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1、冀教版八年级第二学期英语学科导学案八年级Student Book 4 英语导学案(冀教版)主备人:安红霞Unit1-Unit4 李荣白Unit5-Unit8 初审人:李荣白终审人:王平Unit 1 Spring Is Coming!Lesson 1 Whats the Weather Like?学习目标知识目标:掌握的词汇及短语:rather, shower, rise, set. 识别的词汇及短语:thunder, storm, sunrise, sunset. 能力目标:学会用英语谈论天气和温度。 重点及难点 询问天气及温度的问和答: -Whats the weather like tod

2、ay?/How is the weather today? -It is cool/cold/hot/warm/sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy/windy/fine -Whats the temperature? -It is degree(s).一、预习导读. 正确发音并理解、背诵单词、短语学习指导:1shower n 阵雨,淋浴 v 下阵雨点拨:Take a shower 意为淋浴活学活用1 He always a shower before he goes to bed.2 The little boy is a shower now.A take B do C tak

3、ing D doing 2rise vi 上升日,月等 从地平线上升起 联想:1. Everyone knows that the sun risein the east and setin the west. 2. When I was young ,my grandfather told me that the sun risein the east.3be scared of 害怕点拨:此词组后跟n ,代词,动名词,与be afraid of 意思相近,但be scared of比be afraid of所表达的“害怕” 程度更深。拓展:Be scared to do sth .害怕做某

4、事,不敢做某事。相当于be afraid to do sth.例如:She is scared/ afraid to go out alone at night. 晚上她不敢一个人出去。 活学活用根据汉语意思完成句子我害怕野生动物。I wild animals.(2) 我吓得不敢接电话。Im scared the phone.用所给提示词翻译句子她不害怕在公众场合说英语。(be scared, in public) 4 make sb. do sth 使(让)某人做某事(1)make sb. + n. 意为“让(使)某人成为 ”(2)make sb. +adj.意为“让(使)某人 ”(3) m

5、ake it 意为“及时到达;赶上”。活学活用(1)那支曲子使我想跳舞。That piece of music to dance.(2) 那部电影使她成为一名明星。That movie .(3)看到孩子们受那样的对待,我非常生气。Seeing children being treated like that me very . 能读懂文章并尝试背诵学习指导:whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?点拨:whats the weather like today?是用来询问天气的一个常用句子,还可以表达为:How is the weather today? 回答该

6、问句通常用:Its fine / sunny/ cloudy/rainy/ windy. 天气很好/晴朗/多云/有雨/有雪/有风。( )- ? -Its sunny.Whats the temperatureHow is the weather like todayWhat day is it todayWhats the weather like todayWhats the temperature? 气温是多少度?点拨:用来询问温度时的常用语,回答时用:Its + 数词+degrees.( ) -Whats the temperature today?-Its about twenty .

7、A. pieces B. degrees C. kilos D. meters3. Its rather cool today, isnt it?今天相当冷,不是吗?点拨:rather的用法:用于形容词和副词前。例如:The book is rather long. 这本书有点长。用于比较级前。例如:This hotel is rather cheaper than that one. 这家旅馆比那家便宜得多。用于too之前。例如: The question is rather too difficult. 这个问题未免太难了。( ) She fell and hurt her leg bad

8、ly.A. very much B. much C. rather D. many4. There will be some showers this afternoon. 今天下午有阵雨。点拨:该句是 There be 句型的一般将来时。There will be 也可写成 There is / are going to be 例如:There is / are going to be an important meeting tomorrow.明天有一个重要的会议。( )(1) Do you know a report on English learning tomorrow mornin

9、g?A. is there B. there is going to haveC. will there be D. there is going to be( ) (2)-Hows the weather tomorrow, Jenny? -I hear there is going to a snow storm. A. have B. be C. is D. has5. I hope not! 我希望不是这样。点拨:习惯上不说:I dont hope so. 它的肯定表达方式为:I hope so.拓展:类似的表达有:Im afraid so. 恐怕是这样。Im afraid not.

