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1、外研社高二必修5词汇词汇篇同步词汇及短语精讲Module 11. accent1) 常见用法:n. 口音 2) 相关词汇:accentual _ accentuate _3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _ 例题: Judging from his _ (口音), we can infer that he is from Hunan.2. obvious1) 常见用法:adj. 显然的2) 相关词汇:obviously _ 3) 扩展辨析: 4) 造句: _ 例题: The most and first _ (明显的)way British English and American Engl

2、ish are different is in the vocabulary.3. confusing1) 常见用法:adj. 令人困惑的2) 相关词汇:confuse _ confused _3) 扩展辨析:_4) 造句: _例题: Many students find the lecture _ (让人困惑的) and difficult to understand.pare1) 常见用法:vt. 比较2) 相关词汇:comparative _ comparable _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: _ with people in the West, people in

3、the East pay much attention to their families.A. Comparing B. Compared C. Compare D. To compare5.variety1) 常见用法:n. 种类2) 相关词汇:varieties of _ variety show _3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 汉译英:我们的花园里有各种各样的花和树。 There are _ flowers and trees in our similar to1) 常见用法:与相似2) 相关词汇:similarity _ similarly _

4、3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 汉译英:你的衣服和他的很相似。 Your clothes _ his.7. satellite1) 常见用法:n. 卫星2) 相关词汇:satellite television _ satellite navigation _3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: Since the 1980s, with _ (卫星)TV, it has been possible to listen to British English and American English.8. lead to1) 常见用法:引起;导致2) 相关词汇:leading

5、 _ leader _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 汉译英:条条大道通罗马。 All roads _ Rome.9. rapidly1) 常见用法:adv. 迅速地2) 相关词汇:rapid _ rapidness _3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: As we all know, English is developing _. (快速地)10. announcement1) 常见用法:n. 声明;宣告2) 相关词汇:announce _ announcer _3) 扩展辨析:_ _ 4) 造句: _例题: The prime minister is makin

6、g an important _ (声明)at the moment.11.present1) 常见用法:vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等)2) 相关词汇:presenter _ presentation _3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 汉译英:政府将这些变化描述成重大改革。The government has _ these changes as major reforms. 12. attempt1) 常见用法:n. 努力;尝试2) 相关词汇:make an attempt _ attempt to do _3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 汉译英:他在绝望中放

7、弃了这种尝试。He gave up the _ in despair.13.simplify1) 常见用法:vt. 简化2) 相关词汇:simple _ simply _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: His first books suggested _(简化)the spelling of English words.14.critise1) 常见用法:vt. 批评2) 相关词汇:critic _ critical _3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 汉译英:我们不会批评宗教或者宗教自由。We would not _ religion or religious

8、freedom.15.standard1) 常见用法:adj. 标准的2) 相关词汇:living standard _ standardize _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 汉译英:他能讲非常标准的英语。 He can speak _ English.16. differ1) 常见用法: vi. 不同;有区别2) 相关词汇:difference _ different _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: The other two areas in which these groups _ (不同)are spelling and pronunciation

9、.Module 21. intellectual1) 常见用法: adj. 智力的2) 相关词汇:intelligence _ intelligent _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 牛顿是一个智力巨人。Newton was an _ giant.2. satisfying1) 常见用法:adj. 令人满意的 2) 相关词汇:satisfied _ satisfaction _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: I am good at gardening. It can be _ (satisfy) to work in the garden. 3. stres

10、sful1) 常见用法:adj. 有压力的的2) 相关词汇:stress _ tense _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 我想我找到了一个压力最大的工作。I think Ive got one of the most _ jobs there is. 4. offer1) 常见用法:adv. 提供 2) 相关词汇:lend _ afford _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: The engineer has agreed to $150,000 for the house. Shall we take it? A. provide B. supply C. o

11、ffer D. spend5. signal1) 常见用法:n. 信号 2) 相关词汇:sign _ signature _3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 完成句子:天一黑,埃文斯夫人就发出了那个信号。As soon as it was dark, Mrs. Evans gave the _. 6. in particular1) 常见用法:尤其2) 相关词汇:particularly _ specially _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 翻译:他尤其喜欢这首歌,因为他的母亲过去经常唱。(in particular)_7. respect 1) 常见用法:vt

12、. 尊敬2) 相关词汇:respectable _ respectful _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: 完成句子:我要他把我作为一个职业女性来尊重。I want him to _ me as a career woman. 8. encounter1) 常见用法:vt. 遇到;邂逅2) 相关词汇:close encounter _ confront _3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: I can still remember the moment when I had a close e with death.9. profound1) 常见用法:adj. 意义

13、深远的2) 相关词汇:profoundly _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: His encouraging speech left a p_ impression on me.10. qualified1) 常见用法:adj. 有资格的2) 相关词汇:qualify _ qualification _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: To be a q_ teacher, you need to have a good knowledge of the subject you are teaching.11. take up1) 常见用法:占据 2) 相关词汇:

14、take off _ take down _3) 扩展辨析: 4) 造句: _例题: Helen always helps her mother even though going to school most of her day. A. takes up B. saves up C. makes up D. puts up 12. temporary1) 常见用法:adj. 临时的2) 相关词汇:temporarily _ 3) 扩展辨析:_ _4) 造句: _例题: This is only a t_ solution to the problem. I have to work out a long-term solution. 13. pe

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