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1、短文改错训练1. Dear Sir or Madame, Im Li Hua, a Chinese student take summer courses in your university. Im writing to ask help. I came here last month and found my courses interesting. So I have some difficulty with note-taking and I have no idea of what to use the library. The learning Centre provided he

2、lp for the students and I am anxiously to get help from you. I have not class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. Please let me to know which day is OK with you. You may email or phone me. Here is my email address and phone number: lihua, 12345678. Looking forward your reply. Yours, Li Hua 2.

3、 Today I attended a meeting holiday holding by our school.At the meeting more than thirty students was praised. For ourhappiness, Bruce, monitor of our class, who was among them.We all felt proud about him. Then the headmaster gave them atalk. He wanted us to learn these model students and hoped tha

4、tmore and more students will be praised at the next school meeting.I was great encouraged and made up my mind to work harder.Next week there will be the English exam. I will try to get good marks. 3. Last Sunday I saw a worst storm in the years. It came sudden and went on for over three hours. After

5、 lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air was hotter, and all is quiet.Then a strong wind started to blow into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out the openwindow. As I ran out to catch them, big drop of rain began to fall. When I came into house, it

6、 was raining harder and harder. Itried very hard to close the window. Then I heard a loudly crashing sound from the back of the house. When I ran out onlyto find that a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of theback room. 4. Everyone in our village likes my father, so he has a sense ofhumor.

7、On other words, he can make others laugh easy and people feel happy to be around him. I admire him very much anddream of that some day I will be as humorous as him. I evenasked him how have a good sense of humor, but what she replieddisappointed me. “Not someone can be humorous, becausethose who is

8、humorous are usually born to be humorous,” he said. However, later, he adds, “But you can be humorous too ifyou know a lot of joke.” Thats why now Im reading a book of jokes. 5.This afternoon I was having a PE lesson while I fell downand hurt my foot. I was in greatly pain at that moment, but Itried

9、 to act as if nothing has happened until the class was over.Though I had difficulty walk back to my classroom, I still didnttell anyone but even refused the offer of help of my classmates.As result, the hurt in my foot became bad. Now I know I amwrong. We can tell others our need for help and accept

10、 his help.Some day we can help others in return for. In this way, we can get along to each other happily and peacefully. 6.Today I visited the Smiths-my first visit to an Americafamily. They live in an small town. It were very kind of them tomeet me at the railway station and drove me to their home.

11、 The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. They offered me with coffee and other drinks. We have a good time together.They wanted to know everything about China but asked lots ofquestion. In fact, they are planning visit China next year.答案Taking for but how provides anxious no to are toHeld w

12、ere to who of us from would greatly anThe suddenly hot was of drops the/my loud when brokenBecause in easily of to he everyone are added jokeWhen great had walking and a worse their for withAmerican a was drive their with had and questions to 7.On Thursday I will have to decide what I want myself to

13、 do over a weekend. I am thinking of making a trip to London, and visit the British Museum and some parks. But I have spent lotsmy money, so I cannot even go out of town. I may go to a film, or a concert. Yes, a concert can be very excited. You can watch your stars while enjoying your favorite music

14、. So then, a concertcost so much. I may just listen to music, I have some recordsgiving to me as birthday gifts. If I listen to my own records, There are no need to spend money. All right. Thats how Im going to do. 8.I have two foreign friends, Kari and Vance, they comefrom the USA. Now they are tea

15、ching English in the universityin Nanjing. Last year they paid a visit to our school. I never metany foreigners before and wanted very much know how I was getting on with my spoken English. So I went over to talk with him. All of them were surprising a school student could speakEnglish so well. They

16、 suggested to taking a photo together. Since then we had been good friends and now write English letter to each other often. 9.Dear Diary, Here I am in the middle of a city, 350miles far away fromOur farmhouse. Do you want to know why we move last week?Dad lost his job, and as Mom explained, “He was

17、 lucky to findother one” His new job meant I had to say goodbye to myclassmate, my school or just everything else I love in the world.To make matters bad, now I have to share a room with myyounger sister, Maggie. Tomorrow is first day of school. I am awfully tiring, but I know Ill never fall sleep.

