.Andsports shoe wee no sos unless hey ee Nik r Rebok.除非是耐克或者锐步鞋,否则运动鞋就不算是鞋了。Ules = i . nt.e.We ill go sopng unless it ains.=We ill shpng if itoen rin

11、. Wn thy hd somehg new orexpensive, instad f uenoyin itfor themsvs, hey like o sho ff. 当他们有什么新鲜或昂贵的东西时,他们不只是自己享用,而是喜欢炫耀。 instad f .g. We can u stne instead f wood.4. n socie, when one or to members fa goup aredierenfrth other,theyom the focus of fashon 社会上,当一个群体中一两个成员与其他人不一样时,他们就会成为大家注意的焦点。ediffrntr

12、om 与.不同.g. y o s difrentfroours.5In ountry,not ll e pople bee ch at theme m. 一个国家里,并非所有的人都能同时富起来。 athesme time 同时6.Instd, re proud of he bcausshewasa-workingand honest相反,我们为她而感到骄傲,因为她勤劳而且忠厚。7.Youalwys thin ouare thtget.你总以为你自己是那么了不起。e.g Dt eatthat mch.8. Is omeone unn a ile grer? 这里是不是有人感觉有点嫉妒呀?重点难点

13、课外学习引导及作业布置1.Fnish lthe exeissafteth ext.2.Review whtwhae er.课后反思1 Useore ways pratce sredin blity nd me hemmr acve i clss.2. Epl he hse cafully and ive them oe ie o prace so hat the can usehem fely in ftre. 5-学时:tep1:Greet thewhole clsSte2: te hedgStep3: cosolidationbe prund o remd insad how of nte

14、ad f unls affod arn1.The flmrminedhim o wha h had seen inBeijin.2. will o forn otin is atrdayunesss itrains.3.u parnts are prod ofwat youhve done.4.They et t e vilage on ootistead of bus.5. h o ofe. Wou oulie cupof tea insted?6.We cantafford suh a lgeaprtmen7.All the famershave wok har t earhirlivin

15、g.8.Why do slwayswant o hw off in frotof ou class?t 4: o speakig practe.1)listen to the tandpaattenion to hponuncation bout the alk.2)Giv dtaid epanation to imorant words sentnepattrn. .heer !2.elne!= Good job!. feel terrible3)Ak stuents t rea the dialgue wi atners adhn invite s groups oac i ot.4)Te

16、ch someuful expresionaot iving uraments, give soe cees k dlue by usinthe exprssn: A:Whats te matr? B: Im feeng eribl. A: don tinkso. Ceup!onbe soh/nerous. Thes oting to araid I mre that y ca .重点难点课外学习引导及作业布置1.Finill t exerss ftr th tet2.Reie whw he lend.3.emeber th wrds ad hrses of his uit.授 课日 期课 后

17、 反思1. Expain thenw words more caefuly to make sure stu can use tewords ndeion learndin thetet o wrie their wn sentences.2.Exlan sentecepatters caruyso that everytden cn mater tem7-8学时:Step: Gretings et tudents crfullyocher thm pfor tis Englis essoStep: Tell students thegneralarrangementf lasrom each

18、ing an learnin and their asksin th classSe: gammar focu. 定语从句(一) Ariti claue (1)在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。定语从句可分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。The man who livesex to u sell vegetles.You mus o eerythn thatI do定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词有:关系代词:that, ic, wh /whom, wose关系副词:he,hre, hy关系代词引导的定语从句his is the manwh eld me.The

19、 gir(whom) I et ooks lke Lily. pane is a machine t can flye taked abething apnsta we rememrd in is a oo whch yu wat.Theroom wheiw i e mieShe is he ey rsn tat I wat to 引导非限制性定语从句,可以指代前面整句话。Tmlohs bie,whichaehisothr very angr.关系副词引导的定语从句It happened o te day whe ws ouI eetly ent to t t

20、own where (=n whih)I was on.The easn wh (=fowich)e dt come wathat issed hs ra.Step4: conolidation.F in elanksih who, whom, tha,whihr whoe1.The htel a wichI tayig n s no a aay frm ere.2.Kevin israding a oowhici ifficutfr hi3. v frend wh e istening to sogs.4.esrdaymlyws ern the new dress (whch / ta) I

21、 gave he5.e man whose lg s broke in atch is afootball layer6.I kwth sudenh is hepingn od lad.7.My parentslie inahouse ich sore than 100yars od.8.e by withom John s talkinismy rthe.9.Al tht o hav to is opractic i evy da.10. still remember h days which /tht I st on the far.11.Do yo he nting tt yo onun

22、detnd?12.Isthr anyone wo wants to goih me?13.Te first museum a viitein China ws e HisoryMsem.14.This i the onyoo that Iboroed srday.Step: transltio1.The answer to thisquestion isdifert rhe key yo av me.2.Isre you cn affordthenew type f MP43.The play remned e o te dys whn I sted in mountin villag.4.I

23、ll go homethis weeked unlssymotherms t se me.5.Thepobem mntiod in your letter will bedused at he eeig torw.6.Heisprou of hissuessfuldegn of the nw buildiStp. wrtng practie-a rprt tr.重点:难点:课外学习引导及作业布置1.Finis the xecseo textbook2.reemb heimpot rds and phrases of tisunit.课后反思Explain the w words moearefully o maure tdent n e te word n expesionslrdin the t owritthei wn stes.2. Explain ntencepttrns caefuy sothtery suet cn maste them.

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