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检验控制程序 Inspection Procedure 中英版.docx

1、检验控制程序 Inspection Procedure 中英版Contents一、目的Purpose 5二、适用范围Application Scope 5三、规范性引用文件Normative Documents 5四、技术术语Terms and Definitions 5五、部门职责Department Responsibility 6六、程序要求Procedure Requirement 6七、相关文件与记录Related Document and Records 12程序中参考文件清单/Mentioned documents List:1.技术规范Technical Specificati

2、onQ/320412 HKT001-2012(Rev.x)2.关键件和关键特性清单Key Part and Key Property List HKT-JKP320-JS-050-2013(Rev.x)3.采购技术条件Purchasing Technical SpecificationHKT/JS-01-2012(Rev.x)4.试验大纲 Test Planning 04939630(Rev.x)5关键/特殊过程清单Key/Special Process ListHKT-080-GY-003-2012(Rev.x)6.检验指导书Inspection InstructionHKT-QP-01-2

3、011(Rev.x)7.检查清单Check ListHKT-QR7.4.3-04(Rev.x)8.特殊过程检查表Special Process Check ListHKT-QR8.2.3.4-03(Rev.x)9.进货检验指导书Incoming Inspection InstructionHKT-PZ-07-2008(Rev.x)10.质量计划Quality PlanHKT-QR8.2.3.4-05(Rev.x)11.控制计划Control PlanHKT-QR8.2.3.4-04(Rev.x)12.特殊过程检查表Special Process Check ListHKT-QR8.2.3.4-

4、03(Rev.x)13.送检/入库单Inspect/Warehouse Entry FormHKT-QR7.5.1-05(Rev.x)14.合格供应商名录Qualified Supplier ListHKT-QR7.4-01(Rev.x)15.产品检验记录Product Inspection RecordHKT-QR8.2.4-01(Rev.x)16不合格品控制程序Unqualified Product Control ProcedureHKT/QP-8.3(Rev.x)17关键件定期确认检验记录Key Parts Regular Confirmation Inspection RecordH

5、KT-QR8.2.3.4-01(Rev.x)18生产过程质量记录表Gangway Production Process Quality Control FormHKT-QR7.5.1-02(Rev.x)19.产品质量检查日报表Product Quality Inspection Daily ReportHKT-QR8.2.3.4-02(Rev.x)检验控制程序Inspection Control Procedure11目的 Purpose本程序的主要目的是根据公司质量策划安排对产品的特性进行检验,以验证产品要求已得到满足。The main purpose of the procedure is

6、 that acc. to company quality planning to implement inspection of product property, to validate that the product requirement has been complied.12适用范围 Application Scope本程序文件主要是适用于公司采购、外协加工的材料、半成品和成品等进货产品的检验;各车间生产过程中产品和工序的检验;以及最终产品的检验。The procedure is mainly applicable for the incoming inspection of t

7、he company purchased material and out-sourcing material, semi-product and finished product; the inspection of various factory processes and productions and delivery inspections.13规范性引用文件 Normative Documents下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这

8、些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。The clauses in the following documents will become the clauses of the standard via the quote of the standard. All the quoted documents with date, all the future changes form(corrected contents excluded) or the revise editions are not applicable to the standard. While

9、, encourage the parties who has had an agreement acc. to standard to study whether can use the latest version of these documents. All quoted documents which not notes the data, the latest version is applicable to the standardISO9001:2008 质量管理体系要求 8.2.4产品的监视和测量ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System R

10、equirement 8.2.4 Production Monitoring and Measurement14术语和定义 Terms and Definitions本程序采用GB/T19000中确定的的专业术语。The procedure uses the professional terms defined in GB/T19000.14.1检验 Inspection通过观察和判断,适当时结合测量、试验所进行的符合性评价。Through observation and judgment, combine with the conformity assessment of measureme

11、nt and test properly.14.2首件检验 FAI对生产的第一件产品进行的检验。Implement inspection to the produced first product.14.3互检 Mutual Inspection下道工序对上道工序的检验、班组长对本班操作工自检后的产品的检验。The next work process inspect the last work process, the group leader insepct the product which has been self-inspected by the operators. 14.4自检

12、Self-inspection操作工在生产过程中进行的自主检验。The operator implement self-inspection during production.14.5专检 Special Inspection专职检验员对产品进行的检验。The full-time inspectors implement inspection to the product;15部门职责 Department Responsibility15.1生产部或车间职责 Production or Workshop Responsibility:a)生产前的开工条件检查确认;Inspect and c

13、onfirm the start work condition before production;b)操作工进行首件检验;The operation implement FAI;c)班组长进行互检;The group leader implement mutual inspection;d)对不合格品按要求进行处置,并分析原因,制定和实施纠正措施;Acc. to requirement to deal with the unqualified product and analyze the reason; formulate and implement corrective action;e

14、)统计自检、互检合格率;Statistic the qualified rate of self-inspection and mutual inspection;f)对首检、自检记录进行存档;Archive FAI and self-inspection records; g)记录并报检Record and report the inspections15.2质量部职责 Quality Department Responsibility:a)安排专职检验员对产品进行检验;Arrange full-time inspector to inspect product;b)培训所有的检验员、班组长

15、、操作工掌握检验程序、检验方法和检验标准的要求;Train all inspectors, group leaders and operators about the inspection procedure, inspetion method and inspection criterion requireemnts. c)监督并反馈过程检验执行的情况;Supervise and feedback the implementation situation of process inpection;d)统计车间/生产部各班组一次交验合格率;Statistic the one time acce