10、恐怕不是这样。I think so. 我认为是这样。I dont think so. 我认为不是这样。活学活用( )(1)-Look at the dark clouds; its going to rain soon. - . Its been so dry for months. Many trees have died. A. I hope so B. I hope not C. Id like to D. Of course not( )(2)-Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow? - . It has rained for ten day

11、s. Its too wet everywhere. A. I hope not B. Im sure it is C. Im afraid it will D. I hope so我不懂的地方还有: 、根据课文设计情景对话二、教学过程、热身(Daily report)、检查预习单词发音纠错合作交流听磁带跟读、展示点拨、分层训练. 英汉互译1.日出 2. 淋浴 3. set 4. storm . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. There will be some (shower) this evening.2. Are you (scare) of snakes?3. In Britain t

12、he sun (set) much later in summer than in winter.4. Its fifteen (degree). 单项选择( ) 1. To my surprise, he did better this time. A. few B. very C. less D. rather ( ) 2. -Whats the weather like today? - . A. Ten degrees B. Snowy C. I dont know D. There are some clouds( ) 3. -Whats the temperature? - . A

13、. Rainy B. One degree C. A cold day D. There will be rain 、拓展延伸归纳反思:我学到的知识有: 存在的模糊点有: Lesson 2 Its Getting Warmer!学习目标知识目标:掌握的词汇及短语:become, fact 识别的词汇及短语:daylight, melt, lightning, fascinating 能力目标:学会用英语问,答日期,并能简单的描述春天的现象。 重点及难点 有关日期的问和答: -Whats the date today? -It is March twenty-first./ It is Marc

14、h 21st./ It is March 21. -What day is it today? -It is Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday.一、预习导读. 正确发音并理解、背诵单词、短语. 能读懂文章并尝试背诵Question: When does spring begin? When does the weather become warmer in your hometown?、根据课文设计情景对话学习指导:1.too adv. 也辨析:too,also 与eithertoo 用于肯定句中,通常位于句尾,也

15、可以用于疑问句,前面加逗号隔开。例如:她也喜欢中国。 She likes China, .also 通常置于be 动词、情态动词或助动词之后、实意动词之前,既可用于肯定句,也可用疑问句中。例如:她也喜欢中国。She likes China.either 只用于否定句,置于句尾,用法与too 相同。例如:珍妮也不在那儿。Jenny is not there, .活学活用:格林夫人也能用汉语唱这首歌。Mrs. Green can sing the song in Chinese.我也在第一排。Im in Row 1, .-Im not sure what to get mom for her bi

16、rthda-Oh, Ive no idea, . A. too B. neither C. either D. also2.between prep. 在 之间点拨:常用于固定搭配:between and 意思是“在 和 之间”。辨析:between 与amongbetween 主要指两者之间,其宾语往往是表示两者的名词或代词,或者是and 连接的两个人或物among用于三者或三者以上的“在 中间”。活学活用:They planted many trees (在 之间)the two building.-Peter, can you tell me the differences the fo

17、ur words?-Sorry, I dont know.A. between B. among C. for3.go up 上升;上涨;提高;增加 联想:其同义词是rise。与go down 与set意思相反 例如:The sun goes up/ rises in the east and goes down/ sets in the west.4.Its getting warmer! 天气变暖和了。get作“变,变得”讲时,是系动词,与become(变得)用法相同,其后常跟形容词,构成系表结构。如:When spring comes, the day get longer and th

18、e nights get shorter. 当春天到来时,白天变长,黑夜变短 The days get longer and longer. 白天变得越来越长。 扩充:常见的系动词有:get(变得), become(变得), turn(变), look(看起来),sound(听起来), smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来), seem(看起来)。 5.Thats right. 对了。 注意与Thats all right.的区别。Thats all right.相当于Thats OK./You are welcome./Not at all. 意思是“没关系,不用谢”,用来回答Than

19、ks.6.When is it daylight? When the sun is up.白天是什么时候?当太阳升起的时候。 when作特殊疑问词,意为“什么时候”;用做连词,意为“当 时候”,用来引导一个时间状语从句。此句中,第一个when是_,第二个when为_。 When do you usually go to school? 你通常什么时候上学? When we got there, they were having a meeting. 当我们到那儿时,他们正在开会7.In early spring, it sometimes snows. 初春时,天有时下雪。 sometimes

20、= at times “有时”,可位于句首,句中或句末。置于句首时起强调作用。 区别sometime, some time, sometimes和some times. sometime “在某时”,通常用于将来时。如: They will visit our school sometime next week.下周某个时候他们要来参观我们学校 some time “一段时间,一些时间”. 如: He has stayed in Shanghai for some time. 他已经在上海呆了一段时间。 sometimes “有时”,频度副词. They sometimes go to sch

21、ool on foot. 他们有时步行去学校。 some times “几次,几倍”,time 在此是可数名词,意思是“次,倍”。 She has been to Beijing for some times. 她去过北京几次。 8.But the snow melts quickly in the warm sun.但雪在温暖的阳光下很快融化。 in the sun 为固定词组,意思是“在阳光下” Dont read in the sun. Its bad for your eyes.不要在阳光下看书,那对你的眼睛有害。 The farmers are working in the sun.

