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1、综合英语2单词汇总Unit11. ecstatic adj. very happy and excited 狂喜的,入迷的e.g. And then an ecstatic scream of joy; and then, alas !接着是一声欣喜若狂的尖叫,哎呀!2. brag v. to talk too proudly about sth. you own or sth. you have done 吹嘘,自吹自擂e.g. He bragged to his friends about the crime.他向朋友炫耀那桩罪行。3. gall v. to make sb. feel u

2、pset and angry 使烦恼,使愤怒e.g. It galls me to have to apologize to her.非得向她道歉使我感到恼火。4. gamble v. to risk money on a card game, horse race, etc.(牌戏、赛马等中)赌博,打赌e.g. I gambled all my winnings on the last race.我把我赢的钱全押在最后一场比赛上了。5. nuisance n. a thing, person or situation that is annoying or causes trouble or

3、 problems 麻烦事;讨厌的人(或东西)e.g. I dont want to be a nuisance so tell me if you want to be alone.我不想讨人嫌,你要是想一个人待着就说一声。6. patch n. a small piece of land, especially one used for growing vegetables or fruit. 小块土地;(尤指)菜地,果园e. g. A vegetable patch 菜地 v. to cover a hole or a worn place, especially in clothes,

4、 with a piece of cloth or other material 打补丁;缝补;修补e. g. to patch a hole in the roof 修补屋顶的漏洞7. barn n. a large farm building for storing grain or keeping animals in 谷仓;畜棚;仓房e. g. They live in a converted barn(=a barn that has been turned into a house).他们住在由谷仓改成的房子里。 n. a building in which buses, truc

5、ks, etc. are kept when not being used (公共汽车、卡车等的) 车库e. g. There are many cars in the barn. 这个车库里有许多车。8. cane n. (U) these stems used as a material for making furniture , etc.(用于制作家具等的) 竹竿,藤条e. g. a cane chair 藤椅9. shed n. a small simple building, usually built of wood or metal, used for keeping thin

6、gs in 简易房,棚(用于贮藏物品);e. g. a bicycle shed 自行车棚 vto get rid of sth. that is no longer wanted 去除;摆脱e. g. The factory is shedding a large number of jobs. 这家工厂正在大批裁员。 v. if you shed tears, you cry 流,洒e. g. She shed no tears when she heard he was dead. 她听到他的死讯时没流一滴眼泪。 vto send light over sth.; to let ligh

7、t fall somewhere 散发出光;把光照到(或洒在).上e. g. The candles shed a soft glow on her face. 蜡烛在她的脸上映着一层柔光。10. blade n. the flat part of a knife ,tool or machine, which has a sharp edge or edges for cutting;a single flat leaf of grass 刀身、刀片;(草的)叶片e. g. Many of them will have sharp blades. 他们很多都会有锋利的刃。 Brian beg

8、an to tear blades of grass from between the bricks. 布赖恩开始从砖缝儿里拔草叶。11. swipe n. an act of hitting or trying to hit sb./sth. by swinging your arm or sth. that you are holding 抡打;挥击e. g. She took a swipe at him with her umbrella. 她抡起雨伞朝他打去。 hit or try to hit sb./sth. with your hand or an object by

9、swinging your arm 挥拳打;扬起巴掌打;挥起(物体)击打e. g. He swiped at the ball and missed. 他挥棒击球但没击中。12. thump v. to hit sb./sth. hard, especially with your closed hand 重击;狠打;(尤指用拳)捶击e. g. He thumped the table angrily. 他愤怒地用拳捶击桌子。 n. an act of hitting sb./sth. hard 重击;捶击e. g. She gave him a thump on the back. 她在他背

10、上重重打了一拳。13. quail n. a small brown bird, whose meat and eggs are used for food; the meat of this bird鹌鹑;鹌鹑肉v. to feel frightened or to show that you are frightened感觉(或显出)恐惧;胆怯;畏缩14. whip remove or pull sth. quickly and suddenly(突然迅速地)除去,拉动,抽出e. g. She whipped the mask off her face. 她刷地一下子把脸上的面具

11、摘掉了。15. apron n. a garment of cloth or leather or plastic that is tied about the waist and worn to protect your clothing 围裙e. g. Herapronwasspeckled withoil. 她的围裙上粘满了油污。16. habitation n. housing that someone is living in; the native habitat or home of an animal or plant 居住;住所e. g. But the place wher