16、ptance qualified rate of workshop/production;e)对检验员的检验记录进行存档。Archive the inspection records;16程序要求 Procedure Requirement16.1检验策划 Inspection Planning质量部质量经理按技术部和工艺部下发的技术规范、关键件和关键特性清单、采购技术条件、试验大纲、关键/特殊过程清单、图纸等技术文件,编制检验指导书、检查清单、特殊过程检查表等检验文件。Quality Manager acc. to the Technical Specification,Key Part a

17、nd Key Property List ,Purchasing Technical Specification,Test Planning,Key/Special Process List, Drawing etc. technical documents which released by Technical Department and Process Department to create Inspection Instruction, Check List, Special Process Check List etc. inspection documents.对安全关键零部件和

18、重要原材料应在进货检验指导书中增加进厂复验要求。For the security key part and important material shall increase incoming re-inspection requirement in the Incoming Inspection Instruction.检验策划时应将安防关键部件(材料)、关键(特殊)工序、关键项点、关键作业人员以及关键设备、工装、检测器具等作为验收监督把关的重点,并在质量计划、控制计划、检验指导书、检查清单、特殊过程检查表中加以标注,明确验收监督要求,包括监督的频次和方法等。During inspectio

19、n planning, shall regard the key parts(material), key(special)work process, key items, key operators and key equipment, tooling, inspection instruments etc. as the control importance of the acceptance supervision, and note in the Quality Plan,Control Plan,Inspection InstructionCheck ListSpecial Proc

20、ess Check List, clarify the acceptance supervision requirement, include the frequancy and method of the supervision.16.2进货检验 Incoming Inspection仓管员核对进货产品信息、清点产品数量并收集供应商的随货证明文件。确认进货产品与供应商送货单数量、规格型号一致后,打印送检/入库单连同随货证明一并交质量部进货检验员报检。物流部仓管员在报检过程中发现问题时,反馈采购员,由采购员向质量部进货检验员办理报检。The warehouse keeper verify th

21、e incoming product information, count the product QTY and collect the along certificate document of supplier. After confirmed that the QTY,type and specification of incoming product with supplier delivery form are consistent, then print Inspect/Warehouse Entry Formand forward it together with the ce

22、rtificate document to QM inspector for inspection. the warehouse keeper of Logistics Department feed back the problem to Purchasing when he find problem, the purchasing requrire the QM incoming inspector to implement inspection.质量部进货检验员根据物流部提供的送检/入库单,确定检验的进货产品。The QM Department incoming insepctor ac

23、c. to the Inspect/Warehouse Entry Formprovided by Logistics Department to confirm the incoming product.进货检验员根据图纸、采购技术条件、控制计划、合格供应商名录等对进货产品进行检验;检验主要通过以下方式进行:Incoming inspector acc. to drawing, Purchasing Technical Specification,Control Plan,Qualified Supplier Listetc. to insepct the incoming product;

24、 the inspection mainly be implemented via the following ways:a)验证:对供应商的质量证明文件的完整性和正确性进行确认以及对外观进行检验;Validation: confirm the completion and correctness of the suppliers quality certificate and inspect the product appearance;b)检查:检验尺寸、外观,对供应商的产品进行抽检;Inspection: inspect the dimension, appearance, implem

25、ent spot inspection to the suppliers products;c)复验:需要由生产部/质量部/检测中心试验的材料/元器件,进货检验员取样后(不能取样时监督取样过程)按试验过程控制。Reinspection: the material or components which need to be test by the production/quality Department/test center, will be controlled acc. to test process after the incoming inspector sampling( sup

26、ervise the sampling process when cant be sampling);进货检验员在产品检验记录表中记录检验结果,并判定是否合格;在物料上粘贴绿色和红色标签,绿色表示合格,红色表示不格。The incoming inspector records the inspection result in Product Inspection Recordand determine whether qualified or not; and put green sticker and red sticker; green sticker standard for quali

27、fied, red sticker stand for unqualified;判定不合格的进货产品按不合格品控制程序执行;Acc. to Unqualified Product Control Procedureto deal with the determined unqualified produdt;产品处理 Product Handlinga)进货检验员在送检/入库单上签字:The incoming inspector sign on the Inspect/Warehouse Entry Form;b)将签收的送检单传递给物流部仓库;Transmit the inspection

28、form to the Logistics Department Warehouse;c)收集所有的供应商的证明文件,并按产品、日期分类整理。Collected all the supplier certificate documents, and classify and sorting acc. to product and date.进货检验员每周将检验记录和供应商证明文件汇总后,提交质量部资料员登记、归档。After the incoming inspector conclude all the inspection and supplier certification documen

29、ts every wee, then submit it the QM documenter for registration and archive. 6.3 确认检验 Confirm Inspection6.3.1对于关键件、材料应由进货检验员进行定期确认检验,每年应对供应商提供的检验文件如合格证、质保书及检测报告进行一次确认,确认合格后方可继续供货;如对其有怀疑可进行检验或试验,自己没有能力检测时,可委托第三方进行验证,验证不合格时可允许再次送样进行检验,若再不合格则予以拒收,限期进行整改。若质量没有改进,取消其供货资格;The key parts and material shall

30、be confirmed and inspected regularly; shall confirm once a year to the provided docuemnts by the suppliers such as CoC, Quality Gurantee Certificate and test report. Only can continue supply after have confirmed its qualified; If theres any doubt, can implement inspection and test, when itself has n

31、o capability to test, can entrust the third party to validate. Its allowed to re-send the sample to make test after validate its unqualified; If still unqualified shall reject the product and request the supplier to correct winthin requriend period. If theres no improvement of product quality, can cancel the suppliers qualification;6.3.2关键件、材料定期确认检验主要是验证其材质的各项性能是否符合相关的材料标准和技术条件、有关技术文件要求;The main purpose of the regular confirmation inspection of the key parts and material is to validate whether various property of its material meet related mater

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