22、 农民正在阳光下劳动。 9.Thunder makes a loud noise. 雷发出很大的声响。 make a loud noise 发出很大的声响; make a noise 吵闹,制造噪音。 扩充:noise, voice, sound与shout 这四个单词都有声音的意思。 voice指“嗓音”,指人说话或唱歌的声音,有时也可指鸟叫的声音。如: Her voice is very nice.她的嗓音优美。 sound指人所能听到的各种各样的声音。如: He can not hear any sound.他一点声音都听不见。 noise指“噪音,吵闹声”,用来指不悦耳的声音,常见的词

23、组有 make a noise. Dont make any noise, children.孩子们,别吵了。 shout意思是“呼喊,喊叫”,常用词组有shout at/to sb.“朝某人喊叫” She shouts,“be careful!” 她喊到:“小心!”。 Dont shout at me.不要朝我大声喊叫。我不懂的地方还有: 二、教学过程、热身(Daily report)、复习检测 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词1.-Did you listen to the weather report? -Yes, its r hot today. Its 36 degrees.2. “S

24、” has the same meaning as “go down”.3. After the s , we saw a lot of leaves and broken branches on the ground.4. The sun was r when we reached the school.5. We all hear the terrible t .6. There will be a (阵雨) tomorrow.7. Its exciting to see (日出) on the top of Mount Emei.8. Im (害怕) of snakes.9.Be qui

25、et! Lets listen to the (天气) report.10. Every evening at (日落) my mother is ready for supper.、检查预习单词发音纠错合作交流听磁带跟读、分层训练. 英汉互译1.白昼 2. 事实,真相 3.上升 4. 发出很大的声响 . 用too,also,either填空1. Ill go to see the film, .2. If you dont come here, I wont, . 3. Ill help him.4. Jack can speak Chinese, and his brother can d

26、o.5. He is not there, . 单项选择( ) 1. -Whats the date today? -Its . A. January 31 B. January 31st C. the thirty-first of January D. all of the above( ) 2. Many show that we held the Olympics successfully. A. fact B. facts C. news D. message( ) 3. The weather colder and colder in fall. A. go B. going C.

27、 gets D. getting( ) 4. Dont make much . The baby is sleeping. A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound( ) 5. -When does your mother go shopping? -Usually Sunday morning.A. on B. in C. at D. for 、拓展延伸归纳反思:我学到的知识有: 存在的模糊点有: Lesson 3 Postcards学习目标知识目标:掌握的短语:; notuntil 识别的词汇及短语:until; outdoors; postcards; bo

28、ot; 到达arrive in/at=reach=get to;因某事感谢某人 thank sb. for sth./ doing sth.能力目标:掌握英语信件格式,地址的写法;学会用英文描述天气状况。重点及难点: 1. not until 与until的区别 2. in+一段时间 3. see sb. doing sth.与 see sb. do sth. 的区别一、预习导读. 正确发音并理解、背诵单词、短语. 能读懂文章并尝试背诵、根据课文设计情景对话学习指导:outdoors adv. 在户外,在外面拓展:indoors adv. 在户内,在室内活学活用:(1)明天我们将在室外聚会.

29、We will have a party tomorrow. (2)待在屋里如何? How about staying ? 2. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事点拨:see sb. do sth. 意思是“看见某人做某事”,see sb. doing sth. 意思是“看见某人正在做某事”。 例如:I often see them dance.我经常看见他们跳舞。 I see them dancing. 我看见他们正在跳舞。拓展:像see 这样的感官动词还有hear, find, feel, watch, notice等,后面都可以接 do或 doing,分别表示不同

30、的意思。 活学活用:(1) I saw Li Ming near the river on my way home. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. played(2) Look! Can you see that old man Chinese taijiquan? -Sure. Thats my grandpa. I often see him it.A. practice; practice B. practicing; practicingC. practice; practicing D. practicing; practice 3. The sun will set in about fifteen minutes.太阳将在大约15分钟后落下。点拨:i

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