12、e they live was not designed for long-term human habitation. 但他们所居住的地方,原来并非为人们在此长久居住而建。17. shortcut n. a route shorter than the usual one 捷径e. g. Fame can be a shortcut to love and money. 名望可以是得到爱情和金钱的捷径。18. yank v&n. pull, or move with a sudden movement猛拉e.g.Theregulatorcanfindabroadcastertobeunfit

13、,andyankitslicense,atanytime.监管人可以在任何时候认为一个广播电台是不合适的,并吊销其执照。19. porch n. a structure attached to the exterior of a building often forming a covered entrance 门廊;走廊e. g. Isitontheporchwithoutworrying aboutanything. 我坐在门廊上,而不去担心任何事情。20. claim n. an assertion of a right (as to money or property) 财产;所有物e

14、. g. Sherelinquishedherclaimtotheproperty.她放弃了对财产的要求。21. crest n. the top point of a mountain or hill山顶;冠e. g. The cock (orrooster) bristledhiscrest. 公鸡竖起了鸡冠。22. silhouette n. an outline of a solid object (as cast by its shadow) 轮廓,剪影e.g. Shesatsilentlyinawheelchair, her93-year-oldsilhouettestoopedi

15、nthe bathing light. 她静静地坐在轮椅上,在浴灯下成为一个佝偻着的,93岁的剪影。23. gallop n. a fast gait of a horse疾驰e. g. sheset off at agallop,leavingmetotoilintherear. 她就骑马疾驰而去,丢下我在后面辛辛苦苦地赶着。24. rig n. a set of clothing服装 v. equip with sails or mastse. g. Our boat has been rigged up with new sails. 我们的船已装配好新的船帆。25. regiment

16、n a group of soldiers or people or things军队的团;一大群人或事物e.g. He is the pet of a British regiment.他是英国军队的团的宠儿(红人)。26. baboon n 狒狒e.g. His favorite animal is baboon.27. meditative adj. thinking very deeply 深思的,陷入深思的e.g. She found him in a meditative mood.她见他正在沉思。28. dwelling n living place住宅,公寓e.g. The d

17、evelopment will consist of 66 dwellings and a number of offices.新建楼区将由66栋住房和一些办公用房组成。29. restraint n a rule/fact/idea, etc. that limits or controls what people can do.约束力;管理制度;安全装置e.g. The government has imposed export restraints on some products,政府对一些产品实行了出口控制。e.g. Children must use an approved chi

18、ld restraint or adult seat belt.儿童必须使用经过认可的儿童安全带或成人座椅安全带。30. Jamaica n a member country of the Commonwealth in the Caribbean Sea.牙买加31. mischief n trick ,injury 恶作剧;伤害;恶意e.g. I try to keep out of mischief.我尽量不胡闹。32. insult vn offend辱骂,冒犯e.g. His comments were seen as an insult to the president.他的评论被

19、看成是对主席的冒犯。33. pluck vn pull/pick; courage and determination 摘果实;拔头发;弹乐器;胆识,意志e.g. She plucked out a grey hair.她拔掉了一根白头发。34. fondle v caress, touch tenderly爱抚,抚摸(尤指示爱或两性间)e.g. He fondled her with such charged affection.他富有感情地抚摸她。35. haul v .to pull sb./sth. with a lot of effort.用力地拉,拽 e.g. Baboon hau

20、led cock back by the le.g.狒狒拉着公鸡的腿来回拽。36. liberty n freedom自由e.g. Baboon hauled cock back by the leg when it made for liberty.当公鸡想要逃的时候, 狒狒拉它的腿把它拽回来。37. vigor (vigour) n energy or enthusiasm 精力,力量,热情e.g. He worked with renewed vigour and determination.他以新的活力和决心工作着。38. rite n ceremony 仪式,典礼e.g. He se

21、t about the last rites with sorrow.他伤心地办葬礼39. manifestation n reveal ;appearance of a ghost显示,表明;(鬼魂等)的显现,显灵e.g. The riots are a clear manifestation of the peoples discontent.骚乱清楚地表明了人们的不满情绪。40. mourn v grieve over sb.s death 哀悼,忧伤e.g. He was still mourning his brothers death.他仍然在为哥哥的去世而悲伤。41. negle