18、Good night and remember, you, dear diary, is my onlysouvenir from my past life and my only friend. Your, Rosemary 10.Two years before, I traveled to Brazil and I rented for a car. Unfortunate, I had an accident and hit another car, and Ineeded to stay in a hospital for at least two week. I called my

19、parents, so I did not tell them what had happened. I knew thatthey will be worried about myself because I was so farther away, and that my mother would not sleep if she knew. Therefore, I told them interested stories and how I was enjoying Brazil.As a result, nobody knew truth. I still think that it

20、 was the right thing to do.11.Dear Mary, What is everything going? In your last e-mail you said youwill buy a new computer. I am wondering if or not you have alreadybought one. My parents just decided to send me to the United States to study, but Im planning to spend my spare there work with an Amer

21、ican family. On the one hand, I hope I can earn somepocket moneys and buy my favorite books. On other hand, I think I can improve my English on this way. However, I dont really understand more about Americancustoms and living habits. Could you please tell me some of the more use elements? Thank you.

22、Im looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua12.My parents and I went to the park on last Sunday. Therewere lots of visitors stand in front of the ticket window. We waited a long time and buy three tickets. On the Tiger Mountainof the park, I was too eager to see the fierce frightened animalsthat

23、I quickened my steps through the crowd. Unfortunate, I got separated from my parents. I had hard time looking for him, but I had no luck. Wandering in the park, I felt alone withoutany companions. Worse still, I had no money, so I had to walkHome, covered as much as 5 kilometers. 13.Your problem is

24、common one among middle schoolstudents. Maybe the following advices can help you. First inall, believe in yourself. Your greatest problem is that you lackself-confidence. The first thing you must do it is to smile at yourclassmates. One smile speaks loud about your wish to make friends than any word

25、s. Your smile will show that you arefriendly to him. Next, trying talking with a student who is asshy as you or who share the same interest with you. You candiscuss your studies with a classmate and you can also talk aboutyour hobbies. Unless anyone is in trouble, you should be readyto help him or h

26、er. Once you have confidence, you can make asMany friends as possibly. 14.I grew up in a small town in Ohio. There was a man in mytown calling Bob, who didnt receive much education and couldnt talk clear. Children all thought he was stupid and oftenmade fun of him. One day, when I meet Bob, I also m

27、ade fun ofhim just like the others children. I told him that my father had been lost his job, and that we were short for money. I told himthey didnt have enough money to buy food. The next morning, I opened door and found a box of food outside my house. I looked at the small box with tear in my eyes

28、. I felt very sadlyand wanted to return the box. My father stopped me. He said itwould hurt Bobs feelings. 15.In my hometown there was a river. Many students go and swim there, so my parents dont allow me to do that. They considerSwimming dangerous because of I am very thin and weak.They are afraid

29、they may drown. One afternoon, my friend and I went out to play. They played in the river happy while I juststood in the bank. I really wanted to join them. At last, one friend offered to teach me where to swim. After half hour, to my surprise, I could swim. I was exciting. 16. One winter morning Jo

30、hn was sent to a village school bybusiness. He got down a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasnt smoothly.There were stones here and there. He fell over several times, and what made his clothes very dirty. At last he got to the village.Suddenly it beg

31、an to blow strongly and it got very colder.His hat was blown off while was looking for the school. He had to run after it, so he couldnt catch it. He was wondering whyhis hat ran into a house even if it had legs. And then he ran into the house, too. A big woman was appeared and stopped him by shouti

32、ng angrily, “How are you running after my hen for?”17. A great earthquake struck Chile early in Saturday, killingat least 78 people, and knocking down homes and hospitals.Buildings caught a fire and the people stayed in streets. President Mechelle Bachelet said there had 78 confirmeddeaths and that mo

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