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1、跨文化交际上课内容0910下0102Week 1 & 2A Brief Introduction to Intercultural CommunicationCourse: Intercultural CommunicationTeaching aim of this term: To make students understand the relationship between language and culture to foster intercultural communication awareness and develop intercultural communicati

2、ve competence and to comprehensively improve the overall quality.Requirements for the course:before class, prepare the lesson;during the class, take notes very carefully;after class, finish the exercises.Your final score:homework + class performance + midterm exam = 40%term exam = 60%Introduction:In

3、tercultural Communication & Cross-cultural CommunicationTopics for presentation (as a reference)NamesAddressingExpressing Thanks and ResponsesFamily LifeFriendshipSocial InteractionTerms of ColorIdiomsIntroductionConversationTelephone callsFacial expressionsEye behaviorsGesturesPostureTime and Space

4、Unit One & Two Communication, Culture and Intercultural CommunicationI. What Is Communication?Decide whether the following are examples of communications or not? Why?1.You complain to your instructor about your course credits through telephone.2. Two blind people exchange ideas in Braille.3. A Germa

5、n businessman negotiates, through an interpreter, with his Chinese counterpart. 4. A farmer gives instructions to his ploughing cow.5. A programmer issues commands to a computer.6. Tom talks to himself while flourishing his toy gun.7. You send an e-mail message to an American friend.8. Jane lies in

6、bed reading a novel.The Basics of Communication: Communication occurs if: 1. two or more people; 2. contact; 3. a shared language; 4. an exchange of information. Please read over the article on pages 50-59. What are the elements of communication? Context: four aspects (the physical setting, historic

7、al aspect, psychological aspect, culture aspect) Participants: three variables (relationship, gender, culture) Messages: meanings, symbols, encoding and decoding. Channels: the method used to deliver a message (sound, sight, smell, taste, touch, or any combination of these) Noise (干扰): a term used f

8、or factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including external noise, internal noise and semantic noise. Noise is inevitable. Feedback: the response of a receiver to a senders message Definition: “Communication may be defined as that which happens whenever someone responds to the behavi

9、or or the residue of the behavior of another person.”- L. A. Samovar, et alKey points:1 The behavior includes verbal behavior and non-verbal behavior.2 the meaning of “behavior residue: simultaneous communication and non-simultaneous communication.3 A behavior, whether intentional or unintentional,

10、conscious or unconscious, once is received, communication occurs.4 Feedback is not a prerequisite of communication. So there may be one-way communication.2. Factors Affecting CommunicationEight specific ingredients of communication: the source (行为源): a person who has a need to communicate encoding (

11、编码): an internal activity in which a source creates a message through the selection of verbal and non-verbal symbols (行为源组织信息的内心活动). message (信息): the result of encoding, once spoken out and received, becomes a message. channel (渠道): the physical means by which the message is transmitted. the respon

12、der (反应者): the person who intercepts the message and as a consequence becomes linked to the source. decoding (译码): the internal activity of the receivers information processing. response (反应): what a receiver decides to do about the message. feedback (反馈): feedback and response are clearly related.

13、Response becomes feedback when received by the source. Of the eight ingredients, the source and the responder, encoding and decoding, are the most important because they are related to persons.Some personal factors: sex, age, temperament, occupation, social status, knowledge structure, life experien

14、ce, etc.Uncertain factors, varying at different time: intention, mood, status at that time, etc.Objective factors: time, place, occasion.3. Communication Types based on symbols used: verbal and non-verbal based on media: direct and indirect based on feedback: two-way and one-way based on numbers of

15、the sources and responders: one/group-to-one and one/group-to-group based on set responder: directed and non-directed based on the sources intention: intentional and unintentional based on the responders activeness: active and passive based on time: simultaneous and non-simultaneous*Further Explanat

16、ions:Two-way communication: Communicators can see each other and monitor each others behaviour- direct communication.One-way communication: communicators cannot see each other, and hence cannot monitor each others behaviour - indirect communication.4. Characteristics of Communication (P68-72)1 Commu

17、nication is dynamic. It is an on-going, ever-changing activity. We are sure to be influenced by others message, whether gradually or radically.2 It is interactive (interpersonal communication).3 It is irreversible.4 It is contextual.More: Communication is systematic: Communication does not occur in

18、isolation or in a vacuum, but rather is part of a larger system. We send and receive messages not in isolation, but in a specific setting. Setting and environment help determine the words and actions we generate. Dress, language, topic selection, and the like are all adapted to context. Communicatio

19、n is symbolic: Symbols are central to the communication process because they represent the shared meanings that are communicated. A symbol is a word, action, or object that stands for or represents a unit of meaning. Peoples behaviors are frequently interpreted symbolically, as an external represent

20、ation of feelings, emotions, and internal states. Communication is self-reflective: Human beings have a unique ability to think about themselves, to watch how they define the world, and to reflect on their past, present, and future. II. What Is Culture?Please read over the article on pages 40-44. Wh

21、at can you learn about culture from it?1.Peoplewhoknowaboutart,music andliteraturearecultured. 2. Peoplehavetolearntheculturalwaysoftheir community; they are not something that the people in the group are born with.1. Origins of culture in English and Chinese(1) “Culture” is a loan word from Latin m

22、eaning “cultivating or tilling the land”. It was originally associated with physical activities and production of food. Later, its meaning was extended to include mental, moral, aesthetic, educational and intellectual activities. In contemporary English its original meaning is still retained.(2) “文化

23、” is a native word in Chinese. “文” and “化” were used together in the Warring States. “人文” in “观乎人文,以化成天下” refers to the interwoven relationships between the monarch and his subjects, fathers and sons, husbands and wives, brothers and friends, and “化” means “changing and/or cultivating”. When used to

24、gether, “文” and “化” mean “以文教化”. They were combined into one word in Han Dynasty, with its meaning contrasted with “nature” on one hand and “primitiveness” and “savage” on the other hand. So “文化” was originally associated with mental activities.2. DefinitionWhat really binds men together is their cu

25、lture- the ideas and the standards they have in common. R. BenedictAccording to The Concise Oxford Dictionary, culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively”. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective: “Culture consists of patterns,

26、 explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values”. -Kroeber and Kluckho

27、hn Defining Culture from the Psychological Perspective culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another. -Geert HofstedeDefining Culture from the Sociological Perspective “Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-relate

28、d perception including both verbal and nonverbal language attitudes, values, belief system, disbelief systems, and behavior”. Defining Culture from the Intercultural Perspective “Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviours and artifacts that are transmitted from generation to

29、generation through learning.” Bates and PlogA. Culture in its broad sense Culture is the attribute of man, or, whatever distinguishes man from the rest part of the world is culture. Based on this, Prof. Lin Dajin provides a Chinese counterpart definition: 文化是人类区别于动物的综合特征. It may include the followin

30、g components:Materials man has got to satisfy his needs, including science and technology, such as space shuttles, airplanes, and cars;Social institutions and organizations man has established, including socioeconomic institutions, politico-legal institutions, and religious organizations;Knowledge a

31、bout nature and man himself and artistic development, including various subjects such as mathematics and education, and artistic forms such as literature, painting, music and dance;Language and other communication systems such as gestures and facial expressions;Customs, habits and behavioral pattern

32、s;Value systems, world views, national traits, aesthetic standards and thinking patterns. Culture in this sense is also called “large C culture” or academic culture or culture with a big C(大写字母的文化). Its culture in general, culture of all nationalities and ethnic groups. But we know there are specific cultures such as Chinese, American and British. According

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