22、ct vn ignore; to fail to take care of sb./sth.忽视,疏忽;疏于照顾 e.g. The buildings had been neglected for years .这些大楼多年来一直无人看管.Unit21. furnish v. (1) sth. to put furniture in a house, room, etc. 在(房屋等)处布置家具; e.g. The room was furnished with antiques.古董 (2) sb./sth. with sth. to supply or provide sb./sth. w

23、ith sth.; to supply sth. to sb.向(某人或某事物)供应,提供 E.g. She furnished him with the facts surrounding the case.她向他提供了与案件有关的事实。2. motionless adj. not moving; still静止的;一动不动的 e.g. She stood absolutely motionless.3. terminal n.(1) a building or set of buildings at an airport where air passengers arrive and le

24、ave航站楼;航空终点站 (2) a place, building or set of buildings where journeys by train, bus or boat begin or end终点站 e.g. A railway/bus/ferry terminal铁路/公共汽车终点站;渡船码头 adj.晚期的;致命的;末端的4. sterile adj. (1) not able to produce children or young animals不能生育的 (2) completely clean and free from bacteria无菌的;消毒过的 E.g.

25、sterile bandages消毒绷带 (3) not producing any useful result无结果的;没有实用价值的 E.g. sterile debate没有结果的辩论 (4) lacking individual personality, imagination or new ideas. 刻板的;无个性的;缺乏新意的 (5) not good enough to produce crops贫瘠的5. track n. (1) a rough path or road, usually one that has not been built but that has b

26、een made by people walking there(人踩出的)小道,小径 (2) rails that a train moves along轨道 (3) a piece of ground with a special surface for people, cars, etc. to have race跑道(4) 方向;路线(5) 光盘;录音磁带 e.g. back on track恢复正常 be on track步入正轨 keep/lose track of sb./sth.与保持/失去联系6. crane n. (1) a tall machine with a long

27、 arm, used to lift and move building materials and other heavy objects起重机;吊车 (2) a large bird with long legs and a long neck鹤 v. to learn or stretch over sth. in order to see sth. better; to stretch your neck(为看得更清楚而)探着身子;伸长(脖子) e.g. She craned her neck to get a better view of the stage.7. shuttle n

28、.( 1) a plane, bus or train that travels regularly between two-planes来往于两地之间的航班 (2) 梭子 v.(between A and B) to travel between two places frequently频繁来往于8. rotten adj (1) (of food,wood.etc 食物、树木等) that has decayed and cannot be eaten or used腐烂的;腐败的;腐朽的 e.g. rotten floorboards腐朽的木地板 (2) very bad 非常糟糕的;

29、恶劣的 e.g. What rotten luck!真倒霉! (3) dishonest 不诚实的;腐败的 e.g. The organization is rotten to the core这个组织腐败透顶 (4) looking or feeling ill/sick不舒服;不适9. destination n. a place to which sb./sth. is going or being sent目的地;终点 To arrive at/reach your destination到达目的地 Adj. hotel/store/restaurant, etc.e.g. Our l

30、uggage was checked all the way through to our final destination. 我们的行李一直被托运到最终目的地10. murderous adj. intending or likely to murder蓄意谋杀的;凶残的;凶恶的 A murderous villain/tyrant凶残的恶棍/暴君 A murderous attack 凶恶的进攻 e.g. She gave him a murderous look.她恶狠狠地瞪了他一眼 11. soullessness n.没有灵魂 Soulless (1) lacking any at

31、tractive or interesting qualities that make people feel happy.没有生气的;呆板的;乏味的 e.g. They live in soulless concrete blocks. (2) lacking the ability to feel emotions不懂感情的;淡漠的12. vile adj. (1) extremely unpleasant or bad 糟糕透顶的;可恶的 a vile smell 令人恶心的味道 e.g. He was in a vile mood.他的心情坏极了(2) morally bad; com

32、pletely unacceptable 邪恶的;令人完全不能接受的e.g. the vile practice of taking hostages扣押人质的卑劣行径13. obscenity n. (1) obscene language or behavior淫秽的语言;下流的行为 e.g. The editors are being prosecuted for obscenity.编辑因刊载污秽文字而被起诉 the laws on obscenity 禁止淫秽的言语及行为的法规14. civility n. (1) polite behavior彬彬有礼的行为;礼貌;客气 E.g. Staff membe

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